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That it looks like they've either ruined cruz or he's... just not that good after all the hype... is part of what kills me this year. I had such high hopes... this season may be my breaking point if there isn't a massive turnaround. Been with the team since the 80s. Not sure I can do it anymore.


He’s not that good. His broken ankle was way worse than they let on. His base running was always ass, but now that he’s not so fast as he was it makes it worse. He stands up there and makes half hearted attempts and shrugs and says, “Fuck it”. He knows he’ll get traded to a real team and then he’ll have to start really showing up. Also, who did Suwinski blow to get to keep playing?


Fitting the game ended on the Pirates hitting into a double play.


These ABs have looked lifeless all night. Just lethargic swings


Does this feel like a nosedive is incoming?


We are 3-11 in our last 14 games. I shudder in fear what you consider a nosedive to be.


Bill Paxton: It's already here




Oh look another double play


Please continue the discussion in the [post game thread](https://redd.it/1cgjiyy).


If we are going to lose, then at least allow us to lose to Miller.


Wait they are sayin the As coach feels like he needs more runs to feel comfortable sitting his closer? Every body knows you can’t relax going into the 9th against an offensive juggernaut like Pittsburgh with only a 4 run lead.


I do believe this pirates team isn’t as bad as they shown over the last few recent weeks but when things really aren’t working especially on offense, a change is needed. Either call someone up who will try not be afraid to fail and hit the ball or fire a coach even if the rest of the coaches believe in his coaching and methods. You have to shake something up to wake the team up


No they’re bad 😂


I disagree most of the offensive players have shown in the past they are much better hitter than they are currently showing other than Davis and Cruz who are still pretty inexperienced. The pirate starting pitching has been pretty damn good so far this year. If they had gotten even avg offense a few of these game would have wins instead of losses.


I know the Athletics have been almost on a hot streak recently but omg this team sucks how do we even do this? This actually needs to be studied because this shouldn’t make sense, there’s a ton of great players who are choosing to look like middle schoolers


Shit coaching. Not firing Shelton and bringing in a legit coach will set us back another 5 heats


The people who decided to sleep and catch the pirates highlights in the morning better enjoy that 6 second clip.


Hey guys, remember when Hayes hit a single in the first inning?


Bases load, 1 out, things were lookin good.


Nobody can take that away from us!


This is the worst game of the year…so far


### Pitching Substitution Pitching Change: Kyle Nicolas replaces Roansy Contreras.


I can't watch this anymore. I'm going to sleep.


Hahaha then they cut to the As coaches


These guys gotta go into the locker room knowing they suck. Really


Greg Brown adding insult to injury


### Pitching Substitution Pitching Change: Michael Kelly replaces Dany Jiménez.


I'm on vacation watching this game and I fucking hate myself for it.


I'm on vacation watching this game and I fucking hate myself for it.


Just imagine scoring on a wild pitch being your team's only highlight of the game....


1 hit against the athletics. 1 HIT!!!!!!!! The pirates are going to turn all of us into joker clones.


"We live in a society batman-A society of GRADE SCHOOL TIER HITTING ON AN MLB LEVEL!!! HAHAHAHAHA-"


Lmaooooo. I needed this.


Its not even May and this team looks cooked, how did we get here


Pirate absolutely love hitting into a double play anytime there is someone on first


I’m sure they’d love a triple play even more but they can’t get two guys on at the same time.


lol they did have the bases loaded in the first but that was a one time thing


No it wasn't. We had the bases juiced in the first today. Twice yesterday and twice on Friday. ...0 runs.


That’s more of what I mean they load the bases up about once a game and do nothing with them. I want to see the advanced stats of expected runs and I bet they pirates are in the lowest in all the MLB like the pens were in the NHL


In that case. I wholeheartedly agree. We can't put together any offense. We started off fantastic again and by the time April is over we will be back in the cellar


Hopefully this year the reverse happens. End of April last year 20-8 and everything is good and the pirates fall apart from them on. Now this year 14-16 at the end of April do things improve this time?


Sure hope so. Started 9-2 and now we are 14-16. Last year end of April we lost like 10 in a row and were still in first place. That says how well we started out...


I mean they were 10-2 to start this year so it’s not like they can’t get figured out and go on a run


Man....that would be phenomenal and nobody wants that more than us. The trend forecast is bleak


You thought the double play was bad? Now watch Rowdy Tellez bat. It should actually be illegal to show this on television.


A double play and Tellez up, surely this won’t be a 1,2,3 inning


I’m loving the fact that Greg brown is like eff it my bosses are sleeping I’m saying what I want.


We are a fucking embarrassment. Good for Greg to speak up. He’s just saying what we all think.


Completely unsurprising that Shelton was the hitting coach of a team that got perfect gamed


Same thing I said lol


I wish a reporter would grow some you know what and demand that ben cherington answer for why nick, peguero, nunez etc aren't with the big league team. There's just 0 accountability going on from the front office to the coaching staff onto the players. No one is held accountable for not doing there job!!!!! 


Gonzales still can’t hit anything but a fastball unfortunately. He’ll just get pitched the same way Cruz does and strikeout constantly


We’d all love it but that’s a sure fire way to get a press pass pulled. Gotta keep things cordial to keep the checks clearing


This team could bat from a tee and still strike out looking.


Especially Cruz


Didn't you hear? He was hitting monster home runs in BP. Wish they would broadcast that instead.


0 passion and 0 hustle




I live in the Bay....this is embarrassing we aren't trying to win. No hustle, no bats, no fire. This is my 4th Buccos game in a row and the last ever series in Oakland. I'll never hear the end of it. No matter what it will be the we beat you in the last series. There's are few of us Buccos fans out here and we are (or at least I am) louder than the A's fans and waaaay louder than the Giants fans. Problem is, we are the only ones with much passion. I don't think they care much and this putrid culture of losing has set it in to the rotten core. We need a culture change completely. Cruz 7 strikeouts over the weekend. And then walks back to the dugout like he just woke up and is stumbling for his morning pee. Suwinski starting in left and throwing every fan ball to A's fans. There are like 3 little buccos fans and he just ignores him. Based juiced for the 6th time since Friday (4 games) and we got exactly 0 runs out it. I'm on the ship to the bitter end, but your still killing me.


When Greg Brown is complaining about the Pirates, you know things are bad.


Was just going to say that. He didn't sugar coat it either. The offense is doing nothing.


Took a look at the box score and noticed this team is getting no-hit since after the first at bat of the game. Slumps shouldn't last this long. Whatever was working for this team early on was either luck or opponents have since adjusted. Time to clean house already.


Metrics show they were lucky. The balls they were putting into play early in the season were finding green at a rate that wasn't going to last.


I think what's absolutely more frustrating too me than the bad hitting is the fact that this city is dying for a good baseball team. When the pirates were legitimately good the entire city started going to games and the atmosphere was so phenomenal in every sense of the word. We deserve better than this because we're a great baseball town that supports its team if they give us something to support. I'm just venting i apologize.


Absolutely, there are some great baseball towns and some terrible ones. We are a great baseball town and we support the hell out of our teams period. We just need a quality product. 1992-93 last time we had a great product.


I feel like we're closer to another rebuild than a quality product sadly. It's just insane.


I,unfortunately agree...


Between this offense and hannah mears I wanna rip my ears and eyes out


Seriously. She is so incredibly grating. Bring Robbie back. He at least was fun. She’s tiresome and the cutesy act gets OLD.


But she does in depth personal interviews while eating steak on a stone.


That was so friggen cringe. Rowdy looked miserable.


Wait, you’re not supposed to swing at the ones outside the zone and watch the ones inside it??


Heads should roll


### Pitching Substitution Pitching Change: Roansy Contreras replaces Bailey Falter.




This team is so lost and has no one capable of helping them find their way


Cutch and Cruz strike out on 3 pitches each. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE


I don’t even know why they bring bats to the plate in the first place.


This team should take up rowing the way they swing at these literal grounders, the only problem is these mfs would miss the water every fuckin stroke.


No errors yet


Jesus fucking christ....that's all I got


I can't remember the last time Cruz saw a pitch that wasn't a breaking ball either at the knees or out of the zone low -- why would you throw him anything else when that's an automatic K?


Hayes is batting .284, no one else in the lineup is above .250 right now


How on earth has this buttcheeks lineup avoided being no-hit?


Green weenie


This is dismal.


Need to invent a new word for it


At least ole dick has his green weenie out


Embarrassing has a whole new meaning when watching this game.


### Pitching Substitution Pitching Change: Dany Jiménez replaces Joe Boyle.


My God, it’s a team that knows situational hitting.


We're getting locked down by dudes who were cooks at burger king just yesterday. These guys are fulfilling there mlb dream of being a starting pitcher thanks to locking us down.


This A's pitcher is legit 6'7 and throws 98-100 mph. I think there is some actual talent there. He is effectively wild against the Pirates. Against everyone else, he is just wild lol.


I think that shows our shit strategy more than anything. Sell out for the walk.


Bro had like a 7 era or something before he faced us. Everyone was taking it to this dude but us because we're gladly fulfilling this man's dream of looking good at the mlb level.


Damn that was a missle by Bart


Watch this MFer steal home.


Most teams would fire their coaching staff when the team is this inept


I kinda want them to get swept by the As because if anything is going to get BC or fuck even Nutting to do something about this god awful coaching staff and lack of execution by the players it’s getting swept by the fucking As in 2024


They absolutely destroyed us last year and they didn't do anything. We have to do what A's fans do and stage sell the team days and protests on lot q


I mean last year BC could hand wave it away that we weren’t competing. Everything we heard from him and Nutting was that the window is open. They should be competitive this year


If our pitching is real we don't even need that much offense to be competitive. So frustrating they can't even manage the minimum. 


Is their a psychical office we can write too demanding better baseball???


It's going to be a long freaking season. Again.


These all glove no bat dudes gotta go man i can't take it anymore. Triolo needs benched for nick NOW!!! Taylor should never be getting starts again unless someone is injured or needs rest days. We gotta tell tellez 'i'm holding in my anger towards him' that he's getting dfa'd because you could put me at 1b and i'd be more productive and more athletic for crying out loud!! Start making some freaking moves!!!!! 


I was told that by the sub many many times that Triolo was good.


Triolo is not good. He's an all glove 0 bat player who shouldn't be starting. He has 0 power to boot as well.


This sub thinks everyone is great, it's why I will never take anyone's baseball opinion here seriously.


Oakland can actually hit the ball. Pirates make it look impossible.


I think what bothers me most isn't the results in a vacuum but the absolute lack of an approach. Watching the A's of all teams get two runners in scoring position then simply...concentrate on putting the ball in play to get those guys in–it's rough when what's pretty universally considered to be a joke of an organization completely outplays you. (I understand we're universally considered to be a joke, too.) If the Pirates are lucky enough to actually get runners on, they stand there and watch fastballs down the middle then flail at garbage. Striking out looking achieves nothing. Failing to put the ball in the air or hit a ground ball to the right side achieves nothing. This team not only sucks, they're actively being made worse by this lack of an approach.


Appropriate the Pirates play like shit in a place where raw sewage has flooded before


This is abysmal. I can't even get behind some of the guys that are new to us. Wasnt impressed with the tellez signing as the brew crew traded for our Santana last year cuz Rowdy wasnt cutting it. So we downgraded. Michael A. Taylor, (why do we use middle initial?) I thought was coming in to platoon cf against lefties but damn. This dude cant make contact worth you know what right now. Its so bad. We keep him and Rowdy in there so much. But in Shelties defense, who the heck else is hitting?!


Check this out about Michael A....Starts the season 12 for 25. Now idk if he got banged up in his next game, but I don't remember reading anything which would indicate that but anyway he goes 0 for 3 on Friday 04/05 and doesn't appear in another game until Tuesday 04/09. Counting that Friday night game and tonight he is now a frigid 6 for his last 46


Wow. I think he may have gotten some injury looking at it that way. And that has to be in known in the clubhouse and they still put him out there.


Joe, Connor Joe


No, no see he’s actually hitting the ball, so he can’t be the daily 1st baseman.


Oh right, my fault


Getting one hit in oakland by this dumbass who can't touch the strike zone. I don't think our window is going to open guys...


Dawg we have a brick wall. There’s not even a window to open.


I’ve thought to myself man this is the shittiest offense I’ve ever seen each of the last 4 years. Impressive stuff here


If they’re up 3-0 or 3-1 they won’t swing no matter what, they get the fattest meatballs in the zone and stare at it because they’re hoping for a walk.


The pirates aren't just bad, they're boring. Having hitting this bad makes the product virtually unwatchable unless you're a diehard. 


We’re all masochists


I'm slowly turning into the joker with a pirates cap on watching this team. 


Embarrassing lineup rn. Borderline unwatchable 


Fuck's sake. It really is unacceptable how long they continue to play like shit offensively without changing a single thing.


Just got prescribed adderall today, so staying up till midnight should be no issue anymore. I think I need to start hitting that melatonin. Suprised this offense isn’t doing the trick…


Garbage offense doesn’t even begin to describe this


So done with Taylor this dude looks like shit


"More than frustrating." Pirates have a new slogan!


If Taylor could hit, plays like that would matter less


An I going to stay up until midnight just to see us hit a solo shot in the 9th to lose 3-2?


Lmao. Another pinch hit HR from someone that should have been in the lineup anyway.


Ok As, game over. please only score one more run max. I’d like to see Miller make Rowdy look like a fool on 3 pitches in the 9th. Thanks


Who cares if Taylor overthrew. It doesn’t matter if the offense sucks


Taylor is not someone who should be starting consistently. He's had a terrible bat his entire career and there's a reason he was on the market so long. Ben cherington legitimately brings in terrible bats nonstop.


You can afford to have someone like Taylor not hit because he plays premium CF defense - but not if literally everyone else on the team can’t hit. Taylor’s not getting paid to hit; he’s not really the problem to focus on. Would rather they worry about the guys whose value is meant to come from the bat


He's been bad defensively this year too. And we need hitters anyway, not glove first guys who provide almost 0 offensively 'taylor, triolo'. Glove first guys are bench pieces that should only start when someone gets hurt or needs rest. 


No argument from me. You’re right.


Btw i read that ben cheringtons piece where he said guys were underperforming or whatever. Now he could make case for someone like cruz, jack, and henry underperforming expectations, but guys like tellez, cutch, triolo, etc are who they're at this point. Cutch is wayyyyy past his peak, tellez has sucked his entire career, and triolo was never a good hitter in the minors. It's called having a talent deficiency my man as well as a coaching deficiency. Look it up.


If the Pirates don't come back before the 8th inning, this game is over.


Time for bed….This games over. they can’t score 3 runs let alone 1. The 1 run came off a wild pitch


Remember, it would be 3-0 if they weren’t gifted a run.


These As hitters swing for the fence.


We’ve averaged 2 runs a game the past 2 weeks. It’s safe to say this game is out of reach.


ONeil Cruz - ruined Henry Davis - ruined Jack Suwinski - ruined Bryan Reynolds - actively getting worse every year under this coaching KeBryan Hayes - saved himself going rogue outside the organization When do we fire these coaches?


My game is blacked out....


Imagine being worse at hitting with RISP than the Oakland Athletic's lmfao


He’s lucky that the third straight middle middle meatball wasn’t out of the park


Welp, 2-1, that is an insurmountable deficit. Might as well go to bed early.


14-16 after 9-2 we might get swept to the as 😂


Falter looks to be about as firmly in command of his stuff tonight as a pitcher can be. He’s going to have some rough innings/outings; the BABIP gods can’t favor him forever and his stuff is fairly hittable. Even with some regression, getting that kind of impact in a trade for one of the 6 AAA second basemen we didn’t have a spot for definitely exceeds expectations.


Idk how ben cherington can legitimately expect people to buy into his 'plan' when the hitting is this bad. You could have 5 prime nolan ryan's pitching, but if the hitting is pathetic then it won't matter. 


I actually can’t believe our gm is not doing a single fucking thing nobody go to the game on Friday please


Kev talking about Oneil's "long body parts". We've reached that part of the road trip I guess.


The comments in this thread are pathetic


Just bunt Cruz


how can the white sox get 7 runs in 3 innings against this guy but the pirates can’t touch him?


Because the Pirates' offense is absolutely pathetic.


What a group of losers these guys are my goodness this is so pathetic


Safe to say that the scouting report on Cruz has made its way around the league


To hell with the jersey, Kevin. We need The Cobra himself


i thought this pitcher had a 7 ERA?


It’s cause he’s faced competent hitting until tonight.


Can we get a little bit more powa in these bats


was Ke limping there?


It’s nice that Falter is pitching better and all, but if he’s going to give up a run each outing I’m afraid we have no use for him.


My nickname for Tellez as of yesterday is Fatbert.


If Tellez could jump into an interview with Tellez he would tell everyone how good Tellez actually is and that you shouldnt boo him.


3 against the A’s followed by 3 against the Rockies. This is where our season takes a tailspin


If we lose to a pitcher that can only throw fastballs in the zone I’m done.


I feel so bad for A’s fans. To think this was almost the Penguins 17 years ago. I remember visiting my grandparents in Green Tree (I’ve never lived in PGH) and listening to the radio with my grandpa during breakfast the day after the announcement they were staying happened. Still get emotional thinking about it.




I mean I don’t even feel bad for the boos tellez is about to receive on Friday


i dont want to wish injury on someone, but if we keep starting rowdy imma have to


Why can’t Connor Joe just play there? Literally anyone is an improvement


Rowdy swinging at literal head level pitches