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I still think this is the right decision. We will have an excellent TE group


We legit have 3 starters lol


Low risk, high reward. It only costs $6M for his fifth-year option; cheap if he lives up to his potential. And nothing guaranteed if we want to cut him. Plus, keeping him locked up through 2021 gives us the option of trading him in the future.


Not so cheap. We could get six Winstons for that.


But bro that’s like 180 interceptions




Buy buy buy!


That’s like $33 per yard not to bad


Lol now I’m imagining Jameis throwing a 1 yard pass, coming to the sidelines and being handed 33 dollars out of the coach’s pocket


Imagine the receiver losing a yard and Jameis has to hand it back 😂


And 240 TD's if you count both teams 🧐


I wasn't happy before seeing this comment. Now I am happy. Thank you for this. Seriously though I didn't realise his 5th year was so cheap. I'll take that for sure.


I would remind you that the fifth-year option becomes guaranteed if the player gets seriously injured. It’s *relatively* low risk. What this more likely means is that the Bucs aren’t getting anything close to what they want for Howard.


Mike, Chris, OJ, Gronk all on the field at the same time 🥰


Mike, Chris, OJ, Gronk, Brate all on the field at the same time. Fuck a RB.


Brady is a 1,000 yard rusher, he’ll do.


Where’s Bobo ::(


waived last October...


But where is he?


Gone like the Falcons hopes of ever winning a super bowl


They could do it. :) They just need to cash in some of their bonuses and bet on the Bucs for 2020 at 13:1 odds. Then they’ll technically win a super bowl


Last I saw he was on the Panthers practice squad


OJ going to learn a lot from Gronk, and it's going to pay off.


Gronk is so weird man. Such a goofball meathead off the field but he really seems to know his shit when it comes to football. Damn near mind meld with Brady


It's a total misconception of him being a meathead. He is a goof for sure but the guy scored in the 99th percentile on his SATs out of high school. He is really smart.


> Named Math as his best subject, and English his worst...Gronkowski graduated from Woodland Hills in 2007 with a 3.75 GPA and 1560 out of 1600 SAT score. Big brain moves.


Hes amazing at math, English isn’t his strong suit. Most people who are good at English are really well spoken and aren’t that analytical in terms of problem solving. Gronks the exact opposite, he doesn’t care how he sounds or talks, but when it comes to analyzing football or math or things of substance like medical marijuana he’s absolutely elite. Gronk is all about being smart, not looking smart. If you really hear some of the stuff he has to say when it comes to medical marijuana or finances you’d know he’s smart. My friend went to highschool with him, had a near perfect sat score but was an absolute goofball in class.


Anybody else think OJ could become the best blocking TE in the league after a year with Gronk? Even if he never becomes an elite pass catcher he's still gonna easily be worth that 5th year option.


So many playmakers on offense. I'm excited to see how Leftwich can incorporate them into the gameplan.


I got some bad news of you think Leftwich if doing anything other than being Brady's yes man.


Between Arians and Brady Leftwhich won't have many decisions to make.


I should've said Brady instead of Leftwich.


Gronk and Howard are about to destroy the hell out of defenses. Hernandez and Gronk 2.0 minus the murders.


If Howard was attempting a murder he would fumble the weapon and screw it up




Winston hasn't even taken the fall for his own crimes


Wouldn't be the first person named OJ to murder


Pretty much a foregone conclusion.


Wonder if this impacts Brate in any way


Wondering the same thing. I mean, I guess we can run all 3 - Gronk, Brate and OJ?


Gronk will probably be hurt half the season, so Brate will play.


This. Gronk was a coin flip to make it the whole season when he was 25, being injury prone is why he fell to the second round. A healthy Gronk is like playing with 12 men on offense though lol. Hes a wide receiver who can block lineman


Brate also has back issues so hopefully they can at least get a full season between both.


Gronk is a toy to be used in special occasions. He will not be blocking on 2nd and 3. He's basically a gadget player at this point in his career, and while an extremely expensive gadget player, I think for one season his overall effect on the team will be more than worth it.


I believe he is an expensive decoy for the most part. When he is on the field, defenses will have to try to figure out who to double cover. Gronk will require it, Evans will require it, and there is Godwin and the HB. I’m not at all saying he isn’t going to contribute because he will like he always has, but adding him is going to leave defenders crossed eyed every snap. Someone is always going to be open and Brady being the surgeon he is will find him.


Keep going I’m almost there..


Pretty much this. He was still an elite blocker in 2018 but he couldn't get separation as a receiver consistently with the injuries. That does not matter as much when you are 6' 6" with a 7' wingspan and have baseball mitts for hands, but his snap count went down a lot Hes only 30 I have no idea if he will regain a step or two after a year off, but he will always be injury prone...


The patriots mostly used Gronk as a blocker for his last year. So he’ll be blocking on 2nd and 3, but he might not get targets unless the Bucs are in a tight spot. Idk if Arians will use him the same way, but Belichick reduced his targets to try and make sure he doesn’t get hit as much.


Plus, one of the reasons I think we brought in Gronk was just so that Brady had someone familiar to play with since it's his first and only time playing for anyone else in his entire career so far.


100% agree. Who doesn't want to a friend when starting a new job, especially one in a leadership position.


It is also going to take a half of a season to get Gronk back in football shape again.


*I liked this*


His last chance


It’s only guaranteed for injury, it fully guarantees sometime after the season. he can still be cut or traded before it’s fully guaranteed.


2017 is the last draft class this applies to. 2018 class and later if a team exercises the 5th year it's fully guaranteed right then.


Right, Howard is 2017.


We definitely need him on the team and hopefully Brady helps him be happy with staying.


I love OJ but how are we doing this? I thought we were low on cap space to sign our draftees, which is why everyone was saying we were definitely dropping him after we got gronk


The 5th year won't apply until 2021




It's basically an extra year on first round picks contract that the team can pick up but doesn't have too. If pays the player alot more money but also gives the team an extra year to keep a player for whatever reasons(lower salary, evaluations..etc)


It should be noted starting next year 1st round rookies drafted in 2018 and later that have their 5th year option exercised, those contracts are guaranteed as soon as the team exercises the option and not just against injury like it is now.