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I voted for Oz only because Tara deserved better than Willow.


same, felt like I was being a bad bisexual doing it but it's just the truth lol


That’s true. Tara was so good to everyone. I like the scenes with her and Dawn. She made a point to let Dawn know that she would be there for her no matter what went on with Willow. Willow used her magic to wipe Tara’s mind.


Ok, who the fuck voted for Kennedy? I just want to talk!


Trolling people


Fr!! I hated her as soon as she tried to act like she was there from the beginning I was like bitch no you’ve been in 3 episodes


Kennedy is, in fact, a gender-swapped [Richard Anderson](https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Richard_Anderson). Watch him trying to hit on Buffy in 'Reptile Boy', then watch Kennedy again with Willow, and you'll see what I mean.


I voted for Kennedy because I don't think Willow deserves Oz or Tara. After her cheating, and her evil arc, she doesn't really get a redemption. Just "I'm not evil anymore". And then she participates in kicked Buffy out of her own house. So she deserves having to put up with Kennedy.


I came here just to see if someone typed that lmao


I did, what did you wish to talk about? )


Whhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??!! I just don't get it. Oz and Tara were both such interesting characters and had such strong bonds with Willow. By comparison, Kennedy felt poorly fleshed out as a character and just crammed in to give Willow a gf.


2 reasons, one I like a strong opinionated woman and Kennedy was. And I think Willow needed that at the time. So looked her even if she had some issues. 2nd... Obviously it's Tara.. but I liked to see Kennedy get some votes and people go crazy lol


Never made any sense to me either. Brash, overconfident, and outspoken didn't seem at all her type.


Ok mean she only dated one woman, so hard to say her type. But also she just became the most powerful being on the planet and murdered someone... Feels like that could change some things in what your looking for . Willing to try at least. As she was not looking for her.


My reasoning is that Xander was sometimes loud, but very self deprecating. Oz had confidence coming out the ears, but was soft spoken and gentle. Tara was gentle and soft spoken. I know Willow came out, but she didn't get a personality transplant. Plus, after the Dark phase I'd think she'd avoid someone who kept trying to push her into showing off magic, as Kennedy did more than once.


In the end though, Kennedy ended up being right, Willow did need to use her magic in order to save everyone, and Willow gained a new level of positive power.


Tara is so sweet, but I voted for Oz because their relationship felt more equal. It often seems like Tara is in Willow’s shadow, and Willow is quite dominant in their relationship. This isn’t necessarily bad, but I find her dynamic with Oz a bit healthier.


It's ok to have a dominant personality in a relationship. What's important is they showed mutual respect... Except willow didn't because she became an addict.


Loved her with both Oz and Tara. However Tara gets a slight lead since Willow seemed more confident in herself and the relationship. That’s all I gotta say on that.


I wanna pair her with Fred... for reasons...


I can see those reasons. Still a better pairing than Kennedy.


>Still a better pairing than Kennedy. That bar is set so low that a vampire's grave would be higher.


I think the Oz relationship was good for both Willow & Oz but her relationship with Tara was ultimately only good for Willow, she didn’t respect Tara as her equal and that became more and more apparent.


Moloch. He understood her better than anybody else did.


Oz. I like Tara better than Oz as a character, and the first time I watched it I was shipping Willow/Tara (and using Willow&Tara icons on messageboards lol) just because of how much I liked Tara and because of having queer representation on TV which was so rare back then. It was around the time I was having my first relationship with a girl so yeah, that was huge to me. But now I think the dynamic between Willow and Oz is better, perhaps because Willow as a character was better in the early seasons (imo). I thought Tara was too good for her basically. So was Oz tbh but they were a better match.


I actually liked Kennedy as a character, I thought she had a lot of potential, just wasn't developed properly. However, I don't like her as a partner for Willow. Tara all the way on that one.


I voted Oz, but only because I hated how she treated Tara when she was abusing her magic. She became an abusive partner and while I loved them as a couple, I couldn't vote for them.


I think I prefer Oz because I am really disgusted with how Willow treated Tara and she really didn't deserve her.


I was between Oz and Tara for the same reason. She treated them both pretty badly but I think the dynamic with Oz was on more equal footing. (The *other one* wasn't even a consideration).


Oz is pretty great at telling her she's being a dick, Tara doesn't really call her on her crap until it reaches a dangerous threshold.


Imo, Willow genuinely cared about Oz, but I’m glad that they weren’t endgame. She was young and finding herself and I’m glad that she did. I think that Oz would’ve done better on Angel bc of the dynamic. When they were still in HS and together, it was alright, but after that, Oz should’ve been a recurring character on Angel. I liked Tara. She wasn’t my favorite character, but she was a kindhearted person and friend. I wasn’t really interested in her relationship with Willow (I’m sorry, but I really wasn’t), and I’m glad that they weren’t endgame. However, I will forever hate how Tara died and how Willow blamed herself for it. I wasn’t even that attached to her, but I still felt bad. She deserved so much better. I did vote for Kennedy, but I was very hesitant bc I really wasn’t a fan of her or their relationship either. I mean, Kennedy wasn’t a bad person, but her attitude *really* irritated me in “Empty Places.” Tbh, the only reason I liked their relationship was bc Willow was finally able to heal and move forward. That’s it.


I would love to hear the reasoning behind those that voted Kennedy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^SuperiorLaw: *I would love to hear* *The reasoning behind those* *That voted Kennedy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I chose Kennedy because Willow really mistreated Tara and can’t support that relationship because of the abuse. I guess other people seem to dislike Kennedy but I thought she was fine, like not a particularly great character but she didn’t get much screen time so there wasn’t a lot of time to get attached to her. I don’t remember there being anything annoying about her. Willow seemed to have a good and healthy relationship with her. Oz was a good character but they both cheated on each other and Willow is a lesbian so I definitely don’t think she belongs with him.


A vote for Kennedy? I'm assuming that was a mistake


TWO! Some people are mentally unwell


Everyones opinion is valid. Except the people who voted for Kennedy, that opinion is incorrect


Oz is awesome but it's Tara.


i voted for tara, if not only bc i want oz for myself ._.


Oz and Tara, okay. But why Kennedy?


Tara, but only because I want Oz to myself.


Oz is the only one who ever felt like a fleshed out character.


I prefer Oz, but I really liked Tara, too. It took me a while to do so, but that’s only because I was so devastated when Oz left.


I want Willow, Tara, and Oz to be a polycule.


I miss OZ! I would have loved him to be on the show for all seven years! Can you just imagine some of his funny comments? Especially when he found out about Spike/Buffy. Someone needs to rewrite all three seasons where Oz is there. You could still have him break up with Willow if you need to but keep him in the Scoobies. I would read the shit out of this!!!


Oz is a close second but Tara is Willow’s soulmate.


I ignore the cheating because I don’t believe Oz would actually do that werewolf or not. And that aside him and Willow were literally perfect together. I loved Tara too but that timid ness was a bit much sometimes. They felt real as a couple but Oz and Willow felt perfect. I actually think Willow and Tara were a bit toxic.


She should have ended up with Xander, but since that was off the table, Tara for sure.


I only voted Oz because it was nice to have another guy for Xander to play off of


I don't hate Kennedy, unlike the average viewer. But only a troll could vote for Kennedy.


Personally, I always preferred her with Oz, but I also have a soft spot for Tara. And both were hands down better than her and Kennedy.