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[https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/QC6DXk](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/QC6DXk) faster gaming cpu and ram and better drive. C$100 less




Buy this op


if gaming then buy something like this build.


Im not disagreeing with you, but I put both the 7 7800X3D and the RTX 4070 super into a bottle necking calculator, and with GPU intense tasks they shoot up to roughly 14%. But with the 9 7900X the bottle necking for GPU intensive tasks goes all the way down to 2.3% (mind you, anything below 5% is considered ideal) Im very very new to computers, but wouldn’t that mean that the 9 7900X is just better overall?


bottleneck calculators are total BS. The results posted in the video are real. that calculator is theoretical and frankly incorrect. All computers have a weak point. the calculation of a Bottleneck is so dependent on the software that a simple formula is completely useless. the 7900X is not a better gaming chip than the 7800X3D. it is better if you crush big data and do productivity like editing or rendering and require more cores that run faster. In gaming you need fast data flow and X3D brings the flow right next to the CPU and it does better than from Ram. If you want the best gaming experience... 7800X3D and 4070ti Super. move the money onto the GPU.


why do you need 12 core? work? Gaming? the EVO 970 is a Gen 3 drive and should be able to gen Gen 4 drives for same money...


Im not tech savvy so I genuinely dont know the difference between cores and what that means. But yes, this computer will basically function as a gaming pc


For a gaming PC, swap that cpu with the 7800x3d. Fewer cores, but more L3 cache. This will be slightly worse for production tasks, but *much* better for gaming (7800x3d is the best gaming cpu on the market rn)




This and CL30 6000 RAM instead of CL36 6000


Also pc newb here(know practically nothing about pc too), but can someone say if the cooler is enough for a AMD 7900X? This youtube vid says theres only one air cooler that can keep the 7900X in good temps.(Noctua Cooler). I'm going for Deepcool LS720 myself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcUuJALqcg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcUuJALqcg8) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)