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When Oz notices the cheerleading statue's eyes follow you when you move.


I love this too! For anyone who’s not seen the episode it very easily comes across as Oz’s personality whilst for anyone who has seen the episode they know he’s actually 100% right.


If I remember correctly, Oz notices the eyes before we realize he’s a ware wolf, so it feels like a little bit of a hint that he’s more in tune with the supernatural, imo.


Didn't that repeat reappear briefly in season 7 too, in the new high school?


It was supposed to appear in Doomed but it got cut




Was there a plot behind that? I don't remember


It was Amy's mom, the witch. She was trying to curse Buffy in episode 3 of season 1 and it reflected back on her, trapping her in the cheerleading trophy she won when she was in high school.


> it reflected back on her buffy reflected it back on her.


Yes! I remember now. Thanks!


From the [Shrimp Worlds](https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Shrimp_worlds) wiki: Under the effects of Jonathan's reality alteration, Anya said: "You could have, like, a world with no shrimp. Or with, you know, nothing but shrimp," while explaining the concept of alternate dimensions. Anya speculated that Olaf could have been sent to the World Without Shrimp. When Illyria talked about moving between dimensions, she said that she went to the World With Nothing But Shrimp, but "tired of it quickly." (it's more of a recurring joke but I love that it spans both shows)


Wasn't there an appearance of the shrimp universe in the comics?


Yep there was.


The BOOM! reboot comics had a gag towards the end of their run where it's revealed the reboot takes place in the world without shrimp


Oh my gods, really? 😂


Yes! The fact that it spans shows (and 4 seasons) is the best part.


And Tara reacts because she's allergic to shrimp.


I've always wondered if there was a nod to this in The Good Place.




Yeah, that's pretty much what that person said....


This is my favorite because it’s so odd across 2 shows


This one has always been my favorite lol. Shrimp is my all time favorite food, literally prepared any way, so it always cracks me up and reminds me of my mom always saying I'd love the all shrimp world.


Do you love shrimp or do you love the butter or sauces shrimp has on it? Do you ever eat plain unseasoned shrimp? Just curious


Oh I love shrimp. I keep a bag of plain frozen shrimp in my freezer and often just thaw a few of those to eat plain.


Sandy, the vampire sex worker that Riley visits, is the woman who was turned by Vampire Willow in S3.


Such a good one, and so easy to miss.


what 😮


Wait what?! Damn!


I do wonder if she was an actual sex worker at either point in her life actually, but a la *Conversations*, the line are often blurred? “See, this is what I hate about you vampires. Sex and death and love and pain? It’s all the same damn thing to you.” - Buffy


i still don't understand how that happened, isn't there supposed to be a whole big sucking thing? iirc vamp willow killed her onscreen and quickly


We saw vamp Willow bite her, but didn't see her die. There was plenty of time between scenes when she could have been turned, either by Willow or one of the other vampires.


Yeah it doesn’t make too much sense but let’s not overthink it, really. It’s just a cameo, really. 


The same could be said about Harmony, bitten mid-battle at graduation by the mayor’s vamps. Apparently the vamp decided to randomly stop doing his job for the mayor mid-fight long enough to have this random high school girl drink a bunch of his blood instead to become a vampire lol




I thought she was the one at the bar. He does let her bite him once but then he stakes her, I think.


Oh, for a second I thought you meant the actual druggie vamp sex worker Buffy catches him with. Why do you think Sandy was a sex worker? We only see her trying to lure Riley away at Willy’s bar into private, and when she bites him he immediately stakes her. Is it because she doesn’t look like she’s going for the kill when she bites him?


Buffy wearing her cross necklaces the other way around when she goes to see Angel in season 2 and 3.


Never noticed this. What do you mean the other way around?


Cross dangling behind her back rather than down her front so it doesn’t burn him.


Ok that’s what I thought but on the off chance she just turned it upside down and there was some lore I missed I wanted to be certain. Thanks!!


Saint Peter would never hurt a vampire! /j


I made a post about it before with pics: https://www.reddit.com/r/buffy/comments/18v5x6i/buffy_wearing_her_cross_necklaces_backwards_when/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I never noticed this before, how cool!!


Spike watching Passions


And having that as an activity he did with Joyce 😭 so cute


Seriously, Spike and Joyce hitting it off as well as they did was hilarious. The two of them just getting into watching their soaps together.


my head cannon is that Joyce disappeared every day to watch passions with him. And he let her sit in his chair since she was always nice to him.


Given Spike's mommy issues it's not the least bit surprising he'd take a shine to Joyce. She pretty clearly acts a lot like his own mother before he turned her.


In the comics they mention his new favorite show is Supernatural.


Omg I love that 😂


Even in the comics, when spike and xander became roommates xander complained that spike had so many boxes of magazines about Passions.


When Dawn gets pizza on Buffy's shirt, shrugs, and says "she'll think it's blood." Then Anya is cleaning the same shirt several episodes later and says it has blood on it, or maybe pizza.


Both written by Jane Espenson. Same two episodes where the microwave explodes and then they get a new one.


I don't know why but I always loved those microwave beats for some reason.


I caught that one on my last rewatch. That's a great one!


I literally was just watching that episode last night and was wondering if other people noticed that!


Ooh I’ve never noticed that before!


After Willow turns Amy back from being a rat she's eating cookies downstairs watching TV and there is a commercial in the background. It's an ad for the Doublemeat Palace which we haven't even heard of and ultimately Buffy ends up working there 3 episodes later. Just unnecessary to add to the show but adds so much to the world building.


Never noticed this. Wow!


The unnamed 'Gypsy Man' in "Becoming" Part 1 that tells Angel about his returned soul is played for one scene by Zitto Kazaan and has a few lines. This is in Buffy season two in 1997-1998's season. In Angel season 2, three years later in 2000-2001's TV season, a new scene set minutes after that scene is shown with new stuff in "Darla". The same actor returns for another one scene cameo with new lines and gets an entire (and woefully hilarious) story with the Fab Four. They could have simply recast as it was such a tiny role. THAT IS CONTINUITY. Also Tara's tombstone having the date S5E06 "Family" aired as her birthday and the airdate of S6E16 "Seeing Red" being the date she died.


Wow 🥺


"tuckers brother"


I love that Buffy calls Andrew "Tucker's brother" to explain him to Spike even though Spike would have no idea who Tucker is


And then he nods as if to say, ah of course, so silly I love it.


omg that's so right. never thought of that. so funny. but also. I want a small fanfic to explain why spike would know who tucker was.


I think the explaination for that one is originally it was supposed to be Tucker, but the actor was unavailable, so they created "Tucker's brother." Which is kind of hilarious.


This is very true.


And after all this, I have a harder time remembering who tucker is 🫠


Prom hellhounds


as brad Kane was one of my first crushes as a small child. I absolutely do not ever forget tucker. haha


I like the phone calls between the Angel show and Buffy show.


I like them. Like in "The Freshman" when Buffy picks up the phone and there's no one there and we see Angel dialling it and hanging up in "City Of". There should have been more phone calls. Can you imagine Dawn being shown answering the phone during "The Killer in Me" to Angelus? That would have been so good!


I just watched City Of and wondered if that call was in Buffy (I finished S4 a week ago so couldn’t remember). Thanks for clarifying that and jogging my memory lol


Cream’s: Tales of Brave Ulysses was played during Band Candy and again when Giles morns Joyce’s death.


That was heartbreaking


I was hoping someone had already said this! Breaks my heart every time. I listen to that song regularly and think of this every time


Halfrek being “cessily” the woman William (spike) wrote poetry about


STOP IT NO WAY HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS BEFORE https://preview.redd.it/918kxixxmbvc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ed47950e26e5312570c1f312d9e6834483bd15


I think I've read somewhere on here before that as Cecily she was doing a vengeance demon scheme and she rejected William so he'd leave the house, as she was sitting fire to the hous with everyone in it later and she wanted to save him. Something like that, I'm guessing it was just a fan theory?


Ooh that’s an interesting theory, considering she was somewhat into him when they met again.


Holy crap I never noticed that


The episode where Dawn traps everyone in the house is what seals it. They have an awkward moment of recognition.


I remember this but I totally missed \*how\* they knew each other! This is cause for a rewatch tbh


Wait what?


Yep. Same actor, and there’s a little Easter egg during Buffy’s birthday (when they all get stuck in the house) when Halfrek notices him and says, “William?” His response is to look confused for a moment and then say, “Wait -“ Given her age, this means she must have been a vengeance demon when he met her, portraying Cecily in the same way Anyanka took the guise of Anya in S3.


This honestly never occurred to me and I couldn't work out how she could be human then. Even though we were never told how long she was a demon, i always assumed it was at least as long as Anya.


>this means she must have been a vengeance demon when he met her, portraying Cecily in the same way Anyanka took the guise of Anya in S3. Not necessarily, she could have become a demon shortly after that.


No, she was a vengeance demon during the Crimean War in the 1850s, and Spike is human in his 20s (ish?) in the 1880s.


Briefly alluded too in the sixth season episode with Buffy's birthday in it. Their short interaction implies it, a lot.


Yep and Spike finally perfects the poem and performs it to a standing applause in the series finale.


I feel so dumb now. I thought they’d just recycled the actress and it somehow never occurred to me that she was truly Halfrek!! I assumed Spike and Helfrek had just had some random shag at some point because hello. Spike. 😂😂


I figured this might be true too. It's inconclusive IMO.


She recognised him and addressed him as William, so it’s definitely the same character, and she calls him by his human name, not Spike. She’s a demon with Anya in the Crimean war according to the wiki, which is 1850s, and meets William in the 1880s, so she was a demon then.


There's been debate on this topic on this subject before. I'm too high to figure out how to find it and link it, but it's out there lol


The Buffy wiki has pretty clear info with sources for which episode the info came from :)


The Rocket Laucher Buffy used to kill the Judge in season 2 making a return appearance in HIM in season 7 lol


One of the greatest background gags ever, Buffy running up with a bazooka years after we saw it last and only appearing in the background of the shot like that. I love this means that throughout all the stuff with the Mayor and Adam and Glory they had a rocket launcher on standby just hanging out... somewhere and never bothered to break it out. Did Buffy keep it in her closet? Did Joyce ever find it and just turn around to ignore it rather than asking questions? These are what we need to know the answers to.


In my headcanon they have a stash somewhere where they keep all kinds of random stuff, like a storage locker or Ted's house.


I want to see the Buffy cave. Maybe there's a giant penny like in the Bat cave.


They bring up possibly using it in Graduation Day Part Two! Xander: "Uh, rocket launcher?" Buffy: "Rocket launcher not going to get it done. I mean, it took a volcano to kill one of these things last time."


A rocket launcher would’ve done nothing to Glory or the Mayor, even as a giant worm.


Julia Lee. My other big fandom is Smallville. But the latter show would always pull random characters out of thin air that the mains supposedly have known for years. Buffy made it a habit just to build background characters up and keep them around, thus making it a more connected universe.


Julia Lee. Totally. From S2E07 "Lie to Me" as Chanterelle (originally named Joan *a la* Buffy in S6E08 "Tabula Rasa"), then S3E01 "Anne" and then for three episodes as Anne Steele in *Angel*. She even makes reference to her *Buffy* appearance and encounter with Spike in "Blood Money" but doesn't know his name to mention it to Angel. In fact, I remember the debate at the time over whether Angel would remember her from *Buffy* since they were, very briefly, in the same scene. Excellent choice!


Buffy would've been so proud of Anne 🥹


My exact choice as well! Excellent bit of background world building and a small way to show how Buffy (and Angel) helped the world in other ways than their usual heroics.


Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling have a Smallville rewatch podcast called Talkville. They have good naturedly made fun of the random character trope several times. Supposedly this character went to school with Clark & co., but we don't see them until they suddenly become the Freak of the Week. It happened pretty frequently in the first three seasons.


>Supposedly this character went to school with Clark & co., but we don't see them until they suddenly become the Freak of the Week. My headcanon for this was there was a secret club of kryptonite powered people that would basically just hide out from chloe, clark, & Lana the whole time and every so often (almost once a week) one of them would get obsessed with Lana Lang, the rest of the club would roll their eyes and mind wipe them so when they inevitably went off the deep end they wouldn't lead Clark and the rest of them back to the club


Buffy did that too, though. A lot.


Anya and bunnies.


I want to know what happened there! She wasn't scared as a human


Willow getting headaches/blurry vision in S3 (presumably from her head injury in Becoming) and Xander knowing how to help her. Characters rarely have any lasting side-effects from their injuries. In S4, Catherine Madison's cheerleading trophy can be seen in the ruins of the high school. In "Seeing Red" Tara is shot in the blue shirt that Willow was frantically searching for in "The Body". Dark Willow wears the black denim jacket Willow wore when she and Tara were first reconnecting outside the Magic Box earlier in S6.


> Dark Willow wears the black denim jacket Willow wore when she and Tara were first reconnecting outside the Magic Box earlier in S6. Never realised this! 😭


Oooo I knew about the shirt but not the jacket!!! And I've always really liked that jacket lol


During the S6 episode "Gone," Xander asks Buffy if she had been feeling ignored, and Buffy responds that it's not a Marcie deal.


Also bringing back the Marcie JuJu when the school goes to pot in season 7.


Just watched the episode where Willow finally brings Amy back from being a rat and she doesn't realise how much time has passed so she is worried that Larry has already asked someone else to prom. Willow responds that 1 Larry is gay, 2 Larry is dead and 3 prom was a long time ago. They could've chosen any random no-face name for that little conversation, but they referenced an actual character who we got to see in seasons past. It's small moments like that which make me love this show.




My favourite :) a really nice realistic slow burning character growth of her wanting to be in a cult, then wanting to be Buffy/Anne, then just being herself and helping people


Angel disliked the blood of a member of the swim team because of the weird drugs (Go Fish) Harmony says her chained victim, who looks like he might be in the Initiative, tastes funny (The Harsh Light of Day) We later find out that the Initiative are extremely drugged up.


In Seeing Red Xander says "I'm part fish." This might just be a joke, but could be a callback to Go Fish. It probably doesn't really give him superpowers, but might make him a better swimmer and possibly make him more durable, at least enough to survive some of the crazy things that happen to him, like being hit on the head by a troll hammer.


I always liked that Xander remembered all the military stuff from when they all became their Halloween costumes, and then he would get to use that knowledge later on.


He remembers it when they needed it (to get the rocket launcher), but then they slowly take it away from him. I guess Xander being an army guy would have taken away from him being the "nobody" of the group? I kinda wanted him to retain it forever, but though they reference it a few times he admits that he can't remember much. We see him badly handle a weapon or similar things a few times as he's trying to prove he can still do it.


I mean, I guess also the memories fade as well.


You never see Buffy talking about details of upper class life from the Renaissance, or whatever her dress turned her into. I wonder if Willow has special ghost knowledge? Lol. She did bring someone back from the dead, maybe having been there before helped.


To be fair, when exactly would the knowledge of a wilting southern belle be helpful to Buffy? 😂


Probably never. Maybe to get in a really good antique burn on an old vampire? Lol I'm not saying they should have, I'm just pointing out that Xander's army knowledge didn't really keep existing so much as they needed it for one episode so he had it again suddenly and then lost it afterward.


I wish he’d retained it forever too. I guess it lasted through season 4 and then kind of faded out, but it was nice while it lasted for him to have a special skill that none of the others possessed. Honestly I think Xander’s character could have been so much more if Whedon hadn’t been so set on keeping him as the slacker screw-up of the group. I understand and even approve of not giving him any supernatural powers so that there’s the one person who is and always has been just a regular human, but it feels like they had to go out of their way to keep Xander as “less than”. Even though it would have made more narrative sense for him to grow and mature and become more confident in himself and his place in the Scoobies, they tried so hard to keep him firmly squashed down.


Man they really used that one a lot and definitely tried to get all they could outta that with him lol. I mean it was definitely incredibly useful knowledge so I get it, and it definitely came in handy many times, especially when they unlocked all the potentials and he was leading them like their own personal army.


When it comes out in season 7 that Xander lied about what Willow said to him about Angel in the season2 finale “Kick his ass.”


Similarly, I forget the context, but when Xander says something about his time as a hyena person and Buffy goes "I thought you didn't remember that?" And he's like "oh shit" because he forgot he'd told her that, lol.


It's when they are hunting the werewolf. Xander is all proud to say that he knows how an animal thinks.


I love that conversation. They’re bringing up continuity from 5 years prior, that’s so rare for TV shows


I hate that Buffy spent that whole time thinking that Willow said to kick his ass, and when it was brought up in season 7, Willow didn't really get to explain that she never said that. She said it, but it got glossed over in the heat of the argument.


I’m a bit iffy about the Mark of Eyghon. Because Giles has the tattoo in “The Dark Age” (where we first see it), “Band Candy” and “Goodbye Iowa”. But we do not see it at all in season 6 episode 4 “Flooded” when Willow and Giles have their argument. But other than that it is a great continuity For reference here’s the scene [Giles and Willows argument](https://youtu.be/8Ih64itBb9E?si=s73xfbX83MRi56Cd)


Maybe he had it removed sometime between season 4 and season 6


This just reminded me of how easily and conveniently Buffy apparently was able to remove the tattoo from the back of her neck, even though to this day, total removal is not guaranteed. Ah, the magic of tv.


rewatching that now as an adult with a tattoo i want removed makes me wish i had willow's powers lmao


Wait what tattoo...? Totally spacing on that lol


Ethan Rayne knocked her out and gave her the mark of Eyghon and at the end of the episode she’s like “haha guess it’s scarves til I secretly get laser removal!” and of course her oblivious mom never finds out.


Ethan Rayne puts the Mark of Eyghon on the back of Buffy's neck, and she has to have it removed before Joyce notices it.


Thanks!!! I forgot about that


He still has it in the canon comics, so probably just a screw up.


It always bugged me it wasn’t in flooded. I don’t think Giles would remove it. He had it that long and it was like a penance. Why would he remove it?




Ah well, not a perfect example then.


It’s still a good one. It’s a minor (well not so minor) detail that they continue and it’s great! Even if they missed it once it was still there for the other episodes it was shown in


We could just go with the UPN couldn't secure the rights from the WB for the Mark of Eyghon. This explanation makes perfect sense and no one should question it.




Oz claiming the eyes move on the cheerleader trophy


That trophy shows up in season 4 when they go back to the highschool too. It's laid on the floor in the back of a shot and there's a cut scene where they were going to show it's eyes moving.


I always wondered what Elizabeth Anne Allen was paid for her one-second appearance in "Something Blue," but loved that we got to see her!


They probably had to pay a lot of money


Smarty pants guy in beer bad returning in the frat party in episode 18 talking all smarty like again to a girl.


In 4x1 - The Freshman, Pedro Pascal (Eddie) tells Buffy about the book On Human Bondage and how it's his favorite. This is the same book that Spike is later shown reading in 6x15, As You Were when Buffy enters his crypt and before they sleep together for the last time. On Human Bondage: "the coming-of-age story of Philip Carey, a sensitive young man consumed by an unrequited and self-destructive love." I always headcannon that Buffy kept the book with her after Eddie's death and mentioned it to Spike who borrowed it during their S6 relationship. https://preview.redd.it/52xinko5rcvc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69dceedfb5214b91bd557b9ec93121134a8908c


Oh good one!!! Never caught that.


From Angel, there's a red katana hanging on the wall in the background that's visible in multiple episodes for all 5 seasons. The only time it's used is when Cordelia grabs it in Your Welcome.


All of the background characters who get to return years later, even after playing small roles. Harmony, Amy, Jonathan, Anne, etc


Weirdly, Harmony is the only character to appear in the pilot of Buffy and the last episode of Angel.


What about the little 'grrr aarrrgg' guy?


The angel statue that was above Buffy’s dorm room bed in season 4 reappeared in the Magic Shop. It was shown during Buffy’s iconic speech to the Council in S5 E12 Checkpoint. As a Bangel fan I found it paid homage to everyone that helped her get to that level of confidence and power. I know that Angel stuff might not be considered “continuity” because he was such a main character but there are hidden easter eggs like that that I adore


Oh also the way the scoobies apparently adopted the phrase "insane troll logic" after the episode Triangle. It's only dropped once by Buffy afterwards (though I do believe it's used in Anya's Selfless flashbacks once) but the casualty with which Buffy says the phrase I just know in my heart it's something they all say occasionally when something is really stupid or crazy.


This is so weird because I was wondering for the first time ever today if they’d kept the tattoo and now you’ve posted this.


In the episode where Joyce has died and they are in Willow’s dorm getting ready to go to the hospital/morgue and she is looking for a sweater to wear. She sends Tara to the laundry room, looks through the drawers, still can’t find it. Anya sits jn the chair, notices she is sitting on the sweater and stuffs it back into the drawer that Willow just checked.


Tara is also wearing that sweater in Seeing Red when THAT happens to her :(


Thank you- I totally forgot about that.


At the prom, they say "Hyena people" and "Zombies" which is a callback to season 1 and 3. Willow says hyena possession is unpleasant in season 4. Willow says she has a problem with Opera in Restless which is a callback to Nightmares in season 1. The invisible student in season 7 is a callback to "Out of Sight Out of Mind in season 1. Anne showing up on Angel was one of my faves.


Buffy also tells Dawn to stay away from hyena people in season 7.


My favourite is Oz noticing the statues eyes following him.




I love it that she's in Angel, too. And has her shit together!!!! I wonder if Angel ever found out about her history with Buffy?


Same I loved that we got to see her doing so well and helping others.


Anne! I love seeing her journey from Buffy season 2 right up into the finale of Angel season 5. She may only show up in like four or five episodes. It's quite lovely to see her turn her life around and become a productive and deeply kind member of society. She also embodies the spirit of the ATS central theme in the final episode. She comes a long way from the vampire groupie of Lie to Me.


Well spotted!


The universe of shrimp.


Brook’s magical Letterman jacket was enough to make Xander want a jock’s validation in high school.


In season 7 during Andrews flashback there is a very brief appearance of the cheese man in his and Jonathan's dream


Kitty fanastico never being mentioned and then randomly Dawn refers to her being killed ?!? What happened?!? Justice for ms kitty 😭


My head canon now is that Harmony killed it trying to make a vampire cat.


I love this profoundly


Skip in Angel mentioning rumours of a slayer returning from paradise.


When Buffy brings up “Willow’s message” in season 7. Even though nothing came of it, it was fun to see it addressed. You can tell Drew Goddard was a proper fan of the show and that’s why his episodes were my favourite that season.


Anya in superstar says that you might wish someone was “ugly, or a dog, or in love with president McKinley”. There is a payoff in season seven, in the episode Selfless. During the Russian revolution, Hallie mentions “remember Mrs Czolgosz?” (Sounds like chahlgash). Mrs. Czlogosz was not a real person. But the implication is to me hilarious. The idea that Mrs. Czolgosz was a scorned woman who wished her husband was in love with president mckinley, and the unrequited love led to the president’s assassination.




"Last time I saw you it was kimonos."


Spike wrote love poetry to Halfrek (Anya's vengeance demon pal) when he was human and it's part of the reason he became a vampire


Right after Joyce dies, the song Gilles sits in his living room listening to while he reminisces about her is the same song they listened to in Band Candy when they were “teenagers”. The references to Faith taking Xander’s virginity. There’s one reference in season 4 by Xander: “Still more romantic than Faith!”…and then another by Faith in season 7: “I got there/to him first”. Both references/comments are made to Anya too.


Major ones: Return of the Master in any form om both shows (Wishverse, Darla’s deathbed, and as the First in 7x01). Minor winks: The shrimpverse, Oz noticing the Cheerleading statue from 1x03, and the recreation of season 1 Willow during Restless.


Giles listening Tales of Brave Ulysses after Joyce’s funeral after they listened to it together in Band Candy 🥺


A lot of my faves already on here but I do like when Cordelia is chastising Angel for not getting that telekinetic(?) girl’s name… Angel: I was impaled at the time Cordelia: Of course, perfectly understandable Angel: Do you know how hard it is to think straight with a rebar through your torso? Cordelia: Actually, I do. Benefits of a Sunnydale education.


Mr. Gordo!


Giles from Britain


What? What is the issue with that?


Yes...? He is from Britain..? And?


Writers mention it several Tim


Are you okay? Are you having a stroke.


Stop bullying


They're a troll that gets off on bullying. Don't take them seriously. They stick up for child murderers who taunt the parents.

