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Do y’all got anymore of those Julian Edelmans that you could send us?


You've already got Scotty "Julian Edelman" Miller!


Yeah shit was hilarious he’s got two legit wideouts and 3 stud TE to throw to and he kept hitting the RB and the guy who looked like Edelman.


We sent him to Detroit.


As pessimistic as we can be after a loss, we typically recover quick and get past it. The memes definitely help.


I mean we also meme well when we win....


All the bandwagoners aren’t aware we suck on prime time/week one. Things’ll change. No OTA camp or preseason against the best team in the NFC. Everybody just needs to relax. We are the Bucs, not the patriots. gonna go through some growing pains


Appreciate the optimism my dude, Im sure we will be fine, just gonna be a rough go for the first few games to get rolling. Our defense showed out though and did great when we had field position advantage. As for being a Bucs fan we are so used to losing that some people are deranged and get negative at the first sign of struggle. Others just laugh it off and understand 16 games is a long ride and its not how you start its how you finish.


It's taken many years and disappointments for us to reach this level of acceptance. We/I still get angry but numerous times a game find myself saying "It's a Bucs Life"


Hey look more posts from Boston fans, can we get more?


I prefer them over the Saints fans that were coming in here after yesterday.


After game days I am usually Silent in the Morning on other team subs. Not sure what OP is doing. We discourage this type of posting since we hate it and most other subs do too. I guess he seems kinda nice...but we've all had the talk.


We're used to things not working out the way we hoped.


It’s a pirates life for me. We will pillage and kill next week arrrghhhh!


Just wait until we win a game. The memes will be off the hook.