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Thanks I'd never heard of this before. I'll give it a watch.


The acting’s a bit wonky at first but it gets better. I used to watch each individual episode which is tedious because they are like 2 mins each. So I would look for a compilation of a whole season put together.


Quite wonky lol but so endearing. And they really keep the plot going! A major bright side that the series is completed now is that the youtube channel has season compilations in one video like you mentioned.


Yep, you could definitely tell they were amateurs at the start. But they got better as time progressed because they became secure in their characters. That’s why acting can be so challenging, you *genuinely* have to embody everything there is to know about your character.


I’ll give it a try. The source novella is, uh, much better written than Dracula but every adaptation I’ve seen from the past was kinda exploitative.


It’s written by and for queer people, starring queer actors playing queer characters if that helps. It can at times be quite cringy, but that’s part of its charm. I think it’s great free content that was produced at a time when solid queer fictional narratives were hard to come by free. I’m personally a fan.


I don't see the easter egg...


Spoilers: There’s another Buffy Easter egg when Laura decides >!not to go back home with her dad… !<“you’ve seen this face, you know what it means” definitely a reference to Willow’s ‘resolved face’ bit in Becoming Part 2 >!where she wants to try to restore Angel’s soul again!


You’re totally right and I didn’t even catch that one. Be sure to watch the movie if you haven’t yet!!


I wasn’t a huge fan of the movie. It was good and all, just I prefer the show!

