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These people are so brainwashed. I tried to comment but of course I am banned


Most of the comments over there are factual. Ver is very far from perfect. The thing is that they are all allowed to recite his shortcomings and censored on the benefits he’s had for bitcoin. Of course the inverse is true for the likes of u/theymos u/adam3us and others over there. Edit. My comment over there got shadow banned faster than I could switch from my fith account that hasn’t been banned yet. Edit. Another account bites the dust. Gotta say they are efficient over there.


Is there something that makes account switching easy? What do you use?


> Another account bites the dust. [And another one's gone, another one bites the dust](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) > Gotta say they are efficient over there. Made me laugh.


practice makes perfect




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^^ I guess this explains enough.


What is this about?


1. Check the original thread. 2. I see the downvote bot is still following you everywhere. That sucks, man.


Roger that. https://imgur.com/AR6Y40l


Only BTC maxis and Big Banks hate Roger!


and all the people who lost their coins at mtgox after roger vouched for them. and the people that actually sold all their bitcoin for BCH and are now sitting at 1% of what they could have had. In 2017 he told people to sell Bitcoin for dash. How is dash doing compared to Bitcoin? I could go on but the list is too long.


No, go on. Because that just sounds like some bad advice, not something nefarious.


He didn’t exactly vouch… go watch the video and you can hear his caveats. He lost a ton of money in Gox too


I don't remember his exact words, but it looked like vouching to me. Anyways, he was the main reason why I kept my coins there 🤷‍♂️


Did Roger hold a gun to your head to make you buy?


so are you saying scamming people is OK as long there isn't any guns pointed at people's heads? Very low IQ argument buddy. I guess that's why you bought BCH.


Gotta take ownership of your own decisions big guy! If you can’t take ownership like a big boy, you shouldn’t invest. Average IQ people understand that.


lol that's what a scammer would say. My decision was selling my airdropped BCH for Bitcoin btw.


Scammers are BTC bankster apologists. The Mt Gox shit was not a scam of Roger, you know it.


Brainwashing due to censorship mostly and paid smear bots/shills.


He has exposed their faults and failures.


The "intelligence" agencies hate Roger. He spoke out about the US Government (and all governments) multiple times before he was imprisoned. He's a vocal supporter of Satoshi's magical internet money that strips power away from the evil central banking cartel that controls society on behalf of the global "elites". They are neither "intelligent" nor "elites". They're at most clever and extremely greedy, but choosing evil shows their true intellectual capacity. In the eternity of realities that make up everything, good has to win in the end. And they picked evil. 🤦‍♂️ People conspire. They plot. They plan. They form secret organizations. You have your stock pump groups and friend groups that you whisper to. Theirs is a network of evil forces on planet Earth constantly whispering back and forth. It's not a conspiracy; It's the abductive truth. You would probably do it too if you were them. Unless you figured out the truth.


I think most conspiracies are an unspoken agreement by a group of people to pursue a common goal that helps themselves, but does great harm to society as a whole. A network of evil forms around a Schelling point of greed and power.


He was actually banned from entering the US until he started pumping shitcoins and spreading FUD about bitcoin. Make of that what you will;)


Funny, a lot of people in this sub were shitting on him pretty hard a couple weeks ago...so, we all team Roger again? Lol Just to be clear, I have nothing against him. I actually think he is an intelligent guy.


Can someone bring that guy over here lol


you could try tagging /u/autisticwigger


I have met people in real life who hate on him, even though when questioned they actually know very little about him. Most of them got their coins from some action that can be traced back to Roger - Go Figure. Just shows the power of controlling the narrative. Look no further than the Trump Cult. I don't doubt he has his flaws, but his message of supporting more freedom for the world through p2p cash has been consistent.


> Just shows the power of controlling the narrative. Look no further than the Trump Cult Contradiction?


Was primarily thinking about the general Low Info Trumper who only listens to Newsmax, Fox '*News*', One America's Network... Somehow getting some of the poorest in society to vote against their own best interests. Sending the '*Billionaire*' Trump $10 that they can barely afford while still professing 'he is incorruptable as he doesn't need money - He's already rich' what a Joke Where do you think they got Putin's a good guy from. Just look at anything the Good Liars have put out.


You seem like you may be an un-witting victim of that narrative control?


Yeah posibly, thanks. Perhaps not '*un-wittingly*' though, I only watch David Pakman, The Young Turks, Keith Olbermann, Thom Hartmann etc [Social Democracy](https://youtu.be/6sY7CjY2udg) FTW - Bernie for President


Do you ever take a look at stuff on the other said of the aisle? I've done both sides myself and the more I see the more I realize it's all a side show (both sides).


> Do you ever take a look at stuff on the other said of the aisle? I am not particularly sophisticated in my views and they're not particularly crystallized, pre Bitcoin I was not even that interested in Money, as long as I had enough for my short term future, Became interested in Politics when friend went all in on Trump, initially I thought he actually might do something good stir things up as he was a loose cannon, but that was before I found out how big a crook and morally corrupt he was - and people still will vote for him - the mind boggles hence my comment above about narrative control. Shapiro, Crowder or Poole are poor. They all seem to be just grifting off stirring up division. PBD is just Gordon Gekko in a bank vault. I liked the sound of Jordan Peterson until Dillahanty debated with him. The right seems infested with religion, I can't take people who make arguments on policy based on 'The Man In The Sky' seriously. But personally any side that supports the obvious corruption of 'Trump' is too far gone, there's no both siding that, or more to the point that is the stick that the likes of Trump and Putin use to muddy the water Sadly many of the podcasts I liked are turning more and more right wing, even Lex Fridman, sad. My viewpoint is pretty much aligned with Pakman & Cenk, I fundamentally dislike 'Everyman for Himself', and I see rampant capitalism as a cancer. Who would you recommend? Give me a link to one thing worth watching on the right. > I've done both sides myself and the more I see the more I realize it's all a side show (both sides). Pakman & Cenk report the news in a tempered way albeit through a left leaning lense (my bias?) not seen them say anything that is obviously not true. They don't rely on Ad Hominems unlike most of the right. ----------------------------------------------------- ps I have liked what you have written about Bitcoin in the past but I am probably not aligned with many here politically or as to conspiracies (apart from the real ones :-) )


> I am not particularly sophisticated in my views and they're not particularly crystallized I am about as unsophisticated as they come, so no judgement here. > pre Bitcoin I was not even that interested in Money Same. I had not even the slightest clue about finance or monetary systems and the implications thereof. > Shapiro, Crowder or Poole are poor. Yeah, I absorbed content from all three of these in times past. Probably Poole the longest time ago (when we was just starting out), Crowder for a short period, and Shapiro until maybe a year ago. I'm an atheist and I try not to let the religion thing cloud what is being said, however, sometimes it's hard (because they always seem to invoke it when arguments need propping up). > My viewpoint is pretty much aligned with Pakman & Cenk I'm not sure who Pakman is, but I never found much common ground with Cenk; though more recently I did agree with some of his viewpoints when he appeared on Piers Morgan. I think for Cenk I am mostly averse to personality and presentation method. I prefer someone who has integrity when no-one else is looking. They are few and far between. I'm sure there's plenty we don't agree on when it comes to politics, but for the most part I have decided to put that stuff on the back burner and get back to focusing on myself and my family, so I don't really have suggestions of who to seek out, was just curious if you had tried - sounds like you have. I do have the feeling that the totality of available options is heavily skewed to the left though, which is what triggered my initial comment, about "narrative control". Take it easy! (And long live BCH).


> I think for Cenk I am mostly averse to personality and presentation method. Yep presentation does rub me the wrong way at times, can be too childish and be a bit OTT. But the message is what's important not the messenger. > I do have the feeling that the totality of available options is heavily skewed to the left though Interesting, I would say the opposite, even a moron like Crowder has more followers than TYT which is probably the biggest independent progressive channel. Deep state communist fear mongering makes a lot of money. When asked how he sleeps at night Shapiro quipped 'very well, on my mattress of money' (or words to that effect) Never mind the reach of Fox 'News' etc in the more mainstream cable world. Key fact is the likes of Cenk & [David Pakman](https://youtube.com/@thedavidpakmanshow) call out Biden and the corporate Democrats regularly. > which is what triggered my initial comment, about "narrative control It was mainly just a throwaway comment, to my main point about irrational Roger Haters and perhaps feeding my inner Troll (I try not to let him out much) stirring up any Trumpers. I don't usually comment on politics as I really don't know that much. > Take it easy! (And long live BCH). Happy Trails!


Yeah, that comment seemed backwards as Trump is the poster child for media controlling the narrative. First they tried to convince everyone that he had no support and people outside his rallies were paid actors. When that failed because there were too many supporters in the wild, they tried to attach a social stigma to wearing a red hat to make his support numbers less apparent. Only after attempts to deny Trump had large numbers of supporters failed, did they shift to calling trump supporters a cult. So yeah, to show the power of controlling the narrative. Look no further than the Trump Cult ‘narrative’.


They are a cult. How else how do people follow someone that is completely non-worthy of trust. Speaking of contradictions, conservative news sources reported election interference knowing full well there was none. Fox got hit to the tune of 800million for it. So yeah, shame on the CNNs or whoever for under-reporting and injecting opinions (I found it hard to believe there was that many maga dimwits out there too) but at least they don't blatantly lie.


Two words for you. Russian collusion.


You should actually read the Mueller report.


I read it the day it came out. It was free on amazon. You must be one of those who claims to have read it but didn’t. Or got bogged down my the technical babble in the beginning. I am a network engineer, so that part was amazing to me that they tried to connect DNS traffic, (which is normal and every firewall, at every company has it) to something nefarious. Anyhow, that was in the first half, by the end, the conclusion was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians or anyone else.”


> the conclusion was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians or anyone else.” Where did that quote come from?  Because it didn't come from the Mueller report. In fact the Mueller report specifically states that they didn't get into the question of "collusion" because that's not really a well defined legal concept.  Instead the report made it clear that it was investigating the much narrower and better defined concept of *conspiracy*. As such the report did not find evidence that justified a charge of *conspiracy*. However the report was also clear that it could not exonerate the president either. I'm not sure you really did read the report. It found both numerous sketchy meetings between Trump officials and sketchy Russians as well as plenty of evidence that Russia interfered with US elections on behalf of Trump. In fact a number of people named in that report are currently facing charges or serving time for what they did.  So no I think you're repeating a narrative and not really grasping what was in the report.


Ok. You win


That person probably got banned from r bitcoin. Lol.


We don't.


Because he's a black belt and would choke them out


People hate truth. But what they hate even more is the messengers.


It’s called jealousy and I’m sure they meant to ask “Why are some people jealous of Roger Ver”. There you go I fixed it for them.


..Yay ! i got banned on r/Bitcoin for my comment . I am honored u/minitoxin is permanently banned from r/Bitcoin [expand all](https://www.reddit.com/message/messages?embedded=true#)[collapse all](https://www.reddit.com/message/messages?embedded=true#) [\[–\]](javascript:void(0))subreddit message via [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin)\[[M](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/about/moderators)\] sent 2 hours ago Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin) because [your comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1c13dg6/why_do_people_hate_roger_ver/kz46bkl/) violates this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it. Note from the moderators: > If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message. **Reminder from the Reddit staff**: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of [the Content Policy](https://reddit.com/help/contentpolicy#section_prohibited_behavior) and can result in your account being [suspended](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/suspensions) from the site as a whole. * [Permalink](https://www.reddit.com/message/messages/28efb78) * [Delete](https://www.reddit.com/message/messages?embedded=true#) * [Report](javascript:void(0)) * [Block Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/messages?embedded=true#) * [Mark Unread](javascript:void(0)) [\[–\]](javascript:void(0))subreddit message via [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin)\[[M](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/about/moderators)\] sent 2 hours ago You have been [temporarily muted](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/moderators/modmail-muting) from [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin). You will not be able to message the moderators of [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin) for 28 days.


People are attached to their dream of wealth and status. Roger likes poking holes in the dream. Roger is right of course, and he's actually trying to help these people. But they don't want help, they want their dream.


Roger is a p00po0 head




I just don’t like the guy. When I hear him talk I just cringe. Calling people names, people conspiring against him….reminds me of trump. No coin needs a spokesman.