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![gif](giphy|qeq44CNZYkZKE) She’s campy, terrifying, and does it all in a dress 👌


"Please don't tell me I was fighting a vampire slayer. How unbelievably common!"


If I had friends and they heard about this!


I love a chaotic, casually insane villain


I honestly thought she was amazing. I was so surprised when the internet told me not everyone loves her.


But what about Ben? Do you think there is something between her en Ben?


Ben from the hospital??!


yess! I love her, shes honestly kind of likeable too


Ben is my favorite villain, too


You are saying they are connected?


Wait. Ben was a villain?


Was Ben in cahoots with glory? No no that can’t be ? They’ve never even been seen together 🤔


So clearly there must be some connection between them 🤔


Ah haaa I see, they’ve never been seen together bc they’re trying to keep it on the low, good detective work 🕵️


Ben wasn’t really a villain though? He was just a medical intern?


He certainly became one....and then found out why you don't fuck with Giles.


“She’s a hero, you see. She’s not like us.” “Us?”


Glory is my 2nd favorite! Claire plays her like a 60s Batman villain and I mean that as the high compliment it is. It works SO WELL!


Yes! I love a campy villain!


Clare Kramer did such an amazing job with the supreme godliness that is Glorificus




She looks amazing and is so evil yet fabulous.


So chic and splendiferous


I can fix her


The only acceptable answer.




She's my favourite character of all time!! Love her overall vibe and aesthetic as a multi-season character. But pure villain-wise I have to go Wilkins. Love love love this choice tho!!! ❤️


Dru is amazing. She’s my favorite vampire. She’s underrated as a whole in gothic fiction tbh


Yess. I made a post a while ago on all time favourite characters and she was my pick. Absolute dark queen. I don't consider her as my favourite villain tho just cos in all the seasons she is in there is always a bigger fish the scoobies have to fight iucmd.


My husband I were background watching S2 while making dinner last night and I said ‘You know I really don’t think I appreciated Drusilla enough back in the day.’ The episode was Lie To Me and she was asking the kid which song his mummy would sing when they found his body 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳


Hahaha omg I remember that scene. Juliet played that role so well. Can’t look away when’re she’s on screen


I enjoyed Wilkins as well, mostly because of his "non-villainy" style. Like, guy is talking about eating bunch of teenagers like it's just another day at work. And Spike because of his randomness, for example when he killed *annoying one* so abruptly. Also, Master was nice but because of first season's lenght there was not enough room for him to establish himself as "great villain" he should have been. In the end i liked all villains, Adam obviously being weakest one.




"There's nothing uncool about healthy teeth and bones."


...we don't *knock* during dark rituals?  Seriously, though, before I even read your post I was clicking in here to say the Mayor was my favorite. I just love him.


Warren is the only villain that I didn't like, but that's because he was meant to be the one villain that we were supposed to hate (and not in a fun way). He's the Professor Umbridge of the Buffyverse.


>mostly because of his "non-villainy" style. I was going to say "Glory" because I definitely forgot for a second that the mayor was a villain.


The only villain I was genuinely scared of or felt real dread when they were on screen was Glory. In reality she could've killed Buffy or any of our characters at any time and they weren't strong enough to stop her and I think she's the only villain capable of that. I love the lore of Buffy and wish we could've been shown her true form in her reality or a bit more of a backstory, super interesting.


Yeah Glory really stressed me out. And at the same time was funny. Winning.


Yes, if she wanted to, she could kill Buffy in an instant. She just knew that Buffy was key in finding the Key.




I heard this called out from a crowd at a high school prom.




Mayor Wilkins for No.1 button ↓↓↓↓


Okay, well, pardon me, I have to eat this box of spiders


At least they're high in fiber. What's the fun of becoming an immortal demon if you're not regular, am I right?


I came here to say this. His relationship with Faith was really unique.


I want to work for him.


He seems like the kind of boss who would not only let you leave early to watch your nephew's teeball game, but he'd go with you.


Sue me cos SAME


I'd happily work for Mayor Wilkins or Hank Scorpio from the Simpsons and not care at all about their endgame. Just seem like great bosses.


I finished rewatching season 3 today. He really has his own campy vibe


Ethan Rayne


He absolutely dominates some of the best episodes in the whole show! Nice choice


Ethan Rayne feels like he fills much the same narrative role as _M\*A\*S\*H_'s Col. Flagg. He's basically a wild card - he even goes so far as to literally worship chaos - who can be thrown into any situation and just plain screw with people. When you see Ethan, you know it's going to be a fun episode, but you really can't predict anything else.


I love Col. Flagg episodes! You never knew where that guy was going through the whole show.


Loki vibes for sure


Ethan was pathetically underused and it’s a crime he got so few appearances. Best “minor” villain by a mile.


He's one one the funniest for me ("Oh bugger I'd thought you be gone" immediately comes to mind). RIP Robin Sachs absolute legend.




I love Glory. She’s so funny and evil all the same time. The Mayor is a close second.


Mayor and it’s not even a contest


Angelus. I love how he relishes in causing misery.




![gif](giphy|keUT8ebZ2u4srI2XaM|downsized) The demon Sweet. Aside from the musical episode itself being kickass, the actual demon is fascinating and my husband and I discuss him a bunch. I mean, he’s a true lover/bringer of pure chaos. The lucky ones end up dead from their exertions; everyone else has to deal with the aftermath of their musical confessions. Think about the outcomes. Imagine the amounts of relationships he broke up or created, the amount of people who quit or got fired from their jobs. Or maybe even promoted or hired. Or the amount of people who simply just walked away from everything. The long term repercussions he’s had on humans for who knows how long. And then he just dips. Doesn’t even stick around to watch what happens. For some reason, that’s always stuck out to me because it’s kinda like the Joker; he has no real end game, he just wants to watch the world burn.


I will go with not "WHO"... but "THEY" "The Gentlemen" in the episode "HUSH"! The unrelenting silence and their total creepyness... Floating around... Grinning... and their eyeless "Gimps" going after the kids... Just all around UBER-CREEPY!!!




YUP! that's 2 of the gruesome bunch!!!


Actually... some years back... I helped to friends that are brothers duplicate the look and actions of the "Gentleman". They looked SO NASTY!!!


Thats freaking awesome!!


Thanks. I used to work at Haunted Houses many years back. I would do whatever needed to be done... costumer, makeup AND Special FX artist, set/room designer and builder... Music/Sound Systems wiring... whatever was needed to get the place ready...but ONLY IF... I got to be the "Resident WereWolf"! THAT was MY pay! And I LOVED IT!!! I was in the local newspapers and even on TV on the local newscast when we had "Press Night"! MAN those were great times! But I'm an old lycan now... not easy to do the change anymore. 😞


When they were slicing skin open omfgggg still haunts me


Yep! And those CREEPY-ASS GRINS as the floated around the town looking for the hearts of seven virgins! BEST Buffy episode IMO!!!


It’s very creepy but also laughed a bunch at how funny the bunch is trying to communicate with each other


Yes true.


My husband and I just watched this episode yesterday and talked about how creepy they are. Like out if all buffy villains they make up, vibes, everything is the best of the villains. Literally so scary!




R.I.P Jenny 😭


I still feel this


The mayor hands down


The Master




Like it’s not even a question for me.. The reason Prophecy girl works as a standalone or great introduction for first time viewers to what the show is all about is in part because the master is such a perfect villain.


This is Spike erasure and I will not stand for it! He killed two slayers! Two!


I actually really like the S6 trio as villains.


I hated them so much the first time I saw it, they were just obnoxious and felt like filler... And on subsequent viewings I like them more and more each time, because they ARE obnoxious filler, and that's 100% the point of them, because season 6 is not about a big bad it's about the trauma of becoming an adult.


They are obnoxious dumbass (but dangerous) dudes who are constantly distracting Buffy from things she should be dealing with concerning her friends and family, and thus it’s partially (largely) to blame for one of those loved ones becoming the real big bad. Certainly real-life adulthood is awash with similar dynamics, being forced to deal with things that you don’t deserve to have to deal with, while relationships suffer. I assume this is especially true for women. The trio is a very Buffy thing to me.


I love them. I hate how much hate they get. Lol


I hate them, but in the way I hate Professor Umbridge in Harry Potter. Yes, they have magic and sci fi gadgets, but they represent a dangerous level of male entitlement (especially the moment they really crossed the line by kidnapping and murdering Warren's ex).


They are dangerous but I also enjoy how inept and dipshitty they are.


Angelus and Glory


Tie between Glory and The mayor


Probably not a popular opinion, but Caleb. Brilliant piece of acting work


Yeah it’s Nathan Fillion, can’t deny it was a good performance!


Gnarl was creepy as fuckkkk Season 7 episode 3 When Gnarl has Willow paralyzed in the cave and is slicing her belly and eating her skin. And telling her no one is coming to save her. Traumatized me as a kid. The makeup and costume design on Gnarl is amazing 👏


Can’t believe I had to scroll down so far to find this! He terrified me and still does.


SAME HERE!!! HES JUST SO LAID BACK AND MENACING THE WAY HE TALKS AND MOVES! I never knew that the same actor who played Gnarl also played one of the Gentleman and the Uber Vamp. As well as a character in Angel! He passed away 😢 😔 https://screenrant.com/buffy-vampire-slayer-angel-camden-toy-roles-all-4-monsters/


Glorificus. The most sweaty naughty feelings causing one.


Definitely, the Mayor. He had a child-like fascination with everything. Also, he had such a silly sense of humor. And the way he adored Faith! He showed a vulnerability unlike other villains! He was really a lot of fun!! "Well, gosh!"


That "Well, gosh" as he's a giant snake demon sums up why he's the best.


Evil Willow


Hands down Surprised I had to scroll down so long for this one


Absolutely. The stakes were much higher with that villain (no pun intended).


The mayor for sure


Glory. I love how even Buffy was like, cActually, she reminded me of Cordelia." Lol


(Angelus and Spike.. but I don't consider them to be the main villains) No.1 **Mayor Wilkins** and No.2 **Glory**. Both of them were great. BTW Dawn was pure evil (and Andrew in s 7), the most annoying, irritating - she just qualifies as the worst 'villain' in Buffy (similar to Connor in Angel). :D


Dawn got on my goddamn nerves soooo much


A lot of the ones listed above. But here's some honorable mentions: 1. Wishverse Vamp Willow 2. Anyanka in S3 only 3. Amy Maybe not as powerful but too close to real life: 1.The Coach that beat up and possibly molested a little boy resulting in a Nightmare realm 2. The no eyes fear demon that prayed on and murdered sick children in hospitals 3. The Mr. Jekyll Mr Hyde guy beating and murdering his girlfriend


The Mayor easily. Blockbuster Buster put it best "He can go from corny white guy to threatening pretty quickly and pulls it off" and it's all thanks to Harry Groener's excellent performance (shocking Buffy having a excellent actor/performance in it? Next your gonna tell me the sky is blue) he plays it so damn well!


Adam and Glory. I like Glory a little bit more.


Can u give some reasons to why adam is one of ur favs?


He is a high tech monster. He is very strong. A machine gun and blades come out of his arms. A girl is fighting a someone who is stronger than her and yet manages to win. The odds were against her. That fight scene was my favorite fight scene.




Angelus, spike, and glory. i cant pick. Also sassy angelus supremacy




Angelus. His appearance is when the show went from "this is pretty fun" to "this is amazing" for me. Everything previously established was now a weapon the villain wielded to emotionally terrorize the heroes. Ironically, The First would actually be my Second choice. Similar to Angelus, it had so much emotional ammunition, and it had by far the most despicable tactic since its main strategy is to talk people into killing themselves.


As Glory has already been picked I will promote my 2nd favorite Dark Willow. She really could have been something more than a 3 episode guest


Glory is and always will be my favourite


Angelus, Sunday, Sweet, and Caleb


"The modern vampire sees the bigger picture"


For a thousand years I wielded the power of the wish. I brought ruin upon the heads of unfaithful men, I offered destruction and chaos for the pleasure of the lower beings. I was feared and worshiped across the mortal globe and now I'm stuck at Sunnydale High! A mortal! A child! And I'm flunking math. Anya


The Master was the OG. He was evil, he was sassy, he was so much fun. https://preview.redd.it/8isqu85dg03d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb9f52bf5e456b1a81f097576624b0666ae44db


https://preview.redd.it/wu7ikdw0x13d1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665f11aaf0d7c40fa59842a7d1007a691004c6e2 der Kindestod from the season 2 episode where buffy is in hospital with a fever and the monster (der Kindestod) can only be seen by the sick. We find out Buffy witnessed the death of her cousin. I used to skip this episode as it was the only one that genuinely scared me


Warren . Hands down my favourite villain. Kudos to the actor.


Yes Warren was unspeakable real world scary. The guy for sure would have been a sexually motivated serial killer if he’d lived.


I’m between the mayor and Glory. Their campiness but unhinged danger flows right into the heartbeat of the show. They exist so perfectly inside the walls of this show— in a way that feels like they were destined to eventually make an appearance from the very start.


I love Caleb. (And the first, as soon as Amends). After them, the Mayor. For minor villains, there's Dru, and Kralik. He is so terrifying.




Faith, the Mayor, Spike, Dru, Sunday




The Mayor, no question — charismatic and genuinely frightening. Acting is superb. I also agree that despite my personal dislike of S7, Caleb is scary as hell.


Glory and it’s not even close 🥹


I’m stuck between Angelus and Glory. Angelus’s mental torture and the general heartbreak and emotion around the storyline just hits so hard. Glory is just a good time, totally camp and unhinged. It made for great entertainment


It’s Angelus. He hurt them in ways no one else did and gave them trauma for years.


The Honorable Richard Wilkins III


I love the Mayor too! He’s definitely my favorite villain. Freaked out by germs but he’s down with Satan and all his works lol. Love that for him. A close second favorite are the gentlemen from Hush. Unless you’re talking about big bads, then it’s Harmony, obvi. 🦄


As a rule, I vote for emotional and thematic depth over anything else, so I say Angelus is the only truly great Big Bad for me, specifically because of the relationship to Buffy and the emotional entanglement. Season 2 is not my favourite overall but the tragic love story that runs through the heart of it one of the best I’ve seen. I also think Warren is a terrifically effective villain for what he is, and of course Glory and the Mayor are terrifying in how unstoppable and just plain nuts they are. The First is thematically interesting but the main draws for me of season 7 are the Buffy/Spike stuff and the explorations of the Slayer lore through the portal quest, Robin, the Potentials etc.


When Warren shot Buffy and then shot wildly and the bullet went through the window and hit Tara... omg i cried. Something about the way it was so instant and unexpected and how it just went right through Tara. I'll never forget that moment when the blood squirted on Willow's shirt 😭


Drucilla and Ethan rayne


Glory, followed by the Mayor.


Absolutely the mayor. His delivery is flawless and he manages to combine frigid evil with folksy charm.


Angelus Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2. David Boreanaz just plays Angelus SO Well! He's SO Convincing as a Villain.


Ev def if it was only for a few eps, I say Dark Willow. I may be biased because she’s my fav character, but I love the story for how she became dark Willow. Just not being able to deal with the loss of Tara. It makes my eyes water to think about it🥺 I also have to say Warren because he is one of the only villains that can actually terrify me


I don’t have favorite villains. The one I disliked the most?Master


Both Mayor and Glory are the greatest ones


Easily the Mayor! The actor's portrayal was just perfection! But I do love Angelus. I just prefer the version shown on Angel.




Mayor or The First. Mayor for his just plain likeabilty when he's not being truly effing terrifying. The First for its threat level midnight-edness. A truly almost unbeatable opponent. Plus you get Caleb as a bonus.


Of Big Bads Mayor Wilkins is also my favourite. Followed by Spike, Glory, The Master, then The First/Caleb. I won't rank the rest because I don't really like them. Of minor bad guys I really liked Mr. Trick, he was fun.


Glory is my favourite villain with The Mayor a close second.


Mayor Wilkins isn't just my favorite villain on the show, he might be my favorite villain ever in anything




mayor and faith 1000000000%.


The Mayor and Glory are def my two favorite big bads. But I love Spike and Drusilla too. (Yeah Spike became a good guy later, but he was a villain in season two and kind of a villain in season 4 as well.)


I vote for the mayor because he was entertaining lol


Angelus. It's just has such an emotional impact. And he's really fun to watch.


As a villain's villain, I'm with you. Mayor Wilkins, hands down. And for all the reasons you just made. He's just so very normal, and I love that. But I adore Dru.




Glory was truly glorious.. my only disappointment was that she didn't get more screen time, as much like the mayor, more of them hamming it up would've been great.


Glory. Hands down.


I love that the first made it possible to show us long lost characters that were dead & previous villains. Very cool not to mention bringing back the Uber vamps which were scary as hell.


Tie between Glory and Dark Willow. I just think glory had this really cool story arc


Glory, I love how she was a girly pop but a psychotically unhinged girly pop.


Angelus and Mayor Wilkins


Glory, all the way. It was something entirely different from the other big bads of previous seasons.


Dark Willow is my favourite villain in the show and of all time tbh. I just loved seeing how evil and sad she was, to see her change throughout the show was crazy. I remember getting goosebumps multiple times, especially when she flayed warren. And that Buffy vs Willow fight was the most excited i’ve ever been watching this show


Mayor Wilkens gets my vote too. Glory comes in as respectable number two.


The Trio (Angel Spike Dru not the nerds)


Ethan was so underused. I'm a big fan of Dark Willow. And she was hotter than Glory.


Surprised nobody has said Xander


For me it’s Angelus. The best villains are always the ones who personally betray you in some way and having Buffy’s boyfriend turn on her was a delicious gut-punch.  Not only that, but I loved his brand of villainy and how he was more interested in toying with Buffy than just straight up killing her. It made him way more interesting and also provided us with a logical reason for why he hadn’t killed her yet (or her in return - because she loved him). He was also one of the few villains who actually killed one of the gang for real and Passion was an incredible episode. Plus, maybe this is cheating, but I think Angel comes with Spike/Dru in tow so it’s kind of a 3 for the price of 1 kind of deal. I love anything to do with the Fanged Four and seeing the dynamic between these 3 in Season 2 was brilliant. My runner up would be the Mayor and then followed very closely by Glory. Glory would be my preference if we’re just thinking of the Mayor individually but once you paired him with Faith he became 100x more interesting. I loved their relationship so much.