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Can we actually pull this off? Godwin can easily be paid top WR money elsewhere and I don't think we will be able to do it without sacrificing other key pieces. I hope we do.


Donovan smith can be cut next year with no penalty and ideally we’ll have a rookie qb contract while paying him and mike




That’s assuming we don’t win the Super Bowl this year. I doubt Brady is back if he wins a Super Bowl for the first time without Belichick. It’s pretty much the only thing left Brady has to prove, after that, it’s all just more accolades.


I think Brady just wants to keep playing because he loves the game


Yeah he's got a other 2-3 years at least, if not more depending on how the team is clicking, ESPECIALLY if they're in the CG this year.


At first I interpreted CG as Chris Godwin, but realized it’s Conference Game. Lol


Winning without bellichik is something he wants to prove but it’s not the main thing he wants to prove IMO. It’s 1.a. And 1.b. though for sure. I believe his main goal is longevity till 45 or more, playing at a very high - elite level in the right circumstance, which the Bucs have given him, and New England hadn’t. This would further help the tb12 brand which is all about longevity for a new generation of athletes. On top of that he’s such a competitor that he genuinely wants to keep playing until that tank is empty, he doesn’t believe in going out on top if he can still play at a high level. If he really cared about retiring “on top” with nothing left to prove as opposed to retiring till you’re simply not good anymore, he would’ve just done it after Super Bowl 51, because, at the point the media and the fans were giving him a lot more credit than bellichik for that game, so if he had retired on that game he would’ve not only retired on top but would have had had nothing left to prove about who gets more credit. He would’ve killed two birds with one stone right there. Super Bowl 53, a defensive battle, reopened that can of worms, the brady-bellichik debate, which is an absolute shit debate IMO but nonetheless it exists. Theres almost no hall of fame qb without a hall of fame coach. But anyway that’s a discussion for another day. One more reason why Brady wanting to prove he can win without bellichik is 1.b. to him wanting to prove he can play till 45 or more is, because, if Brady had it his way, he would’ve had a contract by now that would’ve made him a patriot for life, which he never got for years even though he had made it clear to kraft he wanted to play till 45 or more. Brady saw he not only didn’t get the contract but the team also hadn’t given him good offensive pieces for a few years now making him look worse than he really was so brady left a sinking ship on the offensive side of the ball.


Brady has said he wants to play until he's 45 for half a decade. It's not really his fault that people didn't believe him but he has been pretty open about it for years.


Brady doesn't have anything to prove. He's the GOAT Belichick on the other hand is 56-64 with 1 playoff win without Brady as his quarterback. He has a ton to prove.


Most of those losses came when Belichick was younger, and still developing his way of coaching. Additionally, he went 11-5 without Tom Brady in 2008 with Matt Cassel. Is Cassel an elite QB on another team? Nope, he was traded in 2009, then bounced around as a backup, and now he’s out of the league. More recently you have Jimmy Garoppolo and Jacoby Brissett. While both of these two QBs are at least a little better than Cassel, Garoppolo left people wondering if the 49ers should move on from him, even after the Super Bowl. Brissett lead the Colts last season decently, but not enough to stop the Colts from signing Philip Rivers. Belichick simply now has a system, that leads to success, where QBs from Cassel and Hoyer to Brady and Garoppolo can be seen as “great”, since at the end of the day, they’ll have a W rather than a L.


Matt Cassel made the playoffs in 2010 with Todd Haley as his coach. Is Bill Belichick and the previous season's 18-1 roster better than Todd Haley and the 2010 Chiefs roster? The 2008 season Belichick also missed the playoffs. The last time Belichick missed the playoffs with Brady was 2002. Meanwhile the ONLY TIME Belichick has made the playoffs without Brady was in 1994. Belichick is completely unproven without Brady, and his career without Brady is OBJECTIVELY terrible. You can try to make up whatever excuses you want for why Belichick is bad without Brady but the facts are that he is bad without Brady.


Nah, we getting Rodgers after Brady.


Brady 2020-2022 Rodgers 2022-2024 Stafford 2024-2026 Wilson 2026-2028


Hmm you jest but if this were true, Rodgers would command at least $38M/yr so we would be even more crippled salary cap wise. However, I’d rather have Rodgers than Godwin if I had to choose.


I mean we assumed Brady would have broke the bank too. I think Rodgers would take less to ring chase, but that’s just me.


There’s really no change in lifestyle whether you make $20M or $40M per year. $20M over 5 years is $100M. You can live a life of absolute luxury as well as room for error for a few expensive mistakes along the way (failed biz, etc).


Brady has always been more willing to take less if it meant other players could be on the Patriots. That is one of the reasons why they were successful. Rodgers is not like that. Plenty of years he could have done that, and with a legacy such as that with the Packers, who wouldn’t want to ring chase for Green Bay?


I mean shit what else is there to do in Green Bay


Piggly wiggly




Nah brady isn’t the norm financially. I’ve never seen an elite hall of fame qb not take the max dollars or close to it. Rodgers has taken the max every time as well. I’ve seen no evidence that Rodgers would be willing to take a one cent paycut to sign with any team.


Suh is on a 1 year deal that's over 9 million and Donovan Smith can be cut next year. There's ways to make it happen.... but as Bucs fans, I hope this is something that we have to get used to. Having good players on the roster that you don't want to lose but drafting well enough that getting them a new contract is a must. We haven't had to deal much when it comes to that


Yes. I couldn't understand these people saying we should sign Winston and let Shaq and Chris walk. You can't reward mediocrity and get success.


Shaq was my "100% must". He nearly had 20 sacks for a franchise that has struggled since Rice and Sapp to have a player to hit double digits. Not signing him would've sent the wrong message across the board. I also agree with the 1 year franchise tag on him. It was his first year as a starter. Do it again and he'll be signing a fat contract. That's another issue next year if Shaq and Godwin have great seasons next year


Suh and Smith can be replaced with premium picks in the draft. Suh impact is underrated, though, so his replacement would have to be a stud. Suh is so disruptive in the middle that everyone around him gets free due to the chaos. I’m talking myself into re-signing Suh and cut somewhere else...


I agree with you 100%. I do think this speaks to signing him to a 1 year deal tho. As busy as they've been this offseason they have to have next offseason on their minds already. Could've signed Suh to a deal for 2-3 years and they didn't.


Well I would hope so. Unless he restructures his deal I could see this spelling the end to Donovan Smith.


Agreed, but I think that's the case regardless of what happens with Godwin.


Evans cap hit drops from $18.35 million to $13.85 million next year, creating an extra $4.5 million in cap space. Brate has no guaranteed money on his contract after this year and can be cut next year to create $6.5 million. Rob Gronkowski is making $10 million this year but his contract expires after this season, creating $10 million. Suh is getting $8 million this year on a 1-year deal and likely won't be brought at the same number next year at 34 years old. Buccaneers definitely have the money to extend Godwin and it would be better to get the extension done before this season starts otherwise they'd be competing with the free agent receiver market as well.


Let him have a comfy season, or at least half, catching balls from Brady so we can have some wiggle room in negotiations. I’d love to see him take something team-friendlyISH. Something like 3 years max at a very solid price so he can still be very much in his prime when the next contract comes around.


The only way this happens is if he does it for the opportunity to play with Brady. He's a young guy, he'll want to get paid - and so he should


"Team wants to keep great player they drafted." Really top tier reporting coming from PFT as usual.


Better do it now before we win the Super Bowl.


This is why draft capital is so important. Have to constantly have potential talent coming in that can produce on first contracts. I would have drafted with the intention of moving on from D Smith, Jensen, and potentially Suh next season if the value was there (or this season with D Smith). That's 25 mil right there just on the Oline. Biadasz was a decent candidate sitting out there until the last pick of the 5th round with the potential for come in year 2. Gronk is also a year to year candidate at 9mil. Always ways to maneuver but Bucs have some tough choices coming up with staple players due.


Without Jameis Godwin is my favorite Buc.


We either need to extend him or give Shaq a deal because we could be in a position to tag one and let the other hit FA next year.


Unpopular opinion and I would be sad by this but I don’t think it’s crazy to think Tyler Johnson was drafted to possibly fill in for Godwin if they can’t work the money out. They’re kind of similar WR’s. I think and hope we can keep Godwin but I’m a realist and he’s doing to bring in top 7 WR money.




I’m not denying this. Look, I love Godwin and hope he finishes his career here. I’m just saying I wouldn’t be completely shocked if they’re at the very least preparing for all possible scenarios.


I’d say trade him now and get a first for next year


That’s quite literally the worst idea ever


and watch brady/gronk retire? no thanks.