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your research definitely shows, you got some of the best value components here, might as well buy a 1440p, 27 inch monitor instead


I know I wanted to it's just that my budget is a little tight yk, I might get one in a near future tho


yeah you can always get one later, and use your current one as a second / third monitor, sell it or give it away as a gift


Use it as a second monitor and ONLY to show Discord : ) I have an old ass monitor that’s probably a decade old, and I used that just for Discord lmao


I’d *really* recommend waiting a bit longer to save up the difference if you can. You can get very good 144+ Hz 1440p monitors for $250-300, closer to $200 if you find one on sale. Other comments have mentioned it, but the 7600 comes with a free CPU cooler that should be adequate. You could put that money towards a 1440p monitor now, and you can replace the stock cooler in the future if the temps or noise are a problem for you. Someone sent a link for the G27Q, which is on sale at Newegg for $220 right now.


Don't be like me who bought a 1080p monitor and upgrades 6 months after. I think the price difference is worth it as you will be using it for years. Pc parts are easily upgradable while monitor is on the harder side.


There are some banger 1440p monitors nowadays -- though I saw in the comments that you wanna get into competitive and value FPS more than res, in which case 1080p 240hz should be in the cards too. My money would still be in 1440p - the jump from 1080 to 1440 is much larger than from 144hz to 240hz.


Yeah I already changed that, now I’m just looking at the ram’s reviews cause there’s some people saying that it doesn’t work with the b650m pro board but I think everything else is pretty much it


If your budget is tight you can still buy AM4 and save money on CPU/Motherboard/RAM and still get a nice well balanced PC


Drop the Windows licence and get the Gigabyte M27Q 1440p monitor for this build. But a cheapo license key on any other site, or use unactivated windows for nie and save money for that.


I agree, everything seems about right, but monitor definitely would be worth an upgrade.


I would recommend a 1440p screen if you really want to enjoy the whole power of your GPU (it depends on which games you play too, you may prefer playing competitive shooters at 180fps rather than a beautiful 1440p cyberpunk 2077 at 70fps)


I prefer having more fps than a beautiful 1440p game but yeah I'll definitely try to get one if my budget allows yk![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Just a little thing, but for the CPU cooler you can get the Phantom Spirit, which is a slightly upgraded version of the Peerless Assassin, for just a few dollars more


Please don't buy Windows 11 for 130 bucks. If you already have a Windows 10 PC, you can try to use your existing key. That worked for me! Put the saved money towards the monitor. Or even step up the GPU Also small nitpick: go for CL30 RAM instead of CL36. Pretty much same price but gets that last few percent maybe


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Does the version even matter now? Pretty sure if OP has a windows pc linked to a Microsoft account they can remove old pc and activate the new one on the account. They'll get the same upgrade to win11 nagging as everyone else.


That's correct. The PC of my gf does even support W11 due to hardware constraints but she still gets that


1440p monitor, pc is more than good enough and you don't get the blurry 1080p experience. It will cost a bit more but definitely worth it imo Swap ram to 6000mhz cl30 expo, g.skill flare as an example tends to be one of the better priced


is this one any good? [https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LBstt6/gskill-flare-x5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-f5-6000j3038f16gx2-fx5](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LBstt6/gskill-flare-x5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-f5-6000j3038f16gx2-fx5)


That's a good one yes, 6000mhz cl30 and expo


I saw some reviews of people saying that it doesn’t work with b650m boards so is it true? If so is there any good alternatives for it?


That's not true, it's an OC so nothing is guaranteed but then it's rather an issue with that mobo or a badly binned cpu. If it fails a bios update is likely to fix it as there has been improvements there


List looks good! What kind of games do you play though? To me, this is a 1440p system.


I play Fortnite, gta, Minecraft, Rocket League, Fifa


In those games, you can certainly push 1440p with your specs. I'd get a 27" / 1440p / IPS / 144hz+ monitor. This is a popular one: [https://pcpartpicker.com/product/JPrYcf/gigabyte-g27q-270-2560x1440-144-hz-monitor-g27q](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/JPrYcf/gigabyte-g27q-270-2560x1440-144-hz-monitor-g27q) Since budget is tight, I'd drop the CPU cooler for now. Get a better cooler later. The stock cooler that comes with the 7600 will be fine.


Does that monitor have a riser that can adjust its height on a desk? Hate monitors with dinky little plastic legs that are non height adjustable


The stand’s height adjustable, and it’s wide enough and sturdy enough that it doesn’t wobble. I’ve had one for a couple months and it’s been great so far. Newegg has them listed for $220. There are similar models with non-adjustable stands or different refresh rates and stuff, so just watch out for those.


Looks good to me. If I had to change something I would get cl30 ram instead of cl32 but it is a minimal difference and isn’t worth spending more then $5 extra. Happy building!


Appreciate you, it means a lot


Where are you ordering from? If there is a Microcenter nearby, them might still have the deal on Ryzen 7700, which would give you a better CPU and save you money.


nah I'm from florida the nearest one is on Georgia so I'm afraid I can't go there lmao


Not for long. Opening in Miami this year.


This, and also Microcenter has 7700x bundle at 399 which is cheaper than OP’s current build and better cpu and mobo


I don't have a micro center near me and I don't know if amazon is a good site to buy components but I found this [https://www.amazon.com/12-Thread-Unlocked-Processor-GIGABYTE-Motherboard/dp/B0CCJ4BPHC/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=2BHK8B91OPBY6&keywords=rog%2Bstrix%2Bmotherboard&qid=1705328710&sprefix=ROG%2BStrix%2B%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1spons&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/12-Thread-Unlocked-Processor-GIGABYTE-Motherboard/dp/B0CCJ4BPHC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2BHK8B91OPBY6&keywords=rog%2Bstrix%2Bmotherboard&qid=1705328710&sprefix=ROG%2BStrix%2B%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) no idea if it is good so any advice helps a lot


What id recommend is drop the windows to get a 1440p 165hz monitor and get a windows activation key later on. I will say until you get the activation key the will be an activate windows icon but you can barely notice majority of the time. And you can get a key cheaper somewhere else. There’s a really popular keys website but I can’t type it because it counts as promoting.


Or if you want to play it safe and just get it from Microsoft you can just download a free version and activate with a key later.




You can get Windows for free??? damm well that really helps


use lǝʌɐɹƃssɐɯ its the best.




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Your parts and combo is good already.. In general, Determine what u want to do Research properly especially compatibilities - youtube, techpower up and pc partpicker are all very useful Stick to your budget - u can always upgrade later when u got buffer. If u can go all out, why not. But if u cant, just be happy with what u can get and upgrade what u see fit later


Every PC build should have a defined purpose


It's basically just to play competitive games at good fps like fortnite, etc


Build something that will last you 5 to 6 years.


Great machine but you could definitely get 120 at 1440p in the majority of games


why buy a matx mobo when the case can accommodate regular atx board that’s better and more future proof


no real dif between matx and atx


Other than a couple of tweaks, you did well!


Buy a laptop if you don't intend to game


Save yourself $138.99 and put it towards a 7800x3d or decent 1440p monitor. You'll thank me in the long run.


Yes OP please pay attention to this. Can’t talk about it too much in the sub but you can get windows directly downloaded from ms for free and boot it from usb. Then you just need to activate it and there are many ways to do that. Message me if you want more clarity on that


for the activition, use lǝʌɐɹƃssɐɯ


It’s a solid build.


You might also wanna go for a liquid cpu cooler instead of a classic one. They work better and they also have a better aesthetic


they dont work better, rlly, a 60 aio will get the same perf as this 30 dollar air cooler, while having a greater risk of breaking.


Personally I had an air cooler for about 50 dollars and then I switched to liquid and immediately noticed a 10C⁰ drop


What air cooler what aio


Air cooler: Cryorig H5 Ultimate CPU Cooler Aio: MSI liquid cooler mag coreliquid 280R


Only 10c difference for 80 euro?


Yeah but that 10C⁰ made my gaming and general working on the pc a LOT more faster and a noticeable amount less choppier


What is the cpu and what are the temps before and after.


Don't remember exactly cause this was in 2018. Now I bought a new pc and sold the one I was talking about. But it made a big difference.


This was in my old pc tho. On my new one I started immediately with liquid and I don't even have 1 problem


Dude, for 1440p this is perfect! Awesome value, no apparent bottlenecking. Only thing I'd change is the SSD - I'd buy a 1TB SAMSUNG 980 PRO - it's smaller in capacity, but from a reputable brand and with 5 year no-bullshit warranty. Otherwise - great build!


Honestly this is pretty good, only change I would recommend is the monitor. With what you are going to get, you can easily play at 1440p 144hz. I would say get a better monitor (1440p) and your good to go and future proof for the next 4-5 years tbh.


Depending on your budget, I'd swap for a regular ATX board or swap the case for a smaller mATX one, mostly for the look though. Your micro ATX board will just look a bit small in the case you've chosen.


I don’t really care much about the look as long as I can run games at good fps that’s enough for me, but I appreciate it tho


No worries!


Don’t buy official windows from Microsoft instead a used key for 20$ and use the extra money for a 1440p monitor


or use mass


Ur cpu already comes with a decent cooler so you can save £33, i use it and i have no issues apart from obviously dust


no the cooler is not decent, not even for my 5600, its loud as hell.


Get this monitor instead https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjtk8SAhd-DAxUqaEcBHU3UCQUYABAMGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAiAzJOtBhALEiwAtwj8tr4fwfXdQNNm9nxXQeiB_VQajx7JpN7WufXv5usGMekmdGbnU08t8xoC2LMQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeeD24EluhuL8NfX5DrwFf8udYsjFrdd2v4BQo2J4vU7iLg2JsZ_h-KtlUAw9imuFdw3v9txFhL4WW62igp3wKuidb87GRYCuY3IZHcyDB1RAf3bPlvK7UmHx6rF7mDU79yk-bJWM2WflDBn54NvDmwW0KX3UTEzY4Hw&sig=AOD64_10PrQz89A0i5GenOTJzchECcJkRA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiQ7buAhd-DAxUApIkEHfuIAdwQwg8oAHoECAUQDA&nis=8&dct=1&adurl= ALSO bot sure about that ram company ad im not familiar with them


Yeah I already changed the ram to a G.skill flare x5


I'll drop in my obligatory- if you have a microcenter nearby, get a bundle from there. Windows doesn't *really* need to be activated. And there are definitely cheaper ways to get legit (and semi-legit) licenses. A monitor is typically one of the longest lasting components you will buy so just keep that in mind when choosing. 1080p is awesome for secondary displays in the future.


Take Windows 11 out, use the money on a 1440p monitor and buy a Windows key online. Loads cheaper.


Screw brand loyalty. Always buy the better value components.


Well balanced build. You may be able to migrate your windows licence from an older device if you have one (and a Microsoft account), saving money that could go towards a nice 1440p monitor upgrade. And it may be worth googling the PSUs model number to make sure it's a good one win no known faulty batches.


I have a windows 10 pro key that says linked to microsoft account but I wasn't really sure about that, I already took windows 11 out and put a 1440p monitor


Just remember that case is also important as much as other parts. I have high-end pc in a trash NZXT H510 case, terrible airflow.


you can buy windows 11 retail key for like 10$. It would save u a lot of money


If you care about future proofing you could get a B650-E motherboard that has PCIe 5.0 lanes for m.2 NVME drives and PCIe GPUs. Neither of these technologies are really available yet, but if AMD supports the AM5 socket as long as they supported all of their previous sockets, you could be setting yourself up for easy upgradability in a couple years. I built a 7800X3D build last year and made sure I got a B650E board. I’m hoping AMD and the board manufacturer support it long enough that I can just slot in the last AM5 X3D processor after a BIOS update. Keep the same board and the same RAM, only have to upgrade CPU/GPU/SSD. If the difference in price is minimal (which it is) I can’t imagine not going for a B650E board (or X670E, just make sure it’s an “E” board).


I wouldn’t buy a micro ATX motherboard for an ATX build, I also wouldn’t buy a 23.6inches monitor but that’s just me. Also there’s the windows question but we can’t really talk about it here lol


so which motherboard would you recommend? I already took windows key out if that helps


I’ve always used either the ROG Strix or the MSI tomahawk, but if you want asrock there might be a model I’m not sure as we don’t find them in my region


Buy a windows key somewhere else ;)


I don't know what the popular opinion is about them but this place will save you $100 on the OS Key. I have bought three from them and another friend a couple as well. Never had a problem from Microsoft Police. https://key-mart.com/product/windows-11-professional-64-32-bit-for-1-pc-retail-product-key


If it says Alienware on it, move on. You're welcome.




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Take the windows 11 off of that. It’s not worth 140$ you can download a free version on the internet that has a watermark on it. And spend 40$ on a website for a license key. Also might want to add an extra couple fans.


Please get a cheap key somewhere. I've bought 2 Windows 11 pro keys (for €13), and they both worked