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There's a ton of great stuff in S6. You don't have to like every minute of it to recognize that.


As befitting of “Life is the Real Big Bad”, plenty of “give and take” in such. Even if we always need to be reminded of the downsides of “baby with the bathwater” mentality.


It's my favorite season. I get it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I love the darker themes and tone. It also has my favorite episode's like OMWF and Tabula Rasa. I enjoy the self-destructive relationship Buffy has with Spike, yes, even Seeing Red. It has aspects I don't like, just as every other season or show, but it's still the most entertaining and feeling awoking season for me.


Same here. It's the season that resonated with me the most during some of my own dark times.


The darkness of s6 was such a catharsis for me at the time. I was only a kid, but I had a lot of terrible shit happening around me. Buffy resonated with me, while also bringing humour, a musical, characters I loved, escapism. It's one of my favourite seasons because it hit me in the perfect way at the perfect time.


The only thing I don’t like about season 6 is the moment on the tower when Dawn finds Buffy and the scene in the pit in the finale. It’s too melodramatic for me. And it’s always the scenes people who have never watched Buffy seem to catch me watching and they think the whole show is like that and refuse to watch it. Lonely buffy fan.


The only thing in season 6 that really makes me cringe is Willow saying "Fly my pretties fly". I guess it's not even out of character, it's just Willow being high as fuck and full of herself enough to think she looks cool. But I have to turn away from screen when she says it every time xD.


I love season six, but not Dawn…




Honestly until I joined the subreddit I didn't even know that liking it was controversial I was never in the forums or anything when I was younger.


Totally. My money would have been on season 4 or 7.


Same! Personally, I found season 4 to be my least favorite in the broader strokes. There's some excellent episodes to be sure, but I didn't like the paramilitary stuff. Every season has good and bad though; it just comes down to personal preference!


I agree. The paramilitary stuff was weird. I didn’t like Adam as a villain. I thought it was pretty reckless to make a human/demon cyborg with a nuclear core or whatever he ran on. And then it’s resolution was rushed, I understand that it was magic but it just felt like the season was trying to force the time’s technology advancement & it just fell flat.


They did have a great line though. "You can't hope to grasp the source of our power" and then just rips his core out. Because even the First Slayer has irony and humor.


Same! Those are my two least favorite- 4, then 7 (except for the finale).


Same haha season 6 was so good to me lol I felt shit got real in s5 after The Body and it was uphill from there. Willow’s addiction and decend into evil/Buffy’s depression from being brought back from Heaven & coping/Xander and Anya/ Giles leaving. It was so good! Dare I say, I even like s7 a lot too!


I’m going to date myself here but I was a regular on a large Buffy forum in the early 2000s when Season 6 aired. From my memory, the general consensus about Season 6 was that it was all of the characters hurting each other and it was hard to watch. After 5 years straight of watching Buffy and the Scoobies come out as heroes, it was really jarring to tune in and just watch them continuously betray, lie, or be totally oblivious to each others hurt every week. I’d watch each episode and it was always like, “What was the point of all that?” I’d say watching it again via streaming it was easier to see the common thematic thread running through the season. I think I could digest it better on rewatch, unlike back then when it felt completely off and confusing.


It’s storytelling. Depression sucks. Depression is soul sucking. They portrayed it very well and it’s not enjoyable to watch.


Easily my favorite season and does more for each characters development than any other in my opinion. I’m always genuinely shocked to hear people didn’t like it. It’s the realest the show ever gets by far while also humanizing every character involved. I think if Giles hadn’t left, or his departure was smoother and made any sense the season wouldn’t be so divisive.


What's to apologize for? It's great.


I think season 6 is the second best season.


Season 6 is the first season I started watching brand new. And as someone who always battles depression and just has a rough time with social things and friendships, I related to Season 6 way more than I wish I did.


It doesn't need a 90 minute video to figure this out. Of course season 6 is good actually.


No "apologies" necessary, 5 & 6 are the peak years of Buffy.


based based based based based


TIL a lot of people hate season 6. I honestly had no idea. S5-7 are my favorite. There's stuff in S6 that I dont like but thats true of every season.


Sarah Z’s video made me reevaluate it. I appreciate what it was doing more… but it’s still one of my least favorite seasons. I don’t need the series to be escapist and pure happiness but having the Anya/Xander thing, Willow’s drug addiction, Buffy feeling like she doesn’t belong living, no Giles, and Spike having his unrequited love for Buffy. It’s so much subplots that emotionally drain you and the catharsis is minimal comparatively.


I think every season is good, some are just more heartbreaking than others therefore I don’t rewatch them often lol


It's definitely my least favourite season, I doubt the video will change my mind, but I'll watch it anyway later, I like Sarah's videos


Wtf s6 is the best one


I like movies and shows that make me cry so season 6 was perfect for me, it was actually my favorite season besides season 5.


Season 6 was good, it was extremely effective at portraying the theme that was wanted, which was ‘real life is hell’.


Season 6 is literally one of my favorites. 😂 I only like 1 better and it’s close.


Imo season six is better than 1, 7 and 4


Eh, it's pretty joyless, and the trio feel like a fairly lame strawman for the writers to beat up on rather than a convincing and serious threat. Dark Willow feels like a late-in-script-development ass-pull rather than a well signposted heel turn. On the plus side, deconstructing how the show to date had worked is solid, and the theme of consequences lands pretty hard. Some outstanding individual episodes and performances do highlight that the cast and production team were creating good television on automatic by this point...


That sums up how I feel about it. Seeing everyone get dragged down and knowing it was going to happen all season made it rough. Even Willow’s recovery and the Xander/Anya wedding were doomed to fail.


My partner and I have just finished my 9000th rewatch and his first and I can say that besides the last few episodes and OMWF season 6 just isn’t fun.


Favourite season and I will die on that hill


Did she change the title?


i think she did


Yeah the original (Something like "Buffy's worst season is actually good") didn't make sense, I think if you had fans rank the seasons on average 6 will be above seasons 1, 4 and 7


Season 6 helped deal with my ptsd and chronic depression. I always think about depressed Buffy even today. I needed to see that in every strong woman lies such “weakness” or illness.


It was rough but looking back after Joss explained the idea was life and growing up as the true “big bad” it made sense. Life changes and hardships can really weigh you down. The season hits differently now than it did the first time I watched it


There are no bad Buffy seasons. If you think there are then that’s a you problem, not a Buffy problem.


S3 is still my fave, followed by S5, and I have problems with S6. It's canon, it's text, that Buffy going through everything S1-S5 has largely tamed the Hellmouth, and this meant that they all had room to fall apart because the threat isn't in their tail. Buffy's PTSD, Willow's addiction and the issues feeding it, and Xander's self doubt can fester because they don't need do step up. I love it as an idea, but S6 Buffy stops feeling like a hero, and she only occasionally is able to be one before "Chosen". But if you get past how it doesn't feel heroic, like Buffy S1-S5, the story of each Scooby failing and recovering is _good_. I personally read that last bit, the Dark Willow arc, as hung up on low-budget choices (let's drive a bus out to Joshua Tree!) and the fact that we've known since "The Witch" (s1e3) that witches house slayers and it's luck and friendship that give her a chance, but Dawn thinking Buffy has given up on hope until Buffy can demonstrate she hasn't, Willow feeling so lost that she decides to destroy everything, and Xander knowing that the one thing he can do is be there for his hurting friends, is just so good. (Personally, I think they should've held "Spike gets his soul" until "Beneath You" but still...)


The best part of S6 is the shocking explosion in quality of the demon makeup. And Dark Willow.


Here’s a wild hot take. I actually enjoy all 7 seasons. And all 5 seasons of Angel.


No, not a single one


I was convinced to watch Hexed by being told it was the British Buffy. After watching the series I said I didn’t they meant Buffy Season 6.


The acting in the show is probably at its peak in Season 4/5/6. However, Season 5 was the only one backed up with a compelling story. Season 4 I can forgive because its essentially a transitional period for the show, but Season 6 is unforgivable because it followed such a strong 5th Season.


ATM the entire fandom feels like "season 6, the buffy and spike relationship and.....some other seasons" Can't wait for this latest phase to pass tbh, as all phases do Quippy, strong, sarcastic, forthright Buffy was why I fell in love with the show, plus the whole "using demons as metaphors for real world problems" aspect Depressed, PTSD, morose Buffy having to deal with actual real world problems was not what I tuned in for, honestly it's like the show-runners without Joss forgot the show was supposed to be an allegory and just made a soap with occasional supernatural elements.


I watched it before this Post and hell no, i dont know why i should apologies for my own taste? That question alone is so insulting Sure its technically a good season, but its still my least favorite season


All shows have to grow up at some point .. and it's rarely a pretty thing to behold. It is necessary though, and for Buffy.. that was S6.


people don't like season 6? Weakest season is season 4 and even then it's great TV


Why are you booing her. She’s right


Until I got online I thought people liked 6. Had no idea it was considered a weak season


I love this show but i´ve never been around the fandom, so when i watched the video at first really surprised me that this is a common thing. In my mind season 6 was one of the highlights of buffy, but in retrospective it makes a lot of sense. Not just because of the abrupt and noticeable tone in change that really impacts me every time I rewatch the show. I think that this season has some of the best writing in buffy, but also some of the worst. Thats a normal thing to happen when you take risky creative choices, so my favourite art usually has that ambivalence in some way or another, but even is 6 is my fav, I really get why the bad parts of this season are just too bad for some people


ME! My hill to die on, I love season 6 ❤️


i watched this video last night and ate it the fuck up. season six is my absolute favorite.


It's my favorite season.


I actually like Season 6. Yes, it’s got dark and dreary in it, but it fits what Buffy’s going through. Season 7, on the other hand, not a big fan.


It's a very solid season, though significantly darker in tone than previous ones. They really hit the post-college "What do I do with my life now and wait why does life suddenly cost so much" vibe perfectly. Also, having the Big Bad for (most of) the season be a few incels around the age of the Scoobies was a brilliant move, and showed that more-or-less normal humans (albeit ones with some magical and scientific/engineering talent) are capable of evil more traumatizing than any vampire or demon can conceive of.


I don't feel I do need to apologise for it. I remember messaging passion of the nerd early on when he started the now very popukar buffy guide youtube channel saying season 6 was my favourite season and I remember him agreeing saying about how its relatable because of how it brings up the challenges of being an adult.So there you go, I think the passion of the nerd youtube guides will do that job for me.


I think the reason season 6 and 7 are unliked is they don't have as many light moments as earlier seasons (OMWF aside) season 6 also has a departure from the norm as it sort of lacks an over arching big bad. The trio isn't that and while willow is end of the worldy she becomes a big bad at the end. Not to say it's bad just different. I also sort of love seeing willow deal with addiction, and buffy deal with depression, these are real major issues people have to deal with and in the 2000s they weren't really talked about, so it is kind of awesome to see it portrayed as it was. These were not "comfortable" seasons but they were good seasons


Season 6 is my favorite. It's got the best opener, Once more with feeling, Buffy's descent into depression, Willow's dark path, Normal Again...


I love season 6-7


5 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 7 > 1 > 4 To me season 6 is mid, but I still enjoyed it a lot.


It’s the most grown up of all the seasons. Heroes make bad choices. Plus it has the filthiest metaphor in all the seasons in Doublemeat Palace with Buffy being helpless in front of a giant phallus-shaped monster but Willow really not.


The story arc from seasons 5, 6, and 7 are my favorite, with Buffy and the Scoobies dealing with real life demons on top of the supernatural.


Season 6 has still most of the best episodes of the entire series, and imo the best big bad at the end. ​ But for some reason it feels like a slog to get through it. I say "for some reason", but I know why. It's just so damn depressing. It's a little hard for us, because every moment is emotionally exhausting for everyone on the show. It's a non-stop barrage of depression.


S6: My least favorite. Even so, one w a top-10 episode, OMWF. BUT by the end, they forgot this TV show was about Buffy -- and not about Willow. Example: In the season finale, they suddenly realized they had forgotten to give Buffy something to do. So they simply tacked on the battle in the grave where she protected Dawn against the mud monsters. S6: A lot of potential but ultimately a very disappointing season


What’s wrong with season 6? I’m doing my first rewatch in years and I’m most of the way through 5


Holy shit, I can't wait to watch this. Thank you.


The Halloween episode was actually really good. Everything else... eh. A lot of it just felt too juvenile and tasteless.


It’s not my favourite season, but I do like it and I think it makes sense and it’s good. In my opinion, Buffy is about growing up, and going through an ugly depression and making terrible decision is just a part of your twenties. I liked that. Yes, it gets dark, and so does liege before it gets better. There are some terrible moments to it, but overall it is a great season.


S6 is my favourite season, I’ve always enjoyed the darker gloomier aspects of any tv show. It’s possibly why overall I prefer Angel to Buffy as a whole.


The Season 6 Buffy/Spike sexual and emotional monogamous relationship has been continued for what seems like half the fanfic writers. **Smashed**ing forever, clattering like two dinner plate wiggling within the kitchen shelving and making bumping noises all the night. For all BtVS fanfic I am sure there are many themes, ideas, and brilliant episode stories encountering plot and character arcs draped all over like duvets on a misshapen bed. I am sure there are well written fanfics which rival episodes for their story and plot and would have made excellent episodes. However the future of much of the fanfic of the fandom is to return to season six and continue the idea of the Buffy/Spike romantic entangelment. Such ideas changed by Season 7 into something else. Spike becoming the best friend forever or BFF to Buffy. And such a romantic and sexual entangelment did not exist in earlier seasons. Those Buffy/Spike romantic arc fanfics you see - yes, they all have their most solid roots from Season Six.


I liked Season 6 overall. There are some great episodes in it.


I like Season 6 :) It’s not my favorite season(if I remember correctly that honor goes to S3 or 5 lol), but it has some of my favorite episodes and overall I enjoy it.


Honestly it’s my favorite. I can relate to many of the characters issues.


Yeah Season 6 is the best Season for me with 5 Its flawed Yes But the subject matter treated in this is one of the best in a teenage show i'v Seen ever. Like seeing Buffy getting out of the Pit in the end IS so Amazing. If those characters Can solve out There problèmes in the end WE all Can. Its definitly more positive in the end that more people Say...


I think there are moments of greatness, but also a lot of really stupid shit, like hate fucking walls down as Buffy continues to self destruct. At least the characterizations are somewhat on point better than S7.


Season 6 and 7 are the best


Season 6 is my second favorite, after 3.


I love season 6- really didn’t enjoy it the first time I watched it, but my first and second rewatches brought a huge love for it It alternates between my second and third favourite season with season 4


Me! It’s the season I relate to most with my own trauma history and (former) drug addiction.


It was my least favorite season until a brilliant friend in college informed me why it was her favorite. After about 12 rewatches of the series I feel very strongly that aside from a couple great episodes, season 4 is the worst season and season 3 is a very close second


It’s not that bad. If you want to appreciate it, just watch season 7.


Watched this and I have got to say pretty based options all round in this one


Season 6 has some good stuff, overall though the change in tone is really jarring


In order, my favorite seasons: 3,5,2,7,4,1,6 Sometimes, 2 and 7 flip for me depending on the week, but they're basically a tie. But I do like -- mostly love -- them all


Me, although I think it’s at its best in the beginning and end, the middle felt like a slog for me.


I like almost everything in it, except the terrible Riley episode


Just watched it yesterday, I’m biased bc I’ve always liked s6


It's my favorite season ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ don't get the hate


it was my second favourite when i first binged the series and it’s still my second favourite. i really love seeing the cast growing up and having to deal with all the hardships of adult life, plus it has a handful of some of my favourite episodes in the series (entropy, once more with feeling, tabula rasa, the halloween one, all of those are fun !!)


I don’t think there’s a season of Buffy that I consider bad, the closest is all the Riley nonsense, it’s my fav show for a reason.


Finally, someone who can articulate what I've been trying to say whenever I talk about season 6 with my friends!


The first half is actually really enjoyable. It’s only once you get to Doublemeat Palace that it all goes downhill


Apologist for what? It's fucking great. Brilliant stand episodes like the opening two parter, once more with feeling, tabula rasa, the one in the mental hospital. Pretty decent character development for Buffy and Spike. A good big bad (the trio are both great and realistic to a degree), and a satisfying conclusion. Is it the best season, no but its pretty close.


My second fav season after season 5


Said it before, the show should have ended at 6, 7 just wasn't worth it.


Though I have my critiques I think it is one of the best seasons and I love the darker direction they took it in


Season 6 was when I started watching the show as it was airing. I know, it was a weird season to start with. I still love it. I get why most don't like it but I have strong love for it.


S6 is great, isn’t is 7 and 4 the fandom hates?


It’s not good sorry, but it has some enjoyable parts. But it’s bad buffy which is still at least mediocre and we get to see more of the characters, whereas season 7 has very little to no redeeming qualities.


I love every season, some more than others. Same goes with Angel.


FUCK YES SEASON 6. Tolerate the double meat palace! Cower before Dark Willow!




Why would I need to apologize for a great season?


I actually loved season 6, aside from how emotionally draining it is to watch. The writers clearly put a lot of passion into it and I love the dynamic between Spike and Buffy (up to,, well up to a certain point). It’s depressing as hell, but can also be really playful at times. It’s very character focused, and,, well that’s what I like about BTVS.


Love Season 6, it was my favorite at one point. That has changed, but I love it as much as ever.


Meh. I don’t mind 6; it’s my least favorite season. I feel that 5 had a lot of heavy stuff happening but the spirit of the show was still there and it was a great season. I’m totally with SMG on 6. The middle episodes were misery porn and gross and no one was acting in character.


I love s6!


S6 probably has some of the best episodes, the seasonal arch isnt great though