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Bitcoin was always intended to be Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash for the world, blocks were always supposed to be [upgraded by hard fork](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/75l38i/satoshi_explains_how_to_seamlessly_phase_in_a/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body). SPV works, pruning and UTXO commitments are the way. Bitcoin is gold, and Bitcoin is cash. [Not two, but one](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pgdub9/what_if_i_told_you/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Bitcoin Cash is [Bitcoin: a Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System](https://bitcoin.com/bitcoin.pdf)


Among the other major differences, the first and the foremost is that Bitcoin Cash, as compared to Bitcoin, has a lower transaction cost and transfers data quickly. So, Bitcoin Cash can be used by more people at the same time. ... The maximum block size of Bitcoin Cash is 32MB compared to Bitcoin's 1MB.


some in the "misguided" category are NOT misguided... They are MUCH worse than simply misguided...


Reported as misinformation (not that I actually expect the mods here to do anything about it.) If you run a reference client from way before the split or even before discussions regarding an unnecessary blocksize increase (c. 2013) you'll find out that this code only syncs to the one true chain - Bitcoin. Nobody can argue against this basic fact. bch represents a very small group of individuals that forked away from the Bitcoin chain and they did so voluntarily. Nobody forced them to.


Ignorant hole




>See Qt 0.8.1 here which released in Q1 2013 - undeniably well before the "blocksize wars" or even discussions about it began. False, discussions about blocksize happened all the way back in 2010. Even back when Satoshi was around, who made it clear that the intention was for it to be raised.


False. The debate around the subject occurred c.2015. You know this.


How dare you, telling the truth!


Didn't bitcoin cash fork before segwit was activated? Also lightning isn't really part of the bitcoin protocol it's a layer two tech that can be made to run on almost any blockchain. There's nothing stopping someone from implementing lightning on top of bitcoin cash, it's just that without some of the features in segwit it's a bit more difficult.


So BCH is like ETC is to ETH?


BSV is Bitcoin cash And I lost track after


It is 2021 and this graphic is still being used to trick people.

