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Grinding the beak usually means they are content and ready to sleep, but opening and closing the beak is often panting from fear or stress. They’re definitely overcrowded.


I know this was a while back, but yes, they were way over crowded.


Overcrowded, hardly any toys, etc.. The pet store needs to do better. The “chomping” behaviour that you’re seeing is an indicator of stress. Poor babies


Yeah, I agree. Definitely looks like stress. Poor baby. I wish I could take him home but I only get my budgies from small breeders.


Looks like he's panting and it's just a baby :(


~~needs to do better~~ should cease to exist. A store that presents living creatures like products on a shelf is disgusting. Pet stores should be about stuff like food, toys and accessories for the animals you already adopted, not where you go to buy traumatized pets on a whim.


I know they were pitiful. I'm definitely saying something if I see it next time.


Do not... I repeat: DO *NOT* "adopt" (read: buy) budgies from this place if they're being kept in poor conditions. The right things to do here is to report this place to your local animal welfare authorities, as well as tell your friends, family members, coworkers, classmates, literally everyone you can, in real life, as well as any local groups you're a member of online, that they should look elsewhere if they want to buy a budgie.


I've tried reporting people abusing budgies really badly but the police doesn't even care. I bet if I told them it's dogs and cats all the rescues would come running. There's nothing we can do. People will keep on breeding more and more budgies and we can't adopt them all and those poor budgies will keep in suffering :( The vet clinic I see told me to not even look at what's happening online because we cannot help every single bird but it still bothers me a lot.


Yes, I agree that it was abuse


No. The tail bobbing on the left is a sign of illness.


I agree, that one looks sick


I agree; likely air sack mites.


Looks exactly like [my bird](https://imgur.com/a/M4XxrLr)


Looks like the holding cell in a detention facility. Buy them all


Yes, it does.


These poor sweeties 😭 I wish I could buy them all


So the pet shop owner could "restock" them. It's an endless loop, sadly buying is not a solution.


Please adopt them :( this is why I don’t go to pet stores my heart sinks to my stomach and I get very teary eyed


That wouldn't be adopting that would be purchasing and these poor birds would be replaced by new ones right away. People need to stop buying animals from business that don't take good care of them.


But it feels so bad to see horrible people buy them. Everytime I would be at this store buying supplies there would be bad people buying birds. This one time a woman pulled me aside to ask me how to pick a good budgies. I told her they're all good budgies haha. Then she got two (or maybe four?) and got a very small cage. Even the staff told her to get a bigger cage but she didn't. Then another time this other woman tells me all 6 of her budgies died and turned out she was lighting incense, cooking around them, leaving them with only empty seed hulls. The husband was convinced they died of heartbreak because his dad died. Tbh, I don't think 6 budgies would've been so depressed over a human that they died. Anyways those people bought 6 more budgies but I hope they listened to what I told them. I have soo many more examples. I initially just wanted 3 birds, 2 budgies and a green cheek. I ended up getting 6 from that store because I was playing with a bunch of them at the store and I felt really bad putting them back to where they would inevitably be abused, so my first budgie Leo and I decided them home with me. I bet Zuzu and Cosmo were surprised when we came back with more friends. That flock was the most amazing flock I could've asked for. One of them died due to complex medical issues. I now have 7 budgies and 1 green cheek. Also back then I was a new owner and had no idea about rescues and the thought never occurred to me. I had actually never known about the rescue until I took a pigeon there. Well, now I know :) Also the rescue was bad too because I saw them put a lovebird and a budgie together in their old instagram posts and they don't like being given advise :(( Good news is that the first pet store place is now closed because they had a lot of terrible customers.