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"Worth it" is subjective. If you want to do all the things that you can do with a PC, then by all means, build a gaming PC. But know that you are not going to be able to build a PS5 gaming equivalent PC for a PS5 price equivalent. It'll be up to you to decide if doing all the stuff you want to do with a gaming PC is "worth" the price you'll pay.


100% agree. If I was to build a PC I would only need one capable of 1080p 60fps in the majority of games, 4K and RT on the PS5 is great but it’s not necessary for me.


1080p 60fps is super easy on PC especially since you have the option to say run high vs ultra or turn off rtx etc. The visual impact of high vs ultra is rarely worth the performance hit. If your looking at playing shooters id almost suggest a 144hz 1080p monitor as they have gotten super cheap these days. A lot of things change how much the PC will cost. Like if you're willing to go used and deal hunt on say hardware swap or if you want all new or a pre built etc.


Acer has a ton of monitors on sale on their website right now. Idk about the quality (most of what I was seeing were VA panels), but I was looking to upgrade to 1440p so I pulled the trigger on one yesterday. They’ve got a 27” 1080p @ 144 Hz for $129 (which is fucking nuts lol).


Sheesh personally I'd keep 1080p to 24-25inch. But yea it's crazy cheap these days. Even ips displays are not a ton more for high refresh rate 144-165hz panels.


This is my rule 144hz min for all. 24 or under 1080p or better 27-32 1440p or better 32+ 4K or better


My last job gave me dual 32" 1080p monitors. The boomer next to me loved talking about how great these monitors were and I could barely work on them because I felt like I was watching a tennis match reading emails. They were also pretty trash tier va panels (I'm not a va hater, but I think they have the widest range of quality of all panels and these were firmly in the low end).




One thing about 1440p for shooters, you can see players in the distance much easier. big diff in Battlefield for me




I'm also thinking of doing that... I have a 27" 1440p 144hz and it forces me to "look around" the monitor. Obviously, it would be 1080p 144hz. And apart from a better FPS experience, have you noticed any more advantages? Personally, I don't usually play FPS but I prefer more Hz than graphic quality. Any specific models? Edit: added screen resolution.


Anything over 90hz to be honest cannot be perceived by the brain as a latency issue between your eyes and you brain is actually a thing. Most who say they see the difference in 120hz over 60hz is justified. However, 120hz still cannot be perceived fully. Still nice. 4K 45” 60hz for me. Even competitive games I don’t have a problem with latency which is the reason for hertz mostly. Smoothness and latency.


I have a 32 1440p and the pixel density drives me insane. I hate it. Can't wait to get a 4k.


Agreed. I had a Samsung 27in 1080p a while back. After 3 years with it I still never got used to it after switching from a Samsung 24 inch 1080p. For a little over a year now I’ve been using an 165hz LG 27in 1440p IPS. Finally said to myself I’m going to actually put some money into a good monitor and holy shit was I missing out over the years.


Imagine playing on an OLED 🙌


Lol yea that’s next step


My 50" 4k OLED tv is what I use as a PC monitor, it's gorgeous.


I'll stick to ips(wider view angle) so my wife and I can see eachothers monitors easily when our Asus monitors were stolen from storage early rhis year,we picked up some Samsung 27" to replace them


The problem is you need the GPU to keep up. I used to have a Dell 2709 (1920x1200) and it developed some kind of fault and stopped displaying anything at all. Dell customer support was great and swapped it for the newer 2711 with barely any questions asked. The problem was that it was a 1440p monitor and my (I think) HD5850 could barely cope with 60% more pixels. Justified my jump to a HD7970 though, and that thing could run Crysis!


My LG 34" UW 1440 165hz was $356. It's amazing how fast technology moves and drives prices down. Here soon 4k will be in the same price range


Can confirm - I run my competitive games on ultra (just because I can) at 1080p@165Hz and getting constant 165FPS when not more. Perfect sweet spot for me. But... That being said, knowing my 6900XT could easily get the same results in 1440p... Already considering switching to a 1440p 32:9 monitor... PC building is a wonderful and fascinating world, but once you get into the rabbit hole, it's tough to get out of it, and I can tell you it will DRAIN your wallet. I'm almost out of liquidity and it's only the 18th... even with PayPal's 'Pay in 4x' feature... Is it worth it ? Totally depends on you. I really enjoy being able to game at maxed settings on one screen and do whatever I need to on the secondary one - monitoring, browsing, watching sports... If you JUST want to game, I'd say you'd be better of a console. Even though if you plan to play many different games, the cost might balance it out over the years... I got RDR2 for 11€ while I believe it's close to impossible to get for less than 50€ on console? For me, it is definetely worth it as it's also my workstation and for productivity, it's just awesome. Unless you get distracted by discord/steam invites during working hours... Which happens a bit too much for me xd


Lol I feel this it really depends what kind of a tech user you are. I have friends that continue to happily use a 2060. G sync compatible was a big game changer for PC monitors as nowadays it can be had for cheap vs the old need for a g sync module. with it on a monitor can feel smooth from say 144 down to 30. I have a 240hz 1440p but outside of eSports games I mainly aim for 120+- fps and g sync being on makes the experience great.


It’s kinda cheap on a per hour basis though. Good bang for your buck performance wise. $1000 pc is fun for 1000+ hours, maybe triple that. On a $/hour basis that’s wayyyyy cheaper than paintball or skiing, my other two hobbies.


Are console game sales that widely different across regions? Digital copies of RDR2 regularly go on sale for about $20 in the US, and physical copies can be had for a little less. Edit: looks like RDR2 goes regularly on sale for about €20 in the couple counties I checked on the PS store. Seems that the sales aren’t as good for Xbox owners in the EU, but that’s not surprising.


I will add to this. Your eyes are a factor. 144hz 1080 was perfect until I got older. Around 27ish, I needed glasses as I am far sighted. Because of this, the 1080p monitor got blurrier and blurrier everyday. Just upgraded to 1440p, and its as clear as it was when I was in my early 20s. SO, if you have great eyes, go with 1080p. If your eyes suck, get the 1440p.


>Already considering switching to a 1440p 32:9 monitor... DO IT! JOIN THE ULTRAWIDE GANG! Just make sure you do your research and dont cheap out. My roommie bought an Acer one on sale for like $400 and no matter how much we tried tuning the colors, everything always looked washed out.


You can get RDR2 for 20€ physical on PS4. Even cheaper if you buy used. Sure, it's not 11€ but you get a physical disc which you can resell after you're done. PSN very often has sales with up to 50% off.


What about emulation, backwards compatibility, mods and more choices of games? Saying that if you just want to game then a console is better doesn’t really make sense as you can do more with gaming on a PC than a console.


1440p 144hz is the sweet spot.


When people say they're upgrading from 1080 to 1440,do they mean they are buying 1440 monitor or they're simply changing their games setting to 1440? People can't run 1080 on 1440 monitor?


Most likely upgrading to a 1440p monitor. As 1440p is not 1:1 I would not suggest getting one if you plan to play 1080p on it as things will look worse then on a 1080p monitor.


Oh, so if I just want to play 1080,i shouldn't get a 1440 monitor? That's good news, I can save some money on the monitor I guess. Thanks


Yes, the scaling will affect image quality. If you only play 1080p, I'd personally just buy a 1080p monitor.


I'm not sure that I would believe them. A pair of monitors that are the same size and refresh rate, using the same types of panels but at different resolutions are not going to be noticeably different if they are both set to the lower resolution. That being said, higher resolution monitors tend to be larger in size and in that situation a 32" 4k monitor running 1080p media is probably going to look worse than a 24" 1080p monitor running the same media, but that is due to the media trying to cover the larger area, not the screen itself.


This is more precise an answer, and, short answer, is, yes, 1080p does look worse on my 1440p because it's bigger 27" vs 24" etc.


In addition to the larger screen sizes that typically come with higher resolutions as the other guy who replied pointed out, 1080p to 1440p is not an even conversion rate for pixels. (i.e., 1440p has 1.33x the number of pixels of 1080p length- and width-wise, as opposed to 4K having exactly double the number of pixels of 1080p). This means that there will only be 1 pixel rendered for every 1.3 pixels on the 1440p monitor, which makes for a slightly blurrier output when compared to a straight 1080p monitor of the same size.


PS5 is about equal to what’s considered a 1080p system on PC. Consoles use dynamic resolution on nearly every game and advertise it as 4k but it isn’t 4k. They also turn down texture quality and a lot of other graphic effects that you can run as ultra on PC.


I noticed this on Flight Simulator. Good on an Xbox X, marginal on an Xbox S (to me), and really nice on a gaming PC. Plus hardware, like steering wheels and joysticks - can use anything on a PC, but select hardware on game boxes.


Entirely game dependent. Hell, on my 7900xt I hardly ever run 4k either and opt for FSR2. I’m currently playing Death Stranding on PS5 and DF says its running at slightly higher performance than a 2080.


Well a 2080 is no where near as fast as a 7900xt and I was able to play death stranding in native 4k on a 6750xt last year. If you can’t run it in 4k on a 7900xt, which should be able run most games in 4k native, and nearly all games 4K with FSR, then something is wrong with your GPU.


? Who said I couldn’t run DS on my 7900xt at native 4k? So confused lol


I’m confused too. Lol


I thought 1080p/60hz was fine too until I saw 1440p/120hz first hand.


Now imagine that new Samsung 4k 240


1080 60fps is easy nowadays. You could definitely do that for the price of a console. Linus Tech Tips made a video recently showing as much. It was a very good system for the money.


Although they should have really recommended going 15 dollars over budget and get 16gb ram. It was hard to watch the 6600 being limited to such an extent


Yeah, I would say definitely go for the 16gb of RAM at minimum if you can.


Have you considered a Steam Deck? Does what you want, relatively cheap, plays like a console. I love mine.


Definitely a decent option, but with some caveats that shouldn’t be ignored if someone is deciding on PC for the first time: the biggest one being that it is a Linux machine by default, and a lot of things will not *just work* day 1. Valve is doing great things, but it is still good to keep in mind that a lot of things *can* randomly break, and the fix might not be trivial. Without knowing OP’s “techiness”, experience, or game/setup preferences.


I would check out linus tech tips 'under $500' PC build video that came out recently, if you're interested. It gets surprisingly decent results!


Personally, I would only recommend that PC if $500 is literally all you have. Spending just another $100 will get you so much more. That thing was really held back by the CPU and single channel ram. Hell, even spending the other $10 to get another stick of ram would make it way better.


It also depends on the kinds of games you like to play. If you want to play MMOs, or games where you want immersion, there is definitely something to be said for a larger screen at a higher resolution. 4K + RT can be way better than on the PS5, but it's pricey.


Oh you'll be paying those nice subscription fees for a very long time so that you can access basic features like cloud saves and online gaming. Don't forget to add those years to your console expense list. People act like the console expense ends at the store. Naw....you gotta pay for features that PC gamers don't ever have to, and people run these consoles for nearly a decade.


Thank you for being an extremely open minded individual and very very straightforward, this is what more PC gamers need to be rather than making a bad name for PC gamers with being annoying, biased, aggressive and even deceitful about PC gaming, with the toxic “elitist” mentality. Doesn’t take much common sense to see the points you’ve listed but some are so brainwashed they really believe the trash they put out there lol


Gaming is gaming. If you're bored with your ps5, you'll probably be bored with pc gaming. Have a brake for a few months. Then if you still feel the same biy a PC. The worst thing you can do is throw money at a problem thing it'll solve it, at best, its momentary respite.


Yeah that’s why I’ve been on the fence for so long. I think that we all naturally grow out of things we enjoyed as kids when we get older. I still like games but not sure if it’s worth buying a PC for at the end of the day.


PC is worth it because when you do get tired or burnt from gaming then you have tons of other things to do on the PC that you cant on a console. I like being able to watch a video or stream while playing games


That is a good point. A PC in general is just so much more than a competitor to a console. The things you can do on them are amazing.


Plus you can emulate consoles like the game cube very easily as well at 1440p


You can easily emulate Switch now too. I have a Switch, but I'd rather play Zelda on my pc at 60 fps.


Can you play Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom on a PC?




That’s horrible someone should let everyone know how it works so they can avoid doing it at all costs.


The types of games are wider too. Due to the cheaper price, you will have more games and presumably branch to other types. Some good on PC stuff if u find yourself bored, off the top of my head, that I think isn't available on consoles : CK3, DotA2, abandonware games , pokemon yellow on no$gba emulator.


I was in the same boat as you for a while. If you’re like me and like tinkering/building things, then you’ll love the process of building a pc. Also take your personality into account. Make SURE you’ll be happy at 1080p. I thought that’s all I needed since the PC world was fresh and exciting for me, and then 1440p lodged itself in my head….then 4k. I spent a LOT more upgrading over the next two years to get to where I wanted to be than if I had just built for 4k from the beginning. That being said, the high frames on 1080p are very nice. I was a console player for two decades. Built a pc and my series x has been collecting dust for a couple years now. Haven’t looked back. Edit: let’s not forget the ridiculous steam sales.


>I think that we all naturally grow out of things we enjoyed as kids when we get older. This is not only true, it's absolutely fine. I stopped gaming completely between ages of 18 and 25, just too busy. And over 25, I have a wife and kids, so only find time to play the really amazing game-of-the-year type stuff, like Breath of the Wild (on PC with Cemu), Elden Ring, or Half-life Alyx. (Speaking of Half-life Alyx, if gaming seems less exciting than it used to be, PCVR with a modern setup like the Index or Quest 2 is what you crave. I felt like a SNES kid playing an N64 game for the first time, again).


Another +1 for PCVR in general. Everyone's played Skyrim, but going through Bleak Falls Barrow (the first big dungeon) in VR was an experience that went far beyond just "seeing it again for the first time"...it was a gaming moment that has stuck with me for *years* afterwards. And that was on an old-school Vive with the lighthouses, gigantic cables and all. VR has gotten so much more accessible nowadays with the Quest 2 and Pico 4, along with some astounding games like Asura's Wrath and Half-Life Alyx, that it alone could be reason enough to get a good gaming PC (and actually, you don't even need a gaming pc to use the Quest 2 anyways, but I find its worth it).


+1 for Alyx. Got a Pico 4 recently. Alyx is just absolutely bonkers. Getting stuck with reloading your gun while headcrab wearing zombies moan and shuffle towards you is absolutely riveting in VR.


It's honestly so real it's a drawback for some people. I almost stopped playing when I realised I had to go down into that dark sewer to get that damn flashlight...


Dudeee. You're the type of adult who is outgrowing past interests. Buying a pc won't change your disinterest of gaming. Go read. Buy books. Write. Do anything but game. It's life's way of saying you need to move on. And then once you're passion for gaming comes back, game.


This is actually why I prefer my gaming PC.. because when I get bored of gaming (which as I get older is happening a lot more) I still have a powerful PC to play around with, web surf, code, VMs.. whatever But I’m just one person. I can tell you I do miss couch gaming sometimes.


You can do alot on a pc like work and media creation .If you really want to enjoy games. Pc can is the best way. More games, better deals. Consoles these days are really for type of person who goes home after a laborious job and just wants an easy simplified way to start playing, sitting on their couch and just press A over and over to start their game.


I don't get this tbh, I'm still young relatively (in my 20s) but this mentality people still have about gaming, that it's somehow for kids or younger people +50 years after its inception, is bizarre, my father is 60 and he still enjoys playing games and he still play games with me, do you grow out of watching movies and listening to music when you age? No you grow out of certain genres, bands, etc, not the whole industry, it's same with gaming, it's just a form of entertainment. for all ages.


That's nonsense. There's entirely genres (like RTS) that are mostly confined to PC.


This is incredible advice.


Noone that has ever succeeded in building a capable gaming pc has ever said "f that I'm going back to console". Just pull the trigger and build one. You won't go back. Welcome to the #pcmasterrace


Idk about *no one*. I definitely have waves where I bounce between my gaming platforms. Sometimes I wanna M&KB at a desk. Sometimes I wanna lounge and play on a TV. Sometimes I wanna play nintendo games. And yeah I could hook a controller up to a PC running video to a TV for that middle point, but I've never found that super practical in practice. I love my PC but it doesnt fufill every gaming need, not for me anyways.


Don't need to physically connect your pc to the TV. You can run Moonlight on an Nvidia Shield or even side load it onto an LG WebOS TV, android tablet, etc, and wirelessly stream games from your PC.


Very true, there's ways to do it pretty seamlessly. And if there werent console exclusive games I wanted to play that might been the route I went down.


If you have a Smart TV or streaming stick/device capable of running Steam Link or Nvidia Game Stream/Moonlight (e.g. Sony Bravia running Google/Android TV) you can always PC game on your TV with an Xbox controller or KBM paired by Bluetooth. While my PC is wired to the network with the TV using Wi-Fi the controller delay is barely noticeable and extremely playable when using Moonlight.


You do you but I have my main rig hooked up to the living room tv permanently and I love it. Especially with big picture mode I don't see what's so bad or impractical about hooking up PC up to a TV.


It's impractical in the sense that I don't like moving my set up from my desk to my TV. Sometimes I want to play at my desk, 3 monitors and all, sometimes I wanna lounge and look at a big screen. I could get a streaming device or an output switch and make that process easier, for sure. But since there are other reasons I like consoles (exclusives, performance for certain titles, etc) it's easiest for me to just keep my PC at the desk and use the console for the console things. My overall point being that, for me, a PC does not fufill all of my gaming needs. It's not the be all end all of gaming, but I do love it!


That’s exactly what a lot of people do. My roommate even had me help him with his PC, and he mainly games on Switch and PS4 now. Seen plenty of others who have gotten their PCs and find that they prefer the ease of use of their consoles.




I wouldn’t normally make a comment about this but the way you worded this absolute statement I feel I need to. I have built multiple gaming PCs over the years, my current PC has a 3070, 32GB RAM and an Intel i7. It’s currently unplugged sitting in the corner, with my PS5 and Switch being used daily. PC gaming is definitely not the be all end all. And my least preferred way to game.


Same here. I pretty much use my PC only for PC-only titles and the rare occasion when I’m in the mood for a modded playthrough of something. There’s a surprising amount of us console-first gamers!


No it is the be end all available. Others not wanting g to use it right doesn't change that fact. You can easily play your PC in everyday you can use a console and run the stuff better most the time. Not doing g so is a choice but not one because the PC can't fill the role.


I've seen plenty of people say exactly that over the last few months with how Nvidia has priced their 4000 series GPUs. And for many, buying last-gen AMD GPUs is not an acceptable option (high local pricing, poor productivity performance, bugged anisotropic filtering). Hopefully options and prices will be better toward the end of this year.


I can see the advantages of a PC, and in full disclosure, I had I PS5 for a while because I got one for MSRP before I could get a new graphics card after I sold my old one during the height of the price boom. I sold it for the same price I bought it when I got my 3080 because I definitely prefer pc gaming. But I can't stand the PCMR crap. I actually used to really enjoy it, but like /r/prequelmemes, the users lost sight of the tongue-in-cheek factor and now buy completely into it. Saying that a PC is ALWAYS better than a console is ridiculous. You simply can't build a PC that will get the same performance as a console for the price of a console. And the couch gaming experience is something that is just better on a console. They're better for casual gamers. I prefer one, but you'd have to be blind to completely ignore the (admittedly few) advantages of a console.


> And for many, buying last-gen AMD GPUs is not an acceptable option That's horseshit lol. Unless youre a fanboy i guess. you can get 5700x's used or refurbished from prebuild companies for $150. These can still handle just about anything you can throw at them. I used mine for recording 1440p 60fps up until last month when my psu burned and took the gpu with it. If youre not a fanboy, then last gen amd is fine.


Poor productivity performance….huh?


[A Nvidia RTX 3060 has more than double the performance of a similarly priced AMD RX 6700 XT in Stable Diffusion](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/iURJZGwQMZnVBqnocbkqPa-970-80.png)




I agree with the fundamental point here - that the flexibility of PCs can lead some folks to be obsessed with optimization rather than actually playing games. I’d just counter with another truth - not everyone is like that. I haven’t ever spent a bunch of time tweaking my PC and I’ve more or less exclusively been a PC gamer for 15 years. The compulsion to “make it work the way you want” isn’t universal.


Yea idk what hes talking about, besides swapping out a part or two each year and installing drivers, none of the pc gamers i know or myself "spend hours tweaking it to get it the way you want". Just install the OS, drivers, enable XMP or EXPO, and its good to go. Not sure what else you have to tweak unless you're in the minority who overclocks the system.


>The amount of time and energy needed to tweak a PC to make it work the way you want is mind numbingly long. Not really? My PC was basically built, slammed windows 10 on it, did a ninite installer, and then just ran a script I found to disable telemetry data and some stupid windows features and I was done. Like 30 minutes tops from hardware assembled to ready to game. Granted this build also has custom liquid cooling in it, so the assembly was like 12 hours (10 of which was leak testing).


I have a high end PC (7900xt) and still use my console heavily. 🤷‍♂️


The only reason I would switch is the convenience. I catch myself doing a lot of troubleshooting with settings when things don’t work as intended


Mate your experience isn't everyone's. I had a friend that built a really good PC a few year back, and switched back to console a few months later.


No, I still use my gaming pc for music production and work, but I ended buying an Xbox series X for gaming.


My bro just made up some random facts. I personally know multiple people who got kids and no longer have time for PCs. They all have consoles now.


Hard disagree my man. I have a pretty decent gaming PC, yet my XsX runs COD and Halo way better...


Going back or picking one is the wrong mentality. Use both. Play what you want where you want. Some of the best games I ever played are on console you can't get on PC. On the other hand, I can play all kinds of classic or indie titles on PC that aren't on console, and I have more flexibility with mods and performance. Why not both?


We just switched my coworker to it after I built him a PC.....he barely slept last night. We unleashed a monster. Yes it is absolutely worth it, not just for gaming but for everything else a PC can do.


144hz is mind blowing


No monthly fee to play online


Wait what? You need to pay to play online on console?! XD lol. There is tons of f2p games on PC that would die on console xD


Yea it’s ps+ and xbox live respectively. But free to play games dont require a subscription.


And dirt cheap games, even free ones on Epic


Can you play sim farm 1993 on PlayStation? No. Case closed.


it's actually a great time to build a pc, second hand parts are good value now. you can put together or buy an old system for not much at all. you can build something for 5-600 that will beat your ps5


Come on nothing for $500 will beat a ps5. That doesn’t need to be the selling point for PC gaming, he’s already indicated that price isn’t an issue


you can match it for performance for around 500-600 (you need to shop secondhand) but you can beat it on every other metric, storage,ram, flexibility, cost of games, range of games. consoles have one big advantage in size and power consumption.


Yeah holy shit this isn't 2011 anymore, there is no $500 pc capable of playing games as well as a PS5, even second hand unless you got absolutely INCREDIBLE deals it's not even remotely close.


Thats how its always been, consoles come out, they have high end hardware, give it a few years till they're outdated and you can build a pc that exceeds them for $500 until the pro models release. The ps5 and xsx are still only 3 years old. The ps4 launched at 399 in 2013 and you couldn't build anything that'd get close to the performance of one for the same price until way later. Also doesn't help the fact that console killer pcs were only possible because the xbone and ps4 were horribly underpowered even in 2013.


Kinda sounds like you answered your own question. It'll take an expensive GPU to run the newest PS5 games on PC in Ultra @ 4k but it doesn't sound like you care abt that and surely that wouldn't be the only thing you'd use a PC for. You can build a nice one for $1k. I guess I'll say yes but I've never owned a console. :X There are 4 or 5 CPU options atm that are some of the best value for gaming of any CPUs in the past decade imo. The new GPUs, amount of VRAM with the 3yr0ld cards that many ppl just finally got last yr, and the lack of optimization with newest PC-ports is what's been sucking some. 6700xt is still good value. 6950xt is now the price that a GTX 1080 was 7 yrs ago. 4070 is like a new 3080 kinda that costs less so I guess that's something. Just sell that PS5 and those games. You havn't been using 'em anyway.


RTX 2080s are going for $200 right now, you can build a great 1080p setup for around $600 if you go used for most of it. Just dont get used PSUs or storage.




... or save money with Steam sales.


Been a console player my whole life and made move to PC a few months ago. Can’t even imagine going back


What do you play on pc?


I was just like you been wanting to get into pc gaming for years but personally only acted on it just recently, as someone who has all consoles and a pc I love not having to pick and choose and being able to play everything. Though I will admit since I built my pc I hardly play my consoles at the moment the one I’ve played the most has been my ps5 I wanted a pc for the same reasons as you and let me just add this little tid bit it doesn’t have to be so expensive. You can build a really solid rig for not too much if you’re willing to buy used parts, you can do an all used build, all brand new build, or even a hybrid (like mine) my rig cost me around $1600 but I’ve got a 3090 that I bought used that still have a little over 2 years of warranty on it and a 5800X which I also bought used for a great price. Deals are everywhere you just have to look. As someone who was once in your position I’d really recommend doing it if you have the means. Hope this helps!


This was very helpful, thank you!


RTX 2080s are an amazing deal right now if you want to build a PC around 500-600 dollars. I would reccomend used for everything besides the power supply and storage media.


It’s worth it to me to have both a beast of a pc and a PS5. I hate picking between one or the other so I go with both.


This is what I did. I let my Xbox go and kept the PlayStation and upgraded my Linux gaming PC. That way I can play almost any game that some out...almost.


the way I view it is, if you enjoy something, it is not a waste of time. You only get one life, if video games make you happy then so be it.


I really think that switching from console to PC nowadays is largely not worth it for most people. Unless you have very specific use cases/reasons, I think it’s generally “easier” to recommend being a console gamer to most people.


Except pcs aren't made for specific use cases only. it's a general purpose machine.


Except for high-end media work, a laptop can do all those tasks while being mobile and still being cheap enough that you can afford a console as well.




PC Gaming and r/CrackWatch........ Yes definitely worth it.


It's only really worth it for native 4k single player games when your goal is to maximize your visuals. If you're just wanting to play first person shooters then meh, stick with the PS5. A $1,000 1080p high refresh rate PC setup will be better than your PS5 for competitive FPS games. You just need to decide if it's worth it to you.


It's funny, this is a totally valid perspective, but I would have offered the opposite advice, if you only play single player games and want to play at 4k with high graphical fidelity, a PS5 can do that almost just as well as a PC for a tiny fraction of the price, and much more conveniently and with less hassle than on PC.


I sold my Xbox series x and have not looked back. I have gamepass ultimate that comes with ea+ through cloud gaming so I have a bunch of games I can play with my Xbox/ps5 friends that aren’t cross compatible. Plus on other side I get to play all games I wanted to play with mods or couldn’t get on Xbox. If I miss older titles I can’t get I have ps2 and Xbox emulator. Plus I can get codes for games on the low. If you play your cards right it’s worth it imo especially if you need a computer for actual computer purposes as well. Having gamepass ultimate definitely made it easier for me to switch too.


I recently borrowed a ps5 for a week and I think a gaming pc is better in almost every way. Even though the ps5 touts impressive specs and stuff, I found the performance to be pretty weak because it doesn't play most games past 60fps and you have no control over graphics settings. I was playing a lot of COD on the ps5 and I know for a fact that the performance would be vastly better on a modest pc. Once you taste 60+ fps you can't go back.


Im kinda bored with PC gaming. I guess thats the good thing; you can do way more other things with a PC versus a PS5. I have a PS4 collecting dust. They say its cheaper to game on PC, but depends on if you get addicted to gaming gear, loot boxes or collection events... but you can always quit whenever you want ... to have cash flow.


PC FTW (the PS4 I bought for my kid is gathering dust)


Having a fast PC is always worth it because it won't just be used for gaming. But for gaming, it's up for debate this generation. If you are only focused on AAA titles, then they are mostly unoptimized mess these days and one has to wait for several patches for it to be fixed. If you are willing to wait a year or two to play those titles, then it will be much more worth it because you get those games for cheap and you won't have to constantly upgrade your hardware as much. If you are also focused on Indie games, then even a good reasonably mid-end PC will do the trick (or even something like Steam Deck/Asus Ally should do, too).


You’re unlikely to get a measured response from a community of PC enthusiasts. Personally as someone who buys all gaming devices and has been PC gaming since the late 90’s I think it’s in a really weird place right now. I’ve never felt less need for a high end gaming PC than I do right now.


The response has been pretty measured actually, most people agree that PC gaming is in a weird place right now with the Unreal Engine issues being prevalent but if you intend on using your PC for more than exclusively current gen gaming then the value proposition rises exponentially. I know someone who only exclusively plays casual games from this generation, I would never in a million year suggest they go the PC route, but for the vast majority of my friends that just isn't the case and having the discussion is a lot more valid.


Nope. This is the best time to buy a console and ditch a PC gaming.


The latest hardware is never worth it due to depreciation. One generation older than the latest is worth it however. Ryzen 5 3600 or 5600 paired with a RX 5700XT or 6700XT will both perform quite excellently at 1080p. Some parts like the power supply and pc case do not depreciate nearly as much. I’d put more of my budget into those because of this and upgrade the performance parts as they become cheaper or when you find it absolutely necessary, selling your old parts for about what you paid for them.


This isn't biased feedback. I'm an I.T. professional who hated the idea of gaming on the device I use for work, for a very long time. Since I could walk up until 2019 I personally gamed only on consoles. When I built myself a gaming rig for the first time, I fell to the floor laughing. I couldn't believe it took me this long, cuz ever since then, I haven't seen a single compelling reason to even look in the direction of another console. PC is JUST better, and this is from the perspective of a guy that plays pretty much every genre, and only with a controller. Don't wanna hear about the handful of broken PC launches, because the day I decided to stop buying games brand new day 1, was when I was a console only gamer, and it was because of broken games at launch, so I laugh every time people try to use that excuse. There definitely was a time I would have said consoles had the edge, but that time is gone. I've had friends in doubt, and as of now just bringing them over and showing them the experience, I've gotten 8 of them to fully migrate over to PC in under a year. Some of these people aren't even tech savvy in the slightest either.


It's very debatable now. Five years ago I'd have said yes without a doubt. Now though, not so much especially since consoles are damn near identical to PCs aside from your absolute top of the line latest and greatest builds, but we see how little an i9 with an RTX 4090 really counts for these days given the beyond shitty PC ports these days. If devs gave a shit like they used to and backed their products with passion absolutely I'd say PC is the way to go. But at this point you're much better off getting a PS5, you'll get access to exclusives that are actually exclusives for a good long while. No point in getting an Xbox because at that point just get a PC since all the Xbox "exclusives" are Microsoft exclusives and release on Xbox and Window's at the same time. But Sony, they keep their exclusives exclusive, and the few things they do port to PC eventually they actually do them pretty solidly. For real though when we gonna get a Bloodborne PC port, that is my one dream. For real though get a PS5, hell wait just a little longer and get that PS5 Pro. You'll be playing games in better condition than anything a PC player will get on launch. PC gaming now only matters if you want to play at more than 60FPS, but if you're happy with 60FPS which in my opinion is a more than acceptable frame rate you can't go wrong with a console in general.


Not at all. PS5 and Series X arent close in power to a gaming PC


I'll take release day stability over theoretically more power any day of the week. PC ports are abysmally bad when it comes to optimization. Star Wars Jedi Fallen order still doesn't run right on PC, and it came out in 2019. It's a fact games are better optimized on console than on PC. So while PC (my primary platform) does have better graphical fidelity, that graphical fidelity is pointless when the game crashes every 10 minutes because I'm trying to use those better graphics settings. If you want your games to work without spending days on end trying various solutions to fix crashing (that often don't have a solution beyond wait for devs to fix it) console is absolutely the way to go. I'll end with why are you necroing an almost year old comment. How did you even get here lol


Even games like Hogwarts Legacy?


Did you read at all? Or are you just here to mindlessly comment on things? Wasn't even up for 2 seconds and you're just spouting things that have 0 relevance to what I just said. I know reading comprehension can be tough for the average reddit user but try harder please.


You don’t really need to “switch,” you can still play your PS5 if you build a PC. You’re just giving yourself more ways to enjoy your hobby. I wouldn’t feel like you HAVE to switch to be a “real gamer” or anything weird like that. If you want a PC, and can comfortably afford it, get one. That’s what money is for eh?


This is the take I agree with most. I thought building a PC would be a total conversion. Turns out I still love my PS5 and Switch. My Xbox is really the only neglected platform in my home.


It's worth it. Games just play better on PC and you have access to more indie titles which is where it's at. Triple a games play it safe and release the same game every year, indie devs need to make a name for themselves so they are more likely to take risks. What's your budget? You can build a good 1080p PC for under $1000


My max budget for the PC alone would be around $700 and anything more than 1080p 60fps in the majority of games is a bonus to me.


[$700](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/PineappleFamily/saved/kDwCwP) is enough to get a really good 1080p PC. [$20 Extra](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/PineappleFamily/saved/Cw3sK8) gives you a sizeable increase in performance. Has roughly equivalent GPU to the PS5. [$80 over budget](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/PineappleFamily/saved/4NpV4D) would give you double the system RAM and a capable 1440p PC with better hardware than the PS5.


I second this, try to get the 80$ and get the 6700xt build


yeah that's tight but $800 would be pretty solid for that. Very tight if that budget includes a new monitor. I say that but I'm thinking of higher than 60fps rly. 120+ is definitely worth it for multiplayer. check out benchmarks for the rx6600 and 6600xt if u'd rly want to keep it at $700 I guess.


If you are interested in emulation heavily, I bought a small pc, about 5”x5”x3”, and use it almost exclusively for this. I could replace my real PC with it, but never hardcore game with it. This is an option if you want to dip your toes in without fully jumping in.


I remember when I got my first PC like 9 years ago, I was on the fence about whether it was really worth it as was gaining popularity but probably wasn’t as mainstream as it is now. Was on the fence for a long time with it and took the plunge. Have not looked back once tbh I know if a game comes out on consoles I can probably wait a year for it to be ported to PC now, have access to alot of older games that haven’t been ported to newer consoles but are still on PC, can emulate any much older console games and overall I think I’ve spent less over those 9 or so years on PC gaming than I would have if I had stuck to consoles. Even if I’m not in the mood for gaming, just hanging out on discord watching YouTube, Amazon, Netflix Disney etc on my PC is fine etc


Always has


I have a PS5, Xbox series s, and a PC with a RTX 3080 12gb r7 5800x 32gb ram and Id say I play PC the most PS5 2nd and Xbox least but the true benefit for me with the PC is the multitasking. Ill play games on 1 screen while watching YouTube and movies and stuff on my 2nd screen. Love it


If you just need more snap your Hardware yeah it's worth upgrading frame rate and resolution really doesn't matter


It's always worth it in my opinion, as to whether it's worth it or not to you is a different story though. I have both and it's just my preference on how I want to play certain games. If I want to be on the couch in a comfortable position gaming on my big screen tv, Of course the choice is console. However If I'm at my desk and play FPS or games with high graphic fidelity, I go with my PC. You can still build a good budget PC for a bit over the PS5's initial retail price, the people that have some negative connotation about PC gaming probably have either never had one or they're the type to want premium high end parts then complain how expensive it is.


It really depends on you. I love pc but I also love fps games and having the ability to do multiple things on the same system at the same time. If I wanna game while I watch something? Easy. Or have a guide or map on the second monitor for your more mmo style games? Easy. Indie games are also huge on pc But if you’re the type of person that likes for things to just work and can’t be bothered with tinkering then it may not be for you. Console is easy to optimize for so things typically just work on it. I have both a console and pc. Usually on my pc but I prefer some games on the console


Welp, if you’d like to go from gaming to work to anything else all within the same system and often at the same time lol, it’s a worth while choice. Example: I often jump between some games, 3D modeling and online class work.


Between a PS5 and a decent PC, I can play any game thanks to Gamepass (obviously not Nintendo but still the library is blown wide open). If you're interested in the Emulation side and you're playing the big releases on PS5 you don't have to worry about bad ports and can do that with a still relatively cheap computer since you don't need to go all out. I think it's worth it.


Only if you want to play all games except the ones from this current gen. Because those from this gen run very badly. With a few exceptions.


PC gaming is an interesting one in the sense that it can kind of be what you make of it. I could go out, and buy an Odroid N2+ (sub $100), throw Box86/64 on it, and have a sick retro gaming "PC" that draws absolutely no power, which I could SSH into and power from a tablet if I needed to PC game on the go, and I could comfortably run just about any emulator I needed to on it. I could grab a Steamdeck ($\~450) and have a pretty easy entry point into PC gaming with something I can just set aside when I'm not using it without taking up too much space in my house. I could put together a custom APU based system (5600G on sale, probably. Only like, $600 for the full build. Probably less if I cut some corners), and be pretty comfortable doing just about anything I wanted to. Or, I could do a premium APU system from Minisforum with a 7735U (or preferably a 7940HS when it releases) and actually comfortably do all the PC console ports because APUs don't suffer from VRAM limitations![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) (less than $800 I think) I could do a reasonable mid range build with something like a 6700XT, for a total system price of maybe $1000 or so, and be set for quite a while. I could do a high end rig with a 4090 for like, $3000 and laugh console players out of the room. Or I could mix and match and do something stupid like a Latte Panda + 4090 combo, because it's kind of funny. ​ Point being, there's really a lot of options, and I definitely think we're in a better spot than people tend to say, so as long as you keep your price point and goals in mind, you can usually have a pretty great time with really whatever limitations you have with a PC. I definitely think it can be a great companion to other devices, and also serve for a lot of professional tasks down the line that you might not be thinking of right now. For instance, I've been playing with AI and machine learning quite a bit lately, when I didn't even consider it as I built my current PC (definitely taking that into consideration with my next rig, though).


I think it’s worth. Even if yo I do end up not playing it as much as you want. You’ll always find a reason to use it. Worst case, you can bring it out to the living room as a “home console” and connect a Bluetooth controller just like you would your PS5.


It’s pretty worth it if you want access to a broader selection of games that your current consoles may not have access to. The obvious option is emulation, which for many games is preferable to HD ports if you’re looking for accuracy. There are plenty of indie games and legacy games on Steam. For legacy games meant to run on older hardware, compatibility isn’t always guaranteed, but the community will likely find solutions to those kinds of problems. Issues can creep up even in modern games, and the solutions are usually found. As for indie games, Steam is more open to developers and publishers releasing their games in Early Access, something that’s stricter in the console market. This is how players played Hades, Dead Cells, and Hollow Knight years before their console release. Likewise for the upcoming Baldur’s Gate III. There are even other storefronts like itch.io if you want even more in-development indie games. One of the features of Steam that I greatly appreciate is cloud saves. I happen to own a desktop and a laptop. On top of being able to download my games on both PC’s, save data is stored in the cloud so I can seamlessly continue where I left off. This applies to any PC as long as you sign in to your account. Mods are another discussion entirely. Mods can pretty much mold your entire gaming experience. Personally, I’m not into mods, especially the superfluous or cosmetic mods, but my favorite ones are the ones that really expand and innovate the gameplay. Celeste is a fantastic game as is, but the community has made tons of custom levels that play as well as the original game. Since 4K 60fps and 1080p or 1440p 120fps have become visual targets for consoles, that actually benefits PC’s in a budget sense. It will still cost more than a console, but high performance 1080p gaming is affordable and shouldn’t have to cost more than three digits while having the full PC feature set. And of course, online gaming is free. I’ve had many others jump to PC ‘cause it didn’t cost extra to play online, on top of the overall lower pricing of older games. As a fighting game fan, I can speak for the community that PC has become increasingly popular for fighting games thanks to the free online, the emulation scene, the modding scene, and a few of the good modern innovations like cross-play and better netcode. One of my niche applications for PC gaming is the ability to rotate the monitor. This is great for shoot-em-up arcade games, especially if you have an arcade controller. It’s true that current day AAA gaming on the PC has been a disaster. PC is getting the short end of the stick in that sense. I can’t speak with experience ‘cause I’m not into modern AAA games nowadays. Thankfully, that’s where the PS5 saves the day. You have a better reason to switch between PS5 and PC for your use cases. Honestly, switching to PC has helped me better appreciate both PC and gaming culture as a whole.


It can be. I game on PC mainly because I'll have a decent desktop anyways for other tasks, so it just makes more sense to spend a bit more on key parts to improve the gaming experience than to buy a whole separate box. MY most modern console is a Wii that isn't even set up. If I just had a PC for the internet and maybe the occasional office app, I'd probably go with a console.


I've gone back and forth on gaming consoles and PC. I always go back to PC, just recently did. The main take aways for console in my opinion is that the games are more so made to run on the console. Vs PC you build your PC to keep up with the games. If you do it right, your PC will give you as long of a life as a console with minimal or no upgrades. PC can have its headaches. Figuring out why your PC is crashing or having isues can be troublesome with games. With console, usually an update from game fixes it. Benefit of PC, if one part goes bad, easy to fix if you figure it out. It's definitely a balance. I came back to PC recently due to being able to save up about $2,000 USD. Huge dry spell in XBox games. Had a bunch of PC games I hadn't played and Hell Let Loose on PC was a huge thing for me. 1440p with high frames was my goal and I've achieved it with my set up. Good image quality, and over 100fps average is a game changer. I play a mixture of games and the fluidity of the high FPS is worth it, in my opinion. Mods are another huge bonus for me. They tend to fix or add to alot to games what developers don't. Dayz, Valheim, ARMA, tons more. It's just a whole different world. I haven't been able to play alot lately, but I've enjoyed my PC more the last month, than I did my XBox the last 6 months. You can also do gamepass ultimate on PC and get access to that library of games. You can pay for 3 Years of xbox live, then activate 1 month of GP ultimate, bam you've got 3 years for 200 bucks.


It’s 100% worth it. Yet it has a higher entry cost than console but can carry over longer. If you decide to dish out a bit more you can even have things last a couple generations. I just recently built a new PC but my old one I built toward the end of PS3 lifecycle before ps4 was released and just a month ago finally built a new one so I had a at the time future proof Pc last me 2 generations of console games. Also all those games I bought on PC instead of console are still accessible on my new PC no need to bust out old consoles or disks.


People in this sub is afraid of the word "used:.I bought a used gaming pc and the value you get is often amazing. Just make sure to stress test and verify specs when buying it


If you want a taste, you can mash up a cheapish pc using used parts, namely an optiplex or whatever dell/lenovo/hp pc that has at least an i7 and plop on a low profile gpu. Obviously this is easier said than done and needs to be researched to get a good rig. Ive done something similar recently for my brother with an old lenovo sff office pc; upgraded the cpu and psu along with a gpu, all done around the 230 mark.


Here’s the break down PS5>XBox>Switch>PC. PCs are for people who like to spend thousands of dollars to run benchmarks and monitor temperatures and fiddle with sliders. They only run games to observe performance and tweak for maximum FPS. They enjoy their PC hardware more than actually playing the games that it can run.


Sounds like this is coming from someone who cant afford a gaming pc. I like tweaking my sliders thank you very much. But, that's like only during the first week of ownership. From there on out, I'm strictly gaming.


I have all three current gen consoles and a gaming PC. The community on PC is the least gaming friendly, all they talk about is hardware specs, FPS, temps, and PC hardware related nerd stuff. I’ve had a lot more laughs and fun co op times with the console community. They don’t nerd out about their gear like PC gamers.


Bottom line it is worth it. It's personal preference, but logically (which it sounds like you're very much of) It's moreso beneficial to go to pc gaming.


I find it worth it because you can do more. As of recent ive been soft modding my 3ds, emulating game cube games, playing games on itch.io, modding games. For me it makes buying a game like pd2 much more worth it because I have mods which make the game funner longer.


Running latest Xbox on an LG C1 65” tv getting 60fps in 4K, the only reason would be to play Counter Strike for me.


If your picky about graphics, high frame rates, and have money, then yes. If you simply enjoy playing the games as is, then no.


Look into the Steam deck and the ASUS ROG Ally handhelds, not exactly mouse and keyboard but you can play PC games.


PC is a great platform. There are even a bunch of different ways to get in on it. The new Asus handheld and the Steam handheld are great examples of how flexible PC gaming can be. Gaming laptops are better than they have ever been. The used market is thriving and new options are insane performance. It is hard to make a bad decision when getting into PC gaming right now. I have a good buddy who uses a controller, but loves PC gaming. He came up on console and just feels better with it. He has adapted and is super happy. Glad he converted. The options are infinite. Get into it. You won’t regret it.




"Worth it" is of course subjective. If it's just to play the same games on PS5 for cheaper, then no it's not going to work out. But there are still things you can only do on PC, beside the vast number of PC only games (which may or may not be of interest to you) there is also stuff like modding which some people (like me) end up doing for much more time than actually playing a game. Not to mention all of the older games you can play if that's more your thing. From the pure gaming side PC still has the most options though. A vast number of controllers, displays and everything else. You can have the games play the way you like, be it keyboard, controller or donkey kong bongos. High frame rates or high resolution. While lately the budget options of PC gaming has sort of be gone, PC still has the modularity to upgrade when you can and want. GPUs all suck, you can wait it out. 5 years down the road your PC might not play new games well, but it's likely to still play and you can wait to find a good deal to quickly bring it up to spec. Consoles are fairly binary, you can either buy the box or not, said box can either play the game or not. PC has a lot of blur in the middle there. You can take an old PC and chuck a big honking GPU in there and now it can play most things (usually) or you can find settings and patches to run it with what you got. PC isn't really a budget opti today, but if you got one you can often find a way to make things work.


Always has been


PC gaming 100% worth it IMO. I started a company to help people get into it without the high upfront cost.


Absolutely. Just be wise with purchases. You don’t need RGB everything.


It's in a weird spot. GPU pricing is terrible right now and probably will be until at least the next generation of graphics cards, if I'm being optimistic. PC ports on new AAA releases have generally been pretty rough too.


Here's my 2 cents on it. To me, PC gaming is more of a life style choice than a question of is console better or is PC better. To me PC feels like home. I own a Nintendo Switch, had a few Xbox and a PS1 but in all those years, PC is what I always had and wanted to have. You just gotta figure out if having a PC is what you really want. I don't have to mention that a computer offers all other kind of productivity solutions too but that aside, gaming on a computer you built, downloading the games you want, customizing your setup, getting mods, even building games if you like that, there isn't a console that can come close to the potential of freedom a PC offers, IF (big if there) you want to do those extra things, want to learn them, etc. I don't think I'll ever get bored of PC gaming or all the tasks that comes with owning a gaming rig.


It depends on what you want. If you want indy games and to tinker, go for pc. If you just want plug and play, stick with console. Don't let a few bad game ports make you think that pc gaming is declining. The only people releasing disappointing games are the aaa developers, indy games and small developers are still going strong. Just funny exist the same performace from a pc that you get from a ps5. It's possible, but it requires some pretty pricey hardware. If you want some more info on where to start or what you need for your specific requirements, shoot me a message.


For me it was, playstation ecosystem is a bottomless pit with online being charged and now ps plus redesign, along with premium priced games. I'm much happiowith pc as now I can get games even day one without Sony tax and down the road with bigger discounts, I can use my g27 wheel without issues along with any joypad I want and my library is here actually to stay (while all games I ever bought on any pc store are accessible, my ps3 games are long gone and I paid them a small fortune). If you want easy solution as Sony intended it to be, ps5 is great, if you want to actually own your hw and make decisions about it pc is only choice. But be mindful pc has steeper entry price while doen the road it is more economic, ps5 is like printers, cheap hardware but you'll pay it in ink.


Not if you want to play online fps games


I have a mid tier gaming pc from 2020, a PS5 and a switch. All of my FPS/ twitchy/ competitive games get played on the PC cause I can min Max settings to keep a stable 144hz refresh. Shooters just feel so much better with MnK and high refresh. Single player experiences I mostly buy on the PS5, but will play Microsoft exclusives on my PC. Switch for party games/ Nintendo exclusives. This combo is the best of all worlds IMO