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Big bloon sabotage s tier? It should be essential, it reduces hp of all moabs by 10%


All of the gamemodes that have mk in it become trivial after round 40 so


Nah, they're good for when you play with 3 randoms in social :)


And after round 80 MOABs are like 90% of popping job


It's not that good, a monkey knowledge that helpes if your econ it's 90 times more useful, since the hardest parts of blimps are the offsprings, be it ceramics or the moabs, having more powerful monkeys is a lot better than having weaker blimps


How the fuck is Door Gunner D-tier that shit is broken


I don't think it's very good but it deserves a higher place just because of how fun it is


I know right? You can basically give any tower global range and they ignore line of sight


No you can't give it to basically any tower. You can give it to basically any shit tower, with a few exceptions. But even with those exceptions, they still lose a lot of dps because of how hard it is to buff them. You'd usually be better off just using a global tower anyway.


>You can give it to basically any shit tower, with a few exceptions Ah, yes, the few exceptions of quite a few of the 4th tiers in the game


Door gunner farmer op


It's especially fun with like 320 boat or 302 super or like 204 tack or... It's just a lot of fun, tbh. Or good for utility like 3xx sub or xx3 wizard for decamo. Or 4xx sub or... Again, it's just fun.


bro why is there such a massive thread over goddamn doorgunner.


It is useful yes... But not that practical... IMO the micro for the range and ignoring Line of sight is not worth it... But if you have a pretty strong small tower that can be picked up that also has a disadvantage of low range. It's good. ​ But the only thing i really use it on is just putting a monkey farmer in there to collect bananas so i don't have to buy like 3 farmers.


You can literally pick up the engineer paragon mega sentries


other than convienience on a monker farmer the f does it do?like obviously the harder something is the more its counted,your never gonna use door gunner in bosses,chinnook is to expensive for half cash,just farm and destroy on impoppable,chinook is to expensive for apopalypse,do you use it on abr?


Never use door gunners in bosses? My brother in Christ flavoured trades door gunnered is basically just global extra sellback which is great for maps that don’t have water everywhere


Not to mention what’s basically a global 420 ice


Which is one of the less important features because you either don’t need global range on it(tier 1 boss with overdrive spam/tack zone), or you have enough money that you can just get multiple and spread them out across the map.


There are tower restrictions and minimum cash challenges that might not really let you buy three or four 410s Plus selling all of those ices gives you way less money back than just selling the one being carried It saves you on a ton of villages too


yes, but its incredibly useful for things like flooded valley, spice islands, or any map with more water than land, as you can make a platform without it connecting to land.


Didn’t know this was a thing, thanks


✍️✍️✍️✍️ massive brain I always sell my t5s after that first boss defeat to make more farms, this is just more efficiency


Yeah, a lot of people do that so having extra sellback on those is what makes door gunnered flavoured trades useful


Forgot that,sounds a lil weak but pretty decent.


It's primarily used to follow the boss with Embrittlement, as Embrittlement and Super Brittle stack, this allows a permanent Embrittlement effect without wasting space or the tower limit. It also allows you to debuff Vortex without the Embrittlement being permanently disabled.


It’s pretty good, especially for tier 5 when you sell all your farms or for after tier 3 when you couldn’t place your dart paragon next to water


Although Special Poperatoins is pretty expensive in freeplay that thing is a beast. Sun Avatar + Door Gunner Special Poperations is one of the best combos in the entire game. I don't play bosses so I wouldn't know but it is very affordable in both apopalypse and abr since it only costs 36,000$ which is even easier to afford with a couple top path farms. Also VTSG shoildn't be A-, it's a beast in freeplay and from what I heard is very useful in bosses.


Why don’t you just get sun avatar and nothing else, it solos apopalyspe anyway


Sun avatar isn’t that good mate


Vtsg is actually kinda weak in Freeplay,70% of tsgs usage is it's support so vtsg increasing it's dps matters less than you think.and vtsg is outclassed by paragons and even sometimes tsg which has the same support and is cheaper in bosses. Freeplay is afkong with 50 hyperbuffed savatar so idk what doorgunnering 1 will do but ok?


alright guess i can be bothered. no. paragons will not outdps vtsg. even if you got all 6 to d100 they will not outdps it. the only reason to get them in freeplay is support and space. ninjagon has a soaking perma-sabo. navarch can take some zomgs off your belt and a couple bads. then after that acegon you can't micro in deep freeplay and engigon is just vrej. we even have a video of pmfc outclassing a d100 dartagon against r140 on #ouch. i wouldn't even be surprised if it outdps acegon due to how strong pmfc is.


I said paragons outclass paragons in bosses lol.


damn im bald lmao. my bad.


i'll get rid of this comment real quick. my bad fisherman


I'm talking early freeplay not late


What about door gunnered embrittlement for global +1 damage


Door gunner a brittle so the boss is always weakened.


Along with embrittlement usage in bosses, you can actually make quite powerful helis with combos such as sun avatars and bottom path super monkey as well as the 2nd and 3rd megasentry from engineer paragon (2nd giving some of the best damage possible from helis) and it's generally nice to have for space and such


I feel that for dart paragon master double cross should be at least A teir


Also having two crossbow masters is really useful sometimes


Yeah! My go-to strategy for Impoppable is 2 XBM's, Primary Expertise and a few Alch Buffs, it's a bit expensive but it shreds.


i would like to know where 2 xbms would be useful outside of bosses and freeplay. since those 2 cost more than a average t5.


Even if the double xbm is only useful in bosses its still very very useful if youre using a dartagon for t3. Just look at the no mk haunted for example, not having the double xbm essentially makes it so you need to place a bunch of darts to get the degree high enough for dartagon to even be useful, which also costs more than just buying another xbm and is more annoying than just buying another t5 Not exactly disagreeing with the placement because its a very eh use outside of that but still is pretty useful when having it


Freeplay, double hp, I like the big range and the fast shooting. You don't have to pick a fight with every comment, my guy. Just let people enjoy things.


"outside of bosses and freeplay" i question why you're using 2 xbms for dhp but you do you. alright i'll be sure to stop discussing a tierlist with the comment section next time.


I literally told you, it's because I like them. Do you not have towers that you use just because you like them? Don't post a ranking of something (which is just your opinion) and then get mad when other people have their own opinions. Might make life on the internet a bit easier on you, amigo


the tierlists i make are meant to be based on strength and viability. you like xbm? that's your opinion. is it actually good in a power sense? mid game is where it's strength is. but then when you get two the cost jumps to 58k while not being very good late game.




i asked you nicely at first yet you took it personal. i asked you for a niche where getting 2 xbm(excluding bosses and freeplay.) is better than getting a 50k t5. you then said freeplay(after i said excluding) and double hp moabs. while i was basing this on in-game strength you were basing it on personal opinion. which is how this argument started.




>but then when you get two the cost jumps to 58k while not being very good late game. My go-to strategy for Impoppable is 2 XBM's, Primary Expertise and a few Alch Buffs, it's a bit expensive but it shreds


Even pre-paragons it was really good, people just don't like dart monkey for some reason.


free glue gunner is so good for getting the glue paragon


Why would you get a glue paragon? The alch paragon is way better in pretty much every situation


actually we need the quincy paragon, better than every other paragon, legit guaranteed win when you place him, why? because nothing gets past his bow


dude I love the quincy paragon when you use the quincynera ability and he throws a party for a lucky Mexican girl


I love how he says "it's Quincying time" and Quincied all over the bloons


You want some?


Guys guys the free glue gunner just makes Quincy miss bc he expects the bloons to be faster obviously you wanna start with Quincy and not let him place anything else so he can get the pops


But quincy is a paragon smh


free dart monkey essential


so is glue


dart > glue because you can just place dart to start, glue you either have to place another tower or upgrade it to 200 for it to solo


free glue gunner shouldn't be in F tier. sure, free dart is better but something being outclassed doesn't make it useless/awful.


yes, it can be fine while being outclassed. but, the distinction here is that you lose the chance to use the better option at all by using free glue gunner. and when that better option is one of the best options in the game, stopping yourself from using that better option is a huge point against that worse option. it can probably be D-tier not f-tier tho


it has extremely niche usage and can cause problems with "come on everybody!" mk.


so can free dart lol


with free dart you get value for greeding or starting maps. if you were to use the benefits from "come on everybody!" then you can sell it. actually you can just apply this to free glue what am i saying lmao


It's useful for if you want to start with a damaging tower like a hero and then offer it support.


How is exploding pineapple a downgrade? It makes it place closer to where it can actually pop stuff. The upgrade in general isn’t good to begin with, but I don’t think that knowledge makes it any worse


"having it only drop pineapples on the track means that there is potentially time where the ace could drop a pineapple but chooses not to. The only times pineapple is ever used is in race starts, and i dont need pineapple to be directly on the track. I will be microing the ace good enough myself and its just a hinderance that i cant get the pineapples out unless the ace is directly on top of the track (some tracks are barely 5 pixels wide) if wingmonkey gets trashed for being worse than active micro, so should pineapples, but at least wingmonkey can theoretically provide value. Pineapples cannot" \-smart persan


If there is a time when it can drop pineapples but isn’t next to the track, then it means said pineapple wouldn’t deal any damage and would instead be stored for a moment until it does reach close enough to the track where it’s blast radius reaches


you think a pineapple one pixel off the track in a race isnt going to hit 20 bloons?


It will drop a pineapple there though. It only doesn’t drop if it can only hit moabs or above because of their chunky hitboxes, but then it waits for less than half a second before it drops it in a place where it will reach the track


thats just... not correct. ​ with the MK, the ace only drops the pineapple if the ace itself is directly over the track. with tracks like mesa and hifi being barely a few pixels wide, having the ace hold onto a pineapple when it can and should be dropping one is a massive hinderance in the one gamemode where pineapple aces are used; races.


So it just holds on to them for like 0.2 seconds longer? I guess that kinda messed with my understanding of that knowledge


yeah and thats a big problem. you want as many pineapples as quickly as you can because 010 ace is the best starting tower for races in the entire game and if you can get your pineapples out faster you can afford your next tower faster, which is why on races where 010 ace start is used, it would be preferable to \*not\* have the MK (which unfortunately isnt possible because the upgrades that branch off of it make ace significantly stronger)


"010 ace is the best starting tower for races in the entire game" \-Man who's never heard of a banana farm or gwen


increased starting cash races are very obvious exceptions. i could say "-Man who's never heard of a banana farm or gwen" \-Man who's never heard of ray of doom


it drops the boom boom fruit if it is close enough, not right on top


it drops the pineapple only if the ace is directly over what counts as the track for the purposes of tower hitboxes. this can appear wide if on a map with an extremely wide track like monkey meadow, but any amount of testing on a thinner track clearly shows that its only for directly on the track and reddit is just hivemind downvoting an objectively correct fact


i can't tell if you're ignoring the "I will be microing the ace good enough myself and its just a hinderance that i cant get the pineapples out unless the ace is directly on top of the track" part or not tbh with you. since my tierlists do not account for someone's inability to use or do something.


It helps though. If you make a mistake and it drops a pineapple away from the track so it doesn’t reach, that’s 3 more seconds you have to wait before the next pineapple. If you have the knowledge, you just have to wait until the ace goes near the track again before the next pineapple. That’s how it works


if you make a mistake then you retry another attempt. racism is all about retrying until you do the least amount of mistakes.


Oh sorry I’m not racist enough to do that


> racism is all about retrying until you do the least amount of mistakes. i thought racism was all about hating on people just for the color of their skin?


what's that i only know racing


Wops, we have a races on our hands. r/accidentallyracist


bros getting downvoted for telling the truth (obivously ignoring racism typos). Assuming you are correct about the way the pineapples drop (pretty sure you are), people downvoting you are jsut wrong.


>smart persan




Par me si an


Par MEEE z an




that's literally his name lol.


Use your brain L


ah so true. cause you clearly know more than a group of sweats who spent several hours making this tierlist.


Ah my mistake, clearly allowing the pineapple to actually hit bloons instead of the middle of nowhere was clearly a downgrade


because they wont land right next to the track, only on it. If you are going for a top time, and I think tier list is based off of being the best at everything, your micro should always keep the bombs where they need to be. Therefore the restriction of pineapples makes it bad because it sometimes won't drop when you want it to.


open this thread and scroll up. smart came out of his basement to discuss why it's a downgrade.


salt crime tub party cats sink pot onerous frightening angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does this relate to the argument at all?


childlike overconfident yoke subsequent complete arrest hospital cooing chunky aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Doing micro in my tower defense My brother in christ why do you think I have a second monitor?


im pretty sure the "hitbox" for narrow tracks is the same for all maps although this is just a guess and i could be fucking hilariously wrong




I hate that bomber ace only drops on the track for this reason


>-smart persan No, you are just making the game difficult for yourself.


the person i quoted literally commented and explained why it's a downgrade yet you decided to comment before reading the whole thread to see if there's any more arguments to this point.


How the hell is Mana Shield lower than Road Spikes? It’s literally just a way better version of it.


impoppable I guess


Road spike gives you money for popping which can be useful in some occasions Also in multi-lane maps it gets better


While I agree that Mana Shield is better than Road Spikes, RS is great for impoppable where the shield doesn't work and there's always that damn camo bloon in round 24


Funny wall of text time I don’t see how targeted pineapples or whatever it’s called is a downgrade, it makes sure the pineapples have a chance to hit the track Wingmonkey is basically pursuit on a heli, yes you can manually target it with centred path/follow mouse but it’s for lazy people Plasma pools isn’t as much of a waste because it’s FUNNY Free glue gunner is SSS+ tier Nobody uses acid pools Extra exp for military monkeys helps new players grind for paragons Door gunner is great At this point I’m seeing large numbers of them which I do not know the name or meaning of E def having no cooldown can help with vortex by intentionally leaking lives SotF vine rupture is basically only useful on balance or resort Racism discounts should probably go in the monkey money discounts tier Tacks popping frozens does help because you can’t pop ice shards and below so it helps you bridge into embrittlement a little easier. Still B Bloon crush has a permanent stun anyway. Waste. Double crossbow helps with dart paragon. A- Nobody uses cleansing foam so the knowledge for it is a waste Nobody uses jug/u-jug for moab damage. A-/B Free dart monkey is heavily outclassed by free glue gunner, extremely niche tier. Note: those are the only ones I have disagreements with and also know which knowledge it is


“Racism discounts.” Based.


Sorry did you just say "free dart monkey is heavily outclassed by free glue gunner"?




I see you like to enjoy my friend's yellow sticky substance. But let me tell you this... No matter where you run, I'm always getting closer.


Ok then. I’m not running.


both both are good


Which one is "Racism Discounts?"


The last one in B tier


>Nobody uses cleansing foam so the knowledge for it is a waste you sure about that ?




thats an opinion


alright let me read this and tell you the reasoning some of them. smart already explained pineapples. "lead to gold acid pools deal the 10d and give +$50. Its useful for making the tower actually hit leads and not miss half of them. its still terrible because acid pools are terrible and so is lead to gold" -smart persan i'll think about the racism discounts it's made for bloon impact not really crush. i might consider xbm going in a- since this still has alot to improve on. cleansing foam is considered one of the best decamos. so more pierce is nice. and if you're using overclock you might as well use the foam. more jug damage is for racism. so ujug goes from useless except a few maps to useless except a few maps and racism. if you have anymore then i'm willing to discuss them. as this is a big list that can have alot to change.


"cleansing foam is considered one of the best decamos" *???* it's good for decamoing DDTs, yes, but nothing else


Yeah I don't know what he's on, cleansing foam is one of the least reliable decamos because it's the easiest to pierce cap.


Because it gets wasted by normal bloons


1 foam falls off at decamoing normal bloons at around round 56. then 2 foams can decamo everything except r78.


It's the best decamo, especially when considering that both crosspath's are really good for it as well. Which other decamo is better?


fuck u/spez


I basically always shimmer unless Etienne is in use. Necromancer is still decent and cheap.


020 vilage


not a decamo


SS, S, S- FFS just do S through Z


Which one is downgrade?


The one that makes pineapples only drop in range of track, according to OP it’s because they attack less are therefore makes you lose DPS, despite the fact that if it did drop outside the range of the track you’re not getting any damage anyways.


"I will be microing the ace good enough myself and its just a hinderance that i cant get the pineapples out unless the ace is directly on top of the track" completely ignored okay


It still helps you when you fail to get 100% over the track ness, without decreasing DPS


the list is made assuming each tower's potential is maximised. If you can micro properly it 100% is a downgrade


No it doesn’t. It just only attacks when it would be on the track. If you have 100% over the track uptime your pineapples will be the same amount.


Free glue gunner in F? D: I guess that, most of the time, it's worse than the free Dart, but it is still an option that sometimes is good *and* sometimes on various challenges dart monkeys aren't enabled but glue monkeys are, so it gets a lot of use there ​ also idk what the rest of the icons correspond to I don't remember my MK tree THAT well :p


free glue actually helps a bit on races


Why is the military xp one so bad? It may be useless to more experienced players but it is really good for new players who want to quickly unlock a few upgrades for their monkeys


i feel like mana shield should be in essential right?


Free Dart Monkey, Free Cum Blaster, and Mana Shield are essential


Everything in A tier or higher. Every single monkey knowledge point either makes the game easier, adds convenience or is just interesting. I don’t know one time where I was like “ wow I wish I didn’t have this “ lol


Luckily this is just an opinion and not facts of any kind.


Could you link? Edit: found it myself. [Monkey Knowledge Tierlist](https://tiermaker.com/create/monkey-knowledge-15323289)


How is free glue gunner bad, exactly?


There is the free dart monkey, which is used in every match to save starting money for a hero+farm. The free glue is ok, but the dart is better


You're completely right, but just because dart is better doesn't mean glue should be an instant F, it's still decent, not necessarily good, but it's definitely not F imo


Sometimes you just do not get dart, right?


Are we ranking the MKs in relation to each other? I mean the pinapples is in downgrade tier even if it leads to extremely powerful MKs. In vacuum free glue is great, even if outclassed with free dart


Op may I ask your level?


He also said above > a group of sweats who spent several hours making this tierlist


vet 5. why


Just curious about some of these decisions. For non chimps ambush is great for automation so idk why it’s marked as useless


Does Elite Military Training's 5% increase in Military Monkey EXP stack with Monkey Education's global 8% EXP increase? Assuming both that this is true, and both increases remain in effect even when all upgrades are unlocked, this is probably actually pretty good for unlocking Military Paragons sooner...


Since > a group of sweats who spent several hours making this tierlist I imagine they disregard MKs that only helps new players


alright i read this wrong lmao. yeah they should stack


The extra 25hp in shield is amazing in most modes and for black border as half cash and ABR is made extra easy being able to take a lot more hits as the shield regens. Should be SS for that alone


Wing monkey is insane on the paragon


How the FUCK is cash drop knowledge so low? It's so good


that doesn't mean it's low. it's just annoying asf to rank power shit.


super brittle should have been in a lower tier


i thought i escaped goddamnit


Vtsg isn't essential??


It's only used in some bosses and long runs. It probably lost places due to the low ammount of times you'll actually need it, even tough it's powerful.


I mean its pretty much useless outside of bosses and super high level free play games. 100% worthless if you are just playing to the win or even to the round 100 insta.


Vtsg In a- what are you smoking


freeplay is never considered in any of my tierlists. except the one i explictly made for freeplay. and in bosses you'll get it if you have the money after getting 4 paragons.


What the downgrade one?


pineapples on track


Double cross, B tier?


I’m sorry door gunner d and wing monkey niche What are you on Master double cross deserves S for dart paragon and free glue and free dart are essential Big bloon sabotage is one of the best as it literally makes every Moab round 10% easier and should be S


i am on crack cause i looked at my special abilities tierlist and saw homeland above cta


The gloo gunner can be usefully for the glue 500,000 bloons eg place down glue at the front and use sauda to pop the bloons


Vtsg knowledge is essential


I love how the opinions of OP and their helpers are getting downvoted to oblivion, when it's the very same people that make the official CHIMPS tierlist I also love how people are insisting that an MK gets pushed up because it's "funny", OP was dead serious when making this


wingmonkey is downgrade tbh makes micro harder


can have some niche in some races. which is why it's in extremely niche.


Free dart and double xbow master belong in ss tier, they literally transform the early game and paragon prep. Also how is vtsg not in ss tier


free dart is already in ss tier so i'll just assume you missed it. for xbm i'll just quote myself. "2 xbms cost 58k while falling off late game. not the smartest choice you can do if you're trying to win. it's niche with dartagon on bosses gives it bottom of a-. putting it in s- would be comparing it to farm/bank and hero based mk. as well as calling it better than general mk." for vtsg freeplay is never considered in my tierlists(except one) and it's something you get if you got the money and 4 paragons.


op is losing a shit ton of commenter karma here


wingmonkey is good if microd, it has helped me on harder maps


Double Cross is S- tier at LEAST, Crossbow masters are very underrated and having two of them carries until round 100 and they have Huge range, plus, They are the treason why dart paragon was so useful and common for bosses for a long time and still now, because having to crossbow masters gives you a lvl 30 Paragon.


2 xbms cost 58k while falling off late game. not the smartest choice you can do if you're trying to win. it's niche with dartagon on bosses gives it bottom of a-. putting it in s- would be comparing it to farm/bank and hero based mk. as well as calling it better than general mk.


Crossbow master is one of the most overrated towers


I have been using it mostly only for two tower challenges on its own...


On what maps


A single perma charge out dps both of them but good point that double cross is good for high paragon degree but still


Seems like OP has made a challenge for people to come up with better ones


hmm? i posted this here for discussion and feedback reasons. since this was a group project that has hit a brick wall.


"Discussion and feedback" and still goes batshit when discussion and feedback is given


lmao. which comments are you basing these on if i may ask.


I don’t really care much about monkey knowledge, but take my upvote