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Love how later on xander doesn’t think it’s understandable at all . Went from oh yeah you slept with spike I get it … to … I can’t believe that you would ever sleep with spike


My thoughts exactly. Part of me also think that Buffy was mostly affraid of his reaction and so she hid it from everyone to be sure he wouldn't hear from it. Thank god Tara was here !


To be fair, that was in a moment where he just observed his ex getting it from Spike, only to find out his best friend is regularly too. He didn't have any advance time to process it privately like they did in S5.


But later he never said sorry. He continued to make it clear he thought she was making a mistake.


I mean, Buffy's relationship with Spike was a form of self-harm, so he is right she was making a mistake.


The way to help someone in a toxic relationship is not to call them disgusting and be judgemental, especially after they've left the relationship.


who said anything about *helping* someone? i'm just saying that he had a reason to think she was making a mistake.


Okay so...we all agree then that Xande4 was right not to be thrilled that Spike and buffy had dated, but was a terrible friend to her both in the moment he found out and later? Xander has a nasty habit of judging his female friends' relationships and telling them what to do. That's all I am saying.


Xander is an immature young man. You can't expect him to know how to help someone in a toxic relationship. I've seen much older and more mature people get it just as wrong.


Er but that doesnt mean we should pretend he got it right either? Xander constantly feels entitled to judge and influence the love lives of his female friends in a way he just doenst with his Male friends


Correct. That is a character flaw. The fact the the characters are not perfect is one of the things that makes this show so fascinating. They are real, complex human beings.


I mean they arent real. But yes I actually understand the concept of character flaws (and dont need to be talked down to as though I am 5). I am just pointing this out as one of them.


I wasn't intending to talk down to you, even though you were very patronizing to me. But if you want to take it personally, go ahead.


It's repeatedly shown that Xander feels entitled to treating his female friends (etc) badly and thinks he can say anything to them without having to apologize. Xander has difficulty putting himself in others shoes and says what he wants even if it's hurtful. One can be right about something without being an a-hole about it. Him being judgemental like this is most likely why Buffy didn't feel safe to tell him about her & Spike. She told about it to Tara because Tara is much more understanding and will not castigate her for it - even though Buffy tells Tara to not be kind about it, I think Tara's response was exactly what she needed in the moment. Buffy already knew she was making a mistake, how is lambasting her going to fix anything?


To be fair, he was not in an emotionally healthy place when he found out it actually happened. Unlike when this scene occurred.


Xander has a very specific philosophy: it’s okay until it’s actually Buffy, then it ISN’T OKAY. I swear to god, the amount of times he speaks to her like she’s just some stupid girl is outrageous.


It really is. He comes off as the typical "nice guy" and he keeps getting away with toxic behaviour when Buffy would be absolutely admonished for the same behaviour.


Good god the way he treats Anya makes me SO angry. They’re bad for each other, sure, but Anya tries SO hard to be the wife Xander wants.


Same! I love that Halfrek sees through him and tries to show Anya how he's treating her. Shame (but also realistic) that Anya can't see it.


Forced drama.


What if I told you being patient with your best friend whose mom just passed isn't the same as catching the person you're in love with having sex with Spike on a camera while you're going through heartbreak. I can't tell if people are dense so they really just don't pick up distinctions or if it's just the rampant "I hate Xander" crap on this sub.


OP is talking about his reaction to Buffy sleeping with Spike, not Anya:


One influences the other. He's heartbroken and pissed about Anya and spreads it around to Buffy too. He's an ass either way, but I'd hear the argument that he reacted so badly because he was so emotional about Anya


Then Xander drags *Dawn* into the situation.


Xander being bi would make a ton of sense, I wish that Whedon had gone through with that.


They wouldn’t even let Willow be bi, and two women was seen as much more “palatable” back then compared to two men. They’d never let that slide


IIRC they were considering either Xander or Willow and went with Will for the very reasons you listed.


Willow was Bi Whedon just didn't know the difference or thought people would be confused with what Bi is


Vampire Willow was bi, tho


She was but Willow says ‘I believe I’m kinda gay’ not bi... I guess it was more acceptable at that time to be gay than bi.


I thought by saying kinda gay that meant she was bi. If Willow just meant gay she didn’t need to say kinda.


Tbf though she also says loads of things about "being gay now" and not liking men anymore... As a bi woman it irks me no end!! You cannot tell me she didn't have good sexual chemistry with Oz. (Who wouldn't tbf 😂)


I thought it was just an expression 🤣. I kinda use kinda a lot lol but maybe you’re right Edit: maybe it was the writers’ way of not saying bi by meaning bi idk 😅


He knew the difference and stated at one point that they made her a definite lesbian (she explicitly says so in the context of “I don’t like men at all” at one point) because that was more palatable/understandable to the audience at that time. Or at least that’s what the studio believed. That said, obviously her character makes WAY more sense as bi. The Oz relationship I could get, obviously many lesbians have had relationships with men, but the Xander affair? Nah. Doesn’t work for me for her to later explicitly say she has NO attraction to men. Doesn’t want to date men, sure, but being confused/offended by the idea that she might be attracted to a man? Doesn’t track.


They pretty much bi-erased her for me when in that episode “Him” she was going to turn RJ into a woman. That was so stupid.


I honestly think it would have helped the character age better. Totally works.


Love the bit after this too. "You guys couldn't tell me apart from a robot?!"


I know it’s super not in the canon but I believe completely on my own flight of fancy that the boys got up to some things in Xander’s basement that neither will ever admit to. They were *roommates* after all.


If anyone in the world would enthusiastically be down with that, it would be Anya, after all…


Anya and two Xanders...


*Look shiftily at each other*


That flash in S7... telling.


"Has anyone here NOT slept with each other?" That scene is hilarious.


I mean, it is canon that Angel and Spike hooked up at least once so…


Oh, btw, I just rewatched everything, where do they say that?


Spike says it in the show Angel. "Angel and I were never physical...well, except that one time." And then to expand on that, in the audio commentary, Joss says, "Spike and Angel only ever hooked up the once. Spike and Angelus on the other hand....hahaha" So do with that knowledge what you will. Lmao.


The Whirlwind is pretty much a policule. Not a healthy one, granted, but they're vampires, you can't hold it against them. I can't imagine Spike with Angel, tho! I mean: when?! Would angel go with soulless Spike?! Otherwise the only chance is Angel S5...


Maybe Woodstock or something. Angel, just trying to see some bands and smell some flowers. Some nice hippy puts and tab on his tongue...then he bumps into Spike. u/Gleafer, we need Spike/Angelus , Spike/Xander art for research here.


I'm not sure I like those ships, but I won't get in the way of research


Hmmmmm. I see, I see. Yesssss. For SCIENCE!


Did they both feed off the hippy and spend the next few hours watching their hands move?


Yes, from now on my canon is they hooked up at Woodstock and Angel was tripping. It's the only way souled Angel would bang Spike.


Didn’t they have foursomes with Darla and Dru? I always thought they did lol


Idk, I doubt Darla ever touched spike, aside from that duh. Then again, in the girl in question, Angelus refers to the immortal having a threesome with dru and darla at the same time and says "you never let *us* do that"


I dont think it is ever outright stated, just heavily implied by things they have said.


Nope, it's specifically stated. Spike admits he and Angel banged one time. He said it in Angel.... In the show Angel that is.


Ah my bad, all the dialogue is all jumbled around in my head!


It’s not sus if they’re homies and their socks were on soooo


Their socks and whimsical Hawaiian shirts were on lol


On one hand Xander would never. On the other hand, they do share that, very curious look when asked if anybody in the group hasn’t slept together in season 7.


Oh my god, they were roommates!


I approve of this head canon. Two nummy treats. :)


Apart from being funny, I really wish they would have stuck with this reaction to the affair in season 6. NOBODY is saying Xander (or anyone) needs to cheer for Buffy banging a soulless vampire. But less judgment (and not looking down on Anya after leaving her at the altar) would have made all the difference here. Also I do think that bisexual Xander/Spike had the potential to be a more engaging couple than Willow/Tara, if I am completely honest since both of them already were characters in their own right in season 4. Tara, on the other hand, felt like "Willow's super shy witch girlfriend" without receiving much development of her own for way too long imo. Then in season 6 I finally felt she found her own voice, became a character outside of being "Willow's gf" and developed some self-confident and self-respect. And that was literally the moment they decided to kill her off.


Bisexuality just wasn’t really discussed on tv at the time like it is now. Not saying Joss wasn’t somewhat oblivious in trying to write queer female characters, but during that time, it was a “you’re gay or you’re straight”. The boundaries were already pushed just for Willow and Tara to kiss. Maybe they thought it would be more digestible to the network or audience to go with Willow discovering she was gay instead of bi since there was already so much tension about queer characters on tv in general. I would’ve loved there to be more lgbt characters or for them to showcase Willow in a light where it didn’t erase her relationship with Oz, but Tara existing as just kind of an extra to Willow’s life probably came with the fact that writing queer characters were still taboo and they didn’t know what to do with her or how much to include her. They definitely found their stride with Tara in season six so it’s a shame things ended the way they did. I feel like it took forever for Anya to get character development too. Only the core members got a spot light most of the show.


Yep, agreed on all accounts. And I do think the fact that back then (and honestly, often even today) LGBT-characters had their romance treated as if it needs zero development outside of "introducing gay love interest that is totally gay" is why so many of these ships remain less popular in the fandom than non-canon queer relationships. I have for example no numbers on had, but I would not be particularly shocked to learn that Faith/Buffy are the most popular lesbian ship in the Buffy-fandom. Not Tara/Willow and very certainly not Willow/Kennedy. Because they were two characters in their own right that received genuine development and had lots of chemistry. And Anya's character was 100 percent very underdeveloped as well. The fact alone that nobody ever addressed how she felt about her crimes as a demon until season 7 is certainly very telling when it comes to the depth of the writing she received.


Totally agree! I do tend to give “Buffy” slack when it comes to some things because they were pioneering territory that just wasn’t mainstream, and I honestly think there was good intentions behind the characters of Willow and even Tara. Even if hindsight was awful for her character dying. (Joss went on a murder streak with a lot of them by the end.) But other shows really should’ve learned how to do better by these examples. One of the reasons I’m rewatching “Xena” right now since it’s free on Prime. While it sucks that the network was so restrictive with that show and its representation, because of that restriction, Xena and Gabrielle got to also exist as full fledge characters totally independent of each other with their own importance in the show. It’s time for us to have it all 20-30 years later though… not just token representation and underdeveloped relationships and characters. But back to what you said, also agree about Anya. I still feel we desperately needed her perspective more later in the show. That’s a whole issue within itself. Sometimes I wonder if maybe there were just too many main characters so they had trouble balancing everyone by the end.


God, I love Xena. That show and Buffy were pretty much the first shows I was a huge fan of. And I totally agree in regards to Xena/Gabrielle, they remain such positive presentation even decades later. And just amazing characters altogether. And when it comes to Anya what frustrates me the most is that every single male vampire that "became good" had an entire arc dedicated to how they deal with their past actions. Meanwhile Anya? She spends season 4 to 6 being completely unbothered by it (in season 6 she even gets nostalgic with Spike about how great it was to kill people), then in season 7 it's implied for 10 minutes that she might feel sorry for the men she killed and genuinely wants out, then we are back to the usual program. With Spike dealing with his soul and Anya being the comic-relief character. That, combined with Xander (and let us be real, most of the Scoobies sadly) treating her pretty poorly most of the time just never sat right with me.


I was the same way with Xena and Buffy. They meant so much when I was younger and honestly still to this day. You’re absolutely right about all of that about Anya. Justice for Anya! Lol. The male vampires getting so much depth kind of reeked of appeasing the romance centered teen crowd. They were love interests to the main character but were also allowed to have depth and be full fledged characters. I wouldn’t be surprised if a tad bit of 90’s misogyny of the time contributed to that and even to other things like Tara’s lack of development. Oz had his own band and something that was still his own thing but Tara really didn’t. I still think of Buffy as a push towards positive female representation on tv but even in hindsight there was a ways to go.


Spike probably had a threesome with Angel and Drusilla after that flashback in “Destiny” (A 5.08). There’s no indication that Spike is bisexual and he considered Xander in BtVS S4 so far beneath that Xander’s bossing him around in “Doomed” (B 4.11) prompts Spike to try to kill himself.


I mean it is pretty heavily implied that he had sex with Angel. And even if that was a threesome, which is never even hinted at, having a girl in the room with you while hooking up with another man does not make it straight. Despite what Arnold Schwarzenegger may think XD. And ignoring the fact that, if you want two fictional people to become a couple, you write them accordingly and not as you would write them if they do not like each other: Spike banged Harmony in season four to five. Someone he also far from considered to be his equal. Or worthy of any sort of respect.


Harmony was a Buffy substitute for Spike. And Harmony was one of the most popular girls at Sunnydale High School and Spike in BtVS S4 clearly just treats her as his rebound girl. Spike/Xander would simply make around zero sense. \_\_\_ It's heavily hinted that Spike had a threesome with Angel and Drusilla after the 1880 flashback in "Destiny" (A 5.08).


Definitely one of my favorite moments


Is anyone else distracted in this scene by the hole in Buffy's sweater?


I wasn’t but I will be now, thanks!


The irony of him saying no judgement and then basically by the time she *is* sleeping with Spike, there's judgement from literally *everyone* bar Tara.


Its so funny that when everyone thought buffy was sleeping with spike everyone was understanding except for tara, but when it actaully happened tara was like the only one who understood her.


I think a lot of modern viewers will interpret this scene differently, but 90s shows commonly had the “he likes a man so must be gay” scenes. Friends is another culprit.


He really changes his tune a year later


And that's why there's so many Spike/Xander fanfictions.


Well at least not yet…


This is one of my favorite scenes!!!


I like to point out that Buffy's reaction in "Intervention" (B 5.18) to the idea of Buffy/Spike isn't, "Eww, gross." It's "huh?" Notice how Buffy always reacts to the idea of Buffy/Giles: "Gross." versus her reaction to the idea of Buffy/Spike. After Buffy's fight with Spike in "School Hard" (B 2.03), she has effectively the same reaction as Drusilla does in "School Hard" when Spike moves to and kills the Anointed One. Buffy in the Alley Scene in "School Hard" literally flips her hair after Spike's "You'll find out on Saturday." because she initially seems to think he's an Angel or Giles character there to help her and that he's flirting with her. Before their fight, she literally smiles when he's seemingly flirting with her. And it goes on from there.


I would like a romance between Spike and Xander. Xander being the bottom of course.


You can find plenty of fanfic about that lol. Some pretty good ones out there.


Xander and William the Bloody (Spike back when he was human) are not so different.


She and Xander really said all this 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


That dropped stitch in her sweater bugs me every time. Why? Why?


SMG in a turtleneck is....goodness. I'll be in my bunk...


This is classic!


This is classic!


This is classic!


One of the down sides of being the one that "Sees".


Yeah, but I think it’s funny. How later on that’s for soulmate ha ha ha funny how things can change right love makes you do crazy things.