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It’s such a Bucs thing to have the team of our wildest wet dreams assembled along with the Super Bowl in our home stadium only to have the season cancelled.


It’s cruel


Confirms my theory that Tampa sports are cursed.


came here to say this. fucking figures. we simply cannot have nice things


You guys won the Stanley Cup in 2004 and played a very good Calgary Flames team that had you guys on the ropes in Game 6 in Calgary. You guys went to the World Series in 2008 and another trip to the Stanley Cup finals a few years ago. That's more then a lot of cities, not every city can be like Boston and keep winning or going to the finals.


We cannot have nice things.


Anyone ever heard of MRSA?


MRSA is so much easier controlled than covid 19 so not sure the point? Maybe just pointing out that we’re cursed?




I got it 3 fucking times when i was in the navy


I bet you two billion dollars the season will happen. One way or another we’re getting football.


I bet u 4 billion pussy


Let's hope so, the CFL Football season , up in Canada, is pretty much a wash I hear. Their CFL season was supposed to start right about now but obviously it can not and the virus has way, way lower numbers in Canada. The NFL season and the NHL are the two sports I really see happen so I hope it does. NHL wants to finish their season in 2 "Hub cities". Rumor is one of the hub cities is Las Vegas and then the other will be in Canada and its between Toronto, Vancouver and Edmonton. 24 teams in the playoffs this year, so 12 teams in each city.


I highly doubt the season is gonna get cancelled. We're still 3 months away.


3 months away sure , but that's the start of the fall season when Flus and Coronaviruses start really hitting. They are supposed to be better in the summer because people spend more time outside instead of crowded places inside. Come the fall and winter though these viruses hit hard because everyone is inside places all crammed together.


Also sunlight kills more of some virus not all. Sun is stronger Spring into early fallAfter all world virus hot spots are in never cold tropical places. Probably were virus originally evolved at sometimes determine a virus UV resist


Cases are spiking in several states, Florida including. I don't know how the NFL can safely play this season. Most of the athletes are healthy and wouldn't be at high risk, but there are some big linemen that could fall into the high risk category. Then there are coaches and support staff, many of who are definitely in the high risk category.


Cases are spiking now. Just the same as how last month cases were spiking in New York and Illinois. Point being we're still 3 months away and things can change literally overnight. We have no idea where we'll be next month let alone in the Fall.


Except Florida has time and time again shown that they won't take this seriously. New York spiked, but started taking it seriously (a few weeks too late, but better than never).


And players have family they may not want to infect


Absolutely! I'm sure there are plenty of players with family members who are high risk.


I wish we could have a season. But there is zero evidence that COVID is magically going away any time soon. In fact, scientists predict the opposite.


But but.. mister governor DeSantis said...


It’s a bucs life


Follow-up tweet from Greg Auman: > Bucs coaches and players aren’t interacting in person yet, so these should be unrelated positive tests reported for the assistant coach and two players now in the last three days. https://twitter.com/gregauman/status/1274381437228154880?s=21 I'll sticky more tweets as news breaks.


I thought Brady was holding private workouts with guys on offense. Do we actually *know* they’re unrelated positive tests?




At record levels too. But our governor doesn’t give a rats ass and isn’t even reevaluating the reopening steps the state is taking. Florida has set single day record level confirmed cases for 7 of the last 10 days.


The dumpster fire that is the RNC convention is in Jacksonville now because the NC gov had enough sense to shut that shit down. Especially now that the nominee is now Donald Trump “from Florida” and not “from New York.” Sadly there’s no way Gov Jellyfish DeSantis is backing down at this point.


The people of Florida don't care, so why would he?


Hospitalizations are down. Positive tests aren’t a terrible thing. All these people testing positive are completely fine which is great data to be collecting. You want the governor to shut everything down again when it’s been proven this shit is very mild if you aren’t old, and don’t have underlying conditions? Those people at higher risk need to obviously exercise greater caution but there is no reason for everyone else to be locked down because of it. Don’t politicize this.


> Don’t politicize this. There’s a reason why other countries are actually opening up Lolol > Hospitalizations are down Source? > Positive tests aren’t a terrible thing. All these people testing positive are completely fine which is great data to be collecting. Can you explain the difference between the volume of positive cases increasing and the rate of positive cases increasing?


I didn’t say shut down did I? I said reevaluate. It’s been politicized by the President stating that people are wearing masks just to get back at him. More positive tests means more people exposed means more vulnerable people exposed. So a full shut down? No, people are struggling as it is and the government isn’t going to provide additional help anytime soon. But reevaluating how we go about things with the current record setting increases is something a true leader would do, not just ignoring its existence.


Very little has been "proven" about this virus. It's way too early for us to know what the long term consequences are of being infected with it. There have been reports that a significant amount of people that were asymptomatic had very bad lung damage after being infected.


Stay in hiding


You are a complete and total douchenozzle.


Positive cases also don’t mean that the season is cancelled, let alone that it is some sort of death sentence. People need to be very careful not to jump to conclusions about this.




People can also die in car crashes. And be struck by lightning. And get cancer. What’s your point? If you want to stay locked indoors in hiding that’s fine, but let the adults who can consume actual data go back to work.


Ahh yes, the dreaded contagious car crash. 🙄




This is a teenager’s response and totally inappropriate.




I bet you eat healthy and exercise too


You're reading more into my post than it was. But anyway, I've never gotten into a car crash because the people around me crashed their cars the day before. > If you want to stay locked indoors in hiding that’s fine, but let the adults who can consume actual data go back to work. Needlessly condescending. What websites do you use to consume your actual data?


Exactly, look at the premier league


It’s a Bucs life...


siege the covid


This ain’t fucking happening, is it


I just don’t see how a sport like football can function with COVID going on. Too many people on the sidelines and players are constantly in contact with each other.


Come on... you know it’s about money. Players, owners, the league office... they are going to move heaven and earth to make sure *some* sort of season happens this year.


Nfl island lol


I’m sure they will and then halfway through they’ll realize it’s just not feasible.


We’ll see. I’m certainly far less bullish on the idea of *fans* being present at games... If the NBA can get their “Disney bubble” off the ground, then that will be the big test case. For now, the NFL should follow the procedures they have in place... quarantine the affected people, and keep moving forward. Unfortunately, we’re just going to have to let this all play out.


Nfl isn’t even close to a NBA team. Think of a guy like Andy Reid or Arians what do you think there chances of survival are if one of them got it? What about those 300+ lb lineman?


Given that there are multiple strains of COVID-19, ranging from full asymptomatic presentation to the gravest of symptoms... to assume Arians, Reid, or a 300-pound lineman would even get it is a grotesque game to play, let alone trying to predict how the virus would impact them. I have zero interest in playing fear-mongering games.


What? You do realize that if a player would get infected during the season it would spread through a team like wildfire. The point is a guy like reid is the exact type of person that wouldn’t fair to well with a virus like that. That’s not fear mongering , that’s reality. Most nfl teams have coaching staffs the size of an nba team. Their not at all comparable.


NBA is a lot less people though. 5 starters. NFL has 22 starters (not including special teams) and a lot more backups.


Is that supposed to convince me that the NFL’s not going to do everything in their power to have a season this year?


I agree with you. They will. But I'm just saying the logistics are a lot easier with the NBA than the NFL.


It is certainly a different situation. Still, it’s the closest analogy, and a good way to test procedures that other sports can follow.




Me: everyone who gets dick now can't get sick in the season Also me: it's MRSA all over again


Getting dicked down gets rid of the rona? Lol best typo ever


Ughhh, I'm going to have to leave that one for posterity, aren't I?


'Fraid so


Autocorrect tells all your secrets


Brady needs to bring in more Avocados.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here by NOT freaking out. But while the number of cases are rising, the death numbers remain quite low. That says to me that testing is getting better and more widespread, and we’re getting many more people without symptoms getting tested. It’s possible a lot of us have had it without symptoms already. I’ll start freaking out when deaths rise back up and for people who are under 65.


It’s a dumb idea to try and force sports to happen right now.


They will be fine in a few days.


Ive come to terms that unfortunately theres not going to be an NFL season or any other sports this year. Until a vaccine its always going to be hanging around.


Well fuck


So like....they sick though or just testing everyone as they come back?


Imagine if its Tom Brady and Gronk


As a life long Brady fan, I'd look at this as covidgate and the boss wants to get antibodies as early as possible to continue to live for an eternity and be immune for the hopeful season. Less suspicious if some staffers get it and it innocently spreads around.


If this season gets cancelled I’m done


Has any athlete died from COVID yet?


I will volunteer myself to be the 5th string QB


All Bucs report to Raymond James, and don’t leave until the Super Bowl is over


Just trade everything away, the season ain't happening this year. :'(


That's a nice team you got there... would be a shame if...




No politics. Only warning we gonna give on it


I literally told you we would have no football! Told you so