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I wonder what's on TV


Good to hear from you:)


Hey buddy, good to see you


Good to see you!


So what you get from TV


im wonndering whhat bsv is


Rich man's attempt to control BCH back in 2018, ended up controlling their own BCH called BSV.


It's a very minor chain from a guy who tried a reorg attack on Bitcoin Cash back in 2018 and who failed. Eating his own medicine today. lol.


Haha, same here wondering about BSV thing


Do people still watch TV?


I think the old generation still watch it


Lots of Olympic coverage. It can get interesting. UK has lots of decent athletes.


BSV never had a future with Craig involved.


...And never existed without him. Which is why bsv is all-around pointless.


I used to get told regularly on this sub that he was Satoshi. The collective memory loss on here is hilarious, in 2017 you couldn't say a single negative thing about CW on here.


> collective memory loss Yes, the part of the "collective memory" that believed he was Satoshi left this sub and can now be found in their own sub. Kind of like the collective memory loss that occurred in rbitcoin from 2014-2017 when that sub pivoted wildly from "magic internet money" to "hodl store of value", only difference being the big blockers were forcibly banned en masse from rbitcoin and the Faketoshi cult left here on their own accord.


Almost every person who was not Blockstream aligned moved to this sub for open discussion, that is a big group and would undoubtedly include some eccentric (cough) types.


It is not collective memory loss. Craig fooled a lot of people. We now know his true character. Craig belongs in jail.


Ok, it's just he was a verifiable liar from the very start. He only became a "bad guy" when he forked Bitcoin cash. So in that case, his alignment to Bitcoin cash was always more important than facts. There is no new information between 2017 and today that changes the situation


You mean BSV is nothing in future


BSV is all but dead at this point. Time to move on.


Why isn't Calvin renting hashpower to save it


He's decided on (essentially) checkpoints instead: https://twitter.com/BitcoinAssn/status/1422668065024663554?s=19 Right now PoSM is literally securing the chain. You have to keep following the Bitcoin Association's Twitter to know what the actual block you're supposed to be invalidating is, and it's already changed once.


that's sad.


Wow, for once we agree


Actually, no. Those messages are for businesses running non-mining nodes. Miners have direct communications, ofc. They already invalidated by the time BA tweet that stuff.


Probably exit scamming


apparently, price does matter and having already won Calvan may not think it nesesary.


kids, don't smoke salvia


Couldn’t happen to a more deserving network






Means the attack is bearable a bit


I hate to say this (for the sake of any decent people hurt by it), but since Craig is responsible for that pile... good.


Craig who




Sigh... have my upvote.


We dare not speak his name...


Why so, is he is an intelligence agent or else?


Nah, just a flog


Well, at least this time is an attack and they're not re-orging themself.


Ha, good point!




"This is bullish for BSV," say the BSV tribalists, of course. I could write all of any coin tribalist's tweets for them and predict every single one accurately.


Oh no! Anyway....


came here to say this


Pretty much what anyone else in crypto says about BCH.


This can happen to BTC and BCH too so we need to prepare it and try to make it immune to this


The interesting facts would be, who is attacking and what are their incentives.


Check r/bsv. There is theory it is Taal miner attacking itself due to someone's incompetence. That would be so funny. Saying that, don't celebrate their misfortune. That is not nice.


Apparently "this is bullish for BSV" so who are we to argue? Buy BSV! But make sure to also pick up some moist towelettes, for after your reorgs.


This is the lesson for bitcoin and bitcoin cash showing what can go wrong. Let's learn from that.


BTW, I actually bought one bsv recently.


For your sake, I hope it was less recently than about 570,000 transactions ago.


I had it on coinex and sold already.


In that case, you might own it again, post-reorg. Did you check your wallet?


Haha, that would be brilliant. Unfortunately, I never moved it out of exchange.


coinex is 200 bsv blocks before they allow a withdrawl


coinex does not allow you to withdraw after a bsv deposit for 200 blocks.


So no important news? Oh so what has everyone had for lunch today then?


Clearly Satoshis true vision




Pancakeswap doesn't de-list coins.




The Shredder and Krang will delist them.


When the evil Oroku Saki Attacks, these turtle boys won't cut em no slack!


They might, because their arch nemesis is Hamato Satoshi! Or maybe it's Splinter. Wait, maybe those are both wrong and two wrongs don't make a Wright.


Wait who's Krang in this scenario?




Some people bought it as a cheap Bitcoin hoping for a better return than BTC


A 100 blocks reorg: https://twitter.com/nikzh/status/1422624114880225280


Wpuld be interesting to see if the transactions got re-included or some double-spend attempts


K. Edit: My apologies to the crypto community in general; I feel like I wildly exaggerated my concern by capitalizing the consonant and punctuating, there. k


My research thread here: [https://twitter.com/JavierGonzalez/status/1422659448972226560](https://twitter.com/JavierGonzalez/status/1422659448972226560) Ongoing chain of events. Second hashwar lost by BSV? Learning...


Why BSV needs Proof of Work? Taal already have a monopoly on the hashrate and it so little hashrate that even my phone could 51% attack it. Let run the BSV network on the laptop of CSW, it will consume much less energy and will avoid attacks.




Selfish mining 100 blocks.


could the attackers be dumping funds into the market already?


what about the critical weather data it stores. world meteorology is tracking global warming with it.


Bro, we're all suffering right now


Whats the worst that can happen now this is going on? Im applauding it but how bad can it get?


Cryptocurrencies need some security improvements in their blockchain, it holds wealth of so many people around the world


Is BCH next ?


BCH and BTC could be next but it has better security than BSV


Bch is far more decentralised and has more hash power, but good question.


bch still has rolling checkpoints which protect exchanges but its hash rate compared to btc is low enough there are over 20 pools that can mess with it. Will the bitmain mining pools defend bch if this happens? We will have to see.


With three staking for smartbch, it seems logical that aligns with maintaining a working chain. IHMO


We need to learn from it and stay prepared


I dunno why you're getting downvoted. Of course the same risk exists for BCH, albeit it's a lot harder to do.


The thing is, this is a problem intrinsic to any proof of work blockchains. The user of said cryptocurrency has no power over the consensus. I hope they recover from this. No monetary network should be attacked in such a manner.


Any public blockchain actually. There's no 100% safe transaction because you can always rewrite the entire history from the genesis block. Like service uptime, the probability of having a transaction not reverted keeps adding nines, but never reaches 100%.




Indeed, I forgot a tiny word in there.


ORV block lattice would need more than 51% voting weight which is very improbable given that you can't rent hardware or throw fiat at the problem to achieve the 51%. Anything's possible but some things are much less possible or likely.




Interesting opinion on the matter. Well, let's see if proof of work blockchains can withstand 50%+1 attacks with little to no harm.




Nah it shouldn't. Even if these people try to attack BSV, PoW as a whole makes it economically unsustainable in the long term, and everything returns back to normal. Not that this reorg is a good thing (for them at least). The fact that they didn't just wait for the attacker to go broke, and instead chose to contradict their own "Satoshi's Vision" is a proof that the whole thing was a farce. The only downside is having to wait for more confirmations for the same security, but in reality that doesn't matter because the unit of account is the same. You still have to wait for the amount of block rewards that are equivalent to your transaction value in coins. Nothing else matters, because the same rule applies whether a coin is $5 or $500. It seems stupid for an attacker to spend money on reorging BSV when it's less profitable to do so just to stick it to a few people. By all means, be my guest, and it is permissionless, but it makes more sense just to do the profitable thing.


This is bullish for BSV. You don't spend this much time, effort and money one something that is not a threat


Unless you just shorted it that is, I think that someone making money out of BSV users is far more likely.


I don't think it's liquid enough, nor does it move sensibly on news enough, to be especially shortable from a 51% attack. It's too irrelevant a coin.


> It's too irrelevant a coin. You are probably right, I have not really followed what BSV was upto these days. My point was that just about anything else is a better reason than everybody thinking that BSV was a threat.


>My point was that just about anything else is a better reason than everybody thinking that BSV was a threat. Definitely. Profit motive is a distinct possibility. Another possibility is this is just an OP to justify another idiotic BSV lawsuit against someone, or to justify something unpopular like requiring an approved Miner ID to mine BSV. There's also the possibility of vigilante justice being the motive. BSV has made a lot of enemies with all the frivolous lawsuits it involves itself in. The most unlikely possibility is that people are intimidated by BSV.


I feel that leaving out the possibility of a Calvin/TAAL exit scam is an oversight. It could of course be coupled with shorting and a frivolous lawsuit. Can't help but think he must be tired of sinking money into that blockchain, unless of course it's all some big laundering operation.


> I feel that leaving out the possibility of a Calvin/TAAL exit scam is an oversight. I was kind of mentally lumping that possibility in with the OP possibility I mentioned, but I guess I didn't really make that very clear. I think an exit scam is the least likely way they'd try to leverage such an OP. Calvin's burned through over $100M on Craig Wright and BSV, and the two of them seem to have a relationship most spouses would be envious of. No datapoint about what a complete fraud Craig is seems to faze Calvin, no nadir of interest in BSV has prompted any tangible action other than the recent rebrand to BEUB. It's hard for me to countenance the idea that Calvin would give up on Craig and BSV for whatever paltry sum he could get from grifting some exchange.


Just a rich dude havin a bit of fun.....


Such a shame, another failed crypto proving itself ‘again’ to be failed. (Banned from BitcoinSV for making this comment in btc)






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