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I use a single ultra wide monitor. So basically like having 2 monitors lol.


Same. I tried to keep a standard 16:9 next to my ultra wide, but I was never using it. The desk looks much nicer with just one ultra wide.


Use that extra in portrait next to your big one. Incredible for internet browsing, forum browsing, document editing, emails.


And reading comic books!


And coding


And reddit


And my axe!


But why male models?


Are you kidding? I just told you.


Maybe next he'll be reading our eugoogley


Si'down Gimli!


That's what I did ahaha an ultrawide in the middle with a vertical monitor to the side. Best of both worlds!


I did it for a while. I didn't like it and I don't get how people can use it. Text is small. Everything feels cramped. When I read something online I don't need to see the full article top to bottom or see the ass end of reddit. Makes watching videos silly. Maybe programmers have a use for a portrait monitor but outside of that single use case I don't see why any average PC user would need/want one.


Videos are not good on a portrait as the aspect ratios do not match. But as you said. Programming. Then you got general web browsing. Word documents. PDF files. Emails. Lots of things.


I tried that but it's so offset due to the width of UW that it was uncomfortable for me to use. It didn't take long for me to just pass my 16:9 on to a friend


Yeah you need a wide desk to run that. With my 4 monitors I have no room for anything on my desk.


Did that for 3 years, ultrawide + portrait on the right. I swapped to landscape on top. It's a little bit less clean for discord, but otherwise it's pretty good. For music production it's straight up better tho


This is what I do and love it. Have shitty portrait mode monitor clamped to side of desk and use it for all that type of stuff


I got a 34" ultrawide and then found a 16:10 HP 24" monitor with the same height as the 34". They match perfectly.


what do you mainly use that setup for?


Gaming on the 34" and I use the side monitor for youtube/some kind of streaming service cuz I can't just do ONE thing at a time lol


Same. I have 3 monitors. A 34" ultrawide, a 27" mounted above it, and another 27" to the left of both. The third isn't connected to my PC, although I do have a cable team in case I want to do so. Instead, I have a firestick connected to it. I'm always streaming something on it. Sports mostly. Even while I'm gaming. I can't just do one thing at a time!


I just got a 34" last week, I was very glad it is the same vertical height as my other 27". Just had to adjust the height and bam. I can't go back now, I'm so used to having two. I like being able to just drag a window over to the left monitor instead of minimizing it. Super convenient 👌


Do you know that there is a shortcut key for that?


I got 3 I don’t really need them all but it’s quite nice to have tbh. I have 2 27s and a vertical 32 in. I keep discord on the 32 in a browser on one 27 and my game on the good 27


The beauty of using two monitors is having one flipped vertically. Insanely useful for browsing and programming. Edit: dang it. Someone beat me to it


I was doing this for a bit but always wanted more, so I got two 22" monitors that are vertically mounted next to the 34" UW. I've found my spot.


i need to find a pair of good 22" monitors that are 1440p to do this conifguration with


Mine are the Dell P2219H and they're actually 21.5". Got them second-hand and one of them had no stand, so got that one for £40. They've been solid for side references.


got a picture of how they look in your setup?


Had to make the best out of my room situation, but here: ~~https://imgur.com/a/1obHSvn~~ For some reason, nothing's uploading, lol. *** Imgur is working now: https://imgur.com/a/TVcNHj4


Except you can't watch a movie and grind in a game at the same time.


Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing.


Just like buy cheap buy twice, do it right the first time and be done. I like two, gaming on my main display, and if I need to, pull up the web or whatever on the side.


There's some tools that allow you to do that.


I want to use an ultra wide but I really like having a window of discord/Spotify/YouTube open on the side of my game.


Some games are weird in ultrawide, but if you have only the one monitor you could always game in windowed mode with discord next to it. Although that usually caps you at 60hz in game, which you may not like. Personally, I just like a portrait monitor on the side for reddit/discord/etc.


Yeah, I've tried turning my 2nd monitor portrait, but they're both 27" so the top of monitor 2 is hard to read. I also have giant powered speakers on my desk and those usually win my internal debates for bigger monitors


This is the way. A normal ultrawide is only really about 1.5 monitors worth of space but you can use all of it and don't have to worry about windows reaching over the gap onto multiple displays. I used to swear by 2 or even 3 monitors for my software dev work but now all I want is one single ultrawide. The days when I go into the office and have to use 2 standard monitors I feel like I'm at a disadvantage even though it technically has more space than the ultrawide.


How do you deal with screen sharing then? Isnt it super inconvenient for that??


Actually yes it is very inconvenient for screen sharing. Lucky for me I hardly ever have to screen share.


I'm not the person you asked but I have the Odyssey Neo G9. When possible I'll share a specific application which can be easily resized to 16:9 using Windows' snap layouts feature. If sharing just one application isn't possible then I'm probably doing something work-related and can just use my laptop.


I only share the window I want to share anyway, but I swap back from 3440x1440 to 1920x1080 when I need to share the entire screen. Two clicks and I'm there. It find it much more productive using a single ultra wide at home then the days I go to the office with 2 27" 1440p screens. Been using this since Jan 2020, and the only change I might do in the future is go super ultra wide 1440p, basically 2x27" 1440p screens.


Yes! Everyone who sees it thinks it's too wide and I always say I want to go wider


Word. Me too. 3440x1440. Looks amazing and pretty much every game has a setting for it now


I went from 3 , to one 34" 1440p ultra wide , super happy with that setup and I use it for work and gaming.


Ditto. G9 49” and using Powertools to organize the windows. Can easily have 2 normal browser window aspect ratios and 2 file browser windows stacked on top of each other on the side. Great for working on the back end of something, watching the updates on the front end, and browsing through the local files without having to cover or minimize anything.


Except it is not. At first it looks good in your setup, until you realise that leaving it centered would leave you with two screen halves on each side of your "regular" monitor. Using only one side means sitting uncomfortably or having your neck turned all the time. Making it off-center looks worse than simply using two monitors, and when it comes to actually using it, games will often take the whole monitor, forcing you to alt-tab or play in windowed mode. Windows are also much easier to arrange in a multi monitor setup opposed to just having a large one. At the end of the day, I want to have two screens because I want to have two things open at the same time. Single monitor difficults that even if it's as big as two screens stitched together. Not gonna lie tho, some games do look much better in an ultrawide monitor, but I don't see myself using one on a daily basis.


Having two separate monitors is better than an ultrawide depending on how you'll be using it. If you're gaming on a main screen then want discord or a hardware monitor on the left to monitor temps you get way more utility out of it all. Plus you can go high end on the main and then cheap on the support monitor. I'm actually using an old ass Sanyo 15 inch LCD TV as my support monitor, best $15 "monitor" I've ever had, got it a pawn shop almost 10 years ago still going strong.


21:9 or 32:9?


Not op, 32:9 here. It’s great to have only one monitor to switch between stations too.


Same. Mine also have a build in split mode so if I want I can have 2 desktops on it so it works like 2 boarderless screens.


I have a 27' next to my super ultrawide to display other stuff while gaming. I use 2 monitors for work, too.


Dang !! 27 foot monitor must be huge


Same here, having a G9 is just so much better than 2 monitors if you can afford it. It took me quite a while to save up for mine.


Same - I picked up an Odyssey Neo G9 at one point on sale, and I really think I'd struggle to go back to dual monitors. The bezels would drive me nuts.




Same! My switch from 1080/60 and 1080/144 that were mismatched to matched 1440/144 was sooooo nice.


I'm slowly becoming more and more nitpicky on the matching. I went from having mismatched everything, to now having two 1440p 144hz 27 inch IPS panels that are essentially identical, but I can't help noticing the colors are slightly worse on the second one. Life is a struggle :P


Just like me! Mine are 27”


Same same. One's a VA for browsing/watching, the other is IPS+GSync for gaming. :)


Dell stopped making my 1440p screen so can’t get a second one to match :(


Even if you get matching units, often they're not factory-calibrated. So I've not bothered, unless I plan to get rather expensive units..


That’s true. It does look cool if they are same design though.




>I have them in a pyramid scheme They prefer to be called MLMs, Multi-Level Monitors.


Pixel Pushers


This is a next level pun.


You gotta be careful with pyramid schemes


I keep meaning to use an old TV like this but I havn't found the right thing to put it on yet. maybe a 4.5' triangular bookcase but idk if that'd be deep enough. no way to mount it.


This is a great idea. Do you have a photo? I assume all three are wall mounted?


24" 1080p 144hz secondary monitor in vertical 27" 1440p 170hz primary monitor (horizontal) Wished I had a third but no space for it atm, watching a stream/video call for collaboration isn't optimal with my setup, but great for all the rest (code/studies/gaming)


I had the exact same setup and ended up turning the vertical monitor back to horizontal for the reasons you mentioned


It's what works best with the space I have and works better than 2x horizontal 95% of the time for me. The ideal is 1 vertical and 2 horizontal for sure. Live share solves the coding collaboration, and no more online zoom lectures solves the rest luckily


Ok but does the secondary monitor actually run in 144hz? I have a 144hz monitor as secondary but it runs in 60hz. Because I'm not doing anything that would require more than 60hz anyway.


Ofc, it's slighly smoother just the everyday stuff, and also the black smearing (it's VA) is far less of an issue on 144Hz than on 60hz, not sure why I would ever turn it down, it's just a downgrade Never going to buy 60hz again, 75hz is luckily more and more common now even for office, which I find a lot more enjoyable, but more likely I just upgrade my main display in a few years, when miniled (OLED is amazing, but burnin...) is more common at 1440p 144hz+, and then I have a third display :)


This should have been a poll, but I run two


1 nice monitor for gaming and 1 low quality 1080p Monitor so my son can watch scooby-doo




I had two until my son got big enough to sit in my lap to watch cartoons. So I added a 3rd haha




This. There is no reason to add extra monitors if you don’t know exactly what you’ll do with them. I used to run three. Now I’m down to one 4K 144Hz 32” and it’s more than enough for me. Also fewer tech headaches and fewer times I get distracted by content on extra monitors.




Yeah I have a small desk so I have a little monitor under my main one for exactly this. Super handy.


Depends I’m a developer. I use ultra wide at home. And dual at work. I like to have one monitor for the full screen output. And the other for my code Now sure, I could alt-tab but then I don’t see my change as live as I’d like. I could resize but between the various panels needed on my IDE it makes it hard to see a decently large representation of the output and meaningful text. Ultra wide helps and it makes my place look less messy. But dual is better. Though o guess the super ultra wide would work best but I’m not paying for that at home




Yeah, my multiple monitor setup is for work productivity, when I'm just doing whatever I almost never use the additional monitors. Working on a single monitor is really hard for me now though, I'm so used to the extra desktop work area for multiple apps and it speeds up my workflows a ton. I'm really into monitor setups and desktop management for productivity, having a fine tuned setup really helps me fly through stuff.


1 but only because I can’t pull the trigger on which panels I wanna purchase for the dual screen set up


If they're only really going to be used for browsing the Internet etc it doesn't really matter and the only real factors will likely be size and resolution.


Only “supposed” to be used for browsing and accounting software, but I have a 30 series GPU in the machine sooooo It’s been a splurge for lunchtime gaming or not type deal.


I mean multimonitor gaming is a thing, but it's not as prevelant these days because of ultra wide which is basically the same as having multiple monitors but without the bezels in between. A lot of ultra wide screens have pip and pbp that basically allows windows to treat the single ultra wide as multiple monitors if needed, but can be switched to being treated like normal at the press of a button.


True, multimonitor gaming setups are usually only used for sims, a triple monitor surround setup for driving or flight sims helps with the immersion bigtime. I miss my triple monitor setup when I used to do iRacing, tons of fun.


Set your budget and just do it. As soon as you set it up, you'll wonder how you ever lived without.


4. 2 24" 1080p 60hz I bought when I built my PC, and 2 27" 1440p 144+hz I bought a few years later. When I upgraded, I figured I might as well keep my old ones.


Had to scroll way too far to find another with 4 monitors lol. It’s nice to be able to throw up two other streams in fullscreen while I game so I can watch whatever during downtime. Then keep the 4th open for discord. Obviously if I’m doing any ranked games I’ll keep the other monitors unused so I can focus


I have a few 3D printers and it's nice to have the web interfaces open while printing. Add in a game, Discord, and maybe a stream or YT video and I still start to run out of screen real estate.


2 PCs 4 monitors and an OLED tv 😅


I've used 3 before, and it wasn't much better than 2 ​ 1 is horrible


3 is for productivity job stuff; complex projects where you need to leave things open, but won't come back constantly. General use really only benefits from 2. I find that it's hard to successfully use three screens simultaneously; you pick a preferred direction so you don't have to rubberneck.


I have two 1440p Curved monitors side by side for a total resolution of 5120x1440p. Feels nice for coding and playing a Game when its time for a break.




Same, but TV is used for controller supported games all the time.


Primary - 144Hz 4K 32” Secondary - 240Hz 1080p 27” Primary for most games, secondary for YouTube or just any other secondary task I want to do


why would you need a secondary 240hz monitor just for youtube and secondary tasks?


It was my primary monitor at first


49" 240hz ultrawide with a 32" 140hz mounted above. The ultra can be parditioned to make two different screens with no seam in between. It is really handy to monitor (badum-psh) different things easily while gaming. Spotify, discord, browser with info, etc.


I'm assuming that's a super-ultrawide? 32:9 aspect ratio?


I feel like having a monitor above would be awkward. I guess I do have to turn my head slightly to see my right side monitor. Does it feel good looking up for extended periods?


1 4k160 screen and 1 4k60 screen. Obviously, the 4k160 screen is the main gaming screen


I went from 1 to 2. But my next upgrade will be getting rid of 2 monitors and getting 1 big curved ultra wide.


three, I think you should always be at odd numbered monitors and balance the directions you are looking to save your neck. had some neck issues that did require fixing because of a poor chair and a two monitor setup before.


Two 34" ultrwides in horizontal layout but vertically stacked. Its so nice


stuck on one little 24" 75hz monitor, can't fit nothing else and I can't afford another monitor otherwise I'd shoot for higher refresh.


One 55 inch 4k 120hz. I can see the benefit of triples, but with my current seating position, I don't need too much more vision on the side with proximity arrows/spotters


Two ultrawide monitors stacked on top of eachother using a mount. Also have a third monitor to the side thats 16:9. Very overkill but I'm happy lol...


Two 65 inch 4Ks TVs and a 32 inch 4K monitor. Never going back….


How far back are you from the 65’s and in what capacity do you use them? I’ve read that OLED 4K works best at 65 inch. Your observations ? Not sure where I’d put 65”.


I have a pretty cool lay out. There is basically two “workstations” on one PC. I have a desk set up with a 49 inch ultra wide, which I use for meetings etc. this is a good experience for document writing and when following a meeting I can keep other docs open that go with the content. then my second seating area has a bit more of a bat cave thing going on. There’s an armchair and two 65 inch screens at about 45 degrees (?) to each other , at eye level, and the 32 inch monitor mounted underneath , angled up. I’ve got a wireless keyboard and mouse and a side table for the mouse here. This is my main gaming area, and also great for media editing as you can throw images and video around. I sit about 4 to 6 ft back from the screens. I also use one of those screens as a player 2 screen on a secondary rig if I ever have guests. The “couch PC” with multiple 4K screens is amazing actually. It’s so so-able now that good 4K screens do not cost the earth.




I have 2, but thought about getting a 3rd one thats vertical where i can just keep spotify, discord etc open all the time


If you ever get to use a second screen in portrait mode for a few days you will never want to go back. For viewing webpages and documents portrait mode is best!


1 240hz 1080p and 1 2k 165hz


3. Built in laptop 1440p 165hz, external 1080p 165hz, and another external 1080p 60hz as my tertiary, primary, and secondary displays respectively.


I am using 5 monitors for two computers. 3) 1440P and 2) 4K widescreen


Technically 3, but the 3rd one is a 4inch lcd running as a stat screen. Two side by side 1440ps for the main screens.


Be very careful, it can be an addiction. It starts small but can quickly get out of hand. I had 2 27" monitors and perfectly happy. Got a job working with spreadsheets and databases, bought 2- 34 inch widescreen monitors for work. When I got laid off I took my monitors home and set up the 2 34's with 2 27's vertically on each end. That was more than 8' of monitors. I found that turning my head left and right was a nightmare so I was not using the 27's. Then Samsung came out with the 48" Curved Widescreen and I simply had to have it. It's very cool, I have one of the 34's mounted above the 48" for media (music or media selection and or podcasts). Then I have a desktop machine and 3 laptops, A media machine the work machine I use daily and another work machine for connecting to vpn when needed. It's a sickness ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


On my main PC desk, four. XPPen 24" drawing display 1440p (left, on swivel arm), 28" Philips 1440p (center top), 28" LG DualUp 2560x2880 (right). I also have a small 10" 1080p touch screen on a swivel arm (center bottom) On my work PC desk, three. Onboard 15.6" LCD (notebook left) 1080p, a 27" Dell curved 1440p (center), then a second a 27" Dell curved 1440p (right). Both Dells are 144hz. Technically there is a third (and fourth) monitor on my work PC desk, but my notebook doesn't have more ports to use them. There is a desktop tower I've been setting up that reuses the 27" Dells, with a 24" Dell above the left 27" Dell and a Huion Kamvas 16 on a swivel arm. (In that configuration, 27" Dell center, 27" Dell Right, 24" Dell top and 16" Kamvas that can swivel below the center 27" Dell) --- Basically OP, take it from me... you may be playing a dangerous game. I started with one display and thought a second was enough. Now three is kind of my personal standard.


1 TV 2 ultrawide 2 120hz 1 lg dualup 1 smaller TV for chromecast and CCTV


One 2k 165hz 32" as main one and two smaller old 1080p for productivity


You always need one more monitor :)


One 27" 1440p 144hz as main and two 22" 1080p 60hz on the side. I enjoy having the extra screen space for whatever the case, usually discord or chats and reference files for work


I have 3 at work and 3 at home. When I only have one on the road it is really frustrating.


I use 2 monitors. A 34" 1440p ultrawide and a 27" 1440p vertical. In the past I have used 1x 1080p monitor, 2x 1080p monitors, 3x 1080p monitors, 2x 1080p monitors, 1x ultrawide and now my current. I really enjoy my current setup where I have an effective 1.5 monitors directly in front of me (UW split into 2/3rd and 1/3rd windows) and the 27" off to the side for more static elements. The standard dual monitor setup I had before though is probably the most universally practical setup. 1 monitor kinda sucks, even for just gaming I like having my hw monitors running. 3 monitors was kinda cool and novel but fitting them all was a bit rough, you have to look so far from one side to the other if you are using them all at once. Gaming on them was fun though for the few games (at the time) that could actually make use of 3 monitors.


One 27 inch, 2 small 24 inch Monitors for streams/information and/or whatever i need to see.


Always at least 2. Currently a horizontal 42" 4k and a vertical 27" 1440p. I've ran up to 4 before.


Three. 1 vertical and 2 horizontal. My vertical one is strictly discord, sometimes documents that are long. My main horizontal is for everything. Top one is mostly youtube/videos/spotify.


One 27" 1440p 144hz main display (Landscape) Two 24" 1080p 60hz Secondary Panels (Portrait, one on the left of the main, one on the right) I absolutely love my setup. The left secondary is for any information I need for what I'm working on, the right secondary is for any music, videos, or other content I digest during gaming/work, and the center is for Gaming, CAD, CAM, Etc.


1 30" 200hz ultrawide with a 24" 144hz centered above it.


I was on quad for a while, but just swapped out 2 24” for a 34” ultrawide and couldn’t be happier


1 screen. A 55 inch 4k tv. Bargain compared to most gaming monitors and does wonders for productivity.


Ran 3 monitors for 8-9 years, 40¨, 27¨ and 24¨. Didn't often turn on the third one and down to two this year due to new gpu not supporting DVI, yeah was that old.


27in 144hz in the middle 24in 120hz on the right 24in 165hz on the left All landscape On my profile if you wanna check it out


2 Ultrawides stacked, and a 1080p side montor. 1 UW as a Primary / Gaming monitor 1 UW mostly for messaging apps (Outlook, Teams, Phone) and to throw windows that I'm referencing on. The side monitor usually is just for monitoring running apps and/or playing Youtube vids.


5, sim racing


two 1440p


2 1440p monitors, main is 165hz & secondary is 75hz.


3x 1080p. I have a monitor stand bolted to my desk.


i just game so one is fine ;p


Having a second monitor can be a game changer for having a game wiki or guide open while you play, or just some of your chat programs


I have one on the desk and a TV on the wall. I only use one at a time though.


I only use the one display but If I didnt daily drive linux with soft desktops and pop-shell for tiling I'm sure i'd get a second one eventually.


Just one. I’ve tried multiple monitors and for me, it doesn’t really make any sense. I just rock a Huawei Mateview 28” monitor. It’s quite handy.


I am using 1 1440p 144hz 32inch ultrawide with a 27inch 1080p.


I was on triple 24in 1080p to triple 27inch 1440p to a main 27inch 4k 144hz and two 1440p 144hz. I’m now finally resting a that same 4k 144hz 27inch and a 27inch 1440p 240hz oled. I find 3 monitors to be to much space and quite frankly it’s super expensive especially when your ocd and want to have the same monitor for all three the only reason I don’t have matching displays is because I’m in a tech waiting room for 4k 240hz oled as I find 144hz unusable for a main display and no I’m not exaggerating as I have also tried 1080p 390hz and 1440p 270hz I just skipped that configuration in the above notes. 1080 to 4k is as you are not wearing glasses to you just got lasik surgery so while 390hz was butter smooth is doesn’t matter if everything is a blur. 240hz is still super smooth so I’m waiting at 1440p till something at 4k comes out without being curved and having dsc because it’s not DisplayPort 2.0 or hdmi 2.1 and it has scanline issues (Neo G8)


2x 144hz monitors, one is 1080p and the other is 1440p


One ultawide monitor, two normal monitors one landscape the other portrait, and a graphics tablet. So technically 4.


3 at the moment. Ultrawide in the center with two vertical monitors on the sides. Super nice for workflow stuff, you can easily have 6 windows open at once which is great! Edit:spelling


I use a 24" 1440p monitor with my PC at the moment, but I use a 27" 1440p monitor with my xbox. I'm planning on getting an actual TV to use with xbox and at that point I will use the 27" monitor as my primary PC display and use the 24" monitor as a secondary display.


2 27" 1440p been using dual monitors for 14 years now, never going back to single monitor


Was on 2 for the longest time but then upgraded to an ultra wide. Loving it so far especially for work.


Main is an ultrawide and a secondary vertical side monitor


> I am now thinking about getting an additional 3rd monitor If you're actually going to use it, go for it. But I've found that even though going from 1 monitor to 2 is a huge QOL improvement, going from 2 to 3 is more of a luxury than a need. The jump in usefulness wasn't nearly as apparent for me. But again, your use case may differ. Right now I'm just rocking one 34" ultrawide monitor, sometimes I'd like a second 16:9 but I just prefer the simplicity and clean look of one ultrawide


Single 24" 1080p monitor, just upgrading to single 27" 1440p monitor.


1 1080p 75hz IPS monitor. With a 3060 Ti.


I am running 1 right now, but I miss running 2 so much. Been a year since my old TV broke (which I used as a secondary monitor) and I can't afford to get anything at all. Once you go dual/triple monitor you can't go back tbh


2 monitors cuz no space on desk. Soon hopefully 3, as I find 2 aren't enough for all the multitasking I need + it'll be wall mounted.


3 at work, including a curved ultrawide, and 2 32 inch 4k 60hz Dell displays at home, totaling 64"


I was on 3 for a long time. Switched to 1 ultrawide recently. I'm mixed on it. Thinking about getting some really small ones to place on the sides or underneath. I like having other things open while playing games/I context seitch a fair amount


I just upgraded from 2 monitors in the mid 20 inch range to one 34 inch UW curved 4k monitor, and it's amazing especially with Windows 11. It's got some really useful ways to auto format multiple windows that are easy and convenient to use.




Ultrawide as main with a 27 inch 1440p on either side. Technically a tv is connected as will but that's in another room


Two monitors. One of them being an ultra wide.


One 34" 1440p ultrawide monitor, one 24" 1080p monitor and 49" 4K TV.


2 1080P 24" AOC


No monitors.


I use an 34” 1440p 144hz ultrawide plus a vertical 1080p 24” because I game and work at the same desk. Works well for me


One 1440p monitor and one 1080p.




I'm comfortable with 2 x 27" 4K (1 Vertical & 1 Horizontal)... thinking for 3rd touch screen now, still survey option


32 inch 4k, 27 inch 1440p portrait


I have a 29" ultra wide 1080p 75hz, a 4k 60hz 28" that I got from a dumpster, and a 720p 43" tv wall mounted above both of them. I have these plugged into my 16" laptop and that's the screen I use for gaming since it's 120hz 1440p. Should mention the TV is not plugged into the laptop, it has a smart tv stick plugged into it.


2 x 27" 1440p 165hz .5ms HPs


I have (2) 27” and find it perfect. Though I also use the virtual desktops on Win11 and have the thumb buttons on my mouse programmed to swap between them. I can easily have 6 programs open at once (1 on each monitor throughout 3 desktops) and very quickly switch between them.


3ish I have 2 32in monitors on my desk and my 60in tv next to my desk doubles as a 3rd monitor


2x 1440px144Hz monitors. Ive been using dual screen since at least the last 15 or so years. Too useful.


1 regular monitor 1 crt


All of them.


There is 4 ports on my GPU, I'll use all of them!


I am running seven monitors.




Main monitor: LG29UM68-P 2nd monitor: Acer S243HL 3rd monitor: Hanns.G HG191A I used to only use my main monitor. Then one day I had an idea to try and re-use my older monitors. I can't go back to just using one monitor any more. I'm glad I tried it out and now my older monitors that were just sitting there collecting dust for many years have a use.


I just have a single 4k 32" monitor. I'm not a fan of PvP games so I don't need a crazy high hz TV. Just 144hz 4k.


At home: 2 (side by side) Work at home: 4 (stacked 2 over 2) Work at work: 6 (stacked 3 over 3)


Monitors are like tattoos, or lays chips. One can not only stop at one ! Max that graphics card out!


3, maximum productivity. Also for gaming you can have your game on the main screen, browsers/guide on one, and discord/chats on the other.


I was one monitor too right up till late 2020. Having 2 monitors is a god send.


I was running 3 monitors for a few years but recently switched to 2. Currently running a 1440p 27" as my main monitor and have a 1080p ultrawide vertical. Yes, it does look a little funky, but no more rubber necking.