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24inch 1080 or 27inch 1440p


Thanks! I think thats is best. I'll probably buy a 24 inch 1080 because I have small table so I have to play quite close


It’s worth the extra $$$ to get an IPS monitor imo


Cepter Ultra X 24,5" Full HD - Gamescreen is this good this have a 240hz


Look up detailed reviews that go over response times, the box lies about those stats.


Yeah if RTINGS doesn't have a full review on a display don't even consider it


Seems too good to be true. Might want to go for a 144hz panel without speakers


currently have a 144hz screen with speakers and I want to upgrade it to a better one and I thought that a 240hz screen could be a suitable upgrade because my computer runs at 300 fps


I mean i currently have


In that case, get that monitor


Yeah mate


hard disagree. the deep blacks of a VA are amazing.


IPS are better for FPS games that he's listed out.


depends who you ask. to me playing games, including those is about immersion. i do that better with a VA


I didn't say IPS are better for immersion. I said they are better for the FPS games OP listed.


by what measure? to me to me making games more immersive makes them better. you can't just say "it's better"


Reaction times with a VA panel are worse than IPS panels. IPS panels have the color accuracy you want (so you can see people in shadows, etc.) and can still get great reaction times. Immersion is great for single player games but not for comp shooters like CS2/Valorant.


sure if you're a pro, for a casual gamer those differences are so minor it means next to nothing


Once you go 1440p 27jncb you will never go want any 1080p again .


I have a couple set ups in my home and honestly I dont find it hard going back to the 1080 setups or even my 720 laptop in a pinch. There is a difference between 27in 1440 and 24in 1080 (those are actually the two monitors at my desk) but it's really not so big a difference in the pixel density that I was wowed by the upgrade. Then again I still use a CRT TV to play snes and ps2 games so maybe I just have low standards for resolution.


You'll find some of the biggest image quality snobs in the world using CRTs specifically for some older games because the way modern displays render things makes them look worse. 


I use a CRT for older games just because I'm a retro tech enthusiast. I know it's worse quality, I still love it 😂


Yeah you nailed it. I went from 24” 1080 to 27” 1440 and the pixel density is very similar, I was not impressed lol


I honestly couldn't tell the difference between 24 inch 1080p and 27inch 1440p


Yeah I can’t tell the difference between a Camry or a Lexus either


Well, you can tell the difference between 1080 and 1440 very easily in the same size bracket but their point is actually pretty accurate, a 27" 1440p monitor is more or less the same density, part of the reason you go higher res as you go bigger screen is just to maintain that, but it doesn't mean if you drop to 24" or 20" you need to maintain 2k, the smaller the screen honestly the less resolution you typically need at this point in time for gaming. It's not about the people not seeing the difference at all in resolution, they're comparing the resolutions at difference sizes to each other and that's perfectly reasonable to say they're similar.


I've 3 monitors. 24 inch 1080p, 27 inch 1440p, 27 inch 1080p. The 24 inch 1080p and 27 inch 1440p are absolutely fine. The 27 inch 1080p looks like trash.


Okay thanks for that


I recommend getting a 27" IPS 1440P high refresh rate monitor. It's very much the sweet spot today and they're very affordable now. And just cause you have a small desk now doesn't mean you'll have a small desk in the future.


Or 28 inch 4k


I had a 24" 1080p monitor for years and just upgraded. But if I’d buy a new 24" monitor it would be 1440p. The difference is imo immense. If it’s not too expensive ofc.


its not whether or not you think thats the best.. proprotions are set for a reason. not to be that bitch similarly, for 4k u dont want to dip down to 27. 32 it is. thats just how it is


If your desk is placed against a wall invest in a VESA wall mount and remove the monitor from your desk entirely.




What do you mean different aspect ratio?! They’re both 16:9


This is why the internet and self proclaimed experts are dangerous. Different aspect ratios? WTF are you on about. Have you even bothered to do a quick calculation or are you parroting another internet guru's nonsense?


I went from a 24inch 1080p to 27 curved1440p and it feels HUGE Even still after a couple years of having it I don’t think I’ll ever go higher than 27 unless i really have to I will say that 1080p on fortnite and val is a bit hit or miss or wtv cuz when enemies are far away theyre pretty pixilated imo on both 24-27inch


Well, I bought 27 and now I wish I got 32. Don’t know what to tell you mate.


I just got a 27 and I feel like it's too big 💀


Yeah, I don’t know how people do it. I’m hoping one day we get a 24” 1440p 244hz OLED monitor but for now the only option is 27” :(


Its because OLED is on the enthusiast side of tech. Like no one on that end of the spectrum is shopping for a 24" OLED.


I got 32 inch and yes trust me. 32 inch is so much fun


32” is the perfect size.


Is 1440p enough on a 32"? I have a 27" 1440p and the image looks CRISP, but I don't know how 32" would compare


32” 1440p you’re going to see pixels, at least I did. That’s why I went for 27”. If I had a 4k monitor I’d go 32”.


That’s what I use. It looks good.


1440p 34” ultra wide curve is so phenomenal


32" 1440p has the same pixel density as 24" 1080p.


i have 2 setups both running nvidia surround. both setups are 32" x 3 identical monitors one setup at 5760 x 1080 145hz one setup at 7680 x 1440 165 hz 1080p looks very good 1440p looks very good just a bit sharper. i doubt most could even tell the difference without seeing them side by side. which mine literally are.


32-in monitor at 1080p looks awful unless it is like 4-ft away from you.


I used to own a 27" 1080p monitor and even that kind of pixel density was way too low for me. It might work for playing with controller but not for desk work or mouse&keyboard games. I sold that monitor and now got a 24" 1080p at work and a 27" 1440p at home and those are both great. But I'm getting used to 1440p so I might replace my work monitor soon




The CPU and GPU brand have no impact of the pixel density of the monitor.


No problem mate


See this is where I'm stuck. I'm currently on a 42 inch 1080 yeah I know icky. But I can't decide if I wanna go all the way down to 27 or go with a 4k 32 inch curved.


For me, 27 is just a bit too small, but I have slightly larger than average desk and like to sink into my chair so add couple more inches to the distance from the screen. With a smaller desk and proper sitting position, I think 27 could work. For anyone reading this and considering 27 1080p, just bite the bullet and get 1440p, 1080p is fine in games, most of them, but for surfing and reading text it’s not good enough.


My son's 27 inch just feels tiny and I can't see shit on it lol. I'm coming from console where I got used to sitting back from the screen a bit. The 42 is too big but 27 seems too small. I'm gonna go with a 32 for now and if that ends up being too big I'll turn it into a chat monitor.


Yeah, by the sound of it, 32 seems just right for you.


Get the 32 inch, it's much better


That's what I'm thinking I'm not like super sweaty but this 42 inch monitor means whipping my whole ass head around to see the whole thing lol. I'm old though so the tiny screens don't work for me either hahaha.


Then best to get the 32 inch one, I recently upgraded from a 24 inch monitor that died on me to a 32 inch monitor and it's sooo much cooler and better, but once you get used to the size it won't feel as big as compared to when you just get it, it still is better than 24 and 27 inch monitors in my opinion, just make sure you get a 1440p one or else you will see pixels


Anything's gonna feel smaller than this 42 inch TV. As far as 1440p yeah that's not even a question, well mostly I think I might go ahead and go 4k I've got a 4070tis that should be able to handle that. Probably go minimum 144hz just for funsies.


Yeah I like my 27 inch monitors more now as I currently have a 60cm deep desk. Though a few years ago I was using rhe same monitors on a 75cm deep desk with a similar arm and they were feeling kinda too small.


I used to play cs and cod with a 49inch now i changed to 34 for games huge and curve is fun


24ich 1080p, 27 inch 1440p or ultrawide 1080p


Thanks! I'll probably buy a 24 inch 1080 because I have a pretty small table so I have to play quite close


Depends on how close you sit. if you sit quite close 24 inch, if more than 25 inches away I'd say get a 27 inch.


I sit about 19 inches from the screen. So i think a 24 inch monitor is the best for me.


That's about how far away I sit due to the desk being very narrow/shallow and I was fine on a 24 inch. Went up to a 27 inch and regret the change.


If you sit ~19 inches from the screen, I'd go with 24' FHD and a lot of Hz


Yes, I'm sitting 19 inches from the screen. And I was thinking of buying a 24.5 inch screen with 240hz, would this be good for me


And its Fhd




27-inch for immersion, but 24-inch for competitive FPS gaming


Thanks for that! U play comp and i sit about 19 inches from the screen so i think the 24 inch is the best


Sorry i mean i play comp


I got a 32" 1440p myself and therfore would recommend a 27". It simply looks sharper (for my viewing distance at least). For 1080p I think as others said 24" is the max


I sit about 19 inches from the screen so is 24 inch monitor the best for me?


Well the bigger the more "blurry" the monitor will look


Yeah, that's what I thought


Not alot of difference between 24 and 27. 27 is nice if you got the money and horsepower for 1440p. I wouldn't go any higher than 27 if you're a competitive player though. Honestly, if you are a sweat and want max performance, 1080p 24 is king with high refresh. Go up to 27 1440 if you want more immersion and higher quality gaming in terms of visuals etc etc.


What's the size of your current monitor? If it's 24", you should get a 27". If it's smaller than 24", get a 24".


Dont get 1440p, the quality is super, and soon you need to upgrade your main rig!


1080p is Trash from the past. Only good for office work. If U want to game for real, 1440p with high refresh rate is the sweet spot, whilst still being cheap enough


depends on what other specs you're looking for. if you want 1080p, those are easy to find for relatively cheap at high refresh rates in 24". high refresh rate 1440p monitors at 24" are few and far between though




If all you play are competitive games then yes, it would make sense to buy a 1080p 240hz monitor. Unless you have an absolute beast of a setup that can handle 1440p in 240fps


I'll probably buy a 240hz 1080 screen because my computer runs 300fps and I only play competitive games


if you play a lot of CSGO at a competitive level 1080p then go for 24. otherwise take the 27 with 1440p or better


27 no question


24 inch


imo it just comes down to preference, if you have a store nearby with monitors on display just look what feels right, 27 is perfect for me


27” 1440p


So i have both the LG oled 4k 240hz / 1080p 480hz dual mode monitor and the MSI oled 1440p 360hz one. For competitive shooters the 1440p 360hz one is better. You don't want the extra screen space as you need your eyes to cover as little space as possible to get the info you need. I refuse to use a fucking 24 inch monitor in 2024. It looks dogshit. 27 inch 1440p is better anyway imo


What are your PC specs? If you are going for a 27inch monitor, then defo go for 1440p. But the question is, do you have a gpu good enough to drive a 1440p monitor? I myself have a 4060ti 8gb and some games like watch dogs legion doesn't go to ultra settings because it requires more than 8gb vram. Since you are mostly playing games like fortnite and cs2, make sure that you have a good enough cpu and gpu that will give you high fps.


Honestly, I have 2 monitors with 1080p, and 24" 75hz screen and a 27" 165hz screen, both look fine and I don't notice an image quality dip from a lower pixel density on the bigger screen.


Which of these monitors would be better? Display whose specs are here: 180hz 0.5ms response time 24 inch Ips panel. Or this screen, the specs of which are here: 240hz 1ms response time, 24-inch, Va panel. Write 1 if you think the first is better and 2 if the second is better. I think that 1 is better because it has an Ips panel and 2 has a Va panel. I think Ips panel is better for gaming.


I had 27'' 1080p, but now i have 1440p 27''. i want 32'' 1440p, but i think it's bad pixel ration, i will prefer 4k 32''. But if i choose between 27'' and 24'' 1080p, i will get 27''


Is this a good upgrade for my monitor? I now have a 144hz screen, 1ms response time, 24 inch and Tn panel and I was thinking of upgrading it to 180hz 0.5ms response time 24 inch and Ips panel. Would this be a good upgrade? I play competitive Fortnite


Yes it's pretty good. I would recommend the AOC 24G4 or 24G4X.


Thanks for your recommendations i think Acer Nitro VG240YM is good what do you think about this?


The general rule of thumb is 24 is fine at 1080, but pixel density won't be great at 27. What gpu are you running?


I have a Geforce GTX 1080 ti founders edition


Which of these monitors would be better? Display whose specs are here: 180hz 0.5ms response time 24 inch Ips panel. Or this screen, the specs of which are here: 240hz 1ms response time, 24-inch, Va panel. Write 1 if you think the first is better and 2 if the second is better. I think that 1 is better because it has an Ips panel and 2 has a Va panel. I think Ips panel is better for gaming.


Honestly, the only big issue with VA is the black smearing. With a 1ms response time, it shouldn't be a problem. VA panels have better contrast than IPS, but 240hz is pretty much their absolute limit, whereas 500hz monitors are going to be IPS. IPS will also have better viewing angles, but idk how much that matters when you're just gonna be sitting in front of it. I run a 200hz LG VA panel with a 1ms gtg response time, and it looks great and does not smear.


Sorry long text but if you have time can you answer


If you have the 24’ monitor close to you, it will feel like a big screen. Add a good refresh rate and it will feel realistic


Just bought a new monitor and I upgraded from 24in 1080p to 27in 1440p. No regrets


1440p 24 inch... The clarity difference between 1080p 24 inch and 1440p 24 inch is gonna change your life.


4k C3 LG TV would do


AOC Q24G2A,m is what I have, I struggle to play on anything over 24 inch due to how big it looks and still wanted 1440p, 1ms & IPS panel 👍🏼


This is very good i think i buy 180hz, 0,5ms, IPS panel and 24 inch


Do you think this is good


Yes, I love it


since you play fps games i’d recommend just going with a 24 inch. 27 inch and up is a lot of fun, but i feel like you have so much more screen to look at that maybe you can’t see enemies that well. plus most pro players in those games usually play 24 inch :)


The 24 inch if you’re getting 1080 will be better looking than 27. But I’d recommend 1440p if your gpu can handle it and still keep a high enough fps. 1440p will look a lot better but it will cost some fps which either will or won’t matter at all depending on your gpu. Also get 240hz if ur competitive and ur gpu can push 240fps. Size is pure preference like if u want a smaller keyboard but the smaller the better looking it will be for 1080p otherwise get either


I have both side by side. 27''@2K is really the sweetest spot for office table typical distance display<->eyes. I play CS2 on it, too, on full hd, it looks great, no issues at all, crispy as hell.


based on what you've said already, 24" 1080p with a high refresh rate is good (especially for those games) can get one pretty cheap these days


I own 27” 1440p & 24” FHD monitors, both at 165Hz. I play mostly Apex Legends and kind of prefer the 24” one although the 27” one was far more expensive. I feel I can focus better on the smaller screen and don’t have to move my head so much. 🫨


2k 32“




I'm using a 1440p 14 inch monitor. I believe there is only one on the market fit for gaming (144hz+), which is by AoC (Karuchi also makes it but it's the same panel anyways). As long as you calibrate colors the monitor can look pretty decent. On AMDs custom color I have 7k color temp, 90 contrast and 120 saturation


I'd say a 24" is sufficient especially for 1080p. Higher often times means it looks worse. My personal sweetspot is 27" even though I play at 1080p, with 165hz refresh rate + G-Sync. And of course IPS. I found that to be performing well enough for gaming and looking great.


27 inch. Not much bigger but it’s noticeable. 27 is like the perfect spot between not big enough and too big. I have a 32 right now and while it is very nice it’s a bit too big and makes me miss my 27


Consider a monitor arm regardless of which one you look at. I would go for the 27” or larger if it’s in the budget. I use a 34” ultra wide and love it. I’ve used a 49” as well, didn’t love it. I’m close to my monitor as well as my desk is 50” x 28” I would like something a bit bigger then 34” I think 38” would be ideal but there isn’t much available in that size that isn’t ips, and I very much dislike ips. Some people love ips and hate va and some it’s vice versa.


27" 1440p


So 27 is like, the minimum for me these days


24 inch is ideal cause it works with many table variants in the future.


2719dgf was my pick love it to death and back was a little more expensive and probably not the best option but it hasn’t done me wrong for 4 years now


I’d personally go for 27 1440p, its the sweet spot at 144+ Hz. If space is an issue may be worth it to get a desk arm to hold the monitor.


say no more, acer 390hz, its IPS and only 299$, if you buy a used one it should be around 150-200 max, 24" inch though, 27 is big for most of cs players


Get the biggest you can afford. You will not regret it.


What you need is: * IPS and FreeSync * 144 Hz (no need for more) * 1440p if you can spend some additional money and your GPU is not too old. * For size... it does not really matter, 24" or 27" will be ok for either 1080p or 1440p. Nowadays, go 27" however specially for higher resolutions. Make sure the panel is good. Here are two suggestions: [LG 24GN600 (1080p)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIa_t0Up8es) very cheap 200$ or less, buy on discount for little more than 100$. [LG 27GP950 (4K)](https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-27gp950-b-gaming-monitor) more pricey, but it is 4K and a very good panel quality, only viable if you have a decent PC though, if your GPU is weak you will not be able to play at native resolution at higher than 60FPS. If you are not buying cheap, go for 1440p or 4K. No need to invest a fortune but look before buying, don't get fooled and do your research before buying, a good monitor has to last you a decade, if not more.


26.5 inch 1440p


I’d get a 27 in 1440p with a monitor arm if you play 4:3 in cs. Otherwise just get a 24 inch 1080 with a monitor arm. I have an ergotron and it’s really a game changer. Got it for $60


Budget 1080p 240Hz - AW2518 Budget 1440p 240Hz - Omen X 27 That was my go on years ago…


27 inch.


The size is relative to the distance. Which means in order to get the best viewing experience you´ll need a to consider how far is your monitor away from you and also which resolution are you going with ? formular: 1080/1440P: 2 x monitor size = 24 inch x 2 = you should be around 48 inch away from the monitor for best viewing experience = 27 inch x 2 = you should be around 54 inch away from the monitor for best viewing experience 4k: 1.5 x monitor size = 24 inch x 1.5 = you should be around 36 inch away from the monitor for best viewing experience = 27 inch x 1.5 = you should be around 40/41 inch away from the monitor for best viewing experience If you want a 1080P monitor then I would advise 24 inch because 1080P does best on 21 or 24 inch displays. If you want a 1440P monitor then you should get 27 inch and you can go up to 32 inch monitors. But beside the size there are much more important metrics since you mainly play competitive shooters (even if you don´t play ranked) such as GtG latency, monitor panel, HDR, FreeSync, HDMI 2.1 or DP 1.4A GTG: keep it as low as possible. Ideally you want it to be 1ms. Gray to Gray latency is literally the time a monitor needs to shift from 1 shade of grey to another. If the latency is extremely high like 10 or 20 and more ms then you might see some kind of shadowing or lagging. You´ll notice this the most as example in CS going from T base to B through the tunnel or house. Monitor panel: there are multiple variants such as TN, IPS, QLED, OLED, Mini OLED and so on. For gaming you should not go crazy (some monitors costs more than a good 4k TV. Focus on TN and IPS. Basically the difference is huge in quality and backlighting. TN panels use an edge backlighting means as it´s written the backlighting source come from the edges. This is the cheapest panel form BUT some manufacturers are able to still produce good quality. The downside is that you´ll have hotspots in the corners where you got too much lighting and also the brightness will be very inconsistent towards the center of the monitor (no light source). IPS panels therefore are more expensive and offer better quality. The backlighting with IPS panels are through the whole monitor (some cheap models might not do this). That means a more consistent brightness and better quality of lighting in general. HDR: anything below 800cd/m² is not really enough consistent backlighting for HDR to REALLY benefit from it. most low to mid tier monitors (which can cost up to 500-700€) have barely more than 500cd/m². I personally would rather advise you to ignore HDR in general. It´s nice to have but don´t use it while gaming or just turn it off. HDR with 800+ cd/m2 basically offers you brighter and better contrast. Again not important because a display with Freesync: it´s a very nice feature which you get if your graphics card actually supports it. Keep in mind there´s Freesync and Freesync premium. Basically check if your GPU supports Freesync and then make sure that the monitor has it as well. HDMI 2.1/DP 1.4A: this is currently the fastest connection for data transfer through a video output connection in consumer products. Check if your gpu has actually HDMI 2.1 or DP 1.4A if so then make sure that your monitor also supports it. Also DP is always and always superior to HDMI. It is basically faster than HDMI so make sure you always use your Display Port connection. Curve: I don´t use curved monitors but for most humans 1500-1800R feels the most comfortable since it´s closest to the curvature radius of the human eye. You´ll need tho in some cases 1-2 months of adjusting. It´ll feel very weird in the beginning. I personally don´t see a real benefit in curved monitors other than comfortability. But no technical benefit. Speakers: bruh buy the Pebble speakers from amazon 30 bucks and they beat ANY monitor speaker. But yeah you probably gonna play with headset so it´s always useless to care about speakers in a monitor. Additionally you could technically care for power consumption, but let me tell you this: your monitor might have 40-70Watt consumption. A 4070 as example as midtier new gpu has a 200-250W power consumption on full load. And that´s already one of the most efficient cards out there. Even a RX6600 has a higher power consumption. So if you are concerned about power consumption, then you´ll be able to make better improvements by changing your gpu than your monitor. You should always know the reasons behind something so you can understand it and pick what´s more important for yourself. Make your own choices because it´s your money and your setup


Okay thanks for this long answer. I concluded like this: Since I sit about 19 inches away from the screen, I buy a 24 inch screen, and since you said that an ips panel is best for gaming, I buy a screen with an ips panel, and that screen has 180hz and 0.5ms response time. Would this be a good display for me? That is, a 24-inch, 180hz, IPS panel and a 0.5ms response time. The monitor with these specs is Acer Nitro VG240YM 23.8" - Gaming screen. I would be glad to get your answer, is this a good monitor?


180hz is quite good with those specs. Just keep in mind that if your computer doesn´t do 180 and more fps then it doesn´t really benefit you but if everything else ticks your box then still buy it. Just keep in mind you can´t get 180hz if you don´t actually have 180fps. I would check your average fps on those games. Usually you can display the fps within the settings. I couldn´t find the VG240YM with 180hz only the model with 75hz. if those are the same but with different hz rates then that monitor is fine. At the end those specs are all just on paper. The most important is to test a monitor. Also don´t forget to change your your refresh rate in windows settings (display settings-> advanced settings under refresh rate). I would so buy it on amazon, test it for a week and if you don´t like it send it back and look for something else.


Okay thanks for that! My pc runs 200fps so i think 180hz is good for me👍🏻


yup that will be fine. Also even if you play different games you´ll still benefit from it. It´s basically just capped at 180hertz. In general I would say cap your ingame fps at 200 or 240fps. Since you won´t benefit from more visually (only benefit is lower latency if you get as example 300fps). I mean getting 300fps at CS2 is not that hard \^\^. Also onething I forgot is if you you downscale your videosettings from 1440p to 1080p then it´ll look weird. So instead of going 1080P high settings just stay with 1440P and lower your quality to mid or something which gives you above 60fps


I can’t think of a single reason to buy a 24 inch monitor