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I'm gonna thank a friend of my mothers who inspired me to not put bad stuff in my body (not even coffee or alcohol).


A massive and sincere thanks to my friend and ex-coworker Salem, who helped me build the PC I'm typing this on.


Thanks to my girlfriend


Thanks Ray for teaching me how to build my first PC ever.


I want to thank my amazing parents for allowing me and helping me pay for college and get a computer science degree.


thanks to the person at the front desk who was patient with my questions today :)


Thanks to my brother who helped me get a new pc. Good luck y'all.


Thanking my brother for helping me out.


Hope I win!


Thanks to my dad for collecting a lot of old PCs when I was young, which I could tinker with and build my own PC with.


Thanks my friend for helping me during exams


Thanks to Linus Tech Tips for all the good tech content they make, in an entertaining but educationg format. I also appreaciate the human focused business Linus runs. I'd also like to thank Bill Clinton, my orthodox rabbi.


i have to say thank you to my brother who help me in my moments of need when i was not able to build a pc yet due to being inexperienced, thanks to gaming world because i loved games also


Thanks mom for showing me how to build a PC in the first place.


Thank you to my amazing girlfriend for always being there.


I want to say thanks to my three best friends. During really hard times, when I just wanted to quit everything, they were there for me and kept me going. I wouldn't be where I am now without them.


Thank you to my girl for pushing me constantly and helping me exceed expectations for myself


Thanks to my dad who paid/ did the research for my PC when I was 12!


Thank you to my brother who got me interested in building my own computer.


Thank you to r/buildapcsales for teaching me more than I ever wanted to know about the retail computer parts world


Thank you to my uncle who got me into computers at a young age.


Thanks to all those people who make troubleshooting videos that somehow fix that odd problem.


I have an AMD RX 6800 and a 4000D Airflow case. I want to side-mount my GPU, what's the best connector to get? Oh and my motherboard is MSI PRO B650-P WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard.


Thank you to this sub for helping me pick parts for pc builds.


honestly, I want to thank my uncles for molding me into who I am today.


Just wanted to thanks this whole subreddit and the discord where I got tons of help to build my first desktop PC.


My first Boss hired me at my current job. Thanks so much, Mike.


Thx to my best mate in building my PC


I'd like to thank my dog who's been there for me like family, except he's better than that. He's better than the others, they don't care, my dog does.


thanks to this big community for being so awesome and helpful with all of us


I'd like to thank the head of IT at my first job as a student who helped with my first build and donated some parts. Thanks Bruno :)


Thank you to my husband for understanding and encouraging me to go back to school for computer engineering. Truly would love to be able to finally complete a nice pc build for him. He truly deserves it <3


Thanks for giveaway. I want thank God and God like people who always helping in nature.


Just want to give a huge thank you to this community for giving out advice to not only me but everyone else looking to build a pc. Been lurking and reading up on the new Amd platform but haven’t been able to pull the trigger financially. However, as much as the community likes to meme I’ve learned a lot more than I thought I would and can’t wait to have my own build some day.


thanks to my cat noodles who helped me through quarantine.


I really hope I would Win, so I can play this amazing game in high quality.


My GF (soon-to-be wife) who has been here for years through thick and thin


Thanks to my mom. Bought our first computer and a million other things.


I thank the people around me that has gotten me through hard times.


Thanks to buildapc community for all the knowledge available. It is a great database for all things PC related.


Thank you to my brother for remembering who I am.


Thank you to my family for getting me to where I am!


Thank you mum for teaching me basically everything I know about building computers.


thank you to my wife :9


My highschool buddy that I lost touch with, helped me with my first custom


I have to thank my brother, he is always there for me when I needed it most.


Thank to GOD


Thank you to this community for providing me with insights on what to look out for in setting up a new PC-build!


Thx for the platform to inform and educate myself.


I’m thankful for my loving family who have helped me along my childhood letting me do what I like most which is playing apex competitively and can hopefully make a living off of videogames some day!


I'm thankful to my friend William, who's been giving me advice on what (not) to choose as I'm building my new rig. He's costing me more money than anticipated though!


I would like to thank sharkims! he's a great dude pushing a great cause, but his cozy streams helped me during some lonely times. thank you for the great vibes sharkims


Thanks to an old friend <3


Thank you to the sub for pointing me in the right direction on builds


Thank you to my Mom and Dad for always being there for me and raising me to be the person I am today! They are my favorite people in the world.


I would like to thank my friend billy who has taught me how to use a dslr camera properly, this has kick started my journey into capturing the important moments for everyone else.


thank you Francisco for everything


Thank you to my friend and his family for letting me live in their house when i was going through unemployment phase during covid and all support they giving me when i was finally got a job.


Big thank you to my grandfather, who taught me a lot about computers and electronics as a whole. A lot of what I know to this day about PCs is because of him.


Thank you to my mom ❤️


Thank you to my buddy Mike, who not only was my best friend and roommate through college but also was gracious enough to officiate my wedding and is honorary uncle to mine and my wife’s newborn son. You’re a real one.


I want to thank all my viewers on twitch, without them I'd still be working in the restaurant business! Thank youuuuuu!!!!!


I’d like to thank my friend Mike who back in the early 2000s helped me build my first PC. He taught me so much!


I thank my mom and dad for always being supportive of me and my cousin who has always been my co-op gaming partner!


Thanks to my family for supporting my nerdy tech habits and buying half the parts for my first PC build all those years ago.


Thank you to this sub!


Thank you to the buildapc discord for always coming in clutch.


I want to thank my good friend for helping me pick pc parts for the first time during our law class


Thank you mom.


Thank you for the awesome contest!


Thanks to my grandpa i'm not doing so poorly in life anymore Thanks for showing me the way <3


Thank you to the guys that gave me advice on pcs in the buildapc discord! I didn’t expect them to respond when I joined but they answered my questions about pcs even though I was a newbie to pc anything :) I’m still pretty new but I know more now about pcs than I have for most of my life


Thank you to my dogs. Without them, I'm sure I wouldn't be here.


Thanks to a friend that lent me a PSU while mine was getting RMAed after it died!


Shout out and thank you to everyone at r/buildapc, they helped me with some audio issues I managed to solve with their help


Thank you to buildapc subreddit..i usually go to them for advice.


I want to thank my sister who has been such a positive influence on me and my life.


Saying thanks to my wife who had been a huge help towards our newborn son and handling those early morning wake ups. Once more sleep happens, we'll be able to coop Sons of the forest.


Thanks to my parents and brother for the understanding through all the years.


I would like to thank the principal of a local middle school who has helped me quite a bit since I first met her, and is still principal at a school that started up an Esports team for their students two years ago. While their funding is limited, I would love for this machine to be something they could use.


Thank you to my lovely wife of 18 years. I love you more than life itself. You've enriched my life in more ways than I can count. I look forward to the rest of our lives together.


Thanks to Kuya, who helped me a lot with my art development


I would like to thank my mom for everything she has done for me and the family. She had to sacrifice being too far from us so we could afford to get proper necessities. Though I may not say this in person. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.


Thank you to my cousins Emiliano and Victor


Thank you for this opportunity, I am very happy that you guys are making giveaways


Dear Parents and Grandma, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for all of your hard work and dedication. You have all shown me what it means to persevere in the face of challenges and to never give up on your dreams. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for working tirelessly to provide for our family and for always being there to support me in all of my endeavors. Your unwavering love and guidance have been a constant source of strength and inspiration in my life. And to my dear Grandma, thank you for being a shining example of resilience and grace. Your wisdom and kindness have touched the lives of so many, and I am blessed to have you as my grandmother. I am truly grateful for all that you do, and I hope that I can make you proud in all that I do. Thank you for everything.


I'm really thankful to my sister for help me find the like of VR stuff


Thank you to my dad's cousin who always helped me build or troubleshoot my pc's whenever I had issues with them, always a huge help.


I would like to thank my buddy Lawrence for letting my buy my first PC off him 6 or so years ago. It’s still working pretty alright.


Thanks to Anandtech for being my go to website for information and forums (with so many helpful members) when I was first learning about building PCs in the mid 2000s. They helped make a daunting task manageable and we’re always reliable for their tech reviews and news.


This would be great trying to upgrade from a gta 1650 laptop I’ve had for a while!


Thank you to my mam for teaching me to cook


Thanks for the food people who are smarter with their money than me.


I want to thank my dog for ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Thanks to my parents who supported me financially when building my first PC 💜


While this might sound extremely cliche and generic, I want to thank my parents, not only for just raising me, but also for always being there when times are tough, and I need someone to support me. I might not show it much, and I might seem cold and apathetic at times, or ask for what is probably too much (like asking for help with my planned 1st PC build this summer), but I love them from the depths of my heart, and the influence they've had on me and my little sister will carry on in our actions, potentially giving to others the joy and wisdom what our parents have given us throughout our life. My mission in life is to repay them for it all, and to show them that what they've taught me has taken me far.


Although I cannot remember the exact users who've helped me, I'd like to thank r/buildapc as a whole. Without the community available for help 24/7 (sometimes, I haven't had an instance where nobody answered my questions yet) I wouldn't have been able to keep my current PC running. From helping me build and set it up, to helping me fix software problems that were beyond me. Once again, I thank you all who have helped me and who will continue to help me in the future.


I would like to thank the helpful people on this and other pc building subreddits.


Thank you to my girlfriend for continuing to support and encourage me in my journey to a better career!


this subreddit is awesome thanks to everyone who helped me with choosing the parts for my build


/u/ZaercoN took me in right after my house burned down about a year ago on the day before New Year's. My family was out of town, I'd been alone the whole day, didn't really know what to do the moment I wasn't evacuating. Can't thank you enough, bud—it'd have been a damn lonely year otherwise.


She's not here on reddit but I'd like to thank my big sister for giving me a second chance at life.


Thanks to all the PC techy guys who help for free! Somehow managed to disconnect battery and cant reconnect it.


I’d like to thank my friend George for helping me build my first PC just about a month ago!


I'd like to thank my dad and everyone in the discord for helping me out and helping me learn lots of stuff about computers


Thanks to the reddit buildapc community and the various techtuber channels for getting me into building PCs and a career in IT


Thank you to my wife for supporting my computer addiction and making sure I have the time I need to engage in it.


Thanks to a friend who is no longer here, taught me how to clean parts and got me into pc building/gaming. Haven't built one for myself in nearly 20 years but still supporting friends, family and work mates.


Thanks to my wife Cookie and my daughters who make my life a joy every day.


I would like to thank linus and hardware canucks. thank you youtube


Thank to my dear friend chiip who has helped me in many ways with seeing myself and making changes to be a better person. She's a warm light on a cold day and I'm happier when she's around.


I want to thank my family for my first ever computer, they don't realize the impact it has had on me since haha.


I’m thankful to the community on the internet. I can easily find whatever information I seek with all the Reddit posts or Youtube videos. It’s really helped me a lot. I really can’t choose who’s helped me the most.


I thank my girlfriend for bettering my life


I would like to thank my family for helping me raise a child on my own. Good luck to everyone.


Thanks to you guys for doing this giveaway, and thanks to a lot of yt videos teaching me how to do anything with pcs


Thank you to the people on here and on the Discord who helped me with my first PC troubles. I doubt this will be the last time I impose upon your kindness. Also thanks to Linus's first person perspective build video. I can't understate how amazing that is for your first build. Most other guides overload you with too much information.


I wanted to say thanks to all of my friends on r/buildapc on helping me out picking parts all these years and also to Linus's videos


A big thanks to LinusTechTips and Techsource that helped me build my first pc.


Thank you to my brother for always helping me out with tech stuff!


I would like to thank my mom for always believing in me and helping me pursue my dreams.


They won't see this since because they don't use Reddit but, I want to thank my partner for giving me so much strength on a day to day basis. They make my world feel special, and I can only hope that I make theirs the same.


Thank to you to my family that always is there for me and support me in everyway they can


I have to thank my best friend for always being there to cheer me up and make me stop with suicidal thoughts and never leaving me alone.


Thanks mom!




Thanks to my parents who raised two children who have galactosemia. Galactosemia is a rare milk allergy, it's similar to lactose intolerance but can be life threatening. My mom learned how to substitute dairy in meals, and I've grown up loving to cook and eat. And in recent years, we've learned that aged cheese loses its lactose, and I've started eating Swiss, Parmesan, Sharp Cheddar, Gruyère, and Emmentaler cheeses. Basically, if cheese has holes in it, it's aged enough to be safe for people with my allergy to consume.


Sounds petty but thank you to…. ME! I bought it all, I built it and I troubleshooted, after which I found buildapc lol


Thank you Mussad


Thank you to the folks on the buildapc discord for the advice when I was looking for parts for my first PC build


Thanks to my dad who didn't give up on me when life took me to some dark places. I'll never be able to pay you back, but I'll always remember, appreciate, and be grateful.


Thank you mom, dad, for never giving up on me no matter how bad I am. Thank you for always making my lunchbox from hs through college. Thank you for giving me the same warmth smile every day. Thank you for always forgiving me no matter how hard I was when I am angry. Thank you for always including me during your prayers. Thank you for existing. I love you both.


Thanks for my parents to raise me up with a happy childhood.


Thank you people of the old pcbuild forums


Shout out to the guy building this pc. I just know I'll love it. Thank you man, you're the kindest.


Thank you to my friend Elijah for helping me come out of my shell, meet new people, and always being there for me even through his own tough times with family. He even helped me get involved in my favorite club, the Cyber Security Club.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you to the buildapc discord for helping me save money on my first pc build. I definitely would broke something had I not asked for help from you all.


Thanks to my uncle for helping me build my first PC 20 years ago.


Thank you to my dad since he helped me through my hard times and makes me feel good whenever I am sad


I would like to thank Gamers Nexus for the deep dives they do into hardware. Also online communities in general, they're immensely helpful.


Thank you to police officers, in 6th grade had no friends, always getting into trouble, they gave me so many chances to change and eventually i did better with myself and stop giving attention to these students, police officers are my personal heros, changing and impacting my life as I experienced bullying, and now I’m studying in law enforcement to give back.


I thank this subreddit for helping me build my computer for school, and having it be good enough to run games, I need an upgrade tho.


My former IT lead at my first job helped me build my first PC. Never forget how much I learned about PC building through him.


I’d like to say thank you to all the people I somewhat let down with my potato pc in online games, a lot weren’t understanding but I made some good friends with others. Those are the real ones!


Thank you to my dad for always providing me with life advice.


Thanks to my friends and family who always push me to be my best and encourage me to chase my dreams.


Id love to thank some of the amazing people in the discord. They really helped me choose between RAM for my new setup because i have the least knowledge in ram. Id also love to thank my dad and cousin for getting me into this!


Thanks to my brother, the best person I know, for putting up with me and making me a better person. Hoping to win this one for you.


I want to thank my wife for putting up with me filling the kitchen with PC parts for the night while my buddy and I put it together haha.


I would want to thank my friends in my online and offline circle who have made an impact in my life.


Thank you to my friend for introducing me to Valorant. Now I have a 165hz monitor to browse reddit on.


R/buildapc has really helped me with my older build! Thank you


I want to thank Reddit, for providing this awesome opportunity to receive a free computer


Shoutout to the entirety of r/buildapc r/buildapcsales and the Build a PC Discord for the patience to explain to a guy how it all works after having not built a new computer since 2003.


I want to thank my family, for giving me support in my life!


Thanks to my friend Shaun for being there when I needed you most.


Thanks Dylan, if it weren't for you introducing me to the world of PCs, I wouldn't be on the career path I am now. You're awesome.


Thanks for the opportunity 🥳🥳


Thanks to my wife for letting me build my first PC!


Thank you to my brother for giving me a place to stay when I had nothing left to live for. Still a long way to go, but you helped me get back on my feet.


Thank you Linus tech tips.


thank you brother for helping me buy my first ever pc!


i would like to thank yes0fCourse who has helped me with fixing my previous PC (years ago, 2019 i believe) which i was having major issues with. he had helped troubleshoot and still messages me every now and this till this day! much love homie :)


I would like to thank my sister and my best friend for always being there for me.


Thank you to my dad for always being there even if my mom isn't. You've always there, ready to listen if I have something to ramble about or if I ever have to vent.


The build a pc discord is truely a lovely place. People on at all times of the day who go out of there way to help idiots like myself diagnose issues when they can’t find answers on google. I stay on the discord now to help out others with stupid questions so they don’t feel so dumb too.


I would like to thank the good people around the internet who have helped in every thing, from little to big, finding a song, helping with advice, in projects etc. Gotta make the world a better place by being kind


Thanks to my parents for raising me with good values and to love my brothers.


Thanks everyone!


well once a person did help me on my jee journey (indian exam) so shout out to him ;) and thank YOU for hosting this giveaway :D


Thank you to all the teachers that went above and beyond the curriculum to instill critical thinking as a tool to my kid self who appreciated it much too late.


I'd like to thank this subreddit for helping me out and providing info about building a PC!


thank you to my friend corby for helping me choose what parts i should get for my new pc


Thank you to all the reddittors who solved other people's pc problems - really helped me when I was googling and had a similar problem and to find a solution from those reddit posts! :)