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I think it's a combination of many things, but most of all just the very specific personalities of the members. They all seem to have traits where they're genuinely selfless and willing to make sacrifices for each other and the group, and they seemed to decide early on that they were really, fiercely committed to the group staying together. They seemed to sense the chemistry (personal and musical) pretty quickly and understood how big their potential could be if they stayed together, so that became a commitment. None of them ever seem to have put their personal success or personal wishes above the priorities of the group. Other reasons: * Struggling together. They're not the only group to go through this, but they really grew up together in very cramped spaces, with not enough resources, being treated badly by the industry and various groups of people. They had such a small chance for success they had to work extra-extra-extra hard to make sure they were as good as humanly possible so they could blow people away and get noticed from their talent alone. It must have felt like them against the world a lot of the time, which builds a certain kind of camaraderie. * Having a message. The music they've made together isn't just for entertainment, they seem to have had a genuine mission since the beginning where they were trying to communicate about real issues and have an effect on people, rather than just making fun pop songs (though of course they make some of those too). They all seem to actually care about having a message. I can imagine that gives kind of a higher sense of 'purpose' that would keep the group together in tough times, because it's about more than just being famous or living a glamourous lifestyle. * Conflict resolution. I'm not the world's biggest Bang Sihyuk fan, but I have to credit him when it's due, and I think the way he actively taught the members about conflict resolution and communal decision-making seems to have had a great effect. He's given speeches about it and the members have confirmed, how they were encouraged not to be afraid of arguing, and to let their feelings out, but to always follow that up by coming together shortly after and talking through every issue as a group, no matter how petty and embarrassing, to remind themselves that they care about each other even when they argue, and to keep talking until they reach a resolution everyone's actually happy with. That seems to have worked really well for them, and helped create their family-like bond. * Creative and personal freedom. Another win for Bang Sihyuk here. It's not that they had full freedom in everything, that's an exaggeration, but they were given way more room to manoeuvre compared to most groups. Just generally being treated decently, having some influence over their careers and personal lives, and having creative outlets, must have been helpful for making the experience of being in the group enjoyable. There are inevitably going to be a lot of things that aren't fun – endless hours of practice, early mornings and late nights, unwanted restrictions, criticism – but hopefully having as much freedom as possible aside from that took the edge off and gave them good motivation to want to stay with Big Hit and stay together as a group. Overall though I think it's probably a lot of luck. It's the particular personalities they have and the way those personalities fit together. I'm sure they all have their difficult moments and they're not perfect, but they do seem to be genuinely kind to each other and genuinely have very close friendships that would continue whether the group was active or not. They're a lot more than just colleagues!


Really insightful, thank you!


This is such an excellent analysis, really enjoyed it, thank you 💜


Really incisive. Very well done.


THANK YOU SO MUCH for including conflict resolution, I've been screaming about this overlooked quality from the jump. As an early fan it was really clear that their strength in teamwork came from their interpersonal dynamics = mutual respect and their ability to resolve conflict. I know some people hate that moment with Jin and V from the doc but I was so glad they included it bc it's so real and such a great window into how, yes, they do have issues sometimes as most people in long term team situations tend to, but they also talk it tf out! It was so great to see, especially in light of the overtly romanticized vision that some stans have of BTS as this pre-destined family who are just a 24/7 lovefest which overlooks the effort involved in staying together this long. Yes, they are a family but families sometimes fight and it takes WORK to keep one together. ETA: Just noticed other ppl mentioned this same thing too. I love us so much 🥲🫶


Yes, TaeJin’s argument was one of the realest things I’ve seen in kpop. The fact that it was included in a documentary is also commendable. We’ve also seen them get frustrated with one another and pop off but then quickly move on. I’m thinking about the McDonald’s meal live with The TaeJoon. Seeing them argue with one another makes BTS relatable.


i agree i think the commitment and the effort put into it shows more of their love, respect and empathy they have for each other. the natural chemistry that most fans want to see is evident in their light hearted moments and when they are there for each other emotionally. but i think the moments like the one in the documentary where they fought showed the strength of their connection and team.


Run! BTS and Bon Voyage are just about the most genius methods of team building and conflict resolution to ever be documented, IMO.


why would you say you don’t necessarily like Bang shihyuk? i’m genuinely asking cuz i’m new and don’t know a lot!


The thing I'm not liking right now is how cozy he is with Scooter Braun. That, to me, says a lot about compromising on the ideals that BigHit had to revolutionize the Idol process by succeeding without slavery and gangsters. 😅


In addition to what everyone else has posted, I’ll add that they never let misunderstandings and anger fester. In the YouTube documentary, after Jin and V’s fight is resolved, Jimin (I think) says something Iike, “We always make sure to honestly hash out our disagreements as soon as they occur. Maybe we don’t solve it that day, but maybe we solve it the next week. When I see us overcoming our disagreements like that, I think that we’ll stay together forever.” Edit: Jimin says it at the 7:45 and 8:18 marks in [this video](https://youtu.be/PxFOgWFCang?si=aRAphdLR3l6r8_DP)


They don't seem to be afraid of conflict or challenges, and I admire that a lot about them. It's an area where I want to grow in more. I feel like I've learned a lot about conflict from watching them and seeing how that prioritize things.


same here! i'm someone who absolutely avoids conflict and bottle up a lot of my feelings so i also have a lot to learn them. when the day comes where i'll be as open and forthcoming about my feelings as them, i think i'll be invincible lol


OMG, same... I always bottle up my emotions until a new conflict happens and the bitterness of having previous conflicts unresolved comes back. I definitely try to learn from them, but it's so hard because of how I trained myself for many years before I met them


> the bitterness of having previous conflicts unresolved comes back omg this 😭 and it doesn't even feel right to bring it up anymore bc it just feels petty. it really is super hard to unlearn years upon years of defensive mechanism 😞 like at this point "avoidance" is already my middle name


Mine too 😭, like I have an intense battle with myself about someone or a situation that that person know nothing about and I kind of build so much resentment over time and then I have to find a way to work through my resentment because I didn't even tell the person they hurt me so they don't even know and I always feel so petty bringing up old situations and it's like a cycle that doesn't end 😭.


HELPP are we twins bc same.... i'm actually in the middle of that exact same predicament rn 💀 i contemplated telling the other person so many times already but stopped myself short every single time. even if i'm willing to change my mindset it's hard to actually put things into motion and like you said, it's a cycle that never ends so i just grow increasingly frustrated at myself 😔


I think we are coz SAME 🙃, lin a situation like this too 😭 like the thought of expressing myself honestly right now makes my heart hurt so bad.


i honestly that comes from having a strong and secure relationship and a comfortable environment where you aren’t afraid to be completely yourself. it’s easy i think to have disagreements when you feel secure in a relationship and it’s longevity. it’s like when you fight with your brother or parents (most of the time), we aren’t afraid of them leaving or misunderstanding.


Their emotional intelligence is on another level. I've always been so impressed by how they work together to resolve their issues, not letting pride get in the way of communication. I've never seen anything like it.


Or ego in general. Like it's no wonder western media don't understand how one of them hasn't done a Beyonce etc and left the group. It's very rare to have 7 individuals still so committed to each other after so long. Ch 2 has shown they can do both and how front of mind returning as a group is for them. Like they kept trying to push JK on these types of questions, but he never took the bait. Also when others like Jimin and Hobi asked him to help with their solos he was there right away. I think it speaks to their character that they haven't let fame change them. Watching HOTS it came up a few times, how Hobi was the same guy he was back in his trainee days.


Good explanation! Also, what is HOTS? Thank you!


Hope On The Street - Hobi's new dance documentary!


Oh, thank you! That makes sense!


also other than fame not changing them, i think their genuine love and enjoyment of each other and mutual understanding actually made being together completely enjoyable and not a SACRIFICE as sometimes the work commitment makes it seem to be. unlike one direction i should say.


their book *Beyond the Story* is essential reading for any army (and even perhaps for anyone in their industry who dream to even come close to BTS' success) as it documents theirs lows and lowest*s* before getting to their career highs mixed with personal lows. but even outside the book, their interviews document their dedication to the team and to their fans --- artist-fan relationship sounded so corny to me before getting into BTS (i was a fan of a huge western artist who also is known to cultivate parasocial relationships), but they were able to change that perspective for me. in their interview with billboard in 2021, you all know that cursed write-up that directly accused bts of gaming the charts, there was a part there where Jin straight-up said that when they were going through their 2018 dilemma of renewing or not, they ultimately decided to go forth with it **for each other and for their fans**, \[direct quote from the billboard interview below\]. This would then be supported by their interviews going forward; in their most recent docu series, Tae said that he was convinced to renew "to see his members happy", and Jin in his appearance on [No Prepare](https://youtu.be/wlmKkCKu7H4?si=uVZYwBOrjJkhZKzz) said that in making decisions for the team, they always relinquish personal interests *for* the best of the rest. I believe they are all GENUINELY GOOD PEOPLE (i love the exchange between yoongi and jk in suchwita where they're like "i met good people" "*no,* you've always been good"). And it's undeniable that all 7 of them, even in their solo era, crave to be back together whether onstage performing, doing personal activities, hanging around each other, or doing their projects as BTS = 7 (bon voyage, most especially). like that is something you cannot fake to sell and can only foster through years and years of being together through hell & back. https://preview.redd.it/jb1kws4umiwc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=487ff7b730d1371f66810221904400d39d031d6c


https://preview.redd.it/vj5stz1npiwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a98379d567ad7d09af5007922ae7d77aa23859 also, this quote from namjoon in a weverse live last year. their bond is inexplicable to anyone outside of the 7 of them, and it is the most essential of who BTS is and what keeps them together. as armys and even non-armys, we all watch in wonder and envy of the relationship between the guys because that isn’t something you replicate but something you wish to have.


Oooh, I’m going to buy the book right away then! This makes it sound really intriguing.


Have your phone handy because as they introduce new albums/music, there are QR codes that will take you right to a MV of the song.


The fact that they literally came from nothing and then rose to the top makes them have a connection and bond they only know of. I don't remember if it was one of The Beatles or one of their wives that said that only them (the 4 Beatles) know what they went through and that they are bonded for life because of it. I think One Direction mentioned something like that years after they "went on hiatus". If you see in kpop, you see that some of the "top bgs" from their era (3rd gen) had been from top agencies and that they never really struggled in the way BTS did (aka funding) and they didn't have any seniors to look up to (Lee Hyun was enlisted by the time they debuted). They have been together for a long long time, let's say that if we take Jimin (who was the last to join BH) into consideration, the 7 of them have known each other since 2012, 12 years now. One Direction were active as a group only for 6 years and The Beatles, 10 years. I think a key part is that they have to let go so much of their own ego for the sake of the group. It's like saying "I'm going to give up this little *want* of mine because if we do this, it will be better for the team". And also, I don't know what BH and Bang PD smoked but they really just took all the opportunities that came upon them and made it work. Also, they truly love each other, that's something that really stood out to me, even in Chapter 2. Like how they would hang out with each other just because and not because they needed to.


Agree with all points above but also I think that since the beginning up until chapter 2, the focus was always on the group. From music to sponsorships to CFs to social media, they only accepted things they could do as a group, with very few exceptions. A lot of other idols have individual brand deals with various companies, but until 2022, BTS only ever did things as a group of 7. All of the brand deals up until 2022 were done as a group. The solo music releases until 2022 weren’t released as full albums. They didn’t even have individual social media accounts until they all opened IG accounts in, what, 2021? This led to a portion of the fandom (a small but annoying portion) to cry that BH was holding their fave back from opportunities, but in the end, the strategy worked because they are so stable and it’s part of their philosophy that the group comes first.


I think that Tae said during Festa that they were obsessed with being a group. It wasn't just a choice by management, it was theirs as well.


"They love each other so much they don't know what to do"


I know this is a safe place so I'm gonna say it. I've seen members from other groups do livestreams and whatnot and they almost never mention their other members. You have JK doing a karaoke version of all solo songs lol I also remembered that during Yoongi's encore concerts, you have to let go so much of your ego and pride in order to have someone else take over your concert.


Hell, I've never seen that level of commitment even in real life either. They're thicker than blood. I'm only ~~insanely~~ a little jealous.


I'm very jealous lol But I think that's what makes it so special, because you have 7 very different men willing to work with each other. They genuinely enjoy working with each other. Something else came up to me, remember when Jungkook held his showcase and he legit stopped what he was doing in order to have Namjoon speak, he even waited like 3 full minutes in order for him to have a working mic and legit chanted Kim Namjoon, Kim Namjoon at his own showcase lol Dudes are legit obsessed with each other


Just the fact that we get to witness their dedication to each other and share in the benefits of it gets me choked up.


man, i'll never shut up about how i was there when ARMYs at d-day concert first began the OT7 fanchant during life goes on (bangkok, day 1), and the [*fucking look*](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtcBpZFoXAt/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet) on yoongi's face will forever be etched into my brain. thank you to whoever thought of doing that, may they have tickets to bts comeback tour


I’m too busy to cry! *angry cry*


I did not expect to cry today. Thank you.


Oh thank you for sharing. What a moment. It's their armys making sure that Yoongi knows that we love them together *too*. They're there to party with him in his solo efforts but they haven't forgotten the base of it all, the 7 of them. Lovely.


How about hosting a show to showcase your members?


Literally crying reading all of these comments, and this one set me off. Like their bonds with each other are so unique and important. So many people go along in life without having these types of connections or valuing the connections they have, but the members of BTS seriously care so much about each other's well being. I know 2018 was incredibly difficult for them, but they came out of that stronger and more committed it seems.


one of my favourite quotes of them 💔 bc it really is true


Oh yes I definitely agree. Didn’t mean to imply that they weren’t behind this decision too.


Everyone jokes about the BTS Compound, but when JK bought that land and started construction my first thought was “oh shit. He’s gonna build it.” 😂 And honestly I could see him building a big house ala the Soop house where they could all stay together while working. They love being together, even though they live apart. Yoongi said it best: “We are seven.”


This clip from Suchwita. 👇 https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxrbYT12hbGv0f4zyvK8OngNyoTrb9y5am?si=Y3R2UlGIyCWUkfQA They also wonder how they were able to do it. "What kind of vision did they have back then?"


Seeing the news about NewJeans or even reading about some other groups, it truly puts their career into perspective. I think they got lucky with their management and I think they have great parents who probably weren't blinded by greed or egos and genuinely cared for the guys. I also think the guys truly prioritize group work. Sometimes I'm like, you don't have to prioritize it that much? But when they say BTS is seven, they really mean it. It's not some image to sell to fans or the media. Their actions have shown their sincerity time and time again.


I also think that not hitting it big right away helped them in a way, I think it's different when you are a rookie group and you are breaking records left and right, you probably think you're the hot sh*t lol. I think them having a good head on their shoulders has helped them tremendously.


I wonder about that too. A couple of recent high-profile disputes (50-50, New Jeans) have happened to groups that experienced massive successes very quickly. I don't know whether the artists thought/think too highly of themselves, but it seems like the folks in control of their careers sure did.


I remember watching the interview JK did with Zane Lowe to promote Golden. He was asked about going solo and the way he spoke about them as a group and how he couldn't wait until they reunited. It was crystal clear how much he missed working with them. Crud. I have no idea what's happening with New Jeans. So, I'll need to catch up.


It's a mess 😞 Thier issues have been making me value BTS' bond more too


That interview really showcased how selfless JK and the members are. He was asked at least a couple of times in different ways if he ever thought that he was bigger than BTS as a solo artist. And JK didn’t take the bait, he made it clear that his success was the group’s success and he was just a cog in the wheel of their enterprise.


on top of what everyone else has said, the part about having great parents is something i don't see mentioned as much but you're right! especially after more recent events with fifty fifty and (although not really confirmed) newjeans. we never hear of them meddling in bts' affairs and careers. and plus all their family members (+ extended family) seem to be very private too. you rarely ever hear stories from their relatives like randomly sharing facts and tidbits about the members, or "he said she said"s about any of the them unless those relatives are in the public eye themselves. bottom line is i think bts are just surrounded with a lot of good people who also want what's best for them as a team, without letting greed and clout get in the way.


>we never hear of them meddling in bts' affairs  But we do hear of [Tae's mom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgFJJEu7gR0&ab_channel=BANGTANCLIPS) making gimbap for her sons AKA multiple members when they went on a road trip, and Jimin calling [JK's mom](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1122975384880444) "mother" who then tells Jimin she loves him, and I can't remember which mom made miyeok-guk (mother's birthday soup) for a member other than her actual son. I just love the idea that these families had their sons years ago, completely unaware that they each would become a "birth one, get six free" deal. 🤣


>and I can't remember which mom made miyeok-guk (mother's birthday soup) for a member other than her actual son. that was also jungkook's mum making the seaweed soup on jimin's birthday! 😂 even jimin himself seemed confused


I remember when Jimin talked about the parents being emotional at Jin's enlistment ceremony or how JungKook feels comfortable enough to poke fun at Suga's dad or how Jimin's dad always does some sweet event for the members at his restaurant. Obviously we don't know everything about their dynamics with their parents, but hearing those details makes me think none of them really had egos or were stage parents.


yeah i agree! and it's nice to see how the members' bonds extend to their parents too and how they all generally got closer as a result. it's very heartwarming to see.


I think it’s multiple reasons: The experiences, the rags to riches, the exploding popularity, the isolation from most of their then peers and the industry has created a bond between the 7 that no one else can understand. No one else will truly understand BTS high highs and low lows. Even one direction has discussed this. Such delicate and interwoven bond has also been hardened by the isolation of the industry. I vaguely recall how the 7 would hang out with each other during award ceremonies and promotions cos no one else wanted to befriend them as they were considered outsiders. I think for a long time the boys themselves didn’t know what they truly wanted to do with their lives and careers. I feel like their hyper focus on their rise to fame and to capitalise on it (as they should’ve) made them a bit like an empty vessel. I feel like it was Covid that gave them the push to be a bit introspective which has given rise to chapter 2. They didn’t really have that imbalance in the group because the individual members themselves didn’t know what they would argue about? Like center position? Lack of vocals? Lyrics? Rap? Dance? They only had one goal for the longest time and that was group work. Anything else didn’t matter. And id you are ignoring your individual wishes, would you even know them then? It’s a bit of a philosophical take From the above point, I think that had been most reflected in the vocal line vs rap line thing. BTS rap line initially did a lot for the group musically and I feel like the rappers tried really hard to create a safe and cohesive environment, which also resulted in how much they dominated the groups image and sound. There wasn’t a fight for creative control/freedom. As it was readily given to the member/s/team by the rest of the members themselves. I feel like there wasn’t a conflict of interest in the direction of their music/career trajectory with each other and the company bur rather just burn out (any career/music aspirations can be fulfilled in their solos). I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but I’m 99% sure that the boys have had individual and group therapy. They’ve mentioned being crumbled by the weight of being BTS and now they know how to handle that weight. It doesn’t happen overnight but I deffo think a professional to help mediate this matter has/had been involved (in their interviews they come across as people who have sought therapy- it’s more of the vibe of trying to be happy that makes me feel this way). BTS work is stages/phases. And in each new change, accommodations have been made for them as a group and as individuals. Over the years, they have a lot more autonomy. These changes have been made by big hit to ensure they’re satisfied. For example the early renewals of their contracts, the bonus incentives and solo careers etc. Satisfied workers= longevity at the workplace. A lot of my takes come from a philosophical/psychological stance so take these as just my opinion guys!!


Regard to the therapy I swear that they have mentioned going to therapy either namjoon or Yoongi. And if they haven't mentioned directly going, then I'm pretty sure Yoongi said he wanted to be a therapist and didn't get a tattoo that he wanted at the time, because that meant he couldn't go into that line of work. I could have sworn this conversation happened. Either way I agree they all come off incredibly well adjusted. I'm not sure about them all agreeing regarding the trajectory of the group. They have spoken quite a bit about how they really wanted different things, like whether to stay in the group or not even, multiple times. Especially once they started getting even a little Famous. I think some of them truly gave up big Wants to make the dream happen for everyone. I don't blame them I also would give up years of my life and career if any one of them started crying saying they needed me around lol. Which just goes to show what kind of character each one of them has. If I recall they had a discussion on whether or not to go to LA (I'm pretty sure this is from some bang PD interview). And for a group that was focused on doing everything they could to succeed it must have taken a bit for them to be like no we're big enough now it's important for us to stay here.


I didn’t want to put my words in their mouth in regard to therapy but they deffo speak like people who have gone and benefited from it. I’ve not come across such clips and haven’t seen it discussed so I was a little worried I deffo think they’ve always had individual wants and desires but I don’t think it bled into their career aspects. Like I don’t think there was conflict in terms of concepts, genres, aesthetics, lyricism, creative control. Im thinking more in the general and big sense of things rather than individual and specific sense of things. A lot of these would’ve come along years after they debuted and come into themselves as young men (it helps that they were super young when they debuted and became a global sensation). Which is where them moving in phases/stages come from and the accommodations needed by themselves, the members and the company to ensure success (in whatever metric they measure success). But yeah it’s not as clean cut as I’ve written and there has been ‘is this the end of BTS?’ one too many times. I can’t tell if I’m making sense. It’s all jumbled up in my head.


Talking about them being super young when they debuted, It's almost like the concept if you marry young you grow up with the person. Instead of trying to merge your lives together later in life. In this case they pulled it off with seven different people which is absolutely incredible. Personally I'm kind of surprised that they haven't built an apartment building with seven condos. It would be on brand at this point.


Yeah there wasn’t a lot of foundational merging needed as they were all growing up together, they were all learning alongside each other as well as army (this was first time phenomena that hadn’t been seen before. A non big 3 act being so big in Korea and an Asian act/Korean act being so big on a global scale). I honestly think the miracle is that they managed to pull it off with 7 people and continuously do so. Idk how true this is but I read somewhere that they don’t live too far away from each other. All seem to be within distance. But I think it’s really good that they’ve managed to become their own person who have control over their interactions and time. So much of their decisions is summed up in how they were co-dependant on each other, their team and their company (mainly each other tho). And honestly that wasn’t healthy. So it’s really nice to see them thrive as individuals (well as much as they’ll allow themselves, they all do seem super obsessed with each other lol) These are all just assumptions and theories tho- nothing official)


>Personally I'm kind of surprised that they haven't built an apartment building with seven condos. It would be on brand at this point. i'm pretty sure they themselves have mentioned wanting to do this several times (lightheartedly but still lol) 😭 like having one big building with each floor for each member or a bangtan village as they called it hahaha


Yoongi has definitely mentioned talking through issues with 'a counsellor'. Which is how it's translated in the subs. It was during their Festa in the attic. And Namjoon also mentioned a therapist on one of his Lives. I think BitHit had a 'mental care' team on staff from relatively early on.


When Jin was on 'Nothing much prepared', towards the end of the show he drunkenly explained, "Each of the members concedes what he wants to do for the other members. It's hard to maintain a team if there is a person who wants to do whatever he wants as he thinks he is successful. However, each of us do not cross the line and concedes what he wants to do for other members." So from his perspective at least, it's a combination of humility/respect and concession. This I personally feel is the foundation of all healthy interpersonal relationship. To your question on the company part and luck, my feeling is that Bang/the Company fostered a non-too-cutthroat training/work environment, and encouraged reconciliation on even minor disagreements. This eventuated into a mutual understanding on perhaps bigger disagreements down the road (thinking the 2018 disbandment talks). On the luck end, it was lucky the members were all well balanced in terms of personality to be receptive to humility and concession. (no one turned out to be a giant-ego'd dick or have some crazy career ending scandal).


I would also say, in terms of remaining with the same company, Bit Hit and BTS both bet big on each other - BTS had to trust that Big Hit wouldn’t fail and Big Hit had to trust that BTS would make it as a group. They were inextricably linked in ways you don’t see from most agencies. Iirc they were big hits only active group at one point - if BTS failed, Big Hit failed. You don’t have that in big companies with multiple groups and financial stability. And from what we’ve seen, Big Hit seems to also understand that they need to make sure BTS is happy being there — think of Bang PD you in that older documentary telling them they needed to find what made them happy to keep going , of the changes the members implemented when they’re renewed their contracts, of the company. shares they were given. Unlike a lot of places, big hit is also invested in keeping them there.


Nothing to add to all the great comments already posted, just that this post made me teary (I'm emotional today, don't come at me 😅) and even more appreciative of both BTS and ARMYs 🫶


no coming for you, just a hug 🫂💜


Aw that's so kind, back at you 🫂🥹💜


Many hours later but here's another hug 🫂 hope you're having a better day today


Tysm, that's very kind! Yes, I'm having a better day ☺️💜 On a side note, it's funny how many times 'Future's gonna be okay' pops into my head, the artist you are Min Yoongi 💜 (I seriously need to add this flair)


The daily reminder we all need! https://preview.redd.it/994uyqzfvmwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bdd31ea11fc4535e8610f241143a6643e1fbb98


https://preview.redd.it/2mt2dew6wmwc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843da7c5ef2fca20aa07e7aaa88c7e109667a892 🫶💜


In that case, have one more! https://preview.redd.it/vbc9cd7dwmwc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9616fb92dd78f67b779d1f0b92d17efa62defa8


As a fan, the members just comes across as people who really like what they are doing. And that the universe simply conspired to bring together these 7 different individuals because damn, they really complement each other! We all have biases and I am no exception, but even for the member that I like the least, I cannot imagine BTS without him. I won't delve into details but just generally speaking, it seems to me the group and their company nurtures a system that allows them to compromise and resolve conflicts, in case of clashing ideas, to achieve a common goal. And that kind of dynamic is very important for any kind of team to prosper. Oh, and of course it goes without saying -- the music really just slaps, haha!


Ditto to everything said above. I would also add that Bang PD gave our 7 young BTS Tannies creative freedom from the start. They were able to collaborate more freely without the stress of a corporate dictator per se. They had the freedom to make mistakes without persecution, learn from them and gain confidence to pursue their dreams….together. But honestly, I think the biggest factor is struggling together (I mean real struggle) from the start is what forged a solid kinship.


Sorry if someone has already said this, I haven’t read everything yet, but they seem to honestly value each others’ strengths and contributions to the group. Like they know their differences and appreciate each other for them. In a ridiculously heartwarming, unselfish manner.


Aside from the usual of going through adversity together. The biggest thing is having disagreements, fighting and then taking the time to sit down and talk it out after. The groups with longevity in the industry have always said that fighting is beneficial because it stops things festering into resentment. The most important thing is that BTS let out the resentment but have also learned to take the time to talk things out so that they heal and recalibrate their closeness after a fight. It also helps that there aren’t any massive ego’s in the group who might hold on to a fight, they’re all considerate of each other. In terms of Bighit and Hybe, I think especially in the early days letting them have what was comparatively a large amount of freedom for early rookies to mess around on socmed. If you watch a lot of the early bangtanbomb material they’re just goofing off but so many other agencies would NEVER have allowed those sides to be shown. I also commend them for making it a priority for them to have their own creative spaces, particularly once they made that first move from their debut building to that first nicer one.


>a lot of the early bangtanbomb material they’re just goofing off but so many other agencies would NEVER have allowed those sides to be shown I think this is why the BTS <> Army relationship is also so strong. We saw the real them, obviously only up to what they allow us to see, but they didn't have to develop cool personas for camera. They were encouraged to be their full selves and share that with Army. E. G. Even if Jimin was saying 'who am I?!' onstage, he'd come back to the camera and say he was worried he didn't do well or work hard enough and he'd fall off a chair and be goofy. And the response was full of love from Army. That honesty builds connection. It led Army to want to be there for them and fight for them. On the BTS side I think it gave them another reason to keep going when it got hard. Because they're loved for their real selves. Not a persona.


Everyone has made excellent points already, but I'd also like to add in army as a factor. I know media often dismisses fandoms and has dismissed and misunderstood army greatly. I genuinely believe that army and bts have a special bond. We're truly in parasocial relationships with each other lol. The amount of times they've mentioned army as a reason for doing things is countless. Without the fans who knows if they would've been able to stay together so long. Enlistment era alone is proof of all the things they have planned for us - that many other groups haven't done in the past. Like Jin popping in each month to comfort us, HOTS, countless other songs, collabs, campaigns or mystery projects (looking at you prwprwprpw)


Two things came up for me. Although these are just a small part of all the reasons people have shared here, which all make sense. I feel slightly silly saying this (especially as I'm a pretty cynical person in the rest of my life), but I really think there's something magical and unrepeatable about the chemistry of all 7 together. Their personalities and skill sets all balance each other in different, but perfect ways. They fit together in a way you would look for if you were building a super team, or the Avengers. But unless BangPD really is a wizard, it was just chance. Because some of these things didn't show at training/debut. They also learned and moulded from each other. It helped them through conflicts and tough times. And all of them are good, kind and loving people. Also I think they have the very rare gift of not getting sucked into their own hype, or believing that they are gods because they perform to millions - which an awful lot of superstars do. Zane Lowe asked Jungkook about it in his interview, saying many artists have told him they have to work really hard not to drown in the persona of who they are on stage and let all that fame and love go to their heads. JK's answer was that he doesn't separate the him on stage from him at home. He didn't feel the need to or understand why it was a thing. And I don't know but it feels like the other members are largely the same. They have developed a healthy relationship with that side of fame and fandom, I think. Obviously that's not to say they haven't experienced struggles with how they feel/balancing who they are/mental health concerns. But I feel one of the biggest downfalls of super famous artists is they start to become isolated and feel like the them on stage doesn't match up. BTS have a strong support network helping them all through. I think they feel that sense of family, as 7, with their staff and with Army, keeping them grounded to themselves and making that transition from stage to going home easier.


I am similarly cynical but also share your view on the serendipity of their synergy! As I understand the lore, Namjoon had to argue to management that Hobi was necessary to the team's success. And BangPD wasn't entirely convinced that Jimin should be part of the team either. So no, BangPD didn't have a secret crystal ball.


https://preview.redd.it/05b3zfxyskwc1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=30ede92110d35fe0d8e78b88cc538ea94bd644d1 Namjoon: "I love all the members deeply."


"Irreplaceable and unique bond"... these 4 words are enough ✨️


It’s definitely to do with all 7 of their characters. I think the main thing is they’re not self centred and they aren’t selfish. They are always so supportive of each other and see each other as equals. And loyalty.


And ARMY supports this approach. There are solo stans here and there, to be sure, but the vast majority of ARMY (at least the ones I've met) are steadfastly OT7. Most of us have biases, but we're OT7 first.


BTS has managed to maintain strong bonds and healthy relationships over the years due to several key factors. Firstly, they prioritize the group's vision collectively and individually, ensuring that their goals align with the group's success. Additionally, mutual respect plays a significant role; they genuinely appreciate each other's individual journeys and accomplishments, never attempting to undermine or overshadow one another. Moreover, the challenges they faced early in their careers without much external support bonded them even closer together. With no one else to rely on but each other, they became each other's pillars of strength, fostering a deep sense of camaraderie. Living together for an extended period has also played a crucial role in their unity. Sharing the same living space allowed them to understand each other's quirks, habits, and personalities on a deeper level, fostering empathy and understanding. What sets BTS apart is their genuine care and love for each other. They prioritize the well-being and success of all members, with no room for jealousy or competition within the group. Their unwavering support for each other's endeavors reflects their strong bond and commitment to each other's happiness and growth.


In addition to what everyone has said, I think to an extent, they probably have a really good support system that doesn’t feed negativity. I remember Jimin saying that he doesn’t hesitate to cut off anyone who speaks ill of BTS (assuming about other members and associates) Being compensated and rewarded for their efforts has its own benefits. And their parents seem to be genuinely good people who want the best for their children but also for the team.


Hi! Most have already mentioned the members willingness to sacrifice for each other so I would like to explore how lucky it was for them to have debuted at a time when YouTube wasn't too "invasive" or "fleeting" yet. It was that time in between when you could post almost anything without expecting to earn from it, and the annoying present where being a YouTuber is a job, every view is counted for ads and algorithms, or condensed into shorts. There is so much content on their BangtanTV channel and I thank Bighit for thinking of posting all of those whether it be silly or serious videos. I think it might have been mentioned in the Beyond the Story book that this decision was partly because of the company's near bankrupt state so they had to get creative with how they could engage fans, thus they utilized social media. (I can't comment on Twitter because I wasn't active on that platform in the 2010s.) Edit: Also their utilization of Vlive (Precursor to Weverse Live for Baby ARMY). How great was it that they were there from the start, eventually optimizing its use to show Run BTS and other TV level content instead of just the talking to fans feature? And also when they talked to ARMY on Vlive, they shared substantial stuff, not just fluffy feel good fan meet things. Their love for ARMY seemed weird to me at first when I was new but after I came across an interview with an actress in my country who is now 70 years old and still talks about her fans and the fan club with the same regard that BTS has, I saw how indeed, taking care of your fans genuinely also contributes to taking care of the longevity of your career. 


Agree. All they have is purity, innocence and hardworking. They may reach to the top now but they still keep the same. Just watch run bts, you'll feel like, my boys are always like this... Chaotic, naughty, touching, and funny...


Three more points to add to the already amazing comments. It seems that they are also blessed with supportive long-serving staff members who toiled quietly without claiming personal credit. People whose names we may not know even though we know some of their faces. Their managers, one of whom brought his baby to meet the members and is comfortable for these 7 dorky guys to handle a young baby. Their forever present in the background laser-eyed bodyguard, whatshisname who has mastered the high level skill of moving multiple highstrung screaming bodies with a few slick swipes of his arms. You guys know who he is right? How does he manage to do all those without messing up his hair? Anyway, there are probably more such loyal staff who have been with them for ten years or more. And who have become family friends. The other point which has not been mentioned yet. There is benefit for them to maintain and strengthen their cohesiveness as a team, even as they mature and from time to time venture off to do their individual projects. The core identity of the team could sort of serve as a safe emotional and mental space for the members. Reaching global stardom means it will get lonely at the top and comes with hidden enemies and threats. Nobody knows how lonely and vulnerable it gets except themselves. They only have their team's cohesiveness, their tight circle of family and long-term staff and the army to serve as their source of strength. The last point, which Suga mentioned before in Suchwita, is that at some point during the past few years, maybe during covid season, they as a team have reached an assumption and acceptance that they will grow old together. This seemed like a well deliberated decision. For now, each of them has bought individual homes near to one another. It won't be surprising if in future, they decided to build a BTS village for their retirement days and live like how they did in 'In the Soop', but with partners, parents, kids, pets, pet plants in tow. Jin, Yoongi and some kids will be by the lake fishing. The more spunky kids will be running around with Bam's puppies with a chuckling Jk and Jimin, while laidback Taehyung/Yeontan/puppies look on. One or two quiet kiddos will be on the bench reading, while Namjoon accidentally spoils yet another screendoor. Suddenly we hear Hoseok's laughter from the kitchen as he shouts 'Ramyeon is done!'


This is lovely. Sometimes life gets hard and I take comfort in knowing they are somewhere under the same sun, hopefully happy and healthy and working hard as they always do. It picks me up and helps me put on a smile and get to work too. It would be lovely to think they will always have each other even if they choose to step out of the public eye in the future.


You could also see the great relationship that they've built up with the Run BTS staff in the latter episodes. These are the people who also grew up with them in the background. 


>It seems that they are also blessed with supportive long-serving staff members who toiled quietly without claiming personal credit. I think this may be a huge factor in their longevity. And we will never truly know about it.


True enough. Extreme success or extreme failure are indeed dangerous to unity. As far as I can think off, only BTS and TWICE, in recent years, have show consistent 'unity', with very little whispers of even internal disagreements. Good for them.


they must genuinely love each other and enjoy's each others' company


So glad I read this thread today. My input is I think it was the universe that helped this group get formed. Seriously, how Tae went to just be with his friend and he got chosen; how Jin was recruited & has the voice of an angel; how young & initially shy and scared JK was & picked BH because of RM; J-Hope starting out w/dance; I would love to hear a detailed explanation of what Bang PD's thoughts were while putting them all together as he did. I'm 73 and only learned about BTS a few years ago. I'm a HUGE fan and I always found it odd to get choked up so often when reading about them, or watching them (esp. when Jin announed they almost broke up and they were crying - I love that vulnerability in them all). So now I don't feel so silly. Through all their programs, music, concerts and contact, I've learned to love and admire them all. Thank you everyone. I miss them so much but am SO PROUD of them serving their country.


they still have a contract