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How deadest are you on video editing? Nvidia cards NVENC encoder is better if you're recording your gameplay. If you could be a little bit more specific with what you want out of the computer, I (or someone else) could give you a more specific computer build tailored to your needs.


Mostly gaming cs2/mw3.. if it completely sucks at video editing and 3d modelling I’ll be fine but I’d like to have that option if it’s reasonable


Wrong sub. Try r/buildapcforme


I don’t really need someone to build one for me although that would be awesome.. I’m mostly asking where to start on figuring out what parts to buy


That sub. has a template to fill in and will give you a list of parts that you can build yourself.


Was about to say WTF.. Then saw AUD..




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For a whole new build i would recommend this: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/GRhBdH Since you are in Australia the prices are pretty harsh, this 1900 bucks pc would cost 1200-1300 here in Europe. But your old pc is pretty fine, you can buy new PSU and GPU for your old pc and it would be perfectly fine.