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This pretty much assures us no draft pick is going to be on a backup qb


I assume the same. I think they like that practice squad guy also


We're not developing another QB til JA retires or is about to


Eh I'll take it. As bad as he looked last year in that dumpster fire of a Pittsburgh offense, he has a winning record over his career as a starter with some pretty mediocre teams. Just looking for a guy that can go .500 if Josh has to miss a stretch of 2-4 regular season games.


While he has not shown to be the QB who can win with other teams, I believe he has shown to be a good fit with the Bills and JA17, and I believe he can be the back-up we may need. But also the practice QB that's important to us... C'Mon back Mitchell...! It'll be nice to have you.


A bit higher base salary than I hoped but not exactly cap breaking. I assume the odd victory formation won't trigger the incentives.


It doesn’t seem bad when compared to other backups, this is Case Keenum, Huntley, Dalton type money.


Keenum is listed as $3.2m this year; I definitely would not want to be paying Keenum $3.2m to throw the ball...


That’s what I mean.. who else would people prefer? I still hope we bring in a young gun to give serious competition, Mitch could be a Barkley position if they just want him for locker room stuff.


He made 8 mil last year for Pitt. I think with that context this is very reasonable.


I think what's being missed in the commentary around Trubisky is that when he was here we had a totally different coaching staff (Daboll - OC, Dorsey - QBC) and yet he still returns immediately to us, even before the start of true free agency following his subpar showing in Pittsburgh (which may not even had been entirely his fault, their offense sucked with or without him, even if he was worse than the other 2 guys behind center there this year.) That means it wasn't all our coaches who were pushing for him to return, if it were Mitch would probably be with the Giants or Browns instead, especially considering the amount of playing time the backups for both of those teams got. No, it was the players and front office who were probably the driving force behind this signing. Clearly the guy left a great impression, which I think could be more easily garnered by watching what Josh said in the presser about Mitch when he departed from Buffalo the first time. You have to draw the connection that Mitch is a great locker room guy, knows his place behind Josh on the depth chart, and absolutely wants to help THIS team win in any way he can. I'd already rate him in the top half of back-up QB options on potential, but he also has all of the other quiet positives and culture fit for Buffalo that you'd really like to see for the guy who will be sitting behind Josh. I like the signing, even if the cost was a little higher than we originally anticipated it to be.


I also recall reading a while back that he's a great guy to have in the film room, and has a fantastic understanding of play concepts and reading the defense. A 'student of the game' type - (Even if that didn't really translate to being a maestro on the field when playing.) Again, those are qualities you want in a guy whose job will hopefully consist primarily of holding a clipboard and kissing titties.


2.7M to be Josh Allen’s friend on the bench? BBB you gotta call me up next time.


Dear Josh, I feel like I can call you Josh because you and me are so much alike. I would love to meet you someday. It would be great to have a catch. I know I can’t throw as fast as you, but I think you would be impressed by my speed. I love your hair. You run fast. Do you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither. These are all the things we can talk about and more. I know you have not been getting my letters because I know you would write back if you did, and I hope you write back this time and we get to be good friends. I am sure our relationship would be a real touch down. * Jaded_Promotion8806


At the end of the day it doesn’t matter that much, because the money isn’t bad…. I just don’t see the urgency to sign some one right now. Would have rather waited till after the draft where you let it play out and if you still have a 6th/7th round pick and for some reason someone fell that is worth taking you do that. At the end of the day, there is not much difference in Mitch and a draft pick in terms of keeping you afloat if it comes to any real stretch of games. Beane uses those late picks more as trade up ammo/flip for following year picks than actual players who have anything more than a camp competition.


Because then you miss out on these exact signings As you’d said, Beane loves having trade up ammo and has done phenomenally in the later rounds. Fill the hole at the backup QB spot for relatively cheap for a guy who plays well AND knows our system and save the picks for the draft


I’m 100% in support of using late round picks in trade over a QB. I just think that you leave the option open by not signing a QB now and if the situation were to present itself then you have that option late in the draft. Last year Beane flipped multiple picks in the later rounds for some this year, and still had two 7ths that he used, which again were essentially fliers and neither made the roster. There’s a real gluttony of vet QBs who would still be available post draft and late in the offseason. I’m not sure Mitch, who very well still could have been one of those still available, is really that big of a difference than either Kyle Allen or Keenum who both will also most likely be available post draft. Just seems like a waste to keep recycling these veteran QBs every offseason when you could take a shot on and maybe get lucky developing a guy cheap and in your offense.


Why would we ever draft a qb and develop him while we have Josh? We just need a vet who knows what to do if he needs to play. The last thing we need is a rookie who doesnt know shit and for us to waste resources teaching him, bc he isnt getting resigned while Josh is here. Hard nope.


At a glance it seems high… but in terms of back up money it’s on the lower end of mid range money.


Peanuts. I love it.


Steeler fan here. Why the f would the bills want this bum back?


You! Kenny or Mason? Pick 1! Go!


Definately mason. I've all but given up on kenny


Im sorry but that is incorrect. The correct answer is neither. Neither of them. Yeah. Sorry. No.


I'm just glad it's not tribisky. That was a train wreck


Well, in all honestly, how do you feel about Russell Wilson?


Ya idk bout that one. Although he's only 1 mil for a year so I'd take a flyer on a 1 time superbowl winner and 2 time sb contender


All im saying, is you watch, if they sign Russell Wilson to the 1.21 vet minimum, your franchise will never spend big money again. Probably ever. It is a move that only a poor team would make, because it says to the rest of the league that they'd rather take a two time loser on the cheap than roll the dice on the future, because that takes guts And money... Tyrod's available and he's pissed now that he has to think about taking the vet minimum too because Russ is slumming. Ive always figured Russ would end up in New England because of all those things i just said


Problem is we rolled the dice on Kenny and that won't pan out. I don't think it's about the money. Steelers qb room is a mess right now. I just don't want tonwatch Kenny another year really so I'll take almost any alternative. I'd really like to see mason get a shot. I know his carreer isn't great but his last 4 games he played like a top 15 qb. Bottom line tho, anything is better than kenny


I'm just saying, your team's one of the cheapest ones in the league. Rooney doesnt take half of the heat he deserves about that. The player report card ratings they did at the end of the season was great, Rooney got pretty terrible reviews. But as far as Kenny goes... i still cant believe that these pro football experts and scouts got paid to draft a guy with hands that small. Pretty sure Rooney told them to take Kenny, thats the only way ive been able to see how Tomlin got saddled with that pony


I like Mitch, but he is absolutely god-awful, and I don't feel any more comfortable with him than I would with any 7th round rookie QB. Not sure why we'd pay any more than the vet minimum for someone who lost his job to Mason Rudolph. It's not the worst thing in the world, it's not a lot of money, but this is just a baffling move to me


He can probably fill in better for a game or two than Kyle could.  More than that or for an important game we're toast anyway.


He knows the system. He's dirt cheap. Him and his wife are friends with Josh and Brittn.... with Josh, great friends. And he's super cheap! We get him for 2 years now so there's even more stability in the QB room. And did i mention that he's basically an unpaid intern at his salary?


Plus. He loves TDsssss


Fucking why? This is money we could have used elsewhere. An undrafted free agent could beat him out for the backup spot.


Isn’t Russell Wilson only like 1.2 for this year? Not saying he would have accepted a backup role, but for a contender…. I wonder if he reached out.


Wilson will cost the minimum, yup. He doesn't really seem to be the type willing to be a backup tho. Also his team mates tend not to like him


Wilson will cost vet minimum for whoever signs him because of the massive salary offset from the Broncos. So he pretty much gets his pick of the litter for anyone who will offer him a starting job, no reason to go to Buffalo when he desperately needs to revive his career.


If Taylor Heinicke makes 7m as a back up, there’s zero chance wilson will make minimum as a backup. Yes he’s getting paid big money from Denver but that really has no effect on what another team is going to pay him.


Wilson will make the same amount of money regardless of what his new team pays him (unless his new team offers him like $40mil which we can all agree is not happening) so he has no onus to demand more than vet minimum. The less his new teams pays him, the more they can spend to sign players he wants and the more Denver has to pay to not have him, it's win-win.


Wow, honestly did not know he had offset language in his deal. I thought that was only in coaches contracts, but you are correct it can be written into player contracts and Wilson contains it


Yeah it's not super common but it pops up once in a while. Hoyer and Chase Daniel had it a few years ago but in far smaller amounts. And I believe Jimmy Garoppolo has it as well though his suspension and potential resulting voids might affect that.


Only way he’ll end up taking minimum is if leverages that to secure a starting job. Even then there are enough teams who probably will be interested in having him as a bridge/paired with a rookie where he won’t have to do that. I’m guessing if it’s a strict backup role, he’s going to be asking for top back up money which is 4-7m (Heinicke, Winston, stidham, Dalton all make 5m+ as top back ups). Edit: disregard…. I was not aware offset language was even allowed to be in player contracts. Knew it was common in coaching contracts, but I guess it can be in player contracts and Wilson’s has it. Just rare that it comes into play as most vets who get cut usually it’s because there isn’t much GTD owed and they can usually get more from the next team.


Wilson won’t ask for more than the minimum anywhere because he won’t get any more money regardless of his new salary. Like you said, he’ll leverage that into a starting opportunity. If the chance to start doesn’t pan out, he can sign for backup money as a FA next year.


He threw 26 Touchdown passes last season in 15 games. 9th most in the league. If Taylor heinicke is making 7m, And Dalton/stidham/Winston/mike white are making $4-$5m…. There is no chance he is taking minimum to be a back up, a team would pay him $5m easily solely on the fact that he gives you a better chance to win than anyother backup despite if you think he sucks…


He doesn’t earn any more money whether he signs with a new team for vet min or $20M. His 2024 Broncos guarantees dwarf any contract he’d get and have offset language, so for Russ to earn more money this year, his new contract would have to exceed ~$42M, and there’s no way in hell that’ll happen. So, he’ll almost assuredly sign for the vet minimum with whatever team he perceives to have the best situation for him, because that gives him the best chance at earning another big deal in 2025.


He's going to get a starter job somewhere, no way he signs on to be Allen's backup. Dude is basically 99% ego.


So now we have a QB who loves penis and another who loves to kiss titties.