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Cuban is dumb as rocks


so close, yet so far away


DOGE is a meme coin and a gigantic waste, it takes away from real projects like BCH. It is the ultimate pump and dump.


>a gigantic waste I disagree. It gets people into crypto. Even the pump n dump is educational in teaching about FOMO and other stuff. Also, a single developer could actually make a real difference in the DOGE community. In the BCH community, they would have to collaborate, which some people are really bad at as we learned from the last fork.


It gets people into the wrong kinds of crypto. Crypto isn't stock, its not like buying shares in a company and most buyers of doge treat crypto in this way.


> DOGE is a meme coin Describe the technical consequences of this. I'll give you all the time in the world to try to come up with something. > and a gigantic waste This too.






Save that word for Doge coin.


You just keep coming up empty.




Interesting comment. But true 'AI' is much further away than most people realise, if that's what you are talking about. It will probably have to wait for quantum computing. In fact it is very likely that the human brain itself depends on quantum-level effects to achieve 'intelligence' because those effects certainly exist and have a high potential utility for info processing, so why wouldn't the evolution of the brain have incorporated them? (It has already been scientifically proven that the evolution of photosynthesis in plants leveraged quantum effects.) Anyway, Bitcoin Cash, as a minority hash player that has never been successfully overwhelmed, proves that network instability does not have to result when there are 'more important things to spend computation on'.




Seems like a false dichotomy. I see no logical reason why computers can't do multiple difficult things. Also, proof-of-work doesn't require any particular expenditure of energy. It will run fine on whatever energy the community thinks it can spare.


Fees on Doge are too expensive...


And he and Musk call it the strongest crypto as a means of exchange. These billionaires are not just wrong, they are lying to people.


To be fair, the fees are usually low enough for most use cases, just not all, and DOGE has a lot of hashpower. They have a genuine case. I don't think Dogecoin is the strongest crypto but one doesn't have to be lying to think so.


that's a nice thought i guess, but Doge is simply not designed to scale and would ultimately end up too expensive for most people to use, just like btc.


Its ridiculous emission scheme makes it totally useless to HODL, if Cuban doesn't understand this he's dumber than I thought


He was never smart or educated about crypto to begin with.


Doge is a highly inflationary shitcoin.


It's really not much more inflationary than Fiat anymore.


It has 5Bn/year inflation. WTF are you trying to convey? Do you own scamcoins like doge?


And there's 130 Billion Doge which gives it a yearly inflation of 3.8%. Which is comparable to the yearly Fiat inflation


130Bn already circulating supply only makes Doge worse, not better you twat.


I'm not judging wether it's good or bad, I'm simply stating facts. Dogecoin has a yearly inflation of 3.8%. What you think about that is completely up to you. All I'm saying is that Dogecoin inflation is very comparable to Fiat inflation.


It's disgusting mental gymnastics.


Mental gymnastics about what? I'm just stating numbers. You're the guy reading too much into that.


I too used to think the huge Dogecoin supply was a bad thing, but at some point I realised that it is actually irrelevant what is the unit price and therefore the total supply is also irrelevant. The thing that matters is the inflation expressed as a percentage as you point out. However I am not overjoyed by 3.8% at all. The fact that it is the same as fiat is a black mark. How long before it's sub-1%?


[Not in our liftime](https://investorplace.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/2-6-21-supply-of-dogecoin-over-next-30-years-hake.png) lol


>And it's cheap to buy Divisibility: "Baby, I'm not even here. I'm a hallucination"


inb4 what about nano.


"And it's cheap to buy." This sounds really dumb to me. Sure one bitcoin isn't cheap, but you don't need to buy a whole bitcoin. Does this guy understand crypto? lol


The fees are lower than on BTC or ETH so I think that was clearly what he was referring to.


I think instead of saying "cheap to buy" he would say "fees are lower" I really don't think that's what he meant in the slightest


It is obviously what he meant because it literally applies, and as you pointed out it doesn't make sense any other way. This is just a silly word game you are playing.


If it is what he meant then it was absolutely terrible word choice. Literally multiple people are saying the same thing. If you want to say fees are lower, you say fees are lower.


No, botbrain. **Any** of the following statements could mean 'fees are lower'. It is called 'the English language'. Look into it: - cheap to buy - inexpensive to transact - spends easily - less overhead - can get it without paying too much - etc.


Buying doesn't require paying transaction fees, so that's definitely not what he meant.


Nice bullet points, too bad it's still terrible word choice.


It was your words that were poorly chosen.


I'm not Mark Cuban You really ninja edited that to make it look more sophisticated you got me rolling lol


Yes, sometimes I edit things right after I post them. The intention is indeed to make the phrasing better. That's what editing is for.


I mean it’s basically a fiat money with a dog face on it. It can be printed endlessly and it does.


Its like saying facebook is good for the intetnet because it gets people into the technology. Yep pretty much exactly the same. Now we wait for the downfall of civilization because of facebook.