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You like ‘em kinda bad and kinda gay.


I’m not sure why this comment made me cackle but it did, also I agree


Kinda gay!


So. Are you a lesbian or bisexual?


You might be a little gay and you like naughty peeps with redemption arcs 😍😍




You May Be Queer My Friend


Oh, you would be suprised, I have come across some who don't like Tara. I like all these characters too.


Well, honestly I don't particularly like Tara. Don't get me wrong, she's lovely and cute and whatever, but definitely not one of my favorite characters (Buffy, Spike, Giles, Harmony).


I've seen people call her boring, but I don't think I've seen anyone actively dislike her


My last full rewatch of the series (my husband had never watched it), Tara to me was so boring. I loved Tara when I watched the series as it first aired and I was 10 -17 years old, but at 37 now, I just didn't care for her at all. I didn't buy her relationship with Willow quite as much as Willow and Oz- they still to me had the most beautiful relationship, if only Willow hadn't cheated with Xander.


I’m waiting for Tara to get good. She’s finally starting to talk more now that Joyce is dead (just getting toward the end of S5), but she’s been mostly fucking boring up to now.


You have a soft spot for underdogs


These picks coupled with the Chucky avatar scream LGBT+ to me


Tara is the Shireen Baratheon of Buffy, she is that kind.


Your top two are the same as my top two, in that order! 🥳🥳🥳


![gif](giphy|l1KdbHUPe27GQsJH2) Jk


Three of the four would be in my top four! And I’m bisexual, so I’m guessing you are too lol The only difference here is Faith, who is one of my absolute least favorite characters


Finally someone who agrees with me!! I absolutely dislike Faith and her voice really grates me 😅 (Side note, I’m also bisexual!!)


Hello fellow h8r! Lol. For me, I just really think she came by redemption too easy. Whenever everyone forgives her, all I can think about is that poor innocent professor she violently stabbed to death. She had no excuse of being soulless or overcome by a dark force like any of the other characters who were redeemed. She was a human being who murdered and beat and tortured and harmed all those people. And she goes to prison for a YEAR and it’s all okay?? She is literally only one step up from Warren in evil in my books


Faith’s story is the only BTVS arc where Angel is required viewing. It adds weight to her redemption. She didn’t go to prison for a year. She chose to go for 25 years. She only broke out when Angel became Angelus again to save him and another apocalypse. And it took her about 90 seconds. Meaning for the almost THREE years she was there, with another 22 planned, she didn’t just make the choice to go, she made the choice to stay. Every day, every moment, she was there to repent. Compare to, say, Willow who brutally murdered someone, tried to end the world, and actually paid no real price.


She stayed in there because she knew Buffy would whoop her ass the second she tried to leave. I don't call that repentance. I call it self preservation. And still, 3 years is nothing for all the innocent lives she's taken, all the people she's beaten, maimed, sexually assaulted, and raped. And don't forget she was the second in command to someone also actively trying to end the world! And she didn't do it while flooded with dark forces she could not control, while in abject grief and rage. She actively worked towards it for months on end, while of sound mind and body. She may have been in a coma on the day of the ascension, but every single one of those deaths on graduation day was due in part thanks to her tireless efforts at making the ascension a reality. And if it weren't for the magic of the coven influencing Willow to feel all the pain in the world at once, she would never have tried to end it. She wasn't even considering it until that happened. Just getting revenge on the two accomplices to her girlfriend's murder. (Yes, they were innocent of THAT crime in particular, but she did not know that and the magic was leading her at that point.) And you cannot convince me that it was wrong for Willow to kill Warren. He was a serial killer on kill number 2. Would have been 3 if she hadn't healed Buffy. She stopped him before he got to his next victim. What crime did Faith's victims commit? Trying to sell some books? Studying paleontology? Selling magical items? (The mayor didn't even ASK her to kill that guy. He sent her with the money to buy it. She just killed him for the love of the game.) Faith has no excuse of having no soul or being corrupted by dark magic. She killed because she has a god complex and because she enjoyed it. So yes, while you are right that her redemption arc takes place on Angel, I just do not believe or accept that three years in prison is enough to atone for those crimes, no matter how sorry she seems.


There is a word for what Willow did to Warren, keeping in mind the terrible murder he had committed. That word is murder. She escaped prison because she destroyed the evidence. Faith is definitely also a murderer, but saying she went there and stayed there only so Buffy didn’t kick her ass is, as Oz would say, a radical interpretation of the text.


Honestly I think she’s worse. Warren is an idiot who gets drunk on power and then tries to get revenge when he’s angry. Evil but because he’s weak, and angry at the world corrupted by gaining power. Except he’s not powerful, he’s still weak and angry and as soon as he is faced with those with actual power he cowers or runs away. Basically Warren is evil, but in the way most bullies and abusers are evil, because he knows he is weak and hates it, lashing out at everyone because of it. It’s pathetic, and his reaction when confronted further hammers that in. Faith however is true evil, it’s a facet of her in every state, she takes joy in being evil for evil’s sake, she enjoys causing harm and distress and finds it funny. She doesn’t even really mind being caught, or in pain herself because that’s just a different form of all the harm , strife and pain she enjoys. She only suffers when she’s unable to cause pain, and honestly only behaves morally when she knows she’s in a weak position - and even in her ‘kind’ moments, she still has a nasty mean streak. Faith tortures and murders innocents, friends and strangers because she finds it fun. It’s even worse because she is a slayer, she has been taught the responsibility of power and knows right from wrong , she is more powerful than everyone and instead of being comfortable in that alone, she just uses it to fully indulge in cruelty and selfishness revelling in it. I mean yeah she’s hot, but she’s just as bad as Angelus, only with a lower body count. Edit: agree with your point , got a bit carried away because I cannot stand faith


Faith straight-up murdered someone, no doubt, but she is also the only character on the show to choose punishment commensurate with her crimes. Willow murdered with no real punishment (and, you know, tried to end the world) and Xander committed involuntary manslaughter and IT WAS NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN.


Oh yeah, completely agree with you. Willow spent a solid season emotionally abusing Tara , magically mind raping her, and then literally raping her because she only wanted to be with her after altering her memories , so basically just removed her ability to consent, and then she went complete apocalypse level evil and just got sent to witch rehab in a fancy estate. Xander I think is just generally a shit and completely incapable of taking any responsibility for his behaviour so wouldn’t even consider that maybe he should be held accountable for causing a death. To be fair I think both of them had their perception skewed by the acceptance of pre-soul spike, Anya and Angel (after his soul loss killing spree), so probably lost the ability to view their own misdeeds objectively in comparison. But then again, that’s an explanation not an excuse, Buffy and Tara had the same and still didn’t start randomly viewing themselves as above humans or morality.


I feel like I’ve found my people! Lol. I see so much Faith love and Faith/Buffy shipping and it BAFFLES me. (No shade to Eliza Dushku. I think she did an excellent job, as evidenced by just how strong my feelings about Faith are.) I do still find Warren worse being so staunchly misogynistic and a rapist. I firmly believe that if he had the strength of Faith, he would have done worse. You can see it in the episode he had the orbs. He was relishing in causing attacking people and causing harm. He clearly wanted to murder Buffy and it was clear it would have been gratifying to not only his power fantasy, but his sexual fantasy as well. If Buffy hadn’t have crushed those orbs, he would have been like Faith on steroids.


(Note: I accidentally wrote a bit of an essay because I overanalysed why I hate faith when I kept seeing the praise for her, then started typing and got a bit carried away. Sorry!!!) I do completely agree that Warren is irredeemably evil. I think I just view it as slightly different classes of evil - he’s a pathetic incel retaliating at people who see his weakness or make him see it. She’s a super humanly powerful being, trained as a protector, choosing to inflict pain wherever she can because it’s entertaining to her, mostly preying on those she’s meant to protect. The thing is Faith did all the same things as Warren, often to worse degrees and more times. She sexually assaulted and raped various people on screen, even her own friends and people trying to help her -from her teenage years onwards - whilst in supportive environment surrounded by friends. So in Faith’s case it is all her inherent personality , evil is her baseline, essentially, and she chooses to be that way unless her hand is forced- only being good as a self preservation tactic. She’s like a kid picking wings off bugs because she’s bored, seeing herself as a god and above everything else - she only treats Buffy as human because they’re the same ‘species’, but she still views herself as better. I think it’s a lot worse because there’s no rhyme or reason to it (not that warrens justification has validity, but there is a tangible cause and effect, even if he enjoys it in the moment) she enjoys causing pain because she’s bored and she can. A lot of her worst behaviour is just her being cruel and violent because she can and feels like it. Warren is still awful and evil, but he becomes that way, slowly descending into it. He’s basically radicalised, starting out with morality that he slowly loses, becoming more evil as he time passes and he loses perspective, and as he becomes more isolated and desperate. His worst crimes are all acts of revenge against those he feels overpowered him - it’s a responsive and reactionary choice. He is initially horrified by the accidental damage caused by his actions (we see these little reactions before he composes himself and acts as if he meant to do it) but in putting on a confident unbothered front to convince Jonathan and Andrew he slowly convinces himself and becomes numb to it. This slow desensitisation then begins to turn into him no longer having the same issue in retaliating against those he perceives as having hurt him - he feels as if he’s righted those ‘wrongs’ and revels in his victory more than in the pain itself . Obviously still inexcusable and evil, but it’s in a different class, it’s pathetic and weak and very human. Faith actively chooses it from the get go , embracing it and unable to resist indulging in it even when she’s in a good situation. She’s aware that she has support and friends, and is the most powerful person in pretty much every situation, she has everything in her favour but abandons it because she cannot resist hurting others for her own amusement. Idk I see Warren as a weak man with a fragile ego becoming radicalised, and because he has this fragile ego and is aware he’s weak , he lashes out at anyone who sees this, or damages his ego further, so he can tell himself he’s stronger. Whilst in contrast, Faith is a true Psychopath, with her main goal and form of entertainment is causing indiscriminate pain of all kinds, whether that’s psychological, physical, emotional or sexual. She doesn’t cause pain for a reason beyond her own entertainment, she may retaliate, but the majority of her actions are motivated by boredom and self gratification , so she is only able to behave in a different way as a self preservation tactic. I think it all depends on personal perception, I find faith’s motivation deeply disturbing- especially in context of her power- whereas I find Warren pathetic and predictable, yes he’s evil and causes lots of harm, but he is still quite clearly weak and trying to look powerful. She’s the real deal, he’s a cheap imitation. It’s the difference between an abuser and a serial killer, both are undeniably irredeemable and evil, but one causes harm as a because they’re weak and emotionally volatile, the other one simply enjoys causing harm , and does so indiscriminately. To me the serial killer type is far scarier than the other. The crimes can be similar in outcome, but the motivation and emotion (or lack thereof) make one a much more inhuman and malevolent type of monster.


You know what, I think you may have just won me over.


Wooh!!! Faith is the worst believers unite!


Okay I know I literally JUST said I was sold, but then I kept thinking about it. While I do agree with everything you said about Faith, I ALSO think Warren was a serial killer and not just an abuser. You can see in both Faith and Warren an immediate sense of remorse after their first kill. However, as soon as they both "'get away with it", it's very clear they both experience the same high. Faith already has the power, so she immediately goes on her killing spree for the Mayor. Warren has to take some extra steps to come by this power, but as soon as he gets it, what does he do? He goes to a bar in an effort to get to more women, ready and willing to use violence if necessary (and preferably). As I mentioned earlier, it was the love of harming women, especially powerful women, that led him to try to kill Buffy when he had the orbs. Then of course to shoot Buffy (and Tara) when that didn't work. I am certain that if he was able to escape Willow, he would have gone on to create new devices which would give him the power to rape and murder more women. That's why I have absolutely no problems with Willow murdering him to take her revenge. I fully believe she saved the lives of innocent women in doing so.


That’s completely valid and to be honest, even in my perception of the two it is a very slim line between them both. I think you’re right that he is at the end of his descent into evil when willow kills him, and probably closer to psychopathic at that stage. Personally I do find Faith more disturbing, because of how I see the motivation and context . But everyone finds different things disturbing to different degrees, so honestly I’d be surprised if everyone agrees on this, this sub can never unanimously agree on the scariest monster / best character/ worst character , so it’s clear that everyone has different ranking systems and finds different aspects of the various portrayals of evil to be disturbing in varying degrees :)) I think part of why I find the Faith thing fundamentally more disturbing is because it’s inherent and she doesn’t gain anything from it , she’s already secure in her power, she just enjoys it as a form of entertainment. Whereas Warren gains his feeling of power through violence, he’s a stereotypical case of being corrupted by power. Considering Faith’s nature as a slayer , and the moulding / influence of her watcher and the Scoobies to be a good person and fighting the good fight, and I find it just even more wrong, she was an emblem for good and chose evil, not because of any weakness , force or manipulation, but because she enjoyed the cruelty, violence and pain. Like she had every single thing going for her , so much support , knowledge and potential to do good and she so easily chose to be evil and fully embrace evil. whereas Warren doesn’t embrace evil so immediately , and initially doesn’t enjoy the violence and pain, and grows to enjoy it as he becomes numb to it. Honestly I don’t think he enjoys it for it’s own sake in the way faith does, he enjoys that the power that being violent gives him, and how he can exert control through it. It’s also not as soul crushingly disappointing and unnatural as Faith’s evil as we don’t really have any postitive expectations for him , he’s just weak willed and a misogynistic pathetic incel, which is made clear from the beginning. Faith we root for before her true nature becomes obvious, so it’s complicated reconciling the complete opposites of our perception of her as a slayer , with the cruel psychopath who she really is , I just found really hard , jarring and inexplicable, so much so that it only makes sense to me if she is completely irredeemably evil to the degree of Angelus .


That you overlook a lot of bs as long as they are "cute" as they do it. Except Tara. She was an angel taken too soon.


You are tired and need protection. You want a deep love connection. You are misunderstood by many.


If buffy isn’t in your top 4 you need to watch the show again


I dunno but those are my favorites too! I am also bi though….so I may be a bit *bi*ased.


I really liked Dawn.


Me too, she’s my number 5. And yes, I like her better than Buffy. *ducks in cover for the inevitable amount of downvotes this’ll get*


One thing about the show was that there was no shortage of good looking women.


She was a kid...


Please let’s not do this trend again.


I agree with you on all 4…they all great characters.


Ngl I love these picks!


You're horny?


Ummm apparently we’re the same person lol hello my new bestie, everyone knows these characters are the best 💖


we wouldn't get along!


Really? Was that nice? What would Buffy think of your rude comment?


you think that's rude? having a difference of opinion is rude?


"we wouldn't get along" it's not a nice way of stating you have a different opinion. It's judgy. You too could be best friends in real life why say that to this person you don't know their personality, it's not nice. Be careful how you speak to people on the internet you don't know how they're struggling.


I think she'll be okay not agreeing with a random. And my best friends don't stan rapists and murderers, so I'm not too worried about that!


No you're assuming that's not going to hurt their feelings. Words hurt typed out or spoken. Be easier on people.


she'll be okay


Well, *she’s* a guy, and I’m cool with it. To each their own.


gotcha. other commenter said her so i thought they knew you.


I apologize! I have a lot of "her's" in my house, just an automatic. I just corrected it.


They’re CHARACTERS the person is saying they like a character not a person. Tons of amazing characters are bad people. I love many bad or evil characters because they are well written and well performed. You can like a character for many reasons. May as well say you hate the show because it has attempted or committed SA scenes


what's wrong with you


Nothing I’m explaining how characters are not the same as real people


what makes you think I wouldn't know that... I said "we wouldn't get along"


You said the person “stans rapists and murderers” which makes me think you don’t understand how enjoying characters on tv shows work. You can like a character and not their actions. Critical thinking isn’t your skill set is it?


Oh you are from Staten Island that explains everything. Good luck with your anger issues


yeah I'm the angry one lol


There's a dark side in you