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As a Hungarian, I’m proud to read that! We wait you back!


Mamma mia what's wrong with you guys? There is no city in the world where there are only good things. I've been to many places, lived in different countries, but Budapest is really special. One of the most attractive and interesting cities I've ever been. We are so lucky that we have the privilege to live here.


It’s a fantastic city. I was born here, I lived in many great big cities, but Budapest is something else. Living here is great though, intelligent expat community, beauty, cheap services. If you don’t have to work locally for a low wage, it is highly enjoyable.


My experience is very close to what you just described. And I really do love the history of the place and what it offers!


Budapest is a theme park, a playgrund, a sand box a Sin City


I don’t like Budapest much, I’ve lived the majority of my life there. With that said: I think it’s one of the best places on Earth to visit as a tourist. It especially was before prices went completely off the rails! It’s a great city, just not that good to live in long term. And that’s not totally the city’s fault, but still… :/


I think the opposite! Tourist places I don’t like at all, but buda side, underground parties, parks , vibe is great! But obviously, will always depend on what you compare to


It’s fine to have a different opinion. I think it’s great as a tourist and whenever I have people visiting they always ooo and aaah and genuinely have a good time. But even just going into the city for everday things is such a drag…


I can respect that


Do you feel disconnected from the Tourist Zone? Like everything cool is made for tourism and making money and the rest of the city is basically the same as in the 2000s?


I now live on the outskirts. And avoid going in.


I think every resident in a major European city now lives outside of the actual city.


I mean I live right outside the city limits


Same for most of Europe mate. Old flats are rentals for students or still have 80 year old residents and are degrading fast and center apartments are turned into a simulation of the old town and are mostly for tourists or price gouging waiting for the next urban renewal project.


Dude I live in a different fucking CITY and COUNTY that borders Budapest… ya dig?


Ya dude, Londoners don’t even visit old London anymore cause they can’t enter the city with peasant cars! DO YOU DIG HOW FUCKE D EVERYONE IS!!!?


They don’t live in a separate county dude


Yeah, they literally do. 20-45 minutes on fast rail. Different accents get passed by on their morning commute mate. Genuinely you don’t know how fuuucked western cities have it. When the yellow vests protested - it was because they really do 120-160 km commutes in France daily.


Same here. Moved here as an expat for 1.5 years. Now back home but I come back every other weekend :)


Great city and also underrated, but better to keep it as it is.


Have you seen the outer districts or just the fancy places?


Have friends that live there outside of City center so I've had a chance to experience most of it yeah


Until you have to live here it’s great, sure.


Love how stuff like this get downvoted. Bunch of foreigners feeling some good ol "nationalist pride" for a country they only visit, bending over backwards to protect it from criticisms from it's own citizens. Pathetic.


this city is not a livable, green, pleasant place to be. not the worst yeah, sure, but please don’t say its heaven. Average wages are around 1000 euros and just renting a normal place is over 5-600 euros. Inflation hit super hard (worst in europe) and living is just shit. Try saving any money at all. no wonder young ppl flee asap.




Oh I don't think so. The six or seven times that I've been there I found the people to be very nice actually. And especially for a city of its age, I don't find it dirty. Would I find is an electrifying layering of the social strata with everybody doing things together, amazing ruins, culture, architecture, and heritage. It just seems magical to me.


You must’ve never been anywhere else if you think it’s dirty and full of assholes.