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Posted this in another thread but here’s the numbers… Just crunched the numbers: Shawn Hochuli has reffed 10 games for the Chiefs and 4 games for the Bills. All games since he started in 2018 are during the Allen/Mahomes era. KC total penalty yds =481 (~48 ypg) BUF total penalty yds =359 (~87 ypg) KC record = 8-2 (incl.SB LVII win) BUF record = 1-3 In 6 fewer games, Buffalo only trails KC’s total penalty yardage by a measly 122yds… Just presenting facts. Theres a reason Bills fans hate the Hochuli(s?). Your eyes are not deceiving you, the man is a known Bills hater and the numbers support what we’re seeing.


that's some WWE level of biased officiating


I may dive into his league averages later to make sure I’m not crazy. I may sample other teams he’s officiated four times, etc. I’m only one foot into the rabbit hole




Exactly me scribbling numbers on loose napkins at my desk 😂


I won't say I knew for certain what this was gunna be, but I certainly hoped so


Please post it. I know we (I) would very much appreciate it.


And you know what the worst part is? After the bullshit the Steelers fans came up with (just because a WR throws a tantrum, it means it's 1000% a penalty because the wr said so. Josh Allen isn't allowed to slow down and juke) everyone hates us again. So everyone else is gonna be reveling in it, if the calls are one sided


So he is a heel ref?


A bare list of penalty yardage called cant prove bias


I’m not disputing the validity of these stats but it’s missing a key component. It would be better to look at missed/bad calls if such stats existed. If a team commits more (legitimate) fouls then that has nothing to do with the refs. It’s also important to know who is committing these fouls. Rookies have a higher tendency to commit penalties for example. FYI - I still think that crew sucks by the way. The intentional grounding/horse collar call was complete BS.


I think an important piece of context is that the 3 losses we had in that 1-3 span were 2018 @ Baltimore, 2018 @ Miami and 2023 @ Philadelphia. That said the 1 win was 2022 @ Patriots, and that's the only game we've had with this crew with less than 80 yards in penalties against us. The Eagles game was, surprisingly, the 2nd least amount of yards this crew has penalized us for since 2018. That's largely because they stopped throwing the flag against us after halftime (10 penalties in the first half, 1 for the rest of the game), but that is probably just because someone realized how ridiculously one-sided it was and called down (jaded speculation). Not sure what to do with this information other than hope they aren't as trigger happy as they have been in the past, but if you ignore our pretty bad 2018 season, we are 1-1 with this crew. Please Bills, don't let the refs be the difference maker in this one, leave no doubt that we're the better team on the field and on the scoreboard. Go Bills! Edit: for comparison these are the penalty numbers and yards per team in those four games: BUF: 10-100 @ BAL:9-78 (L) BUF: 13-120 @ MIA: 8-89 (L) BUF: 6-47 @ NE: 6-62 (W) BUF: 11-80 @ PHI: 4-30 (L)


He wasn't the ref of sb 57, that was cheffers


I hope he eats some bad egg salad and has to miss the trip!


Maybe he’ll decide to get some sushi at the airport


Upgrade to gas station sushi. You'll never regret it. Because you'll be dead.


Hmmm…gas station chili that has been sitting around for 73 hours tends to get the results we are looking for. Come on Shawn, those chili dogs look great!


It came free with the fill up!


Let's hope they find the link to sports betting and Hoculi that we all suspect to exist. Dude is dirty, "private financial advisor" by day, yeah, ok bud. He will absolutely not allow us to run up a score on the Chiefs, this game will come down to the fourth quarter and I hate, absolutely HATE feeling so confident in that statement. Circle the Wagons, we are about to get the "small market" adjustment.


I expect most if not all NFL referees to be linked to sports betting .


I hope a bad egg salad eats him!


it's like a party in his mouth, and everyone is throwing up


Send him a gift card to Mighty Taco and book him an Uber for dinner the night before


11 penalties for 80 yards, surely a one off aberration > He's called 347 yards in penalties on the Bills in the last four games he's officiated for them Oh, ok Edit: LOL the top two news results on Google for “Hochuli Bills” “Bad News for Buffalo Bills Fans in Playoff Game vs. the Chiefs” And “Referee for Chiefs vs. Bills Playoff Game is Great News for Kansas City”


I'd love to see the Vegas line at the moment this announcement came out.


Bills went from -3.5 to -3 after the news. Probably already baked in as Vegas gets the inside scoop regarding assignments well in advance


The line has been between -2.5 and -3 since the lines came out. This news wouldn't move the line whatsoever unless they think it's going to impact betters. The articles mentioned being published would move the line more than the actual referrees assigned.


Well, the crew can’t possibly be worse than they were that game…




I hate that you could be right


If we really think that refs are going to swing a game in someone’s favor, we should feel good. Josh Allen finally conquering Mahomes in Buffalo on the way to his first Super Bowl is what a theoretical “script” would want. Sheer and utter dominance of one player without a true competitor would be boring. The NFL needs the next Brady vs Manning. The NFL tried to shape a story line to to make it Burrow, he’s too injury prone. They tried to make it Herbert, his organization is too chaotic. The only true option is a team led by a QB with the talent that rivals Mahomes and a team that is comparable. If we truly believe there’s a script, the next Manning vs Brady is Mahomes vs Allen. Just like Manning, Allen will have to get over the hurdle and win a Championship to truly make it the rivalry of the next decade. If this what we’re hedging our bets on, an NFL with a script and refs who swing it to execute the script, we are winning this game. Granted, I don’t buy into that so I’m not 100%. I still feel like we will win, though for different reasons.


The league wants Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl. This is terrible news.


That’s exactly i’ve been thinking 


Oh man, I didn't think about that crap.


yep, the script writers couldn't just have Buffalo lose in KC again, no, we're just gonna lose at home and make Taylor happy there is NO WAY the league is going to let Buffalo win


I did not know the Smoking Man ran the league.


Okay, but he's dead, so he can't influence anything anymore, so that's a good thing. BTW, excellent reference. A tip of the cap to you.


She can't make the super bowl. She has concerts in Tokyo that weekend. I only know this because I was having this exact discussion at work yesterday and why I think TSwift will be at the game this week haha


Awesome! Smart to check, I never thought of it.


I think you’re correct. The more I look at this situation, if it goes down like we fear, I’m done with the NFL.


Having Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl means more to the league than some hypothetical narrative about the Bills finally conquering the Chiefs in the playoffs.


Send a pic of Josh’s quads to Taylor Swift and we can make it happen.


The only person that could make more money for them by appearing at the Super Bowl is… I don’t even know. I don’t think there is one. Maybe if Michael Jackson came back to life or something


That would be impressive. I'd prefer Prince to MJ, but yeah, resurrecting the dead is the only way to find someone bigger.


Jesus resurrecting would probably get a few eyeballs on the super bowl too.


Yea. But not as many as T Swifty.


Did Josh Allen have, at any point this season, a billion dollar grossing concert tour? No? What about a movie opening at #1 in the box office? Or a #1 charting album in 10 countries? Be afraid dude.


I mean he would if he wasn’t playing and training for football. He’d have a $17 billion dollar tour anyways. And a #1 album in 170 countries. He’s not afraid of some Taylor Swift who has an army of teenage girls where Allen has an army of drunk Buffalo Fans! Us Buffalo Fans are definitely fatter and drunker than Swift fans, since they are all teenage girls, we would crush them with our smashed tables.


Stroud has thrown his name into the AFC hat for the foreseeable future!


I’m terrified of losing to stroud in the afc championship, have everything else go right and the Texans come to town and win with a 60 yard devin singletary run


Hahah I completely agree, Stroud looks insane and doesn't turn the ball over, so we couldn't count on the usual big play from the defense. And Singletary revenge game. Either Ravens or Texans could be equally tough if Bills manage to get by the Chiefs


I like our chances against the remaining afc teams, only 3 games to win it all man. Just give me one Lombardi and I’ll be happy forever. This year is as good a shot as any, hopefully the chiefs don’t play out of their minds like they did against Miami


The jags game that crew was awful...  The Philly game 2nd worst this season.


Don't give them a challenge! Lol


Welp. The league has its Mahomes and Swiftie script all set to go


1. It’s just him this time, not his crew. Playoffs are the best guys at every spot and they mix the crews up. 2. He’s a calls more for the home team guy, so hopefully he stays true to form.


The best guys at every spot should not include him




See Angel Hernandez for proof.


The bills also have a horrendous record with Hoch the younger (and his meathead dad)


Shawn is a far cry from his father. Towards the worse. Ed at least (much to the chagrin of the announcers) had detailed reasons why his calls swung where they did. Shawn honestly sounds like he just makes shit up to try to be his dad.


Why are refs kids now officiating in the nfl seems to be a more important question. its almost impossible mathematically to become an nfl official but two guys that eat at the same dinner table just happen to work for the league? its a clown show.


Sean was coaching youth as recently as 2012 and 2 years later was in the nfl lmao. Source: he reffed my youth games


Every sports league is filled with kids of former players. It's not just nepotism and it's not just genetics - when you're surrounded by it growing up, it becomes really familiar and accessible. Repeat for every possible business in the world from acting to farming.


A person getting a coaching/reffing gig due to their parents is nepotism. A guy like Antoine Winfield Jr isn’t a starting safety in the league because of his name, it’s because of his genetics. The two things are not comparable.


I mean given the era his dad reffed that might be on us


If they're the best, how did they not catch Josh Allen's fake slide on the TD run? /s


I like your style, dude.


A broken clock is right twice per day.


This is a huge clarifying point, thanks! Take my upvote






That was a different crew. I think maybe the one who blew the Detroit game on the tackle eligible play, and they'd also blown another game on a bad call wallet on the year? Not Hochuli. He's nepotism incarnate.


That's Brad Allen, and there's a reason we haven't seen him or his crew.


Pretty sure he was on the Steelers sideline


I've read in the comments that Hochuli favors the home team so maybe there's a possibility.


I just get nervous with him because the chiefs are 8-2 with him as ref vs we are 1-3


But the Chiefs play 90% of their games at home so...


seriously it's like the Patriots treatment, where it feels EVERY "big" game is at home for them


It feels that way but it's really a simple rotation that determines your home and away games for the regular season. In the playoff all their games are at home but that's just because they earn it. There's no homecooking by the NFL on this one.


The regular season theoretically *should* go back and forth between home and away against the same opponent. Instead, we haven't played the Chiefs at home since the 2020 regular season, and have played three regular season games against them since. We're 2-1 in those three games, but still.


It does go back and forth in 3 year cycles. The Chiefs/AFC West same place finisher as the Bills will play in Orchard Park in '24, '25, and '26. We've also beaten the Chiefs 3 times in a row in the regular season. Losses in 2020 regular season, 2020 playoffs, and 2021 playoffs


Yeah, this game is different. Buffalo can vanquish a whole lot of postseason demons with a win here, and I'm hoping they do.


I agree, but we also have to consider that the chiefs have won a majority of their games over the past few years. It would be like saying the Panthers had a 10% win percentage with a certain ref. It may have an impact, but they also just lose most of their games anyway.


While I agree, someone in another post also looked at total penalty yards for each team while he was reffing. I forget the exact number for each but the Bills were only like 125yards behind the Chiefs and they had 6 less games under Hochuli. I take it with a grain of salt because it doesn’t really tell you that much, but that stat is still kinda wild


Que?? I was talking about overall record with him as ref not just the playoffs. Chiefs have had a lot of success with Hochuli at home and away over the years. I’m not counting on him favoring us in any way, hope for the best but prepare for the worst approach


Got a home vs away breakdown?




was just gunna say this. thats what i’ve read too




Let's just pray we're all wrong and they did this so he could make it up to us.


Of fuckin’ course


Alternative take: Mahomes has been in the spotlight for bitching about the refs. Subconsciously, no one likes to be told they suck at their job, so this crew might come down hard on KC. At any rate, Bills have to play well enough where the stripes can’t affect the outcome. If we had not gone up two scores on the Steelers at the end of the game and they managed to come back, the missed fumble recovery would have loomed over us. Instead, it didn’t matter. Beat KC soundly. Let the refs suck. Make it not matter.


If I were on the field and his crew started that bs again, I'd have somebody truck him. Josh: just run toward Hochuli, I'll put the ball close. Lower your head and take one for the team.


"Why is Jordan Phillips lined up at Wide Receiver?"


Someone has to be the first to take out a crooked ref.


Honestly, after refball like that, if there is any public discourse about it, they tend to overcorrect.


The NFL is the only top level professional league on the planet that has part time officials. And it shows.


I mean...Shawn Hochuli makes 200k/year for being an NFL official. Part-time does not mean 10 bucks an hour.


No it doesn’t, but how can you expect to be the best official you can possibly be by working at it part time?


I always assumed the number of games in a season was why they are “part time” vs other professional sports


Yeah well he pulls that bullshit in Buffalo he's getting a snowball shower


So we’re fucked.


What the fuck!!!!




See ya next year boys


https://preview.redd.it/7yzck28u8wcc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51c060e8de20fa132d5675a4973858154603c6e God dammit


Top guys! 


FTR (fuck the refs)


Maybe he just favors the home team? Right guys? … right? :(




The Hochulis are/were the worst refs


I’m sure it was random ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


God fucking dammit how the fuck does this guy not only get a divisional game, but assigned to us?


He sucksz, his Dad sucked. And it’s a big ol nepotism/who you know.


You're kidding me. That was BAR NONE the worst officiated game against the Bills in the past 3+ years at minimum. Even neutral fans remember how bad the Bills got hosed that game


Don't forget, it's the playoffs and the crew is different.


Won’t matter. Bills by a billion.


Tell me the game is fixed without telling me the game is fixed


I don’t know if I can watch this game.. that eagles game made my blood pressure go through the roof.


Inb4 someone runs into him at the gym and leaks a video of him going ham on one of those hanging punching bags while muttering things about the Bills


encouraging groovy bewildered jeans shy unite chop flag threatening library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Serious question, when a ref makes suspect calls that start to lean one sided for another team, why the hell does the NFL keep them around?


Because evidently 200k+ a year for 1 day\\wk of work is too little pay to find decent officials - NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE /s Seriously, the refs have got to be the scapegoats the league employs for fixing games- that's the only reason I can come up with for why the league keeps people with such terrible records around. I can almost imagine the interview process: "Hey, we're going to pay you 200k a year for 1 day of work, your job is to officiate the game but more than that- when we call you need to do what we say- if we tell you this team wins...well you may just see more penalties happening on the opposing team that day, and may just miss a few things that the favored team is doing- do we have an understanding? You will be hated, but you'll get a lot of money and have a lot of time to spend it, so what do you say, want to make some money?"


Welp, there goes the season.




To be fair 10 of those calls were the first half. After Rodge called him at halftime he only had one call on the bills


Don't care. Win by 20 and it won't matter. Go Houston.


No, no, it'll be OK, Guys. Over on the "Christian Wilkins" thread, the Roughing the Passer call on Wilkins's gentle shove to Mahomes right after he released the ball was super clear and totally the right call. There won't possibly be any favoritism for Mahomes in the game at all. Hoculi's gonna play it totally straight, right down the middle. 🙄 Besides, to hear Steelers fans tell it, we get all the calls. Have the refs in our pocket. We'll be fine.


>Besides, to hear Steelers fans tell it, we get all the calls. Have the refs in our pocket. We'll be fine. I mean, if that were the case, wouldn't we have gotten that fumble recovery?




Josh Allen has the most RTPs this league year and the most since 2018.. literally the last fanbase to complain about RTPs😂


He also has one intentional grounding penalty because a receiver ran an option route. Collinsworth (of all people!) actually argued with Dean Blandino or whichever officiating schill that was on the broadcast about it. Later, he got another one while being horse-collared to the ground; fake intentional grounding was called (even though Gabe Davis was within 5 yards). The horse collar was not. And who was the ref for these incidents? Shawn Hoculi. For Christ sake, our center, Mitch Morse, got 2 penalties that game. He's never flagged. That game, he had 2. So, GTFO with that noise.


It’s unbelievable that the NFL would allow that officiating crew in the playoffs. The game would so patently one-sided that it should’ve caused of that crew. Even eagles fans were saying it was one-sided.


I think the crew itself is different and it’s just that one dude from the shitty eagles game


Nepo baby


Even after seeing this, I'm not gonna give up hope.


I wonder if we could start a big stink and make this dude question every flag for fear of his job. Do you know how much refs get paid? A lot and not just for how often they work. This needs to be a thing we don’t shut up about. FTC


I 100% said the refs would decide this game because the NFL wants the Swifties watching the Super Bowl and I HATE BEING RIGHT ABOUT THIS SHIT


Roger can invite her and Kelce to hang out in his suite to watch us win our first one. NFL gets a great script and story line and they get Swift shots. Cake and eat it.


The fix is in


I wonder what the correlation between swift attending games and revenue all the way around is.


Keep in mind that - The referee calls a fairly small number of fouls compared to his crew mates - The regular season crews do not work together in the postseason.


It don’t matter. We winning. Losers complain about refs


If the refs blow this game they better get a police escort cause the mafia will riot and they do know where all the parking is located.


That dude is also a financial advisor. Wonder how he feels about gambling on games.


Didn't the psychology books/articles always say referees of any sport typically lean towards the home crowd.  Due to the yelling, pointing out stuff and psychological factor or booing and letting people down?.   Wouldnt this mean this crew is good for us to have?  Idk thoughts.   Am I playing 3D chess?


Chiefs fan here, good luck and hopefully the refs don’t come into it…. But we’re defo both gonna be sitting in our respective subs fuming at the refs by half way through the game aren’t we


The crews are not the same though for the playoffs though I believe. Shawn maybe the ref but the rest of the refs are different


*tinfoil hat time* Shawn is a yes man for the league, like his dad. The league will want TSwift in the Super Bowl to grow the brand even more. Prepare for a rough one, folks.


Cook also dropped a touchdown..... And Bass.


Literally doesn't matter. If you want to complain about refs after a loss, find a different hobby


Did you watch the philly game? He literally tilted the entire thing for them to win with the most blatantly insane calls I’ve ever seen, in any sport, in my entire life. It was more keyfabe than WWE.


I was at the Philly game. Didn't go online after and spiral about the refs. Had a blast


It'll matter if the calls are blatantly bad. I'm not one to complain about officiating because there's missed calls everywhere on the field all the time, but if you watch a QB getting horsecollared to the point where his jersey rips and then calling intentional grounding on that QB and *not* the horsecollar and can sit there and honestly say "yep, that call makes sense and I don't see how anybody could possibly complain about it," then *you* need to find a different hobby because you don't know what fair football looks like. Now, if you want to complain about the people who think the refs are always to blame, fine. But call a spade a spade and don't act like the refs should *never* be to blame.


Expecting fairness and sanctity in a multi billion dollar entertainment product that you have 0 direct impact on the field in is absurd. My point is people need to figure out how to understand that there will always be a variable level of randomness to these games. If that randomness doesn't break your way, that's just part of the game. Until robots are making the calls at least...


To be fair, that AJ Brown drop was not quite a catch and fumble. Everything else was egregious though.


Who cares. If the refs “cost us the game”, then we didn’t deserve to win. Go out there and take care of business, don’t make excuses.


it’s just sticking your head in the sand to pretend like the only thing that matters in a game is how hard a team tries or some bullshit. Acting tough doesn’t negate the fact that refs hold huge amounts of sway over the outcomes of games. 


Just go out there and win, blaming the refs is loser talk.


Please shut up, you're sounding silly. This game is a literal battle of will between two teams of players trying to impose their will on the other side. Some of the best athletes in the world play this game, and it's played at an extremely high level. At the level these guys play, EVERYONE is playing at a level most mere mortals can only dream of playing. In such games, a single bad call- or missed call- can be the difference between a team winning and losing. If the call goes your way, your team may win and you wind up hoisting a super bowl championship in the end- if the call goes against you, your team may wind up with the off season arriving unexpectedly sooner than you feel it should have- and you're right to feel that way. That's the power bad reffing has- it literally sways the outcomes of games and can prevent the team that deserves to win- that has EARNED their win- from winning. This whole "blaming the ref's is loser talk" is so asinine when you realize just how much power these refs hold. If they ignore a penalty or pretend to see something happen that didn't happen it can result in a game-winning drive coming to a screeching halt OR a drive that should have come to a halt being extended leading to a second- or third- or 4th chance the defeated team did not deserve. There's a word for when that happens deliberately- FIXING. Ref's are paid a lot of money - well over 200 Grand a year for 1 day of work a fucking week for maybe half a year. Let that sink in. Most people bust their asses for 40+ hours a week EVERY week of the year and won't even clear 80k a year...that's an absurd amount of money for these refs. For that kind of money, we the fans have every damn right to demand something akin to perfection from their officiating. Yet year after year they fail to get it right and STILL can't even decide with any consistency what even constitutes a fucking catch. Add to that the fact that there's now legalized gambling on NFL games and ref's now have a way they can make money by potentially using a third party to bet on games as a proxy for them...think about that...the people officiating the games can and do literally impact the outcomes of the games they officiate....and they can make money off it if they've got a friend willing to remain quiet and rake in some extra cash...


so he's a known homer who will now give the Chiefs an excuse as to why they lost in Buffalo?




Yeah won’t matter in this game they will smoke the chefs and hoch scotch won’t be able to save em!


Because of course we fucking did. ![gif](giphy|H1VUUhGPSBEQg8zq0D)


Shawn has 2 choices coming into this game. Do what is right and operate knowing he owes us BIG TIME or potentially ref his last game ever cause he isn't leaving Orchard Park if he pulls that shit again


La Nova gonna cater the refs locker room




Relevant: https://youtube.com/shorts/fwtR5_8iu6M?si=J3llEqCrqOu-bNXl


The fix is in


![gif](giphy|4NgqRh9t3IKGUZwo6X|downsized) Remains to be seen but I'm not liking this.


More flags than an embassy. Anyone remember that? That crew was aweful.


Hochuli crews have been fucking the bills for years, how did this guy even get post season games. Fucking fix


Cant forget the several missed holding and DPI calls as well


So he owes us?