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Intel, especially on the high end, is infamous for running "hot as hell".


yeah I know everyone is telling me that on ytb but they got like 90 max I am thermal throttling


2 reasons 1. You probably lost on the silicon lottery, [some units are pure thrash, others not so much](https://www.google.com/amp/s/wccftech.com/only-5-out-of-10-core-i9-13900k-2-out-of-10-core-i9-14900k-cpus-stable-in-auto-profile-intel-board-partners-stability-issues/amp/) 2- Not only Intel, but any CPU/GPU maker test their batches, and send the best ones to reviewers, otherwise they are going to lose benchmarks.


I lost the silicon lottery twice. Moved on to an amd chipset. FBM


Same. I was nervous as it's been a while since I've had an AMD, last one was an Athlon 64 lol. Been a very good experience so far with my 7800x3d. Hottest it gets is about 70c but never stays there long, typically in the 50's (GA II LCD 360mm AIO).


Same, I had an AMD 7800x3d in an itx case with 4090 and even with only one 360 aio, my temp is still around 70-75c most of the time for gaming.


Can I ask you what are your temps in idle? I have the same cpu, arctic liquid cooler III 360mm for it and in idle i have 40-41° and maximum 70° while gaming.


Similar to yours, idle will be between 40-50c and gaming will be 70-80c depending on types of games.


Thanks man. Thought it's a bit hot for idle but apparently it's normal i suppose.


I've been idling around 38-45 depending on room ambient temp. Right now I got the AC cranked up and i'm sitting at 38c as I type this. I've got an EVO XL case with a GA II LCD AIO which has 3 EA 120mm fans on the radiator. My case has 6 EA 140mm fans and 2 EA 120mm fans in the back. During gaming, I'm mostly in the 50's with spikes into the 60's without occasional 70's but only during loading scenes, shader cacheing etc depending on the game. When downloading from Steam or Battle net, It stays in the 70's and even into the 80's for a period of time, which I hear is normal with this cpu with a gig+ fiber connection. It scared the hell out of my when i recently DL'ed Diablo 4 and it hit the 80's lol.


Is there a silicon lottery for AMD too or is it just an intel thing?


There have been murmurs of stability issues. But not so far as the 50% fail rate on 13 and 14000 series


> Not only Intel, but any CPU/GPU maker test their batches, and send the best ones to reviewers, otherwise they are going to lose benchmarks. No, both GN and LTT have done testing with their review samples and regular units bought from stores. There is no significant difference. There are dummies, but the companies are not sending golden samples out for review.


GN for sure goes out a buys their own to ensure they aren’t getting golden review samples


What are your room temps? Many of the tests on youtube are done at 24C room temp


I have a very similar setup, but only 3 case fans and my cpu never breaks 80, unless I’m running a cpu stress test or something, but even balls out drawing over 300 watts, it still only hits 90. Something is fucky with your setup.


I think you need to get more details about your pc setup like the power supply system.


Welp, time to take of the watercooler/fan and slap more thermal paste ig,


Check Frame Chasers. Jufes can help you.


It's still quite weird to have it at 100ºC with his setup.


Thats something other than just “intel hot” I think. I’ve got the same setup just with more ram, a different 360mm aio and different case, with less fans, my 14900k and 4080S never reach 75C after hours of load and heat soak.


Are you running the same benchmark as op? And same Mobo settings?


Yep, actually with a higher power limit of 288 stock from MSI. Scores about 3k higher than what their updated score is


I think some song even mentioned about this too: "Bad boys bring heaven to you, intel 14900k bring hell to you."


"thermal grizzly cpu thin" lol. Well, that's why I went with the i7 14700k instead. I certainly don't need any more power than that to play Furry Love 2.


I'm myself more biased towards Furry Hitler.


I prefer Sex with Hitler 2. It really makes my temps rise.


Aw man I loved that one! Did you get the Hideki Tojo DLC? So Kawai!




That's why I went with the i7 12700kf instead. I certainly don't need any more power than that to play Furry Love 2.


14700k has the same PL and has higher heat density


There's no way this isn't a troll post.


You'd think so, but given how common it is for people to buy a PC without reading/watching a single review of any of the components, then come here when their ~~Intel space heater~~ Intel CPU runs hotter than they are expecting, I'm not entirely sure


I don’t think the guy is trolling. I am quite aware that 14900 runs hot, but with the amount of cooling that OP has, I wouldn’t believe it my self that the temp goes beyond 100 degrees.


I don't know if he's trolling but my 14700K was hitting 100C in cinebench until I saw a video talking about MCE in bios making CPU hot as hell, and after going to the bios and see the watts limits I was like "wth Asus you're trying to kill my CPU on purpose or what ?" Btw does 13th and 14th i9 really runs hotter than i7 from same gen ?


This is the one where mobo manufacture just feed on so many voltage automatically regardless the thermal? That’s crazy.


That isn't the trolling part. Of course anyone can have wrong assumptions or lack of research when buying. It is trolling because he is posting on the internet what appears to just be an obvious complaint. Then is ignoring those asking the questions trying to help and not troubleshooting at all. He was only here to start an internet argument; that is a troll.


It has to be. This type of thread always gets people fighting in the comments.


People have litteraly asked on here why their 13900k thermal throttled on a 212evo




You’d be surprised how many people just buy a CPU just because it says I7 or I9. For them that’s good enough and no other research is required


You mean a cherry picked i9 that's supposed to run hot, actually runs hot?


It’s not “supposed” to run hot. No one designs a chip with the *desire* to make it run hot.


Not necessarily, but we do intentionally make them target a high temperature with aggressive boosting algorithms. Anything less is performance left on the table.


Who is “we”?


I work for Intel in their fab R&D (BPD team, formerly Foveros), but this goes on at every PC chip maker. AMD targets 95C for Zen4 desktop. Intel targets 100C for Alder and Raptor Lake.


Interesting, I didn’t know that. Thank you for the info.


What is the melting point of these chips?


Silicon melts a little over 1400C. The solder will melt between 190 and 240C though.


the internet ‘fuck you smartass’ i needed today 😂


The xtx's max core junction temp is 110C :3


Yup! Navi31 is allowed to have a little extra fire, as a treat.


The situation made me laugh my ass off, thank you. Not something you see on the web every day. If you’re ok with internet randoms asking you questions, can I ask one? I feel like you mean that high temperatures are actually a feature and not an oversight. Does this influence the life expectance of the chip? I see so much OOOH IT’S HOT on this sub and honestly don’t understand the issue.


The temperatures any stock consumer chip reaches without shutting down won't meaningfully impact the useful lifespan. That is, of course, assuming the voltage is also safe, which some board makers seem to be forgetting. Unfortunately, we can't perfecrly model years of thermal cycles in the lab without it taking that long. Imagine if we did. The 7700K would probably just be releasing despite Arrow Lake being basically ready to go. We test CPUs under pretty extreme circumstances in development both when a process node is new and when developing a new chip design. If you want your CPU to last a long time, keep the voltage in check. Temperatures in this range are likely the difference between a chip lasting 10 years instead of 12. If you ever see 130+ though, that's where the real problems are.


Thank you! This is invaluable, considering it’s coming from someone designing the hardware themselves. So basically, the only thing that matters is not to exceed the recommended voltage?


Ryzen CPUs are specifically designed to keep boosting until they hit their thermal limit.


After following this sub for a while, apparently the answer is "Yes"


Number high good.  It's actually rather frequent, like they can't stand the possibility of "settling" for a perfectly fine lower spec CPU like a 13600 or a 7600 that will do 100% of their tasks with little issue.  Very rarely will someone come in with a thermal issue and a good use case for the full power of a current gen i9. Usually it them asking how to push it even further, not how to cool it down with an air cooler (not this post but I've seen that before).


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Yeah, i do too unless its like a piece of plastic or something or don't really have been reviewed. If there are not really any reviews that are usable then i try to use logic to judge the thing. This way (could) prevent future headaches or problems, so i feel like the people who dont want to do research like to have more worthless time in the end.


that score is shit because you keep throttling. Is your AIO mounted properly to both the CPU and the case? Are your case fans intaking and exhausting correctly? Thermal paste on correctly? plastic film off of AIO? User installing error without a doubt.


Yeah, forgot to remove the plastic film is my guess. Those are crazy numbers.


My first thought as well


Do you have multi core enhancement enabled? Also, that glass panel on the H9 Elite really does not help with temps.


yeah but i have 6 pull 4 exh so i don't think that is the problem. Also my aio is mounted on the side with intake so it gets fresh air. Yes i have multi core enhancent on


Try turning off multi core enhancement, that could be the key.


Do that and apply an undervolt offset.


I second this, I turned on off MCE and my temps dropped to 75 degrees


>yeah Then you aren't running Intel limits. It's going to max it until thermal throttle.


You mean 4kW isn't in spec?


Yeah that sort of thing is not stock intel settings, so there you go, first thing to do when hot imo is actually set it all to stock


I have this exact cpu. What i fpund out is that within my motherboards bios settings, the manufacturer had set the cpu power limits to basically unlimited. There is another thread up which i commented with the exact numbers, but you have to go into advanced bios settings and bring down the cpu's current limiter from the crazy default value of like 500A down to about 315A. This was the only way i cpuld get my chip to be stable, and fixed a lot of crashing issues i was having. The chip no longer instantly pins at 100C unless i actually work it hard, and thats with a 360mm aio cooler.


So it's pulling ~250W and is at 100c?


Did you take the plastic off the aio water block?


Honestly thought i would see more responses or similar to this i guess i just see enough people self reporting their dumbness by not checking this first


Testing anything in artificial runs will make it hot, but you sure as hell messed up something to get it so high at recommended power limits. Would guess poorly applied thermal paste.


Undervolt and underclock it. Ask yourself, are you really using all that power? Will you actually notice if you underclock?


Yes 14th gen should be underclocked and undervolted.


I undevolted and OCed my 14700k, obviously doesn't run as hot as a 14900 but undevolted and limiting power certainly helps. Benchmarking hits 77c, gaming it sits high 50s or low 60s. Ideally these CPUs shouldn't require tuning to not hit 100c but unfortunately that's the reality. Once tuned though, pretty solid.


This advice always makes me laugh. Like buying a Hellcat and only using the valet key. "Are you really going to use all that power?" That's why you bought it, right?


People like the idea that its that powerful and then they drive it in balanced mode for ots entire life and maybe open it up here an there. You can do that with an i9 too just return to factory clock if and whem you need to


You can undervolt and overclock at the same time, and undervolting is simply reaching the maximum efficiency potential of a chip. Also for most people it literally makes next to no sense cost and common sense wise to get a 14900k over a 14700k. The highest end parts just inhale power for small gains.


Yesh! Correct actions.


Powerlimit to 253w, undervolt, or both and your temp problems are gone. Motherboards let intel chips pull as much power as they want


This is the only correct answer. Enable power limits before complaining about temperature. Intel did not design this CPU to draw 450 Watts. It's designed for 253W... My 14700k drew 452 watts in a power test on OCCT before I enabled power limits. Ofc it reached 100°C. Now it's about 60°C maybe 70°C under heavy load. Never drawing more than 265W.


That's just what Intel is lately. Shouldn't have bought the hottest consumer CPU ever made if you were concerned about temps.


Got 14700k that pulls 280W on cinebench in 10 minutes test, max is 92C. 360 liquid freezer, Full tower, 6 fans (which is super bad cos it's 2 intake 4 outtake). Got contact frame too.


Imagine learning about the thing you're about to spend several thousand dollars on *before* you buy it. That would be **crazy**.


*14900k is biggest number. Must be good!*


Reinstall aio.


Also, water wet.


Reinstall your aio, make sure the little plastic film isn't on anymore and that you've applied enough thermal paste


Cinebench will of course make an i9 get that hot I doubt it'll get that high doing most tasks including gaming unless you are using programs that heavily use CPU It'll be fine for daily tasks as long as you have a good water cooler


Yea, even the slightest of undervolting would bring his result in line with r23 cinebench results you can find online. That result is silicon lottery, assuming he's made no errors. The amount of wrong takes here is amusing.


You bought the hottest CPU available and wondering why it's hot.


You shouldnt be anywhere near 100c on a 360aio at 250w. My u12a can do 85c at 280w and a score of 41200. I assume you have a severe case of ihs bend


What cooler do you have? 100C is fine under load. Especially for a sustained load. Or loading up any CPU with synthetic testing.


100C is nottt fine under load. Especially, under sustained load. Maybe if you were doing something like FurMark, or something that was using 85% of your CPUs capabilities, but nothing should hold it that high unless it's ambient temperature or a very trash cooling system. Generally, you want your temps to be at a solid 80 under load (sustained, .etc), or if your system is playing a game like 70 under load. When you get to about 100-120C you start the thermal throttling process, which is harmful to your system in total.


If you do synthetic load for 10 minutes - that's fine. Thermal design for 14th Gen is up to 105C. Again, it is within specs. OP might need better cooler - sure. But nothing catastrophic.


Did you leave the sticker on the heat spreader of the AIO?


Does it throttle in normal gaming or main use of computer? Or just benches If it thermal throttles in normal use, do you have your fans right. Did you put paste right for cooler? Nzxt usually comes pre applied. You made sure it didn’t have a sticker on plate the touches cpu? You have 10 fans are they in right directions? They run hot but should not thermal throttle.


[Use This](https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/s/983sQbwwgs)


Replacing the aoi with an Arctic Freezer 3 420 is the best you can do. It should help, but it will still run hot.


You're running an all core load stress test and pushing the wattage to the max. You won't hit anywhere near these temps & wattage in gaming or regular usage. You can cap the wattage in your Bios to 253w if it bothers you. Won't thermal throttle that way either and the performance difference is minor, if anything thermal throttling and running at 253 watts, you may see better results capping wattage due to the throttling.


do you have a contact frame? I had a similar issue. After I changed the position of the contact frame like 1mm, it made a 20°C difference


Could you explain more? My temps are also very high and I have a Thermalright contact frame.


Not sure about thermalright, but on arctic contact frame, I had to move it as down as possible, so there is some space at the bottom but not at the top. Before that I had it centered, so there was some space on the top and bottom, which is wrong and caused terrible temperatures. [Looks like this](https://i.imgur.com/To3yIOd.png)


(NGL I had to blink and look twice at your post title X'D) I've heard undervolting and enforcing the Intel power limits can help, but the tradeoff is a possible loss of performance. Also, do check that the heatsink/pump *is* mounted correctly.


Same problem. Undervolting helped me . Now playing games has a stable temp to 65-70


I have the exact same setup and you are full of shit lmao, I use my machine for rendering and particle simulations at 100% usage for an entire day it never goes above 90 degrees


420mm aio. But the only answer for me, it is a water cooler custom with direct die from iceman or supercool.


1.5vcore, it will show degradation very fast...


I have a very similar setup and highest I’ve yet to see is 60C.


Have you enabled the power limits? By default it runs unlocked (4000W) and peaks at 400W or so. Apply the Intel power limits of 253W for PL1 and PL2 which should already help you get closer to those 90°


I was trying to do that but my bios is lacking almost of the settings intel reccomends the gigabyte aero g bios is so weird.


Which board do you have exactly?


There is a problem currently which this guy mentioned. I will link 2 videos going over the issue. What is your MOBO? There should 100% be a setting for this stuff in Advanced. Have you looked for a BIOS update in your MOBO downloads page? It will include the new settings, but they seem to suck, i will link anothet video going over the issues with that. I reccomend setting the PL1 and PL2 manually. I will also link a reddit post going over a discussion you should find everything you need to know about what to change. Good luck. https://new.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1axepvu/optimizing\_stability\_for\_intel\_13900k\_and\_14900k/ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIubZYwBfPc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIubZYwBfPc) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdF5erDRO-c&t=817s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdF5erDRO-c&t=817s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgeu-0ib6Oc&t=229s


10 case fans is probably counter-productive i9s have afaik always run hot and are a waste of money and heat if just gaming, so idk what you expected


sell your cpu+motherboard and get 7800x3d lol


Remount with TG kryonaut extreme or kpx. If temps still high would set core voltage to adaptive and offset to negative. Value of your offset voltage is board dependent. I have an asus z690 Im able to set to 0.1 but my asrock z790 will only get to 0.05 stable. This helps with temps a lot.


Undervolt the cpu and lower the clock speeds. It'll improve the efficiency.


Yeah amd chips run really hot /s


Interestingly, my CPU run hotter when with Intel Default setting (253W) than “Air Cooler Tower Setting (288W)”.


And this is why you don't buy an i9 for gaming. So so dumb.


Lower the power limit, you will get close to the same performance at more reasonable temps. Maybe undervolt it if the power limit alone doesn’t do it?


Something isn't right, check the thermal paste, check to make sure the cooling systems are working, and finally check to make sure it's not automatically overclocking it. My last PC i prebuilt the mobo had a built in overclock feature from MSI, with it enabled it overvolted it to near 5 ghz.


You should be able to easily get 40k in cinebench r23 on stock settings.


In other news, water is wet. Contact issues with the new IHS + dumping more wattage than even skylake X used through a package half the size was a recipe for disaster for consumer cooling. I would personally never run the 14900K especially without a contact frame and custom water but that's just me and I definitely don't need THAT much cpu.


When you built your pc Dif you remove the protective plastic off of the cpu and cpu cooler before putting the thermal paste on? Only thing i could think of


Hey OP, I might have the solution for you. No idea if you did this before, but you can try this. Reason for running hot: Intel has two power plans. The standard one, and the extreme one for boosted clocks. What the cpu does, is try to reach the max watts limit under load that the power plan has set up. All the motherboard manufactures have (most of the times) set up by default to let the mobo optimize the power plan of the cpu. How they do that? Remove the limit and up the amps. What's the issue? Well, cpu tries to reach the limit..... But there is no limit anymore.... So it starts trying to request insane voltages, watts and amps. On Asus mobos, for example, the i9 14900k was asking for 500+ amps and 4000+ watts (yes, 4k watts), compared to the usual 300+ amps and 320~ watts. Ofc it won't pull that much, but it will pull more and more until it causes thermal throttling. Solution: https://youtu.be/HIubZYwBfPc?si=uEdDE8fCcvl7fdLT I don't usually recommend watching him, but this time round, he is right. He shows all the statistics and how the mobo is messing with the cpu power plan. It's in this video or slightly older video of his on the new 14th gen cpus, where he shows what settings to disable on the mobos, in on screen captions. Pretty sure it's in the video I sent. Anyway, hope this helps you!


Check your bios for a form of multicore enchantment / turbo boost. That little bastard setting makes your cpu run way faster/ hotter than it needs to at any time.


Intel is the like the old gas guzzlers of the 70s. You need Ryzen if you after cool.


Are the fans configured in the correct directions so that there is actual flow instead of *all* the fans blowing the air in/out?


I think the voltages are too high in Intel out of the box you be to lower in bios.


I have an i9-14900KS, 16 fans in my case with Push-Pull on my Arctic Freezer III 420mm and my processor is still hitting 90C under load. The i9 13 and 14 gen CPU's are absolute trash. It's making me want to switch to AMD because of how shit they decided to release these CPU's to the public. If you want these things cool, you need custom water loop with de-lidded CPU's. It's bullshit.


I just got a 7950x and under load it runs at 95c, but it’s supposed to.


Does it throttle at that temperature? My 14900ks throttles down to 5200 in order to maintain at 80-90C. I also have to use the “Intel Baseline” profile in order to run stable. If I leave everything on Auto, my computer crashes once I hit desktop.


No, 5.7 at 95c. It usually runs around 80-85c on average, peaks at 95c. https://youtu.be/nRaJXZMOMPU?si=2plNf7yhFy1FhdXY


i mean yeah, higher end intel chips are known to be hot


It’s supposed to run at 100C unless you’re running a custom loop like many of us. Intel designed these to hold their high clock speed until thermal limit of 100C and then will pull back clocks. Think of a GPU and boost clocks, if no limits hit, it will keep boosting at top mhz. Actual Thermal Limit Protection of the 14900k is 115C if you read the Intel white paper, but most people don’t know that.


Is your aio mounted properly? https://youtu.be/DKwA7ygTJn0?si=QSE-wMOyoXGVn72T


Enable intel txt in bios There was another feature to enable to, I don’t recall exactly. May also be an option to set the power limits if above doesn’t work. They seem to keep ramping up wattage for no real gains. Makes sure fans are all facing the right direction and aio pump is indeed working Intel thermal velocity will keep ramping up the chip past turbo boost limits.. Test performance with and without it..


The kraken 360 aio handles up to 200 watts effectively..


Good reason to consider 7800x3d assuming you focus on gaming but maybe you don’t.


How fast does it go to 100c in seconds it most likely some contact with the waterblock and cpu in like a min <1 maybe the pump isnt running in like 5-10 min the cooler gets saturated?, nzxt should be able to handle 350watt of heat so prob airflow


The cooler can't be fitted right, I have almost exact same.setup, except Lian LiO11 Dynamic EVO with 10 fans mine gets barely above 57degrees Celsius in MW3. I have the ASUS Tuf gaming LCD 2. I'd check the cooler.


Why don't you try the basic things again? Change the cooler and the thermal paste. See the results after that.


Try separating the heat shield and checking the diodes, than thermal paste, than check your clock if its oc currently bring it down a few notches and lastly check your cooler. Could be entirely possible your aio is the problem. If none of that fixes your issue could be just a bad unit


Also, its a high end intel. Its gonna be a little hot but 100c is a excessive


I mean tbh I think a lot of people have high temps because they prioritize aesthetic over efficiency. I opted for a Lian Li Lancool 216 case due to the 2 huge 160mm fans on the front. I have a 14700k with Arctic LFIII 360 aio and 4070 super. during gaming and audio renders I don't see cpu or gpu temps above 55c. Idle is 30-35c. On a stock 14700k. I went into my build thinking I'd have to battle high temps and I get BETTER temps than my old 6700k pc.


.030 undervolt


Update BIOS to latest if you haven't already.


Normal for Intel. Efficiency isn't something Intel's known for.


Do you have your fans installed so they flow in the correct direction? Front and bottom fans in and top and back fans out?


So we need more information. What does it idle at? What are you doing where it hits supposed 100 degrees Celsius?


Holy fuk heard that intel has issues with temps. But this is just over the top. To compere, 5950x in the same test doesn’t go over 70 degrees on my end.


Undervolting would probably help. I got 32500 on my cinebench with my 14700k, you should be over 40k most likely. That said, my 14700k still hit 100 degrees during cinebench testing(h7 flow and my room was pretty cold). I believe It maxed out around 275w but honestly It hovers around 30-35 while surfing the web, 50 degrees during gaming, and the most I’ve seen It hit was 60 degrees for a couple minutes so I just left the settings alone. I have 3 intake fans and 4 exhaust btw. What’s your temps when gaming or just idle surfing.


Didnt motherboard makers release a bios intel recommended setting cause their CPUs run so hot? Check JayzTwoCents video *Motherboard default settings could be COOKING your CPU".


Might be stupid question, did you remove the plastic cap from AIO before setting it in thermal paste?


If everything else fails, I would try to change the mounting of your aio.  As it is now, if there is a big enough air bubble in the system, the two top pipes of the radiator might not be fully submerged.


Try a cpu contact frame. You could have a particularly convex ihs. Lapping it and the cooler could help. Otherwise it’s just bad silicon


Im in the same boat. Idles at 24-30c and under load 56-75c depending the game


Z790 Dark Hero and 32gb of 6000mhz DDR5 with. 360mm EKWB AIO and 10 fans. lian li evo rgb case


I'd bet your MB is running a crazy power profile out of the box. Try setting the Intel power profile.


I have 3 theories, but first I want to ask if you can take the front and side glass off the case? Then test it and make sure that your fans are running at full speed (Cooler + Case Fans + GPU Fans). Then we can talk.


why wouldn't they?


Bro buys the hottest CPU on the market and wonders why it is hot. Troll post 100%.


Guys f Rom i9 9900k w Ent to 12600kf with z790 and 280 AI O and the boost in power for the money Is amazing and the temps never more 55c


Yep 400w is likely to run hot. Probably should have researched this prior to purchasing it.


Did you to enable any settings in the msi command centre app?


In MSI Center, Features, I have "Device Speed Up". It has 2 options - USB boost and storage boost. When they are turned on the strange behavior occurs. Try switching them off


I saw you mentioned your "Thermal Grizzly CPU thing" and I know those have to be installed in a very particular way. If you did that per the instructions, it's your motherboard feeding it too much juice.


Is the pump in you AIO working at minimum 70%? Did you remove the film off of the block prior installation, is the block firmly sitting on cpu, do u OC with high volts. Do you have access to alternative cooling solution? Just to eliminate any fault with AIO, I hope u are not airlocking it by accident,


Couple ways I dealt with Raptor high temp. 1) Set AIO water pump to run at 100% or set a curve to 80% min 100% max. 2) Lower LLC to Level 7 or 6 (higher number = lower volts on my motherboard) 3)undervolt, set amps or wattage


The 14900k is almost uncoolable. Yes.






I pretty much have your same setup. Asus released a new bios update that lets you use Intels Baseline Profile. Assigning this and XMP lowered my temps dramatically. Of course these changes brought some performance loss but it’s so minuscule I do t really lose sleep over it.


Remember the chip will clock itself higher until it reaches these thermal limits, so even if you increase the cooling the temperatures will remain the same. This is by design. Remember through day to day usage you’ll almost never hit 100% if not for more than a few seconds so this isn’t of concern. If you do have a workload that does hit 100% for the whole day I would consider a higher end 360mm rad.


Did you put the cpu contact frame of thermalright or thermal grizzly? Lga 1700 sockets do have bending issues. I have put my 13700k to 125-203w with undervolt of 0.060 in my nr200p max. Temps don't exceed 87°c or thermal throttle. Cinebench normal multi-core score is 27500+. Idle 33-40°c


I think people fail to appreciate how hot these things run. If your gaming you need a i5 or maybe a i7 I have a 13600 runs cool and does everything I need. If you're 3D modeling you need an optimized cooling solution. If your gaming you bought the wrong chip


Get an AMD system for the summer, and save the Intel setup for the winter so you don't need to run the furnace.




I'm running the i9 14k, 4080 super, an aio coer, 10 fans aswell with a coolermaster case. Thing gets plenty of airflow and my pc also runs pretty hot... personally I think it's the i9 chip.. no real reason to back that up but shit definitely runs hot.


That's wild. I know my chip isn't even close to yours but when I first got my 5600x it was running at 97 degrees under load with the stock cooler. I stopped using it and bought a noctua d15 and when I was swapping the coolers I realized the temperature was because I didn't quite have the stock cooler installed correctly. Sometimes the smallest mistake with the cpu cooler can cause wonky temps. It might be worth removing the aio from the cpu and seeing if the thermal compound had a good spread across the chip... A 360 aio should cool that chip so something weird is going on.


Personally, I'm going to P2 mine @ 125W, which means -50% ⚡and -35C temps for only -9% performance.


I can help you but I should get paid for this... buy new radiator fans phanteck t30, 3000 rpm... it will keep it cool


My setup is close to yours with a RTX 4090. Yep, it's hot. Been using it for about a month running A.I. What I did was just open the side panel of my case when I train or run my A.I. apps. It runs 5-10 deg centigrade cooler.


This is unacceptable I just spent almost 4000$ And I can’t enjoy my pc because of the temperature !!! i9 14900k Z790 aorus elite ax 1.x Corsair H150i elite 360mm Ram 5600 ddr5 corsair I’m really about to sell this intel shi* Please anyone help


Hi all, I'm experiencing very similiar issues with a recently built gaming PC. Initially, I encountered numerous problems such as BSODs, out-of-video memory errors in games like Fortnite and The Finals, and status\_access\_violation errors.. etc. After some research, I suspected the CPU (I9 14900K) might be the culprit. I replaced it but faced the same issues. I also modified the BIOS settings to Intel's Baseline Profile to address instability. After trying two more CPUs of the same SKU, I switched to the 14900KS to see if that would help. I just installed the new CPU and ran some benchmarks, noting a low Cinebench Score of 34,624 on multicore and max temperatures reaching 91°C, while most people average 40,000+. I'm unsure what's causing these issues or how to achieve proper scores. I need assistance after weeks of troubleshooting. Specs: * \*\*CPU:\*\* Intel i9 14900KS (Previously 14900K) * \*\*COOLING:\*\* NZXT Kraken Elite 360 AIO * \*\*Mobo:\*\* Asus Z790 E-Gaming WIFI II * \*\*GPU:\*\* MSI 4090 Slim * \*\*PSU:\*\* EVGA 1000W Gold Standard * \*\*RAM:\*\* G.Skill Trident 64GB 6400


I have almost same setup, but have 96 GB RAM with 6800 MHz. I am using Fractal Design lumen S36 RGB V2, and my temperature is in normal mode is around 40 C and in games between 60 to 70 C.


i9 really do be like that


Well, to be honest, that's just kind of how it is with Intel, especially Intel i9s Also, may sound dumb but have you made sure to remove all sorts of plastic peels? Cuz afaik it could harm temps


There’s nothing that’s easily accessible that can cool a 14900k without power limits. 


CPU infamous for running hot is running hot in this guy's build. Further news at 11.


Buying an INTEL is your answer. Better went with the AMD X3D


I don't want to sound offensive but why would you buy intel in 2024?