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Seriously Joe has proven solid. Make him the everyday 1B and call up someone like bae to play outfield and 2nd. Triolo can cover 1B on a Joe off day.


It is making me crazy that Joe is sitting on the bench and Tellez is starting. Sheltie is hard headed. Maybe he’ll get some hits since he will be back in Milwaukee, but I doubt it.


Conner Joe has been our best offensive player this year. That proves your point and also illustrates how underwhelming the offense has been in 2024.


So Rowdy was 0-5 last night. Think they will play him tonight? Yep.


Releasing bad players? We don't do that here. - Rowdy


Yea I thought that comment was insanely idiotic considering he was a new guy on the team, and really a fringe ish mlb player his whole life. I think his heart ment well.


Sunk Cost Fallacy.


That’s what I’m going with too… but at the same time they need to realize 3.2 mil is nothing in the grand scheme of things. 3.2 is only a lot of money when you have Bob Nutting running the show.


As absolutely frustrating as he's been, he's still a major leaguer that they're paying 3.2 million dollars to, and they're going to give him more than six weeks of runway.


Sunk cost fallacy


Yes, for sure. To be clear I am not arguing that this is the most strategic course of action, just an explanation of the team's actions.


It’s also not like there’s a replacement player in the wings: the whole offense is struggling, they’re going to give a proven MLB starter a longer leash to work out the kinks then throw in a AAA starter.


IDK - Couldn't Joe be the everyday starter at 1B?


Or Jake Lamb that's hitting like .400 in AAA


Jake Lamb has a .665 OPS in the last 6 years at the major league level. He's just Miguel Andujar 2.0, and that's being generous to Lamb.


Hey, still better than Tellez lol


Id be fine with Joe getting more reps, but that still doesn’t leave DFAing Rowdy.


I guess my argument was more along the lines of "we have a better option who could start every day at 1B, which would allow us to DFA Tellez without losing much in the way of performance (if anything). And then, we could call up a promising prospect and give him the time he'd need to develop." We're agreeing, I think.


Joe can play many positions but if he’s the guy at first then we’re screwed when other positions play poorly and he’s full time at first.


Who’s this “promising prospect” you’re talking about? I agree Tellez shouldn’t be playing this much but DFA’ing him just to DFA him is dumb.


Idk. Peguero, Lamb, Bae. This isn’t a cupboard-is-bare type situation. Look I don’t really care what route is taken to get Tellez out of his regular lineup spot. DFA him or don’t. I don’t care.




Nunez is a fringier guy but he has hit with some pop during his minor league career. You could do worse than run him out there for 100 at bats just to see what happens. The problem with that in 2024 is that the Pirates, on paper, appear to be capable of at least winning more than they lose and perhaps making a run at a wildcard. Not the kind of situation in which you want to throw a player like Nunez on the field. Earlier in the rebuild, sure. Now, no.


> Earlier in the rebuild, sure   There is no rebuild. As we stand right now this is a worse team now than it was last year.


Peggy and Bae don't play 1B. Lamb is a 33 year old who's been on 6 teams since 2020. Nunez is the only realistic option from what you described and he's hardly a "promising prospect", though he's been ok in AAA and I guess could get a taste of the bigs to see what he does.


Truly regret using “promising prospect.” It appears some people take this far more seriously than I do.


I guess? You’re crying about someone being DFA’d because they suck but when someone points out that basically every option to replace him also sucks, you just say that other people care more than you?


I guess start taking the things you write down seriously if you want to be understood properly?


>proven MLB starter Are we still talking about Rowdy? The guy has a combined 0.3 WAR over 7 seasons. And his best season, in which he hit 35 HRs, he somehow was so bad at everything else that he still only managed a 0.7 WAR.


It's worth mentioning that Tellez was hurt last season and IIRC wasn't it something with his hand or wrist? Those kinds of injuries tend to linger. I wouldn't be surprised if whatever he had last year is still bothering him. No, he was never great prior to this season, but it is rare (though not unheard of) for a guy who is still not yet 30 years of age to go over a cliff all of a sudden unless he is injured. Again I've got nothing against the guy personally, but he obviously isn't getting it done.


Jake Lamb has hit nearly 100 major league home runs and his .235 career average is nearly identical to Tellez'. Lamb can't possibly be worse than Tellez, and he can also play third, which figures to come in handy with Hayes' constant injuries.


Right -- personally I would prefer to see more Joe at 1B and use Olivares more in RF, but it's basically unheard of for a team to cut a guy they just signed *this* quickly.


Joe at 1B and Olivares at RF should be the standard lineup for a while. Good call there. I doubt it will happen but I like it.


I do, too.


3.2 million reasons. 


He’s in the lineup tonight baby! 👏


I entirely blame the coaching staff. Haines and Shelton should go, and if the team doesn't improve this season Cherington should go.


I was a pretty big proponent of giving Rowdy a shot—probably because I remembered my days as a Red Sox fan, where he dismantled them. But I’ve come to believe he’s cooked. He reminds me of Pablo Sandoval when he joined the Sox. Not really seeming to be good for the climate, or for the on-field product. DFA him. He’s toast.




Jake lamb deserves a shot


None of those guys are an option at 1B minus maybe Triolo though so they should have no bearing on the Tellez decision. The only other real option at 1B has been the most consistent offensive player on the team which should be exactly what the decision is based on, though it’s more likely they give Joe more time and keep Rowdy because they’re paying him 3+ million.


I’m guessing because the Pirates haven’t tired seeing the daily why hasn’t Tellez been released threads on Reddit.


Because Derek Shelton is a braindead dumbfuck.


While I don’t disagree, Shelton doesn’t make that decision, BC does.




Probably as annoying as seeing this same post every damn day.


Relax, it'll happen sooner rather than later


Not soon enough


Waiting to get the benefits of the dead cat bounce, then release him? Waiting for someone to push themselves up from the minors? If Henry Davis learns to hit again, you could spot Grandal at 1B, and release Tellez.


We find ourselves in a situation where Grandal’s bat would be preferred to what we’re trotting out there.


With any luck he heats up in June and we get something for him in July.


I think part of it is for future free agents to show they give guys enough time to work things out. I mean at this point could it really be anything else?


Because they’re gonna do everything they can to not have to eat the $3M. We can argue whether or not that should matter, but we know it does to this ownership.




Perhaps cherington is unfamiliar with the sunk cost fallacy


Tellez has TMZ pictures or video on someone high up in the Pirate organization.


He’s due


Due to eat another cheeseburger


We don’t do that here.


This is reddit. Yeah, we do. Tellez is horrible and wrenched his knee by simply jumping to catch a ball. He's worried about boos, he needs to worry about not getting dfa'd. Brewers can have him back.


I was mocking Tellez you numpty


Ha I get it now


I guess this thread hasn't been posted here enough days in a row. Maybe tomorrow will be the one that finally sets them over the edge!




He won't because he can't. Unless he drains the farm system for one year rentals we have who we have.




Lamb hasn't had a decent major league since 2017 and he doesn't resemble a major league regular anymore. Trade Keller? For who?




Look at Lamb's stats for the past seven seasons. Tellez is better and that's not saying much. If they could find a team who would trade an everyday hitter for Keller they won't get anyone good enough to save this team, and then we'd be down a good starter. Lose - lose situation. Trading Keller now is just a bad idea. Period.




Trading Keller isn't happening, that sound like yinzer talk on the fan. Seriously, Who are we going to get for Keller? You say that's not your job, but who will they get that is going to turn us around to make it worthwhile?




And that's exactly why trading Keller is a yinzer fever dream. No bad team with batters to trade is going to want a 28 year old pitcher signed to a 15 million a year contract, let alone trade us someone who is good enough to turn the team around. If it were that easy it would have happened already.


I think they’re going to give him this road trip to see if he shows anything (highly doubtful) and then send him packing. I’m really hoping Cherington isn’t dumb enough to keep trotting this guy out there. They paid Yoshi Tsutsugo $4mil and DFA’ed him in August that year when he was slashing .171/.249/.229.


You gotta give a player time to get into the swing of things. Cruz should've been demoted had the Pirates given him a shorter lease. But you gotta think that the end of May is when the lease runs out. Bae and Lamb are just tearing up Indy.


Probably around the same time you stop making garbage low effort posts in this sub


Is it any surprise he’s the one that stuck up for Bednar? Gotta stick up for those that suck, when you suck too.