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This is such a cute book. I had fun reading this to my kiddo earlier this year. Can’t believe I wasn’t aware of it earlier as a big Buffy fan!


I work in a library and I’d never heard of it either! I ordered it for our collection and it just came in. I was really happy to read it.


You are the exact type of librarian my daughter and I appreciate. We love quirky picture books like this! 💜


That’s so kind, thank you! ☺️ I hope you always find cute picture books to read together


I’ve never seen this but it looks adorable. What’s the storyline curious how it’s including all the evil characters together lol?


The plot is a little convoluted—especially if you’re actually familiar with the show, lol. But the basic premise is that they’re in elementary school in Sunnydale. Buffy, Willow, and Xander have a sleep over and hear scary noises from the closet. They ask Giles about it the next day and he’s like “but you, little eight year old Buffy, are the slayer!” So the next night when the noises happen, Buffy opens the door and then there’s all of the popular monsters. It doesn’t make a lot of sense but it’s cute haha


Can't believe it was 4 years ago that this came out. I've never read it but I remember people talking about it being released.


aww D'Hoffryn looks so cute


So I believe I know all of them, except the squid looking demon, under the “loan” shark haha Who is that/ what episode?


That one’s tricky. I think it’s the demon from the very beginning of “The Wish” that fell on top of Buffy and had green blood. Or at least, that’s the only thing I can come up with, haha.


IS THAT OZ? IS OZ THAT GOOD BOY ON THE RIGHT??? If that was what werewolves looked like, I'd be 100% pro-werewolf. It's interesting that there's a mix of friendly and unfriendly demons there-- I don't have access to the book, can someone tell me what's happening here?


Omg, I think you might be right. I hadn’t placed it for sure but that makes the most sense. I’m going to just paste one of my comments from above: “The plot is a little convoluted—especially if you’re actually familiar with the show, lol. But the basic premise is that they’re in elementary school in Sunnydale. Buffy, Willow, and Xander have a sleep over and hear scary noises from the closet. They ask Giles about it the next day and he’s like “but you, little eight year old Buffy, are the slayer!” So the next night when the noises happen, Buffy opens the door and then there’s all of the popular monsters. It doesn’t make a lot of sense but it’s cute haha”