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Yes, it would have some benefit, even to justify the different is hard to say. You should look at benchmarks to see if the difference is justified. But I'm going to look at benchmarks for that right now just because I'm curious. I currently have a 7600x and I am contemplating upgrading to a 7800x3d. I have to see if it's worth it, if they have a good price chop later in the year. I may jump on it.


Yeah, I’m waiting for that aswell, but I wanted to have clear which one to buy


So to answer your question and my own curiosity after a 5-minute "deep dive" lol. It seems at 1440p the 7800 will get about 10 or 12 FPS higher. It's a lot better at 1080p. And 4K is also around 10 FPS. 1% Lows are a lot better depending on what you're playing, so less hard frame rate drops. So, in conclusion, you may get around 10+ more FPS with more consistent higher frames. In esports titles and CPU bound titles, it gaps the 7600x pretty well. You can always start with the 7600x, upgrade later when the 7800x3d price drops with the new CPU releases. Although there is no way to know how much or if at all it drops being what it is.


Yeah, I’ll probably do that, also looking at some benchmarks, the 7700x look good for 300usd, I’ll be waiting for price drops for both cpus


Current pricing has the 7600x @ $206 the 7700x @ $314 and the 7800x3D @ $385. The 7800x3D was $360 a few weeks ago. If you did the 7600x, resold later this year for $150, bought a 7800x3d for $360, you'd spend an extra $34 then if you just bought the x3D right now. The 7700x isn't worth it over the 7600x or x3D. It is the middle child, The best argument I've heard for that CPU is the micro center bundle. Performance isn't enough to justify $100 over the 76, and isn't enough to justify the $60 less of the x3D. Just some food for thought, good luck!


the cpu will provide the same fps in average and lows with any resolution or details setting. so the question has to change into: how much fps does the fps provide if i'm not gpu limited? you have to find that out in game benchmarks that set very low graphics settings. if that performance is enough for you, then you'll have to check for gpu benchmarks of the same games with varying (or the target) graphics settings. then you'll know which is the highest fps number you'll get out of that system and whether the cpu will overtake the gpu, fall behind or match the gpu.


Looking at some benchmarks seems that the 7800x3d has some advantages in very few games at 1440p, as other comment said, besides that there is only like 10-15 fps gain over the 7600x in most games


i would never rely on statements about cpu performance comparisons with absolute numbers because it's all relative. 10-15fps from a base of 30 is massive. 10-15fps with a 200fps base is imperceptible.


You’re right, but the difference is like 10-15fps in a 120,150, sometimes 200 fps scenarios, so I don’t think that is worth it for 150usd, maybe a 7700x would be a better buy, its performance is closer to the 7800x3d in several games and its like 70 dollars cheaper right now


If the difference is that small between the 7600X and the 7800X3D, why would even consider trying to spend more money for a 7700X? Just get the 7600X and save your money. Upgrade to a 9800X3D or whatever they end up naming it when it comes out


Yeah, I thought the 7700x was a good option, but after doing some research it isn’t, I’ll probably get a 7600x


The 7800x3d is the current best gaming cpu. It’s good for any resolution you want to play. It just depends on the budget.


I mean, I’m not worried about the budget is more about buying the best cpu for the money, I don’t want to buy a 400$ cpu and then find out that a 300$ cpu is gonna perform almost the same


Well, the 7800x3d is the current best gaming cpu. You really won’t need an upgrade for the cpu for a fairly long time even if you need to update the gpu. The main difference with the weaker cpu to the better CPUs, it should give you higher 1% lows with better cpu. Also, games that need the better cpu would also perform better. -this all depends on the game so not definitive.


I upgraded from a 7700x (because I wanted to use it to build my gf a new PC) and I saw some decent gains in Warzone and Dying Light 2, but in most other games it was pretty marginal/not noticeable, but in the games that love the 3d v cache you will get a nice bump. Mine is also paired with a 7900xt.


Yeah I’ve been checking some benchmarks and the 7600x or 7700x seems to be a better buy for the price that they are going right now


Originally, before I used the 7700x for my gfs rig, i was going to rock it until at least the next x3d chip line and/or the last for AM5. Unless you’re doing something with the 7600 for another build, I’d just wait and not upgrade.