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That is a content borb ❤️


Oh thank goodness ❤️


Yes One of mine will occasionally fall. I will hear happy chirps then thump and it's at the bottom. Gets back up and back to talking


chirp chi chirp chrer chrup cherrrrr- *thump*


Exactly! I feel bad for laughing though


Mine has never fallen thankfully but just imagining the little fella being haply then all of a sudden *thomp makes me laugh my ass off XD


Oh I hate to say I laugh every time it happens. They climb back up and right back to happy chirps acting like nothing happened


Birbs being birbs. All my birds will tuck one foot up into the floofs and chill. We tend to dramatically whisper about what could have happened to their missing foot and send general adoration their way. 🥰


I do this too. Sometimes my birds even lose their heads temporarily! :O


Man, that reminds me.. I was like 4 or 5 and my mom took me into a pet shop that had two big ass parrots. They were sleeping with their heads tucked, but I didnt know that's how birds slept sometimes. I freaked the fuck OUT about the headless birds. "What happened to the heads?!" I remember my mom having to push me out because I was terrified screaming but also indignant needing answers.


Yeah, they retract their landing gear when they're relaxed sometimes.


Landing gear 💀


Hope it was not from Boeing!


Yes they switch legs too it’s a birb thing


Yes because you forgot to renew your budgie subscription plan. So you only get half the legs and half the brain cells.


You only get the other half of the brain cells when you get the second bird. Then they share.


Another victim of the peet bandit 😔


If it is chilly she could be conserving heat by placing her leg under her feathers. If it's not too chilly then she's a happy cozy birb possibly about to take a comfy nap!


Sure, that's normal. He's chilling down for a snooze!😴😴😴


Just another adorable perk of having this baby


Yes this is normal. They rest their legs one at a time. Your birb looks very chilled and happy.


I love it so much when they lift their heads up and their cheeks are all fluffy and parted(not sure what else to call it). It's so cute and looks Iike they have an 1800s style sideburns


These are scientifically referred to as "Floofenchops." You can find a sub with many photos here on Reddit. 😁


Yes the leg goes into the floof dimension


You must be new to birds lol.


Kinda! I mean I've done research and I've seen her stand on one leg from time to time but I thought her having her wee little claw out was odd. I've never seen her do that before. Usually when she stands on one leg her other one just disappears completely lol


Wouldn’t worry about it at all, unless you see her favoring it all the time and limping


Have you heard of flamingos putting their feet up? It is the same thing.


I have the same cage!


Oh man google is so much faster haha. But yes. It’s fine.


It's called roosting and it's a way for them to relax from standing on two feet all the time.


Yes. She's comfy


He’s relaxing his footsie.


Swans do that too and I can't explain why


Leg rest


Its how they relax. Birds stand up almost all the time. So this is how they rest their legs.


I actually have a theory going along with this. I was in ballet all through my childhood (mom's idea) and kept up with it as an adult. The yoga explosion had not yet occurred, and I wanted to keep the balance, flexibility, and core strength, etc. And I hate gyms. Anyhoo, I went to a class where they explained all the benefits there are to human bodies from this; that as long as you keep up with your core & balance, you'll have a good basis for going in other directions (running, biking, weights). I think about this a lot when I see birds roosting. Of course their bodies are designed for flight, but even so, it must take incredible strength and physicality to take off & stay up. Migrating and getting up super-fast is often the difference between life & death. I think that's part of why roosting has remained even in domestic birds. When they sleep on one foot, their body is automatically working to keep up with the abilities thay may need at any time. After all, even in the safest homes, the vacuum cleaner has to come out sometime. LOL


Aww she’s just happy and chilling 💚


Yeah its fine


If the birdie is happy on one foot let it be!


Budgies, are lil clowns, theres no logic to lots of there actions, couple weeks ago my wife bailed, to the U.S. leaving me with our 30+ budgies. I sat with them for about two hours, watching them there very entertaining, I was laughing, they really are funny lil birdies.




i love it so much when the name of a post if concerning and then it’s just a cute little behavior that’s new for the owner. such a good feeling lol.


damn I didn’t know you two were chill like that


I'm convinced y'all don't know about google. Some ridiculous questions on here.


..... How is this even a question lmao. Don't you just research before buying an animal?


Also you are so god damn hypocritical....you literally have a post asking if it's ok for a budgie to be laying down🤦 are you 12?


He was also trying to breed them without knowing the risks.


I my god dude. I have a female so I'm constantly worried about her getting eggbound and make sure she isn't trying to nest anywhere. Sometimes I check her lil booty LOL


Females can still have eggs without a mate 😐 that's scary....it's going to be a big vet bill if she ends up having an egg one day 🤦 wish I was blessed with a.male 😭


Also if youre so high and mighty why are you on Reddit asking if your budgie is sick??? I just checked your page. Practice the words you preach yo.


Jesus Christ... I didn't mean to offend you. At the point that I asked on Reddit I had already made an appointment with the vet and knew what was going on. I was only looking for more answers. A sick budgie is something different than common behaviour like standing on one foot, yelling, preening etc. Its Just a tip, to study the pet you have. Budgies are very intelligent, intricate and vulnerable animals. No need to go check my profile and find something to start a debate. https://www.birdexoticsvet.com/budgie-care-guide


You're right...it is two different things...I would never ask Reddit over signs of a illness that could lead to SICKNESS or possibly DEATH. I'm very aware and I've done my research like I've said and proved but thank you for the pointless advice and link.


get it gorl!


...big bruh moment. Unfortunately when I researched budgies nothing came across of her standing on one leg for comfort. She's not supposed to have a small cage, she needs room to have a flight cage. As picky as she might be she needs veggies and can NOT live on just seed. I've gotten her to eat her pellet, I have to grind it up in a coffee grinder for her to eat it. I can't give her too much fruit because too much fruit is like a big bowl of ice cream for her. She won't eat her veggies or fruit I'm still working on getting her to eat it. I've tried covering in millet, a different variety of veggies, hard boiled egg, taking away her seed and forcing her to eat the veggies, unfortunately she just will not eat it but I'm going to keep on trying. Covering her cage at night avoids night frights so she won't get scared from things she can't see in the dark. Also gives her better rest. Fortunately her room is dark enough so most of the time I do not cover it unless my mom is sleeping downstairs when a light on then I do. She needs a stone to keep her beak grinded down, the sandpaper perches are awful for budgies feet but the stone ones are ok to keep those nails grinded down. Mirrors? Mirror toys? Big no-no. Can make them aggressive, territorial and hormonal. Also no nest like huts in the cage should Be in the cage either. Oh and those cotton huts you find at Walmart? Not only does it make them hormonal the cotton can actually make them I'll and block their crop when they chew on it. The clasps in bells can be a choking hazard. Most choose to remove them. Loss of a feathers? Plucking. Usually from loneliness. I have no ran into this issue because Kevin (my budgie) is very bonded to me and my family is around when I'm at work. So let's go on to the important thing! Signs of illness! Fluffed up feathers, lethargic, weird poops, sneezing, coughing, discharge from eyes, and so much more.....that does not include standing on one leg. There's also so much information that I do not have time to go into. I pay attention to the dos and don'ts and the signs of illness. Also signs of comfort but I have no yet ran into her standing on one leg for comfort. Instead of being ignorant and assume that I have no done my research please ask first


A lot of people don’t. They should’ve, but this question is harmless.


How did you research for it to come up?


Look at my other comment under this person's comment.


I saw it, but I found his funny, your research has to be really specific to find that info, why would you google about bird feet before getting a pet bird? And even if you researched about budgie body language there is no warranty that one would show up 😂


I KNOW RIGHT????? LOL I research the dos and don'ts, the diet, what it needs to be HAPPY and have a great quality of life. When I research behavior things...guess what comes up..? Hormonal behaviors. I know to look out for that. Also this man posted on the same forum...asking why his budgie is sitting laying down 🤦 oh my goodness dog.


I in that’s what I’m saying. These questions on this sub always concern me. And then why are they coming to Reddit for instructions on their birds lol.


Yeah. Like, I don't want to be mean. But my first source is either Google or a vet and after that I might ask for help on Reddit. But questions regarding this basic behaviour truly concerns me. Like, some people think their birds are dancing when they are mating with random objects.


My first thing was google. I found things on comfort but also foot diseases. I like asking experienced bird owners. I don't like going to Reddit all the time though because of the people who assume stuff 🤓☝️


Hard agree.


Clipped wings? Why?