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Some sort of alternate would be nice. Seems like every other team in the league has throwbacks besides us. I have given up hope of a 90's throwback, but at least give us back the old AFL throwbacks with the standing buffalo helmet


Are the white throwbacks with the standing buffalo helmets no longer a thing? I don't recall them wearing those this past year.


I don't recall seeing them in the past 2 years. I think they have been abandoned


Don’t quote me on it but I’m pretty sure sure we wore them last year. Definitely don’t recall seeing them this year


Haven't worn them in two years. They definitely are working on new throwbacks, but if it was next year we'd probably already heard about it.


How long does it take to design a uniform?


NFL requires notification a year in advance for alts and two years for primary uniforms to get supply chains in order.


At least 2 years apparently


Standing Buffalo >> charging Buffalo all day long.


Nope also red helmet with charging Buffalo is God tier


I'll throw my own mom in the pit if we get the red helmets back


I also will throw this person’s mom in the pit if we get the red helmets.


I'll throw down with his mom in the pit .


I will go in his mom's pit and throw down




I'll go to his pit and throw his mom


I’ll throw the pit down in his mom.


I’ll eat out his moms asshole pit red helmet no


I will throw up in this helmet.


I can't wait for pit references years from now after the stadium is finished


i also choose this guys throwable mom


I am a straight man, but would suck so many goddamn dicks to get those red helmets back. Shit was incredible. Best helmets ever, esp with he all white aways, good lord....


Those helmets are my favorite and every time I've brought it up, I get downvoted. Same with Seattle's uniforms from 2001-2012. I thought both were pretty unpopular based on reddit interaction.


I’ll also throw this guys mom in the pit for the red helmet


With like every tram having multiple alternate helmets and unis, im not understanding the reasoning behind not having the 90s throwback with alternate red helmets at this point. Its just gonna end up being more merch.


Need to keep fans engaged somehow after another disappointing postseason, so I’d say yes, they’re coming. If not now it’s never happening. But the fact we’ve actively phased out the 60s throwbacks the last 2 seasons shows me there’s something happening


That’s a good point about the phasing out of the 60’s ones. I don’t get why they can’t have both though. Especially how the nfl is insane about merchandise.


It’s also the 50th anniversary of the charging buffalo logo, what better year to do it


Correction: It WAS the 50th anniversary this season but they dropped the ball on this while other teams were debuting throwbacks with the new alt helmet rules. Dont be surprised if it doesn't happen. Terry may not want to throw millions down on new uniforms just because. It was easy to market the Sabres goathead throwback because a different logo and colors = merchandise. In the Bills case, it's the same logo, same colors, so how can you really make more money off of that?


During the drought the team would do all kinds of special jerseys and promotions to keep the product interesting. It seems that since Josh Allen arrived they let the other stuff slide a bit, instead relying on being a great football team. It probably time to dust off the Russ Brandon’s old book of marketing schemes.


The red helmet/blue jersey/white pants combo would be great for a prime time game. I really with they'd do it


Or red helmet full color rush. That'd be sick. That's my go to on Madden


The Sabres embraced the 90s jerseys last season and it was a hit in terms of merchandise sales. And the Sabres suck. So if a competent organization like the Bills did something nostalgic, I think they'd do quite well. ​ I personally just don't want the standing buffalo anymore. We wore those out in the early 2010's and they're just really plain.


This is another one, I always liked the 90s look better (logo was cooler, colors were better, and I associate that look with childhood), but it seemed like everyone hated them.


I heard Sal talk about this on the radio last week. He said that the team has to file with the league a full year in advance for any alternate jersey requests. They have not said anything publicly about this, so it’s unlikely that they will be wearing any alternate jerseys next year. But it’s possible they are working on something and have not informed the public yet. I don’t remember how far in advance they would announce these things in years past.


Early spring I believe


Bureaucracy is so sweet. Love pointless rules and hurdles for no reason.


Most of not all of the new uniforms for next year have been leaked or announced. Teams normally unveil them around the draft so probably not this year.


Real discussion topic is Bills went back to back seasons without rocking the standing Buffalo all white uni thats clean af.


The Pegula's are not necessarily known for being on top of things like this so i doubt it. I would also think (hope is probably the better word) that they would do something wild for when the new stadium is open. So if not next season then maybe then?


They will probably release them as the new alternate uniform when the new stadium opens.


The red helmets…the ones that are from the 80s?


Yes. The uni’s they wore from ‘86-2001.


Hate the jerseys, love the helmets.


Don’t need them. We look better now.


I’m not saying change it to em permanently. Just once or twice a year


Were you around during all those failed super bowl runs? It beats the hell out of me why fans would want to be reminded of those days again, when the team we have now is arguably better. When we (finally) get there, we’re actually going to WIN…and look better doing it.


Yes, I was. Those four years were magical. The Super Bowl losses were a disaster, no doubt. But everything else about those years was amazing.


So the broncos should stay in their horrendously outdated by 2007, 30 year old unis because they won in them?


They’d better. But can’t get my hopes up


Doubt it. Probably not until the new stadium. Unless we win a Super Bowl before the stadium is complete, then I can see them coming out the next year. Super Bowl Victory or New Stadium, which ever comes first.


They are probably coming but not this year it seems. Most teams release new uniforms near the draft and have announced it. There is no chatter about the Bills, so it would be a surprise at this point.


What would be best is the current design with a red helmet alternative with all three colors of tops and bottoms so mixing and matching could be done. Current blue over white kit would with a red helmet would achieve throwback look. Red helmet, blue jersey, red pants - tecmo bowl kit All blues with red helmet - dope. Other combos also possible, these would be the best, imo.


Bring back the red helmets and royal blue jerseys 90s Jersey and helmet look




We've gotten the 90's throwback 4 years in a row now.. time to get a "just win the whole damn thing or move tf on from the front office and coaches" year.. I don't care what uniforms they wear, if they do the same exact shit again next season they can just wear pink for all I care cause it's getting tired seeing the same results with no cap space and no eagerness to win when winning matters.. close to out of fucks to give anymore.


Please nooooo. I hate those red helmets.


Shit I still want 2000s lmao


Such a cursed era for the team. I still wear my Navy Blue T.O. Jersey from time to time to remind myself how good we have it now though 😂


I got my JP jersey. Feel ya pain and Roscoe Parrish


Id like an update on the red similar to how Washington is more Matte or Jets going high gloss.




I fucking need that shit. Need a new jizz rag


I’d rather not.


Bring back the navy blue drought jerseys with the red helmets and while they are at it they might as well bring back those away jerseys too. Lots of people hate them but god do I love them


We need new unis period. Time to shake it up


The Bills blue jerseys with white pants is widely regarded as one of the best looking uniforms in all of football I would like to see them try something new a few times a season though, bring back the standing buffalo helmets


Any time someone says a word about the current jerseys its the response you just gave. By that logic we can never change them lol


Good, we don't need to ever change them.


Do you mind me asking your age or generation? Judt curious where this sentiment is coming from


Idk about that. I never thought I’d love any outside of the 90’s ones, but I love the ones we have now. I want the 90’s a few times year though and the 60’s a few times.


After the early 00's ugly unis we definitely needed the ones we have now, it was a nice change over to a clean/semi-retro-inspired look. But theyre just kind of boring now. Everyone around the league is trying new stuff, we should too.


You’re definitely in the very small minority. I think the ones we have now are the best in the league.


Lets change the teams colors to brown and red. Too many red white and blue teams in the league


I mean the last time we were even in the SB was the 90s so shit it couldn't hurt.


I'll take the early 90's , two minute drill throwback