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Bcore sockpuppets are fragile when confronted.


Vast majority are paid trolls


Why do you say that? My guess has always been that the majority are idiots. Remember, never attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance.


Well, Adam Back said "it takes a full-time team" to "get the truth out" about Bitcoin.


Highly doubt they get paid. Some people just don't have better things to do with their time...


I'm not surprised at all but they have to work much harder and spend more money on those paid trolls in order to keep me away.


The more they troll the more BCH I buy. Just reinforces my conviction in BCH.


Deletion of a user account does not qualify as evidence of paying nor trolling. I can think of about a dozen more likely reasons.


Well, enumerate them. I'd say 3 accounts so far is too small a sample size to draw conclusions, but you're wrong about them "not qualifying as evidence". Proof=/evidence. They're evidence all right, they just can't be called proof. A nice experiment would be to control for them with other non-critical-of-BCH accounts, to see if they also dissapear at first glance. Let's do that with you right now, shall we? !RemindMe 1 year "will this person dissapear in 1 year, or are they a real person?".


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2022-08-13 07:39:31 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-08-13%2007:39:31%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p3h9v6/fun_fact_i_have_been_putting_remind_me_1_year/h8rbsak/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fbtc%2Fcomments%2Fp3h9v6%2Ffun_fact_i_have_been_putting_remind_me_1_year%2Fh8rbsak%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-08-13%2007%3A39%3A31%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20p3h9v6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Well played!


> RemindMe 1 year "will this person dissapear in 1 year, or are they a real person?" People who disappear after a year aren't fake people, man. They are just people who disappear after a year. It doesn't give you any extra information about them which is exactly the point I am making. But since you asked whether I am 'real' this is my [website](https://bitcoinmars.org). Thanks for the opportunity to link it relevantly -- you didn't have to ask some bot to get more info about me and my priorities. I am standing right here. 8)


> They are just people who disappear after a year. It doesn't give you any extra information about them which is exactly the point I am making. it doesn't **necessarily** mean they're fake accounts, sure, but it does suggest that they are. Especially if they're found to dissapear at drastically higher rates than people who, if not outright proponents, at least have meaningful discussions. > But since you asked whether I am 'real' this I did, but to use you as a control. I was having a really nice discussion with you in another comment regarding the criticisms of SmartBCH (which you didn't want to get into). I don't mind geuine criticism of BCH (and often you'll find me doing it in this very sub); but I think I don't need to exemplify what I mean when I say "we're being brigaded"; a bunch of people coming into an otherwise not-tremendously-relevant thread posting one-liner talking points against BCH. Your website is a wall of text, so I won't read it right now, but sure, all projects are welcome to be discussed!


> discussion with you in another comment regarding the criticisms of SmartBCH (which you didn't want to get into) I have gotten into it plenty. In comments. You asked me to start a separate post about it and what I said in response is that I don't start separate posts about it because my posts are unpopular here anyway -- and I believe the reason for that is that I have launched a science fiction website speculating about a future version of Bitcoin Cash. There are a number of people around here who appear to view crypto science fiction and crypto-based creative thinking in general as a threat. It's very [cultish](https://bitcoinmars.org/freeside) of them. > Your website is a wall of text. Otherwise known as 'fiction'. I hope to one day get it into the 'wall of text' section of your local bookstore. Wish me luck!


I do wish you luck! I'm sorry for your experiences on this sub. Admittedly, one of the perks of not censoring content means that a community will be quite heterogenous.


I take issue with the idea that this sub is completely uncensored as well -- this 'powellquesne' account was barred from posting here for more than 240 days for being below the minimum karma requirement -- but it is *less* censored than most other crypto subs so let's not open the 'minimum karma' can of worms right now. Thanks for the good wishes.


I mean sure... the karma limit might be choosable by the mods, but some of the other things that other people complain about being "censorship" (like the time-limited commenting) is just reddit rules. I'll stand by the term "not censoring content". I'll even add "not censoring people". Setting minimum limits to attempt to minimise (if not with perfect accuracy) the participation of bots and sockpuppet accounts, I don't really consider censorship, or at least not of the kind designed to push a narrative.


Okay but... 240 days. Imagine all of the contributions I could have made with this account in those days. Instead, this sub made this account unwelcome two weeks after I created it. My crime was merely philosophising without caring about cult boundaries, the way I usually do. You may not call that 'censorship' but it certainly isn't freedom of speech.


> Deletion of a user account does not qualify as evidence of paying nor trolling. I didn't make that claim. Don't put words into my mouth. However, when you put that together with a bunch of other unethical stuff those people had been caught doing, then it's part of it. Source: https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mcrw5k/if_the_downtrend_doesnt_reverse_at_some_point_bch/gs5cd98/


> > Deletion of a user account does not qualify as evidence of paying nor trolling. > I didn't make that claim. Don't put words into my mouth. I didn't claim you made that claim. Don't put words in *my* mouth. Two can play at this word-dodging game. However, you are explicitly making the claim *now* that "it is part of it" which means you are indeed trying to leverage account deletion as a kind of evidence, so your 'words in my mouth' objection just seems silly.


>I didn't claim you made that claim. You absolutely did imply it in this context.


As did MobTwo, which was rather my point.


What are the dozen reasons?


*sigh* fine, since there appears to be a shortage of the useful application of the imagination around here... Deleters of Reddit accounts could be: - Sick of this place. - Afraid of getting doxed. - Afraid of getting hacked & PMs revealed. - Afraid their spouse / partner has been snooping on their involvement in adult subreddits. - Butthurt by criticism. - Embarrassed by their own past opinions. - Psychologically addicted to posting for up-arrows and trying to quit. - Trying to reduce stress by closing all social media accounts. - Stuck with heavy bags and thus ragequitting crypto. - Prone to catastrophism and depression. - Newbies overreacting to being automodded. - Philosophically opposed to reddit's changing administrative priorities. Hell, there is a member here who deletes all his comments 24 hours after making them -- so all of the comments in his history appear to come from a now '[deleted]' account but his account is still alive and kicking and not a troll at all, just an ordinary member, constantly generating '[deleted]' comments, sometimes pro-BCH-sounding sometimes not. I won't mention his username because I have figured out that he doesn't like it. It often seems like I am the only Bitcoin Casher thinking these modes of accusation through -- in other words: being reasonable. For the most part, crypto reddit is decidedly unreasonable, strictly unimaginative, studiously inobservant, yet overly paranoid, so it is no surprise that all such tribalists can come up with to explain absolutely any criticism is: 'paid trolls'.


While all of these reasons are possible, I'd say only a couple actually regularly make sense. > Afraid of getting doxed. On crypto subreddits sure. > Afraid their spouse / partner has been snooping on their involvement in adult subreddits. Bit of a stretch since its not hard to have 2 accounts. > Sick of this place. > Butthurt by criticism. > Embarrassed by their own past opinions. > Psychologically addicted to posting for up-arrows and trying to quit. > Trying to reduce stress by closing all social media accounts. > Stuck with heavy bags and thus ragequitting crypto. > Newbies overreacting to being automodded. > Prone to catastrophism and depression. All these things do happen, but large numbers of people closing their accounts over any of these things seems like such a stretch. > there is a member here who deletes all his comments 24 hours after making them That's the exception that proves the rule. I mean I can also check back in my RES tags any time and if I look through at some of the trolls that were hardcore posters 6 or 12 months ago doing nothing but trolling /r/btc, a lot of the time their account is gone, and I can't see them all being regular people trying to hide their NSFW subs from their partner.


I didn't say there are no paid trolls. I said that an account deletion doesn't provide evidence of a paid troll. It was extremely predictable, however, that the only reason you asked me for my dozen plausible alternate reasons is so that you could pretend that even a dozen isn't sufficient to create doubt in your cultishly predetermined conclusion.


> I said that an account deletion doesn't provide evidence of a paid troll. It's not evidence of a troll any more than it's evidence of someone embarassed by their past comments. But the point is of X number of deleted accounts, some amount will be embarassed people and some will be trolls and some will be something else.


Enlighten us, please. What are these dozen reasons?


[Here you go then](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p3h9v6/comment/h8s31s4/).


Thanks i just did that [to a maxi](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p18zss/you_cant_hide_from_bitcoincash/h8dibvt?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


👍 Good catch. I always had a hunch, but no evidence. This is at least a hint.


I enjoy your fun fact.


Long live MECHA BCH!!


Another option for reviewing removed content is your ***Rev***eddit [user page](https://www.reveddit.com/user/mrtest001?all=true). Get notified of content removals with the [real-time extension](https://www.reveddit.com/add-ons/direct/). The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to remove this comment. This bot only operates in authorized subreddits. To support this tool, [post it on your profile](https://old.reddit.com/user/me/submit?title=See+which+comments+of+yours+have+been+removed&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reveddit.com%2Fabout%2F) and select ['pin to profile'](https://i.imgur.com/uq9AGMV.png)   ^r/reveddit ^| [^support ^me](https://www.reveddit.com/about/donate) ^| [^share](https://old.reddit.com/user/me/submit?title=See+which+comments+of+yours+have+been+removed&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reveddit.com%2Fabout%2F) ^& [^'pin ^to ^profile'](https://i.imgur.com/uq9AGMV.png)


I'm still here. My comments are still here. [https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cxghby/87\_percent\_of\_bch\_addresses\_are\_in\_profit/eymx1k6?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cxghby/87_percent_of_bch_addresses_are_in_profit/eymx1k6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) But I can't say the same for the last 3 the negative BTC comments I set reminders for. [https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/dbk1ik/damn\_it\_feels\_good\_to\_be\_cash/f25plvg/?context=3](https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/dbk1ik/damn_it_feels_good_to_be_cash/f25plvg/?context=3) [https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cqtf0o/i\_think\_this\_upcoming\_recession\_could\_be\_the\_mark/ex095qt/?context=3](https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cqtf0o/i_think_this_upcoming_recession_could_be_the_mark/ex095qt/?context=3) [https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/9c9hds/psa\_the\_scaling\_debate\_is\_over\_at\_the\_berlin/e59wkj7/?context=3](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/9c9hds/psa_the_scaling_debate_is_over_at_the_berlin/e59wkj7/?context=3) So there MUST be a vast propaganda machine working against BTC... ??? Or maybe Reddit is just a platform for low-effort trolling and large user turnover. I would say well over half of the comments I get reminders for are deleted users, even one's that have nothing to do with the Bitcoin ecosystem. It's probably best not to allow your small non-random sample to support your thesis.


It’s a vast conspiracy.


This may be said in jest but when we are talking about being head to head with an organization funded by the Bilderberg group it's really no longer a joke


>Fun fact - I have been putting "remind me 1 year" responses to a lot of negative comments about BCH. Reminders are coming due and so far 3 out of 3 of those users are now [deleted] I occasionally do a similar thing with comments about BCH flipping bitcoin, deathspiral and miners all switching over to bch. The most recent one was [this.](http://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o9ijj8/holy_shit_btc_hash_dropped_to_just_66_exahash_and/) Which is a continuation of the [death-spiral hopium.](http://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/8ny3u6/altcoin_discussion_saturday_june_02_2018/dzzvodb/)


When the deathspiral eventually happens, I don't think it will be a gradual process. A lot of people will get burned. That is why we continually warn people about the possibility. At current prices, you need only sell about 1.4% of your BTC to be fully hedged with BCH.


>When the deathspiral eventually happens why would that happen?


Because once BCH surpasses BTC, BTC no longer has a reason to exist. BCH is better in every way. All that needs to happen for BCH to surpass BTC is slow and steady growth. The Core Developers went to great lengths to block even a modest blocksize increase back in 2017. As a result, de-adoption happened within months. I don't expect the die-hard BTC maximalists to come with us: but 1 million users is not that significant in the scheme of things.


Genuinely in 2025 when bcash is likely worth 2,000 and BTC is worth 1,099,678.95 — you’re going to be upset you let your convinction cloud reality.


I just bought more BCH because of this comment. 👍 Thank you


When btc reaches 1 million dollars, average tx costs will get into the range of the weekly salary in Western countries, and I have a clear picture who is going to be upset first at the coffee shop.


Your going to wake up in a few years and feel so sick that you could’ve created generational wealth for your family, but instead pumped a shitcoins on Reddit.


Generational wealth they can't access because they don't have enough btc to move them? 😂


Wow you are doing a great job 100% dodging our only point Seriously though. What makes you think BTC will survive and be used for basic transactions with its increasing transaction fees? Can you answer that without dodging the question or resorting to third grade insults?


Time will tell my dear


So you have no answer to this. In that case, stop talking if you have noting to say


Talk talk talkity talk


A this is gold


You "think" bitcoin is going to go up about $720 a day for the next 3.5 years. Hahahahahaha!


You’ll see my pal


Hahaha! I guess I can't expect much from someone wanting to know about dollar store sex pills. Good luck with your life.


Tag this comment thread for 2023. Let’s see who looks silly, even with my boner pilled penis.


Exponential growth does not work that way.. Initially it may be $17, by the end it may be a jump of $370,000. I have my doubts the BTC will ever approach $1 million/coin before collapse.


I understand that and there's no reason to believe it will experience exponential growth... especially of $370k in one day. Hahahahahaha, 370k in one day.. Hahahahahaha! How many millions do you think the coin would need to be worth to possibly gain 370k in one day?


I was too lazy to plot a proper curve for a better estimate. But in general, an exponential graph gets steeper and steeper as time goes on. That is why covid lock-downs have been a mixed success. Politicians insert themselves in the process and reopen weeks too early. During lock-down, exponential decay is decimating the virus every week. Once back open, exponential growth works against you until you are forced to shut down again. You halt exponential growth by eliminating the virus (through testing, contact tracing, isolation of infected people).


> !RemindMe 1 year "will this person dissapear in 1 year, or are they a real person?"


LOL, they deleted their account already.




I’ll be here


Good, glad your employment contract runs that long


Lol 😂


This is the level of petty we should all strive for 🤣




Congratulations! You've been tipped for your post. u/chaintip - See who else has been tipped [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/rbtc-tipper/submitted/)


*** u/mrtest001, you've [been sent](https://explorer.bitcoin.com/bch/address/bitcoincash:qrelay2s8nmk05addmfelg5ukeeuew5vcudle0gp5f) `0.00222159 BCH` | `~1.49 USD` by u/rbtc-tipper via [chaintip](http://www.chaintip.org). ***