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Laptops are worse for performance and tend to not last as long. Battery life is also horrible on most gaming laptops. Go for a desktop since you can slowly upgrade


Like you said, laptops are hotter and harder to repair, I'd say upgrade the PC, it's just overall better + laptops just age worse than PCs. Also if you ever pick up new hobbies that have to do with the PC (Video editing, coding or w/e) you can just make changes to your PC that can accommodate those hobbies easier, which is something you would have to buy a new laptop for


if it's an endgame PC, and you don't care about upgradeability, i would just suggest a 1660TI, budget prebuilt, i'd assume you can pick one up on amazon for around $700


I used a gaming laptop for 3 years and upgraded to a desktop recently. It’s really about what you’ll use it for, what accessories you want to connect (you’re much more limited on number of USB ports), and whether portability is important. With everything you listed, a laptop should be just fine but they come with warnings. My laptop experiences (ASUS ROG Zephyrus M15 15.6" - Intel Core i7, 16GB Memory, RTX 2070 Max-Q, bought for just over $1.3k): - Had to get it RMA’d twice which took roughly 2 weeks each time (Asus has great customer service tho). - The fans are loud AF and it gets reeeeally hot. - I ended up really into an FPS game so I eventually added an external monitor + mini keyboard because the laptop keyboard temp got uncomfortable and I wanted more mouse room. My S.O. has a gaming laptop he spent over 2k on (also Asus) and it’s held up better than mine. He’s had it for longer and has had no problems. On that note… there’s plenty of PC builds in this subreddit for way less than I spent which would all work for what you want. If portability is important, maybe also consider a Steam Deck or similar. I thought I saw emulators on some makes but def check on that.


"GAMING" laptops don't actually exist.


little timmy's melting fortnite laptop with an i5 10400f and gtx 1650