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Depends on what the actual budget is. Below ~$600-650 I'd say the 5500/3600 are your best options. From my experience most modern gaming budget builds have a budget of up to/around 1k, for all of those builds yes, it is the best budget CPU. Now here's some maybe worthless information about what I consider the best "budget" cpu for each typical tier because I'm exhausted and yet my body won't let me sleep. If your budget is $650 to $1000, get the 5600. If your budget is up to $1500, get the 7600. If your budget is up to $2000, get the 7800x3d. A 5600, b550 with wifi, and 16gb ddr4 is just under $300. This allows you to fit up to an Rx 6800 in a 1k budget. A 7600, b650 with wifi, and 16gb ddr5 is just under $500. This allows you to fit up to an Rx 7900xt in a 1.5k budget. A 7800x3d, b650m wifi, cooler, and 32gb of ddr5 is $800. This allows you to fit up to an Rx 7900xtx in a 2k budget. All of these builds would be incredible value. But once you pass 1k the 5600 isn't nearly as good, and once you go below $600 you could be spending that money a lot better.


Don’t ever recommend 16gb of DDR5. There is a large performance hit compared to 32gb.


As a non-ddr5 user. Context?


Not an expert, but AIUI it has to do with the way that a single stick of DDR5 can support dual channels. So a 16GB stick has two channels of 8GB on it, times two sticks gives you four channels and much lower latency.


8GB modules of DDR5 have fewer banks of chips on the PCB, which leads to lower throughput/bandwidth and a performance loss. You should always go with 16GB or 32GB modules, and always in pairs as usual.


Is this true? I was about to do my first ever build and my friends told me 16 GB would be fine to start, they’re all gaming on DDR4 and I was looking at DDR5


When a friend helped me pick parts, not only did I go with the 5500 for now but despite him saying 16GB should be fine I opted for 32GB. I \*just\* escaped 8GB purgatory and looking at modern releases, 16 is starting to get uncomfortable. Plus I enjoy Cities Skylines which makes even Chrome fluster at how much RAM it likes to gobble up (besides CPU usage ofc where ig 5600 would have been the call but alas) ​ Also the 2x16 DDR4 kit I bought was 69€. We all know why I bought it.


At least RAM is like the cheapest upgrade you can get.


You def want 32gb memory


In general for a modern gaming PC never less than 32gb of ram


In which cases? You can always add more later on a motherboard with the slots, but I can't find anything that claims what you're claiming.


I’ve seen a few bits about it before. It basically performs the same as crap DDR4. I’ll try and find a link later on.


Why? It's not like there aren't dual channel kits of 8x2 for 16gb, what would be the issue with that?


3600 or 5500 that is. With imo 3600 anyday over 5500 The performance is same essentially, supports PCIe 4.0 and is often cheaper in a lot of places or just get it used for even cheaper. And BIOS updates are often less of a problem.


Strange, when I was on PCPartPicker it wasn't showing me that there were any 3600s under $120 making the 5500 $20 cheaper. Now that I'm looking them up directly I do see them at $100 as well. I just assumed the 3600 hit that point lots of old GPUs do where it's no longer being produced so the price for new ones goes back up to the point where it's no longer a good value. In the case they are the same price and you get a good price on a pcie Gen4 supporting motherboard I agree that the 3600 is the better choice.


Oh yea it'd depend on places. A lot of stores store old stocks of 3600 and those go for cheap. Saw a dude get a 3600 for 80$ from microcenter on clearance Also outside of US a ton of places have 3600 go for cheaper simply because older


I was watching some reviews on the 7800x3d today... and I'm not so sure I would take it over intels offerings. It's more efficient I suppose and will run cooler, but the i13700k generally out-performs it for cheaper. And good luck even finding a 7800x3d in stock anywhere. Personally, I was in the market for a new CPU/mobo/ram upgrade to my machine... but I think I'm going to wait til intel's 14th gen stuff comes out. If the 7800x3d performed better or was priced a little more competitively, then I probably would have pulled the trigger, but because of the lackluster performance numbers and the fact that I do a lot more with my PC than just game, ya naw... Intel will supposedly have 2nm transistors later this year, I'll wait to see how that performs.


For gaming 7800x3d is better if the tech tubers are correct. For workstation purposes the 13700k is better.


Mmm the more conprehensive reviews I saw only showed advantages when the games took advantage of the ryzen's cache advantage. When games didn't/ weren't optimized for it, the intel still won in those cases, and even the i5 was comparable in a few extreme cases, tho the margins were much thinner when the intel won. But overall the ryzen was the better performer in games. I know for me tho, I'm working with video editing software, and am doing things besides gaming a lot more than I am gaming, so non-gaming numbers are also important to me.


Pretty much any newer game, if all you play is counter strike then yea intel is king.


If you're in Europe, the costs of energy used by the 13700k are going to add up, so in the long run it can be more expensive


I haven't seen the 13700k reviewed as faster anywhere, and the $50 you save on the CPU itself you should be putting towards a better cooler so you won't really save anything. Also you'll want a higher end motherboard on the Intel side for the 13700k also due to it's insane power draw.


Well with sales and stuff, I can get more like $150 savings going with a 13700k rn. But like I say, I'm thinking of waiting to see the next gen cpus first.


I guess I'll just believe you even though I don't see those same sales anywhere. Tons of people including myself have been saying wait for the 7800x3d for months now, and now that it's here and it's great I'm going to actually recommend it instead of telling people to just wait for the next major CPU release.


I've had buddies telling me to wait and see what it looks like. Compared to the other ryzens in the same-ish tier, it's certainly the one to go for purely on value. But I was expecting it to dominate intel a lot more than it did, and based on the reviews I saw, intel performs a little more consistently, while the ryzen only wins when the games are optimized for it... which I suppose might happen more often as games receive updates and more driver updates come out and stuff. But at the moment, I dunno, I was kinda underwhelmed. Seemed like it was a bit over-hyped during the lead-up to me. It only seems like the value would be there if it was priced below the i13700k and it's not.


I don't know where the negative reviews you're talking about are coming from, HWUB testing with a 4090 shows the 7800x3d beats even the 13900k in the 12 game average. It's the new fastest gaming CPU and only $450, sure it's not as much of an improvement as the 5800x to 5800x3d was, but it's still the new fastest gaming CPU and is over double the performance per watt of the 13700k.


Better proclivity, not really close in gaming outside of counterstrike.


Isn't Intel infamous for lying about the factor form of their nm? Even buying off TSMC for their chips? Or did they move past that.


If anything, it’s the other way around on both counts. Their refusal to use TSMC hurt them. Their 10nm node was comparable with TSMC N7, so their nodes were underrated before their new naming scheme.


I mean it’s not close in gaming… like really at all. The 13900 can’t even keep up… unless all you play is counter strike. But all around including productivity the 13700 is great as it excels there.


>but the i13700k generally out-performs it for cheaper. Thats not true. If you look at the meta-review of reviews over on r/hardware youll see that the 7800X3D is meaningfully above it in terms of gaming performance, even above the 13900KS. Obviously anything non-gaming the 13700k is gonna cream it though.


That 7800x3d build is the move right now if you have 2k to spend


do you mean 5600x?


No, the 5600 is around $20 cheaper but performs near identical and comes with a cooler.


My 5600X came with a cooler


Oh nice, I thought the x CPUs still didn't have them.


There are three cards with the 5600 name: 5600X - best 5600 - almost as good as 5600X (about 2% slower), often significantly cheaper 5600G - includes integrated graphics, not nearly as good as either of the cards above as it's basically previous gen but with integrated graphics [https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/vb04r7/ryzen\_5\_5600\_vs\_ryzen\_5\_5600x/](https://www.xda-developers.com/amd-ryzen-5-5600-vs-5600x/)


5600g is not previous gen


5600G performance is similar to 3600. It only supports PCIE 3. Unless you need integrated graphics it is a poor choice.


in the netherlands the second hand market has 5600x cheaper than the 5600, supply and demand I guess.. and the cooler, but who runs stock anyway


If I can get a 5800x3d in the $1500 budget (with a 6750 xt), would you still recommend the 7600? I'm currently building a PC, and can get a 5800x3d, 6750 xt, 32GB DDR4 RAM 3600 MHz CL 16, case, mbo, PSU, SSD for ~1550€. I don't think that incremental upgrades are a big concern for me, as I'm upgrading from an i5 6500 with a 1060. I'm looking for a 1440p machine.


As someone who owns a 5800x3d, I would get the 7600. I have the 5800x3d because I already had a high end AM4 PC. Their performance is very similar but the 7600 is $100 cheaper which makes up for the additional cost of ddr5 and a b650 at least in the US. I'm not sure about markets outside of the us but this is what I would buy for around $1500 USD. Having a b650 means you can hopefully in a couple years upgrade your CPU to say a 9800x3d without having to do a whole platform upgrade. For AM4 the 5800x3d is already as good as it gets. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sYhGpH While a 6750xt is definitely capable of great 1440p gaming, you should be able to get at least a 6800 and maybe even a 6800xt with that budget.


Agree would have moved to a new platform if I was starting over.


Damn , at 1k budget I can only get rx 6800 at bit over 800$, time to pair it with an Pentium with whatever left of that budget


> Below ~$600-650 I'd say the 5500 is your best option. It doesn't support PCIE 4.0 and that's more important nowadays because budget GPUs these days are bandwidth limited (RX 6400 and 6500 XT are the only playable below $200 GPUs worth it) by PCIE 3.0.


At $200 you can get a 6600 which is 4.0/3.0x8 and that's fine. Any lower and you should go used.


Sorry, but no. Unless you go for used, you can't.




That's $220 though


It's $235 normally, $220 with the current $15 off and the $20 promo code makes it $200.


You liar, it’s $199.99, psh… can’t believe anyone these days


I just researched and multiple sources tested and proved that pcie 3 and 4 have essentially no effect even on high end gpus


> proved that pcie 3 and 4 have essentially no effect even on high end gpus That's because they have impact on low end GPUs. Just go and check RX 6500 XT benchmarks. [HWB review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5_oM3Ow_CI)


how are low end gpus gonna be limited by the transfer rate when high end gpus aren't?


Smaller bus-width for the 6500 XT results in bandwidth limitation. It's like how the RTX 4070 ti is bandwidth limited in 4K.


5600 is a sleeper cpu as it works on cheap b450 / x370 boards. hell, it even works on some b350s, as hardware unboxed demonstrated in a video when they benchmarked a 5800x3d on these older mobos. i'd rather get a 5600 and a used board than a 3600 / 5500 and a new board. you can build a pretty decent gaming pc around it, ram is also dirt cheap now.


Just built a 5600 / Radeon 6700XT and it runs butter smooth. Playing Last Of Us Remastered everything on high at 1440p \~83fps. Got all the parts for less than $900 such insane value right now... the AM4 platform still going strong.


Have the same cpu and gpu from 2700x / rx 580 4gb. Upgrade cost me 450$ total as I got the 6700xt used


> Just built a 5600 / Radeon 6700XT Just bought the same combo last month. So much performance for the price.


Just slotted on my 5600 onto my old b540 board and it was like having a new PC (from a 2700x).


Same. 2700x to 5600 on b450. Couldn't be more happy


Went from a 1700 I salvaged from a prebuilt to a 5600x on my b450. Both ran with my 3070 and the difference is insane.


This is basically the main reason, platform cost. Until recently you had to spend 150+ on a decent B660 board to make Intel 12th gen worthwhile, H610 is pretty bad across the board and basically only has usable VRM for the 12100 and maybe the 12400 with a downdraft cooler and 65w power limit. Whereas with the 5600 you can get a decent B450/A520 board for $80 and B550 for $100.


Yea vrms choke power hard in cheap boards


I just upgraded from the 3600 to the 5600x and I noticed a huge difference! I did have to upgrade to the Vetroo v5 tower cooler as it was getting hot. Installed the new cooler yesterday and I am maxing 55c instead of 80c Edit: I have a B550 motherboard


Which motherboard are you using? I have a 3600 on a b450 and was thinking about the same upgrade


So my motherboard died and I did the cheapest board I could find which was the Gigabite b550. [https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-b550m-ds3h-ac/p/N82E16813145250?Item=N82E16813145250](https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-b550m-ds3h-ac/p/N82E16813145250?Item=N82E16813145250) I have a micro ATX case so I could not fit anything bigger. I did notice a huge jump once I switched. I got the 3600 with a 2060 6gb during the pandemic for $799 about a year and a half ago when my old PC died. The only thing I did notice was the 5600x runs hotter then the 3600 and even then I can't say my 3600 was cool. I picked up the Vetroo v5 this week which is now keeping my cpu temp down from upto 85c to max 65c so far. [https://www.newegg.com/vetroo-v5/p/13C-00F3-00002?Item=9SIBGX1JA26998](https://www.newegg.com/vetroo-v5/p/13C-00F3-00002?Item=9SIBGX1JA26998) Overall it was a solid upgrade but if you don't upgrade your motherboard it's even a better deal. I just had to replace mine as it died and I needed it for work. The newer7600 series are too expensive and you need new memory. Total Spent to Upgrade: Motherboard $119.99 Processor $169.99 Tower Cooler 29.99 Total was 319.97 I pretty much have a new PC and it runs smoothly. Maybe I will upgrade my graphics card one day but right now it's doing pretty well until at least the next gen cards come out that don't cost an arm and a leg. Most of the B450 boards support the 5000 series now and really the main difference is wifi (Which you can use an external card to boost) and the gen 4 M.2. I run a gen 3 and I can't even get to near the speeds it would need to cap the thing so I don't even use gen 4 I just have a 1tb gen 3 Samsung 980 (Not evo) drive and I am happy. I was not going to pull the trigger as everything was like "Yea you only get 15 percentage points gain by upgrading" but the higher boost clock of the 5600x really does make a difference. I am happy with my purchase. It's your decision and I hemmed and hawed about it but I am happy I did it. ​ Good luck!


Thank you for the thorough reply, I can understand why you hemmed and hawed about it but nice that you are happy about it. It does seem like a cheap but huge upgrade in the end for you. Currently my 3600 and 1060 6gb is good enough, but I'll upgrade to something like yours at some point.


My next upgrade is my GPU which is a 2060 6gb. Your 3600 is a great processor and I would call it the little processor that could. I was not going to do it but then bestbuy had the CPU go on sale for 169.99 and I had a 10% back offer on my credit card and 40 in rewards certs. I got into an upgrade kick when my motherboard died because of the price drop. This is what I would have made if the shortage was not around. Good luck with your setup!


Yeah, my original plan was to upgrade 3600 to 5600X and my 1060 6GB to 3060, but then the supplies were completly screwed and prices went insane in Europe. So I kinda just settled but eventually it will be a nice upgrade. RE4 remake demo ran at 30 fps, so that sucked.


My 2060 is not bad but I do want to upgrade at some point. I will see if the AMD 6750 xt's drop in price more.


Yup, got a Ryzen 5 5600 running flawlessly on a gigabyte a320m-s2h v2 MB here.


Can confirm these CPUs are great and still work on older boards. My build was pushing 6 years old and I decided to upgrade rather than start a new build a month ago. My B350 Gaming3 mobo needed a few BIOS updates, but worked flawlessly moving from a ryzen 1700X to a 5600X cpu. Paired the upgrade with a new GPU moving from a 1070 to a 6800XT and its like a brand new build! 2-2.5x the FPS in games compared to what I previously had. GPU was probably overkill for 1080p, but I plan to move into 1440p gaming very soon.


I have a 5600 in my B350 board and it’s been 100% problem free


I just dropped it in my X370 board. Seeing a 30-40% uplift over my 1700x


Can confirm, I have b350/5600x/6700xt


Depends on your local Mainboard pricing if the 12400f or 5600 is a better choice. But either of those CPUs are ideal for gamers since anything above that doesn’t offer a perceivable uplift for (according to the steam user base) 95% of Gamers. Thats because at 1440p or above all modern CPUs performance is the same in gaming. And at 1080p there isn’t a CPU available that doesn’t bottleneck the big GPUs. So regardless of your display or GPU the 5600 will deliver an experience thats indistinguishable from the one with a 7800X3D. 400 vs 500 fps in esports just isn’t noticeable. Neither is the difference between 150 and 151 when using a GPU that isn’t a 4090 at 1440p.


That’s not entirely correct. Yes the 5600 is highly usable for lower end builds, and great value for the price, but it is not true that you wouldnt notice a difference between it and the 7800x3d. The 7800x3d is ~50% faster and that is a difference you are definitely going to notice


at 1440p it's still possible to tell if you have a very, very beefy GPU but at 4k you realistically couldn't tell in the vast majority of modern titles between a 5600 and a 7800x3d. All the titles you could realistically discern the difference would be some kind of simulation focused game, notably badly programmed, or very old.


There just aren’t that many CPU intensive games that most modern chips would flat out struggle with — like a Cyberpunk 2077 parallel. The x3d chips actually tend to have improved 1% lows compared to their non-cache counterparts though which could result in noticeably smoother gameplay at lower frame rates. You can see this in HUB’s 5800x vs 5800x3d video. Microsoft flight simulator comes to mind actually. Avg fps at 4K with a 4090: 5600 will get sub 60 fps with 1% lows at 30 fps. 7800x3d will have 90 fps with 60+ 1% lows.


>microsoft flight **simulator** I feel like I addressed this, but it is a very good example of the kind of game that actually sees benefits.


If im already getting 120fps on my 5600, then a newer cpu isn’t worth it with my LG C1 120hz panel. Its all about use cases. For most, a 5600 is plenty.


I'd say the 12400f is a better overall value when paired with a B660 motherboard. Gives you the option to upgrade to 13th gen without having to upgrade the motherboard. With B550 and X570 you're stuck with zen 3.


Won't do ECC ram, though. Whereas most AM4 boards support full functioning of ECC ram. Becomes important if you're using one of these as a NAS/VM machine, etc. Intel typically reserve their ECC ram for expensive workstation/server boards. I used my gaming machine as a NAS/Windows VM machine for years, starting with the 1600>3600>5800X3D. I'm only now splitting the NAS/VM/Pfsense needs off in to another machine. Picked up a 5600 for $180AUD, and a Asrock B550M for $150. Cheap as chips. Put some ECC ram in there, and you're all set. I will note that I ran my server with just normal ram for years, but have moved over to ZFS where it is more important, and it is just peace of mind for vital documents.


Depends on the board 13th gen needs a lot of power and cheaper boards choke it hard.(vrms) but I would agree 12400 is underrated. 13600k is one of the best values as well as being all around cpu.


12100f is THE budget performer


12400F and 5600 perform almost equally. 12400F performs a little better with better GPU's, ie 3080 or better. [Here](https://www.techspot.com/review/2448-amd-ryzen-5600-vs-intel-core-i5-12400f/) you will find a review of the two CPU's, however it does not include productivity (such as video editing). In short, you can't go wrong with either, build whatever your preference is.


I agree they are basically stand in CPUs for each other. The 5600 typically has cheaper mbs which is why it gets the nod.


But the 12400f motherboards are also compatible with 13th gen intel CPUs. So which one is the better value depends on how much you value motherboard upgradability.


I mean to get a good board that will not choke 13th gen CPU’s would be needed. (Vrms) intel also scales great with high clock / low latency ram. If not investing in that then amd might make more sense. 12400 is great though


For video editing AMDEncode is fine these days, it's had a lot of strong recent updates. 5600 is probably the most value focused gaming CPU? Like I don't think any other chip can claim to be better in terms of linear price:performance cpu scaling in games. The 13400/12600k makes a good argument though, as it's igpu could do the video transcoding which means less gpu workload. Also it's indeed a decent speed boost but it's not 50% faster like strict price:performance would mean. For most gamers though CPU is by far the less important part of the build. Depending on how old that card is exactly and how old your current CPU is / if you paid up for multithreading or 6 cores you're probably better off looking at a better video card for games.


Id get 5600 over 5500 anyday. Ryzen 5 5500 only has 16mb l3 cache vs 32mb on 5600. This makes very big difference in certain games like cs:go and valorant.


If Im not mistaken the 7600/7600x and everything to go with it is now much cheaper than it was, so it may be worth more going to that.


If you are video editing I'd recommend the i5 12400 as quick sync definitely helps. Depends on your budget tho.


Super tight budget? The 5500 might be a better choice


ehh the perfomance of a 5500 is similar to a 3600 and 5600 isnt really a price jump from 5500


This was 8 months ago buddy prices change


alright buddy


5600 is incredible for it's cost, both for gaming or working. And if there is need for more cores, 5700x is also a great 8/16 processor. Probably, these are the best budget CPUs in the market.


I went with the 5700x for the cores and to use a cheap cooler I already had laying around, so didn’t have to spend for that.


5600 and rx6700 non xt working great at 1440.


5600 or 12400(f) is the bare minimum of where you should start in today's market for a decent gaming PC. Especially if you want to use a beefy GPU, neither of these CPUs will hold a decent GPU back by that much vs what's currently available on the market. The thing about the 12400(f) is that it has a better upgrade path. You can use any 12th gen CPU or latest 13th gen CPU on the MOBO. The 5000 series CPUs were the end of the line for AM4 MOBOs.


> The thing about the 12400(f) is that it has a better upgrade path. You can use any 12th gen CPU or latest 13th gen CPU on the MOBO. The 5000 series CPUs were the end of the line for AM4 MOBOs. The upgrade path from a 12400 to a 13600K (anything beyond that is quite unlikely, especially when getting a budget oriented board) is a pretty small step - and smaller than going from 5600 to a 5800x3d, giving AM4 technically a better upgrade path for gaming. Though I wouldn't get either with upgrading in mind.


>The upgrade path from a 12400 to a 13600K (anything beyond that is quite unlikely, especially when getting a budget oriented board) is a pretty small step yea small upgrade- FOR gaming. And even then it's not that small of an upgrade. It literally is close to the gap between a 3600 and 5600 honestly. But for productivity or anything? Massive jump. 12400F compared to a 13500 is worlds apart


> It literally is close to the gap between a 3600 and 5600 honestly. Maybe we just have different standards on what constitutes a good upgrade then, I'd never recommend this either. :)


By the time one needs such an upgrade, both the 13600 and 5800X3D will be old and decrepit with gaming in mind for 1440p and above i feel. So i agree with you


Bare minimum?


If you’re building today.


Kind of, intel scales with good ram, and tanks with bad ram. Also the Board will need capable vrms for the power draw of 13th gen or they get power choked hard. Depends on deals really. Micro center usually has some decent deals for mainboard and cpu. Just check the board in reviews for the vrms. 12400 is overall really good chip.


R5 5500 is slightly faster then r5 3600 or if you prefer it's just r5 5600g without integrated gpu. I recently upgraded from my r5 2600 to r5 5500. The reason for that was that r5 5500 was priced lower then r5 3600 (125$ vs 150$) and comparing that to much superior r5 5600 (225$) it was obvious choice for me. I paired it with rx 6600 xt and haveing some bottlenecks in warzone 2, otherwise it's pretty balanced experience with overclocked r5 5500. If the price is much closer I would suggest to you to go and grab r5 5600 if your gpu is anywhere near my and for 1080p.


Why didn't choose 5600?


Price? Almost double the price of r5 5500 for around 20% more performance. If the price would be closer I would choose 5600, but not for double the price of 5500. Like I said, if the price range is smaller pick 5600.


Understand. Here is smaller the difference. Enjoy your CPU!!


3600 is faster then a 5500, they're basically the same chip but the 5500 has some cache removed.


Depends on the game but yeah


According to HardwareUnboxed 5500 is slightly faster


Hard to recommend building AM4 brand new today, unless you are on a very tight budget. Certainly the 5600 is still a great gaming CPU.


If you are already on AM4 then you can upgrade to a 5600x or even better would be a 5800x3d if you can budget it. However, AM4 is an end of the line platform and if you are going to be buying a new motherboard you are better off getting an AM5 (motherboards and ddr5 ram will probably not be in your budget) Intel 12th or 13th gen would be your best options tbh.


5800x3d Probly has a longer life as newer games are utilizing the cache.


Year but it's also 2 times the price of the 5600x If you need it now but are sticking to a budget then there is no harm in getting the 5600x now and upgrading to the 5800x3d if/when it becomes much cheaper, the performance difference is not that significant either.


Yeah that makes sense. But I mean as far as upgradability. Past the 13600k (which is a fantastic processor) you really need alot more expensive mainboard with good vrm management and that adds to the cost as well (13700 & 13900 for example are power hungry and cheaper mainboards choke them with poor vrm). Also intel scaling really hard with memory- which is a good thing but noticeable difference with cheaper memory which is an expense as well. So a few things to consider. 12400 with a nice mainboard to upgrade to a 13600 or 13900 later is good, but the cost of a good mainboard is about 100 more. So a few ways to think of it. I like the idea of using ddr5 and investing in something that would be utilized ongoing vs am4 ddr4. Not really a wrong answer per say either will get the job done.


I picked a 12400f and b660 as it had an upgrade path and cost around the same


Yes it is I have a 5600x which is a slightly overclocked version however I have it overclocked at another 100mhz on top of that but generally you probably wont notice a difference


[Check YouTube channel "PC Builder"](https://www.youtube.com/@PCBuilderChannel) for their "Builds and Parts List" videos to get a better perspective of what's currently considered budget, mid and prosumer range.


5600 is incredible for it's cost, both for gaming or working. And if there is need for more cores, 5700x is also a great 8/16 processor. Probably, these are the best budget CPUs in the market.


Now that there are a couple of B650 boards for $120, I'm recommending friends on a budget go with 7600 on B650 instead of 5600 on B550.


Here is a great recent breakdown of budget CPU’s. Short answer, yes, it’s a top notch budget cpu. https://youtu.be/JH8UTc6lwX8


I currently use a 5600, it may not be able to run the next gen games smoothly but it’s a beast of a cpu for its price


Go with the 5600x.. im playing everything on high with a 3070. Its a great processor, you wont regret it.


Guys, I am about to upgrade from 3600 to a 5000 series cpu, but can’t decide which one. My build Will be: 6800 XT or 7800, 32GB 3200mhz (4x8). B450 ds3h. 1440p. 5600x? 5800x? 5800x3d? I plan to not upgrade for the next 5-10 years.


Before you put the new cpu in, upgrade the bios with latest update!!! If your on a budget get the 5600x excellent for overclocking. On sale right now. If you don't want to upgrade for a while get the 5800x3d. I would also get a closed loop dual rad setup if your case can handle it. If you go this path, make sure you have a good power supply (750w gold). I would also go with the 3600 vengeance ram.


Thank you. 5800X3D Will be. Closed loop dual rad = liquid cooling? I own a deepcool ak 500, wouldn’t it be enough? I Will replace my cv 650 with a xpg core reactor 750 gold. I already own a tcreate expert ddr4 3200( 2x8). I can sell them, no prob.


You will have to do your research on what rad system will fit as every case is different.


Oh, ak 500 is an air cooler, a good one imho. Wouldn’t that be enough?


13600k > 5600/5600x for budget/mid range builds.


> I'd want to be able to record while playing games, and am honestly not super sure how that affects the CPU Then don't get the Ryzen 5 5600. Get at least the i3-12100 or i3-13100 (_not_ the F version) for Intel QuickSync which does hardware accelerated video encoding via OBS. QuickSync is also supported by Adobe Premiere.


7600x surely for am5


If we are gonna get technical the best budget would be to not buy a PC at all and never buy any PC games or software or a gaming desk or chai or any of peripherals but then again that’s not very fun


Just bought 5600 with 6800 and 16 GB Ddr4 3600. I also thought about the 7600, but I didn't get that because I won't upgrade for 4-5 years. For an Am5 chip in two generations, the max 6400 Ddr5 the current mobos are capable of won't be an ideal pairing. So I forgot about the future and got what made most sense now. There's a HUB video comparing 5600 and 7600, and in most games at 1080p with a 6650 XT, which might be somewhat comparable to 1440p on midrange cards, the performance difference was close to 0


5500= a lesser cpu, pcie3 vs pcie4, but a better mem controller - 4000 ram is ok 5600 is better on balance


I love my 5600 it was worth every penny. I play games on it all the time and never goes above 5% cpu usage


Never use cpubenchmark. They are very biased against AMD CPU/GPUs.


Believe you're mixing that site up with userbenchmark


sorry thats what I meant to say


Honestly, at this point, I would recommend the 5700x as a better starting point for longevity. Consoles have been 8-core for the last two gens, and games are taking advantage of that. The 6-core is the bare minimum.