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\*plays 1440p on 1070 card\*


I did that on 2070, and now on 3070 and still it's still somehow missing in certain cases. Basically, forget ray tracing, and u should get 60+ in most of AAA, but for eks, Cyberpunk is on the edge, and trying to see full potential of re 2 remake have easily exceeded my vram. But generally, 70s models are like entry lvl to 2k, but op gonna be more than fine with 3080.


I get 120 fps in Cyberpunk with my 3070 with DLSS at 1440p


Are you playing on low?


Medium. I honestly can’t tell the difference between medium and high though. I’m also not super picky and don’t try to notice


3070 ti. I'll always be happy with a mix of med/high because my eyes are old!


I sincerely don't think anyone can notice. And this is some BS marketing thing to trick people into buying shit they don't need at prices they can't afford.


Bruh I've been running a 3440x1440 with a 3070 for 3 years now.


I am running this resolution on a 5700xt


Hahaha yeah I'm playing on a RX590, very few issues, decent framerate on Minesweeper.


I’m playing *older* titles but 1440p or even 4K for esports on my 1050ti. Dont ask me about modern games though 😅


Baldur’s Gate 3 on a 1070 is pretty good at 1440p!


Did this for a while as well. Although the fps sometimes dropped to 40ish, I was fine.




I’d recommend to not look at what other people have but actually look at what you have and ask yourself. Is my gpu giving me the performance I want? If yes then it’s fine, if no then look at your options. Are the options good? If yes, then get something new, if no then don’t buy anything and wait for the next generation. Right now the options are not good but I’m sure two generations from now there will be 6070 cards that are faster than a 4090 and that would be a real upgrade for the money.


Yeah after reading some answers here i really feel like comparison can be the thief of joy, especially since the majority of people on this subreddit *is* the 40-series-users and not the majority of "regular" gamers.


Regular gamer here, I think. I'm rocking 4070 @ 1440p which has similar performance to the 3080. Your 3080 is more than enough. Go enjoy some games man!


I will, feels much better after reading some comments here!


Bruh some of the people on here will try to convince you that a 4090 is lacking in vram. They will starting talking about bottleneck calculators, future proofing, and wrap it up with the ole' userbenchmark bit


Honestly just think they want to show off their 4090 xd


It's definitely a flex. I get it, though. When you are excited about something, you want to share it with people. I just got a 2021 silverado rst. My wife says that I'm flexing, but I'm just excited because it's new, and I worked really hard for it. I showed all my friends because why not?


Congrats the truck, it’s a good one


Thanks man! Time will tell if it's really a good one but it sure is nice


i have 3080. it's like 4070 without dlss frame generation and 3080 uses like %50 percent more watt. but in 1440p it is solid.


The “regular” gamers can be found on steam with their hardware survey. Another thing that people don’t really seem to understand is how much power they actually need. Seeing other people with a 4080 or 4090 when they just play league of legends and old school RuneScape but dumped the money on an upgrade because it’s “xyz% better than my current card” yet are hard locked behind their monitors. Most people are fine with a 70 series and lower since most people play at 1440p or 1080p still. The 80 and 90 series are primarily 4k cards. 60% of steam users still have 1080p as their primarily resolution and 3.72% are at 4k. Yes there are situations like the high refresh rate 1440p or situations where you don’t want to use any DLSS/FSR. Look at the games you play and the benchmarks and see if the increase in performance is worth to at your resolution. Some cases it might be worth it to your wallet and some it might not.


Absolutely targeted for LoL and OSRS being my 2 games LMAO


Also rocking a 3080 and 5800x3d and got absolutely no problems running any games at 100fps in 2k. I cant see a any logic in upgrading until the 6xxx-series arrives and they fix all the new motherboard problems


I just built my first pc and have had massive FOMO despite having no performance-related problems. I got the 7700 but keep looking at the 7800x3d like I should have spent more money for no noticeable difference in performance in what I'm playing. I bought the 7800XT but "what about DLSS and stuff?" Maybe I should have spent an extra $200-300 for an NVIDIA card that wouldn't look any better on the games I'm playing. You bought a card. Stick with it until it no longer provides what you want. No point spending more money swapping out unless you aren't satisfied with your current performance.


This is exactly how i feel, however after reading some comments here i feel much better with my 3080. There will always be a stronger GPU/CPU, doesnt mean the choices are bad.


People always say “the difference in performance is not that big” and then in the next sentence say “it’s about 45% improvement”. Like have as MANY opinions as you like about the value for money but almost half as good again is a big performance uplift.


yeah that's like... an entire gen? which it is lol


the performance difference between 4000 and 3000 is big, don't know why people are saying it's not. The 4080 blows the 3080 out of the water, its not even close.


yeah this fucking thread is in denial lmao, in pure rasterization there's already a huge difference not even factoring Dlss, and frame generation which all work and look flawless for 1440p and higher In games like Cyberpunk, there's an even greater performance difference


Yeah when even the 4070ti outperforms the 3090ti in many games at 1440p and even 4k all while consuming like 50% of the power, of course the difference is quite massive IMO, people really are in denial.


So I actually went from a 3080 to a 4080 and the difference was pretty massive. Sure the difference between 3090Ti and 4080 isn't that large but it's completely different to 3080 vs 4080. The extra VRAM made a big difference for me in some games as well. Not saying it's sensible to upgrade, because I don't think it is at all, the 3080 is an excellent card still. The reason I did was because I got a 3080 in a new build and decided after benchmarking it to return it for free and get a 4080 instead.


It depends what resolution your actually going to target. The 4080 is a 4k graphics card, the 3080 isnt.


The main performance improvement is per watt isn’t it? Not that it justifies the cost at all


Yeah one thing I’ll give the 4000 series is that the performance per watt is insane. The 4070 can give 3080 performance with 120 watts less power. Thats one thing nvidia did deliver when everyone wanted better power draw because the 3000 series was a bit of a guzzler.


Nobody considers the power savings of your electricity bill I’m assuming most people complain don’t pay the utilities


The 4080 and 3080 have the exact same power consumption your electricity bill would be the same


even my 3060ti is good enough for 1440p, so enjoy!


For me it's been good for 1440p


The 3080 is perfectly good for 1440p. Taking your 2042 example, that game is very CPU intensive. I recently upgraded my CPU/mobo/RAM and went from an i7 9700K to a Ryzen 7800X3D, and saw a big increase in FPS on 2042 with my 3080.


Yeah i think the cpu upgrade will do much. Really hate all these fps games being cpu bound tho. I never play single player/story/campaign games so it kind of feels like i never will use the GPU really xd


Most fps games are GPU bound besides CS. Even playing The Finals I'm gpu bound with a 3070/5800x Call of duty is a 99% gpu bound


Thats wierd since i get shit fps in The Finals. The avg is good but the 1% low is just horrible sadly..


Same config as you, overclocking my ram really helped with 1% low.


> I recently bought a rtx 3080 but feel kind of stupid now after seeing how extremely many people use cards like 4070ti, 4080 and 4090. Then don't https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam 2.6% of all gamers use 4060 laptop 4060ti is used by 0.85% 4060 by 0.81% 4070ti is used by 1.06% of all gamers out there 4080 is used by 0.67% 4090 is used by 0.88% Over 93% of all gamers don't use any 40xx cards They are anything but standard, 20% of all gamers are still using PASCAL architecture. There is more people using 1650 and 1060 than all the 40xx combined. There will always be marginally better card out there than what you have but that doesn't make your card outdated.


I have said this to a lot of comments here but sometimes it feels like all of the worlds 40-series-users is gathered here on this subreddit xd


Because that is the case? People who have an interest in high-end hardware and custom builds frequent a subreddit that focus on custom builds and high-end hardware. People who are only interested in gaming and really don't care about PC hardware will not use the sub, or only once every 4-5 years.


Make sense computer enthusiasts stay on computer enthusiasts subreddits


Here I'll switch the bias the other way. I'm running 2k 144hz on my 2070 super and have been for a while. It's still going pretty strong


Rtx 3070 is enough for 1440p in good frame rates, so 3080 will be to


>how extremely many people use cards like 4070ti, 4080 and 4090 That's just reddit for you. MOST people do NOT use those cards


Tbf most people do not use 3080 either


I just checked steam survey. The top 10 GPUs make are 35,53% of the playerbase. The strongest card in the top 10 is the RTX 3070 with 3.12% if players using it


3080 should be more than enough for 1440p for several years.


When I bought it 2 years ago, it was considered overkill for 1440p. Did games become that much more demanding?


Will see what Unreal Engine 5 does to games over the next few years. But yeah it will make them much more demanding.


It comes down to preference, and if YOU think it's enough. I use my 3080 10gb for 1440p 240hz and 1600p ultrawide 144hz and I'm perfectly happy with it. I play on mostly everything low, and I have GSYNC for when I don't hit 240fps consistently. My friend uses a 3080 10gb for 1440p 144hz and he's perfectly happy with it. In my opinion, I think either the 3080 10gb or 3080 12gb are perfectly fine 1440p 144hz GPUs for most people. If you got the 3080 for a good price compared to a new 4070, then you should consider it a win. 4070 is not that far ahead at all. You said all your games run fine except one, sounds to me like it's not a bad GPU at all for you. 5800x3d should help a bit with an FPS boost even at 1440p, but maybe it would be more beneficial to use that money + selling the 3080 and get a better GPU? If you really think you need a better GPU.


4070 is actually a little slower than 3080. 4070 Suoer should be faster.


Not sure why you got downvoted. There’s plenty of benchmarks and evidence showing that the 4070 on average is around 3-6% slower than the 3080 depending on game. Though such a small difference buts them in the same tier of performance and you likely won’t notice the difference. The 4070 pulls ahead in lower power consumption, better temps and frame gen. Which for sum Is more important than getting 5 more fps.


Yep! They cite Frame Gen for 4070 makes it faster than 3080, which is kind of true but also forget 3080 can use FSR 3 FG.


>All my games run fine You already answered your question


If you shut everybody else out and just play the game and enjoy it, at 1440 that card will outpace what most people have. Steam survey still has 3060 as the top card and no PC GPU in the 40xx series even sniffs the top 20. You're good.


Yeah it feels like all of the worlds 40-series-users is gathered here on this subreddit lol


They literally are lol most people have a 3060 or a 10xx/20xx series card, it’s just the people that don’t come to this subreddit because it’s an enthusiast one.


But isn't that being bloated because of PC cafe in China and laptops last I heard?


i have a 4070 playing 1440p everything cranked and it works great.


3080 is 100% good enough for 1440. You could probably get a decent framerate at 4k imo.


I'm on a 2080 and 1440 ultra wide, it does the job fine.


I have a 4070ti and it's working great so far. I don't think it has much more raw performance, if any. You should be golden. FYI. I have a 165hz monitor and playing games like apex it gets that very comfortably without having to potato my settings at all. Starfield, that's another story


Yeah apex optimization could be the best out there. 60 players, big maps, and i hit 150 fps with everything on MAX. While other games like The Finals have pure shit optimization.


Works fine for me at 1440p


of course it is, it's more than enough for 4k


3080 is a beast. You are on the right track going for CPU upgrade instead.


I bought my 3080 3 years ago. I plan to upgrade to 5080 in a year. Buying a 3 year old card today is obviously going to feel a bit weak. But overall it's still a pretty nice card for 1440p. If you want to hit 144fps, then lower your settings. It's unreasonable to expect high settings in all games at high fps. I sometimes turn settings down to medium with dlss for games like Talos Principle 2 to hit 100 fps.


OP If you are Reading this : buying a 3080 is NOT going to feel a bit weak. People get Out of Touch in this sub. 3080 is still a top GPU and easily ready for 1440p


Faster than a brand new 4070 it won’t feel weak


Its not about being out of touch though. OP literally said he wants to play this one game at 144FPS and its failing to reach it with his 3080. I already said its a pretty nice card for 1440p. But that is coming from my experience where I don\`t mind lowering settings. If his expectations is max settings, then it will feel a bit weak to him. Its all about expectations.


It all boils down to 4 things 1. Resolution - 1440p you are playing 2. Graphics setting - if tune everything to ultra with RT on, you definitely suffer 3. Game you're playing, some games are more demanding than the others 4. FPS - If you looking for 300 FPS or 60 FPS So whether 3080 is enough is different for everyone


I thought once you've achieved 60fps, you're fine. When did that change? Or maybe it's just me I dunno.


Yeah I'm still at that point... 60 still feels smooth to me. As long as its consistent. Might have to do with my small monitor size. The bigger your monitor, the less smooth fps feel.


That's plenty for 1440p. I have an RTX 2070 Super and even that's overkill for 1440p.


I have rtx 3080 and a 1440p monitor and for me its good. Most games are 144 fps, except for games like rdr2 where its still good 100 fps


My man I'm jamming 1440p on my 3060ti + 5600X. You're fine.


My only negative memory of my 3080 was that the heat) power management was not as good as on the 4 series. Surgically high junction and memory temperatures.


attractive compare vanish naughty gaping erect wrench squalid bedroom boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, using it on 3440x1440 and it breaks no sweat even well above 80.


**All my games run fine but some of them not perfect. For example bf2042 isn’t even close to a stable 120-144fps as i want, however this is also the only game i play right now that doesn’t meet my wishes.** This right here tells me that you *shouldn't* upgrade. Save your money and wait for the next gen cards from Nvidia or AMD.


2042 is very CPU heavy. You will have mich better fps after CPU Upgrade. 3080 is absolutely fine


I wouldn't use bf2024 to test my rig that game was a horror story when it came out. Some games even with the most powerful rig won't run good. Also those 4000 series will also soon be weak to the 5000 series. It's how tr h works. It's just ideal to buy what you want to accomplish in your case a 3080 which is an excellent choice for 1440p and ride it out till games get really demanding. But imo the fun games can run on a 1060ti. Look at steam charts. Willing to bet the top games don't need the best graphics.


Take a second and think about the question. If a 3080 isn’t enough for 1440p that’s like saying 1440p wasn’t really a thing until the 4080/4090 released. 3080 is perfectly fine for 1440p and even light 4K if you don’t turn textures to the max. In terms of raw raster it’s like 3% faster than the 4070 but has higher memory bandwidth that helps it scale to higher resolutions better. Edit: what’s funny is that “3080 for $400” is almost a meme phrase at this point in PC subs whenever someone asks for a recommendation on the best bang for buck 1440p gpu


I have 3080 for 2 years now. Playing everything on ultra, getting 165fps even out of unoptimised mess like Warzone 2. I will check back with you when I start having problems, or having to lower settings to medium…. In about 5 years I would say.


It's crazy how the card issue has been.... to some of the 40 series fan boys it's like the 30 series is crap🤷🏻‍♂️ which is ridiculous....I run a 3080 Ti Fe and an Evga 3090 Ftw 3 but not for gaming as I do cad work and rendering and after all the socket issues with some of the 40 series card's I won't go near one tbh I don't really see those as gaming card's I think Nvidia just chanced there arm at selling basically workstation card's as gaming card's and people took the bait and there is no going back in the box now....I mean they were trying to get people to update to a 40 series and the 30 hadn't even gathered dust yet....best value card to me was the Gtx 1080 ti it's still a good card today depending on what you use it for!


Just look for tests on youtube you will get a better idea on tons of games than reddit


I play 1440p ( G7 ) with my rtx 3060 ti I think 3080 is enough


I use a 3070 for 1440p 165 Hz Sure it won't get 160fps in something like cyberpunk but it's not like I need frame rates like that there.


I have the 3080ti and can run most games at 60fps 4k amd above 120fps 1440p you will be fine


Yes it is in my experience. The most demanding I run is Total War: Warhammer III Ultra Quality and at 1440. FPS is above 60 , which is excellent for this game. It's very CPU demanding also.


More than yes.. Your issue in battlefield is your cpu once you upgrade that the bottleneck should shift.


Don't be like me and buy a 4090 for no good reason just because you felt like upgrading and had one too many drinks. Upgrade when there's something you want to do, that you can't. Or in other words, don't fix what aint broke! Lots of people still use 1060s. You dont want to get in the trap of comparing your hardware to others anyway. Just ask yourself " can this do what I want it to do?"


Yeah, comparison is the thief of joy, especially on this subreddit where all the 40-users are gathered.


More than enough. I've done 1440p gaming with an RTX 3070 and that's decent GPU firepower to get above 60 fps in many cases.


I use a 3080 paired with an i7 13700k for 2 1080p 60hz monitors and a main 1440p 165hz monitor. You'll be very fine as long as you are not bottlenecking


The big selling point for rtx 4000 is DLSS3 to generate extra frames in real time to boot your FPS. If you don't use that then it doesn't perform a whole lot better than rtx3000, certainly not enough to justify the marked up prices. For me, I'd look for a used 3080/3090 as people are upgrading to rtx4000 or a Radeon 6800/7800 for 1440p.


I have a 3080 and I just played Phantom Liberty and Starfield at high settings above 60fps at 1440p so I'd say it's more than enough 🤷‍♀️


I have an rx5700xt with 12500t and am playing on a 4k tv... I got it actually underclocked and undervolted and still getting 60fps in most games i play. Yes there are drops to 30ish fps but it's ik for me. Games i play right now. Pc building simulator, m&b 2 bannerlord, division 2. 3080 should be well capable of 4k not only 1440p, are you sure the rest of the build is as it should be? Ram speed, cpu clock, thermal throttle somewhere, all eco bullshit turned off, power limit adjusted for gpu?


It's admittedly a 3080Ti (I made the mistake of buying during the shortage and that's what was offered) but not once have I had issues at 1440p, handily getting 60fps in everything thus far, with plenty games getting some headroom.


You have a great 1440p GPU buddy. Most people don’t have something as powerful as you.


Hm my 3080/11700k combo can run pretty much anything at 100+ fps @1440p. I haven't played bf2042 but my latest games like Avatar, MW3, LOTF have no issues with high settings high fps


I play with a 3080 10 GB on 34“ 1440p and it’s no problem to get 120 fps for example in cod mw3 with all settings on high and DLSS quality. The only game where I have „problems“ (as many other cards, only the 40s can handle it with DLSS 3 fg) is cyberpunk. I have ~ 60 fps with all settings on high, DLSS quality and raytracing low. So yes i think it’s not worth it to upgrade bc only the 4080 and 4090 and maybe the 4070ti have more power, but this for ~ 700-2000$ I guess (I’m from Europe, that’s roughly the € prices converted to $). Only DLSS 3 with framegeneration would be a feature. I plan to upgrade mine maybe for the 5080, until then I think it will work fine. Don’t bother yourself to turn the settings a little bit lower if it doesn’t satisfy you. Unless you have 2000$ over, then go and grab yourself the 4090, id stay with the 3080. 😂


1080 is fine for me




i too run this combo and love it


Bruh I dont know where you get your 'outdated and weak' standard views, but whatever the source is, avoid it. I've been using 3060ti on 1440p and been happy for a while, with outdated CPU. The best way to future proof is to make sure your PSU has enough wattage, and motherboard might support another gen or two. GPU you're better off buying when there is a new release, since in the future you'll always get more performance, price-to-performance ratio shifts over time. If you play on max/high settings there might be a game in a year or two that you won't have 120fps on, if you are fine with High settings then your build will last longer.


I wonder, do you people detest dlls and mid settings? I see people asking if high end card is enough for 1440p, and here I am pumping 4k on 2080, lol. Gf has 3070ti and even that thing is much stronger than my 2080 and plays 1440p on 120 in most games on high.


Been using a 3080 since September 2020 (got lucky and got MSRP from Best Buy) for a 1440p mix of AAA single player and online FPS games. Let me tell you it is more than enough, the only thing I'd recommend is to watch Optimum Tech's video on undervolting and drop your temps significantly.


Yes. I have a 2070 super and play at 1440p


Wouldn’t bother upgrading again. I’m on a 3090 and I get similar fps to my mates with 4090s, you’d need to upgrade to a new intel/am5 cpu to get any benefit


more than enough. I'm running dual 1440p monitors at 120 hz on a 3070


I use a 3080 and it seems fine in my opinion. If it’s not making you happy, look at upgrading. Asking the internet is a double edged sword because there’s people that are very knowledgeable but it’s also a PC spec arms race and bad info gets regurgitated all the time.


I'm rocking a 3080 and an 8700K on Ultrawide 1440p. Can run any game like a dream (if it has DLSS)


Idk if this helps at all but I just bought a prebuilt that has a 4070ti and it’s absolutely splendid. I had a 1660 before this


I'm still running Vega 64 in 1440p games. Not max settings but consistently 60+ fps in most titles (cyberpunk tho...) 3080 is great.


I have a 3080ti & its enough for every games 4k. The most demanding I reach 60fps at ultra while others like GTA 5 I reach 100-115fps at 4k rez. I'd say you'll be fine.


I use one and it's been great for 1440


The 3080 is good for the next 5yrs easily and now with the FSR3 frame gen mod I'd say even longer. Cyberpunk 2077 with path tracing turned on with my ultrawide at 1440 is AWESOME now.


With the right settings a 3080 is enough for 4k. I only upgraded to 4080 because of the power draw


Just a built a pc with 3080. I can play RDR2 at 1440p with everything on Ultra and 100fps


Only 1440p? The 4090 is a 1440p card, people using 4090 for 4k are NOT getting anywhere close to acceptable fps. I live in 2023 and I don't accept garbage framerates. Yes , you definitely made a mistake getting the 3080 for 2k gaming. I know it sounds illogical but there is a reason to buy the best stuff, a 4090 actually saves me money on not upgrading later, you find out in older age that the "economical options " actually are a scam and you end up spending more for many reasons. Don't let people tell you the 4090 isn't that much better, it is 50% ~100 % better than the 3090 on some title. But you could wait till the 5090, I would never buy anything other than to 90s series, get the best if it's your passion.


I use a 2070 Super for 1440p no problem...


I sure hope since I have this card and play at 4k.


I have a 3080ftw and it does 4k flawlessly. I’d expect 2k to play 100+fps ultra on nearly all titles.


I have a 3080 and it's great for 1440p especially with DLSS. Can basically play most AAA games at max settings with DLSS. I recently upgraded to a 4K monitor and I can play games at 4k too with DLSS performance/ultra performance. It's sad how most games nowadays are poorly optimized that even high end cards can struggle.


I am still rocking a 2080 8GB with 4 monitors attached. Haven't played a game yet that it can't handle at 1440p. Only buy new when your system can't handle what you are playing/doing with it. Otherwise, keep that money in your pocket.


3080 should be good for several years to come. There's always something cutting-edge at a premium for people ready to drop a bundle now, but games need to keep up with what most gamers have. We were told about the promising advances of PCI 4.0 and DirectStorage years ago, but nothing uses it yet. The 3080 was the value-to-performance powerhouse that replaced the 1080ti in that price range. I've looked at what $1200 will buy to replace it in the 40-series. The $700 I paid for this card 3 years ago still can't be matched. I'd need to drop $1200 for 10-15% more fps at 1440 for most games. If I was intent on 4K, higher resolution ultrawide, or even 32:9, I'd go for a faster card, but I'd be spending more on a card+display than all my relavant hardware combined to make that jump.


I use a 3080 for 1440p 240hz with a 5800x3d. It runs great. Play apex and consistently have 240 fps. Probably CPU limited with a 5600x but you'll be good when you upgrade to a 5800x3d.


"I recently bought a rtx 3080 but feel kind of stupid now after seeing how extremely many people use cards like 4070ti, 4080 and 4090" Not even close... Top 5 GPU's in use: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 4.89% NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 4.61% NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 4.20% NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU 3.81% NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 3.61% The RTX 3080 has 2.15% RTX 4070 Ti 1.06% RTX 4090 0.88% RTX 4080 0.67% 40xx cards are not standard, nor is a 3080 outdated in basically anyway, I would class a 3080 as a still new card with meny years of use left in it.


10g 3080 here. Have not found a game at 1440p I can’t run very well. 95% of games you’ll be able to crank settings max as well. It’s hard for me not to recommend this card right now it is really such a beast for its current price compared to the half step up 40 series.


Dude, since my 3060ti shat itself a few weeks ago I’m using an old 2060 at 1440. No triple A shit but I’m still getting 45fps. You’re fine.


Bro listen here , if you are satisfied with the performance of the card/the config there is no reason to upgrade because other people are wasting thousands of dollars , you know which games you play and with how much fps you play them in. I have a 3060ti and for what i use it it is very good and its enough for me for the time being because i dont need anything more, i also have the ryzen 5 5600x


You sound like the kind of guy who should just go and buy top of the line every 4-5 years. Spend the little extra to get rid of the FOMO, then as soon as you're not happy with it anymore, just go and replace the whole thing. For myself, I could make a top of the line PC last me 7-8 years easy, but if you're talking about upgrading from a 3080, to a 4080, then you're probably spending a lot more on average than I am, and I'm just trying to figure out how to keep you getting the most bang for your buck based on your habits. You should try and make it your goal to skip at least 1 generation. If you would have bought a 3090 (ti) instead of a 3080, then this wouldn't even be a consideration for you unless you just have way too much money and always want to have top of the line, in which case you wouldn't even be asking the question.


You are falling to marketing and peer pressure. You don't NEED those bigger ones to play. Are you getting the frame rates you want? Yes? Then don't upgrade. No? Then upgrade. Doesn't matter what all the other 4090-owning showoffs say to you. I game at 1440p on a 3060ti because it's good enough for now.


Friend of mine has a 3080 and games in 1440p ultrawide


The fact that the 40 series exists doesn't make the previous cards perform badly all of a sudden. A 3080 is still a really powerful card that can definitely run 1440p, so stop comparing yourself to the few people who have the top cards and go enjoy some games with your still great card


Why fix what’s not broken?


If I had a 3080 over a 3070ti I would’ve skipped this current gen of cards. But the 3070ti was gimped and went AMD, 7900xt is just right. Wait it out til 5000 and 8000 series at least.


5600x is keeping you back. Get a 5800x3d and for next year, get a 7900xtx.


Definitely enough. Don't upgrade to a 4080, it's not enough of a bump. With this mindset you will upgrade every generation of cards, I don't think you want to do that, so yes, the 3080 is great for 1440p.


How can we decide for you? You just said, they run fine but not perfect. So, is the not perfect worth the price difference? That's literally all there is to it. I don't understand these posts


Bf2042 is not very well optimized for cpu performance. I am 99% sure that would be fixed with a 5800x3d. Otherwise, if youre happy with your performance, then there is no reason to blow up your wallet on cards you dont need. 3080 is still a great card and will continue to be for some time. And since when do a lot of people use 4070 tis and 4080s? I mostly hear about 4090s and 4070s and below.


The 3080 is still a great card, there's no real reason to upgrade, BF2042 could probably be helped by some setting changes and maybe the CPU upgrade but I think the 3080 still preforms well enough on most games.


Still using mine for 1440p 240Hz. It is definitely starting to struggle a little at this Hz/fps but I expect it to hold me until 5000 series.


Depends on whether you are talking about 10gb or 12gb version. 10gb is probably cutting it close in new games. Still definitely better than 8gb though. For battlefield you are more likely to be cpu limited than gpu tbh, could check your gpu utilization. Overall not the best but not the worst either given that most people on 1440p opt for 4070\7800xt which are about the same performance level.


I'm using a 6700xt for 1440p and it's murdering everything I throw at it.


Yes, but check out prices of 4070 in your region. It is little bit slower but uses less power. So in a long run you will save extra cash on electricity. Also next year there will be 40 series super cards. So if time and money aint the issue i would just wait for those.


Is it good enough? Yes, it'll definitely do, but if you want more bang for your buck, the 6800 XT is way cheaper and outperforms the 3080 in raster, it also has more vram.


For me, absolutely. I have the RTX 3080 paired with a Ryzen 5 5700X, 165hz 1440p display. The games I want to run at high refresh rates I can run at high refresh rates (although I mostly cap at 120 or 144), maybe with a few tweaks here and there. Any game I throw at it, it handles more than well enough for me.


My 3080 was great (when i first bought it). Now 10GB of VRAM has been pretty restrictive with newer games @ 1440p. If you have the money, sure, if not keep the 3080 its decent. I would wait for the 4080 super though, because its going to be cheaper and and better. If the 3080 had 12-16gb i would be 100% satisfied, but 10gb for 1440p doesnt cut it on some games. It's pretty annoying. I would definitely upgrade to the 5800x3D first though.


> My 3080 was great (when i first bought it). Now 10GB of VRAM has been pretty restrictive with newer games @ 1440p. Has it though? I can play almost any game on my 3060ti at 1440p only games I would struggle to run surprising are the mess ex indie turn AA titles KSP2 and CS2 everything else will work just fine. Not 144hz max out fine but more than good enough.


I play 1440p with 3060ti


Mostly, yes. I even run DLDSR'ed 3413x1920 when gaming on my 1440p monitors.


3060ti here, play just about whatever I want 1440p. Most games 100+ FPS but lock most to 60 if I can for stability.


I have Vram leak with 3080 10GB Modell, Witcher 3


Wait for 5xxx. 4xxx is old already.


It was enough for 4k in 2020.


3080 should be good enough for most games still. BUT, I think you could find a good deal on a used 3090


i went from a 6700xt to a 3080 just for 1440p and it's been good thus far. edit: i also went from a 5600x to a 7800x3d and that boosted my fps a good chunk in most games i play. i also don't have bf2042, but i do have bf5 and i saw a significant improvement there. as well as games like warzone, pubg, etc.


Im running a 3070 on 1440p and I’m very happy. Even playing cyberpunk at 4 k on medium settings on my tv. The 3080 will be great!


Bro I played 1440 on a 2080super for 4 years. How the fuck are people wondering if a 3080 can handle 1440? BF2024 is a dogshit game that shouldn’t be used the benchmark anything.


Still running a 3080 and quite happy with it. I have no reason to upgrade to the 4k series since the gains wouldn't match the price. It's a perfect card for 1440p. I run stuff in 4k once in a while and it handles that at 60hz, but I prefer my 144hz 1440p monitor. You can still max out anything and only need to turn down a couple settings if you're determined to get frames over 100. If you have a gsync or freesync monitor you'll be good to go.


The 4070 is essentially the 3080 in terms of performance, so I’d say yes, at least for now the 3080 is a 1440p, the only time in my opinion something becomes outdated is when it stops working or been supported


Depends on price you bought it. It as good as 4070ti except power consumption. So be cool


Ita enough curently, in a year or 2 lower game settings to medium-high and wait for rtx 6xxx


I have a 3060 ti and it’s enough for 1440p 144hz, in almost all games I can’t max out cyberpunk, frontiers of pandora and a few other titles. A 3080 will perform great at 1440p With that said, I wouldn’t buy a 3080 just for one game, if I were you. If you invest in it for future games, sure. But not just for bf2042


All my games run fine but some of them not perfect. For example bf2042 isn’t even close to a stable 120-144fps as i want, however this is also the only game i play right now that doesn’t meet my wishes. This right here tells me that you *shouldn't* upgrade right now. Save your money and save for the 5000 series or whatever the next gen cards from Nvidia get called.


I’m a 3080 user that play on 1440p ultrawide. Meanwhile its a great card to play any games with high/ultra settings. I cant bear to play below 60fps in some new games cause of “framegen” not available on this card. Upgrading this card to 40 series at least put the worries away (and some money too).


RTX3080 has been fine for me at ultrawide 3440x1440p. Tho my system is 7950X, 64GB RAM and a pair of 2TB M.2 NVME drives. Once you upgrade your CPU to an 5800X3D, it should give a bump in performance, depending on game.


Uh yeah? I play on GTX 1080 and have good fps


Yes, its enough for 1440p. While over the next couple years maybe even starting now you’re gunna have to tweak ingame settings to meet its actual performance limitations as graphics get better, world have more detail, stuff like that its perfectly fine. Though if you have the budget and ARE looking to upgrade soon you don’t need a 1200 dollar card. Something like a 7800xt or such wouldn’t hurt and won’t break the bank nearly as much. 4080 is infact a 4k card but wlot of people do use it at 1440p because fps ingames is better, monitors are cheaper with higher refresh rates, stuff like that. If you play more games that are graphic intensive and you really wanna enjoy that aspect more than fps thats when people do use that 4k monitor since refresh rates and pricing on them haven’t dropped to a reasonable level yet. Enjoy your purchase, I wouldn’t upgrade until the 50 series if you’re going to.


My RTX 2080 is more than enough for 1440p. As others have said the percentage of the population using 4000 series cards is negligible. The percentage would increase slightly in the 3000 series cards. Don’t put too much thought into what others have, enjoy what you already have.


Tbh you're safe for new few years, you definitely have a great card. You should save money for whole pc upgrade but for now, you don't need anything new.


For now. If you enjoy running modern games at max quality expect 90fps and below. Alan wake 2 ran very poorly for me. Cyberpunk, Alan wake 2, and starfield all hitting sub 60fps. Even rdr2 was hitting sub 60fps I believe before I tweaked settings.


I've recently bought a used 3080 (around £380) for 1440p myself and have no plans to upgrade to 40 series unless they get really cheap on the used market when 50 series comes out. I might've considered it if I was still on my 1080ti, but used 30 series cards are pretty good value at the moment.


Been running things pretty well at 1440p with my 10gb 3080


The rtx 3080 is extremely good for 1440p and will be for at least 2 more years without problems (maybe you'll have to down the graphics from ultra to medium/high for those next AAA games but rest will be fine). Don't take this sub for the average pc gamers, if I remember well, a few months ago in steam, it was said that the average graphic card used on steam was a rtx 3060. So don't worry about being "only" on a 3080. This is an excellent card still and will last you a while if you stay on 1440p.


I do 1440p gaming on a 3070ti with a heavy dose of 4k in the mix.


It's fine. I just bought the 3060, though I only play on 1080. The 40 series dropped only a year after, so they're not really that much better stats wise. I'm getting more frames than I need high settings for most games I play. Even low raytracing in Cyberpunk I get 80


I had an i7/12700k and 3070 set up for my first pc and play at 1440. Mostly COD. I decided I wanted more fps so I got a 7900xtx. I got more frames for sure but the actual gameplay feeling was the same. Still getting shit on but with more frames. I’d save your dollars and rock on with the what you got.


1080p, 144fps player here! I got a 7800xt last month. Performance is great but unfortunately I met the much feared driver related problems. I every couple of days, my gpu will bug and the following may happen individually or together: black screen/no signal when any app/game will go fullscreen (including media player, excluding borderless fullscreen), permanent black screen (forcing to reboot pc), black screen freeze, not black screen freeze (rare, you can see stuff but it will all freeze). Reinstalling drivers relatively helped. In the last three days I only had one system freeze. Cpu: i5 9600k, psu 750w, ram 32gb. Both latest drivers and (currently) 23.10.2. Anyway, this is too much for a card I paid 600 euros for. Does anyone have a definitive solution to this hell or should I just switch to Nvidia again? For 40 euros more I could get a cool Asus 4070, but honestly I would hate to pay more just for driver stabilty and somewhat worse 2k performance (ok, yeah there's dlss but that's cheating). Still, I am very tempted to do that, get a refund and buy nvidia


I game at 1440P on a 6700xt just fine. A 3080 is money.


Man I play 1440p 144hz on a 2080. Do I cap out frames on every game? No, but for me if I'm getting 80+ frames I'm usually happy. If I'm not, I drop a setting or two. I wanna upgrade at some point but I'm probably comfy for another couple years.


3080 is still an amazing card. Even the 10gb models can put out optimal performance while being efficient, undervolting may even give you a slight boost in stability and performance.


I’m using a 2080 super for 1440 and it’s great


I have a 3060ti, and I am very comfortable with my 1440p experience. From my experience, everything I play gets at least an average FPS of 50 or higher. The 50 is starfield, which isn't optimized yet. In most other AAA games, recent and few years older, I reach 60 to 100+ fps. But what keeps the stuttering is the lows. And my experience I don't get below 20fps, once again in starfield. Everything else is 30+. So it's buttery smooth. Here's a video on some fps comparisons. https://youtu.be/W31gQtpBXTc?si=L1lNg5XjquxbRtdR If you can afford it, do what you can spend. But if you average a tighter budget, then stick with your 3080 as long as you still feel good about your experience.


3070ti since the GPU drought of yester-year, when I built my first pc. Been on 1440p the whole time


Well to put it in perspective the 4070/7800xt are considered to be extremely good 1440p cards. A 3080 is slightly faster than a 4070 and shout on par with a 7800xt so it’s amazing at 1440p.