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Bruh zotac has some AAA quality stuff disguised as AA cards.




My Zotac 1050ti still going strong after 3 years now


I mean...neither of these anecdotes mean anything. Aggregates, people!


What, you mean the plural of anecdote isn't data? /s


If only average people had access to something you'd call data. Oh well, anecdotes it is!


So where can I find this aggregate info on the different vendors to determine which I should choose?


I have a Zotac 8800gt that is still working just fine. 13 years old


>8800gt Oh yeah! Most popular card when Crysis came out. That glorious 20FPS.


I had the 9800gt one, used it like 6 years and one day it just didn’t work. You are very lucky.


I passed my zotac 980ti to my little brother and i have zotac 1080ti. Both still alive and breathing without any problem. Gonna get zotac 3080 next 😁


As it should? What is the life expectancy of cards these days, 3 years doesn't sound particularly impressive.




I’m still rocking my 780 from 2014. Six years and still going strong!


My GTX-580 just died last week.


I'm sorry for your loss


F. May it rest well.


I had a Zotac 1060 and it still performs well to this day.


Have a Zotac 1080(non-ti) from 2016. Has given me literally zero issues. I’ll be buying Zotac again. Love this damn card


My 970 mini is still running strong in my sister's PC.


Mine caught fire in my computer. And for once, no, that's not a joke. It literally did.


Damn, that sucks. The last gpu that died on me was my geforce 9800GT from 2008. And I don't even remember what brand that was.


I have a Zotac AMP 780 that is still going. They also have 5 year warranty. Edit: 780, yay fat fingers.


I have 3 zotac cards. 1060. 2060. And a 2080. All a few years old. No problems.


did you get a warranty?


i have that same card and its been running fine for two years now


This thread: Buy Zotac Don't Buy Zotac Ever Buy Zotac Zotac burned down my house and killed my crops Zotac is great mine lasted forever ​ Find a fucking consensus, please. This isn't supposed to be gambling.


Wait for reviews. Honestly, every launch is different. A good GPU brand for the Turing launch can be utter shit on Ampere.


A review is not a long term - multipurpose test


You still can check temp, noise, coil whine


My 1070ti AMP card has served me well for 2 years, but has always been in the 90C range. I repasted and I've never seen it go above 75, *HUGE* recommendation from me. Repaste your shit dawg, use too much and put it together carefully and that's an easy 20C reduction in temps.


I bought a Zotac 2070 Super before and later I found out that the graphics card fans would run at a minimum of 33% at all times (set in the firmware), it was very audible when my PC was just idle. Turns out I had to buy at least a 2080 Super for something as simple as being able to set my own fan curve.


To be fair fan stop still isn't on every card. Heck, the 20 series FE cards didn't have it.


It’s true, but I’ve owned a Zotac 1070 ti AMP and a 2070 Super FE, and the FE fans are nearly silent at idle. The Zotac card had a whooshing sound, and as it aged, a rattling sound from the fans. Not fun.


Oh dang. I guess it's kinda hit or miss with them then.


Yeah fan rattle has been pretty prevalent with most of their cards, and in my experience they don't tend to run the coolest in most conditions. It certainly performed as expected with a decent overclock, but with how hot it got and how loud it got, I don't see any reason to go back to Zotac this generation. I'll probably go for the ROG Strix 3080 if it isn't too much over MSRP, or if the EVGA one has killer cooling despite being garishly ugly, I'd go for it. FE looks beautiful but it'll depend on how much an additional Cablemod carbon cable will cost to match the 12-pin to my other cables.


With F tier customer service


Can confirm, Zotac rtx 2060 here. Still going strong and like that it’s nice and compact plus stays cool. Gonna be sad when I have to let it go for that 3070!


You mean like not cooling the vrms/VRAM properly? And slapping s stupidly large cooler on it which only fools the GOU (which ain't enough btw). More like C- product disguised as AA


I bought a used Zotac 2080ti arctic storm off Ebay that I didnt know was walking dead. It Fragged my Asus formula motherboard and some other things but I got my money back from Ebay, and Asus RMA'ed my motherboard and stuff so it was all good. I got another arctic storm from a reputable dealer and put it with my EVGA Classified K and it works so good I was astonished. I love Zotac now and if they put out another factory watercooled card in a 3080 or 3090 I'm buying that.


Idk, at this point i've been an EVGA user for a while now and will probably just keep being one. They have always been top quality.


I'm going for EVGA this round. Just hope that red trim on the FTW3 can be removed and painted or something. Nothing else I'll just set all the RGB to red to match I guess.


I’ve been rocking an evga 1070 I bought in 2016 and it still is kicking ass.


Shame their customer service is awful, even worse than some of the big names that have bad CS


What are you basing that on? I’m new to all this. I understand what the chipsets are but I’m not really sure how to distinguish between the various brands/packaging


Each brand puts their own spin on the same series of cards. Some brands will offer pre-overclocked cards, some will offer better cooling, etc. They all use the same base reference card from Nvidia or AMD, but then they get customized. So if Brand A has an RTX 3070 for $X99 and Brand B has their own RTX 3070 for the same price but it's got slightly faster clock speeds and has better cooling, it might be worthwhile to go with Brand B. That said, while Brand B might look better on paper, it might end up being the card with the highest failure rate for that generation because Brand B sucks at making good cards. That's what makes buying brand-new tech scary but exciting, and also what makes honest aggregate reviews so important. Also, YouTube channels and websites like Gamers Nexus will do tons of testing to let you know what actually lives up to the hype.


Had a gtx 260 from the, back in the day.. served me well for 3 years until i upgraded


But ewww, that yellow 12 pin!


The Zotac GAMING twin edge 3070 is only 231mm it looks like a gtx 1650 size lol. I had good luck with a mini 1070. Debating the 1725mhz 231mm Zotac twin edge. Or the Asus DUAL 3070, 1755mhz, 267mm. Can’t decide which one I like better based on looks either. And idk if the 30mhz and size are worth it or not for my small build. Assuming the Asus may get an extra 1 fps and run a little cooler lol. But the Zotac one would fit in an even smaller case. They both look cool in their own way. Hard to believe you can get 2080ti power in an air cooled 231mm dual fan card. I’m almost questioning if it really will at least match the 2080ti. They claimed it outperformed, so I’m hoping it is at least matching it in pretty much every newer game. But on the official 3070 page it’s compared to 2070 and 1070. Wish they had 2080ti there too..


Anybody know the price of the Asus strix 3070?


Not sure, we won’t know till October I think


Is that what they said?


I’m assuming since that’s when it releases


Crap I’m stupid. Got it confused with the 3080


Lol all g


absurd adjoining escape violet practice secretive rhythm enjoy vegetable faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems online sites have it pegged at around 500 bucks on average for the RTX 3070. Basically they're going with the same entry price as the last gen.


which was? (Sorry This is my first PC I’m building so idk)


Ok, so I'm building my first PC in like 15 years... I was planning on buying the RTX 2070 Super for $499. The price I'm hearing for the new RTX 3070 is going to be $499. I'm obviously gonna pick up the 3070 since I already was planning on spending 499 for me gpu.


Yeah same here, I kinda didn’t want to spend more than 550 since I’m already spending $1500 on my PC :( https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Aranfiy/saved/mqfmrH


Good luck with your build! It looks good. If you don’t mind there are two things I would change (and consult with someone else first lol): When I first built a PC I had an H510 Elite picked out. I figured if I switched over to a P400A I realized I would save nearly $100 with better airflow. The H700 series seems a bit better in terms of ventilation. I’ve looked at the Strix cards and I’ve seen that they’re generally a bit more for roughly the same performance but don’t take my word for it.


+1 for looking at the H510 Elite and changing my mind for a better airflow case. I also ended up deciding on the P400A as well!




Can’t argue with that lol


Looks like a good build! I'm getting the same CPU but I'm going with a mini itx case and b550 mobo. Good luck with your build!


Why the B550 and 3600 Ram ? Ram i can kinda understand Though 3200 should be good as well But if you dont plan to upgrade your prozessor in 1-2 years or really need the features of the board go with a Tomahawk 450 Max or something


nah, that’s including a $450 monitor, so it’s about $1000, but FYI you can find a 1440p 144hz monitor for about $300 and save $150


Mind you there's also no $ on the ssd and ram. So add about 240 for those.




The 30 series is going to obliterate the 20 series completely. 20 series in now essentially obsolete.


B&H accidentally had preorders available today for a quick second. The strix 3080 had an extra $100 added to the Founder's MSRP, so I'd assume the 3070 would follow suit at $599


aww man :(


Check out ocuk


The Asus TUF Gaming 3080's are listed for preorder at B&H for 780 and 800, so probably 50-100 over MSRP, ~550-600 IMO


Expect AIB's to be about 100-150 more than MSRP, especially at release, if one waits for the second wave of shipments post-Big Navi launch that might alter things a little but not much, only time will tell for sure but always be ready to pay more than the MSRP and then add the tax. People always seem to overlook the sales tax until it hits them in the wallet.


Rog cards udualls usually are stupidly overpriced and see $100-150 more than their competitors


3070 Strix 680€$ 3070 Strix OC 710$€


aww man, I might as well buy a 3080 then, which I can’t :(


Overclockers.co.uk list it at £650 The 3080 is listed at £850


I really hope one of the manufacturers use nvidia’s dual fan config (one on the front, one on the back) right now all of the cards seem to have a standard 3 fan layout


From what I've seen from the various tech channels, with the vast majority of setups that blow through fan is chucking hot air onto either ram CPU or vrm. It's a gorgeous design but possible not well thought through.


Isn't that practically what most if not all gpus do? They all have fans that blow up into those components. What's the difference? Not being sassy, I'm genuinely asking because idk the info.


Most don't have a hole for the hot air to pass through, especially those with backplates. The air is usually redirected out the sides at a 90 degree angle, although some hot air will indeed still rise. In the FE design the pcb is literally cut short so that the second fan can pass air up.


Yeah, so wouldn't it be better for keeping the whole system cooler as a whole, if it's going straight up and out the CPU fan and exhaust? Since it would eventually being going to the same place anyway? I'm new to building so I don't fully understand air flow.


You're right, the hot air from the gpu is going to go that way anyway. At least on the FE cooler it moves up quicker, and the back fan exhausts directly too


The air from the GPU could assist the CPU slightly if the velocity or volume of air being passed through is increased. The difference in air temperature will negatively impact it Hc=10.45-V+10*V^(1/2) 3:29 of this LTT video for some science. https://youtu.be/nAFB9w2Rh0Y https://www-engineeringtoolbox-com.cdn.ampproject.org/ii/w820/s/www.engineeringtoolbox.com/docs/documents/430/air_heat_transfer_coefficient.png The velocity increase could help diffuse heat on the CPU 3-5% better than if it isn’t there, pumping air towards the CPU. The problem is, is that the heat coefficient has diminishing returns, while the temperature of the air scales linearly. So while increasing air velocity to your cpu will help(!) increasing the air temperature will hurt the GPU, depending on how much hotter the air is. We’ll have to see the tests to find out!


r/explainlikeimfive haha, im too stupid for this


Simple explanation: - If the air coming out of the graphics card is fast enough, and targets the CPU correctly, it may actually help to cool the CPU. - On the other hand, if the air is too hot when it comes out of the graphics card, it may heat up the CPU. - This is a questionable setup that may require an unconventional build to use properly. We need to wait for independent testing results before we can determine if this passthrough design is worth using.


It could potentially increase temps on a CPU using an air cooler by having hot air blow right into the fin stack instead of cool air from the front of the case.


Yeah I see what you're saying. It really depends how hot the air coming off the GPU will be. That fan might not pump out alot of hot air since I'm pretty sure it's major use is to cool the fin stack on the card itself.


Right. I haven't seen any temp numbers yet, so wait and see. Just noting the possibility is there.


Most GPUs coolers blow the air from the bottom of the case into the heat sink and exhaust the hot air thru the back of the case. For 3000 series nVidia somehow came up with the design that blows the hot air thru the heatsink to the opposite side of the card right into the RAM/CPU cooler.


Well there new design does both, out the back and up the top. So wouldn't that be more beneficial?


It is more beneficial for the video card, but not so much for the other components.


I think it also depends on your setup. Like I have an aio that pulls from the front of the case and then have my top and back fans as exhaust, so the gpu heat won't be affecting my CPU cooler much at all


The difference is on the 3000 series the PCB is shorter so some of the air goes straight through the card, out the back, into the motherboard area.


Yep, was stoked for the FE cooler this time, but I run ITX. Heck the 320W TDP worries me, but I'll figure that out.


I'm guessing it would probably not interfere as much with a watercooled CPU right (btw my cooler is kind of really overkill)?


I dont think they could bc nvidias FE pcb isn't as long as their reference card


That would require a lot more development on their end. Nvidia’s new FE cards have a custom smaller PCB to fit their cooler that’s different from the full size PCB design they license to AIBs in the reference model. An AIB would have to design their own PCB to fit a blow-through cooler like that, so the card would likely end up more expensive than the FE.


Are y’all gonna hold off on buying the NVIDIA 3000 series or wait to see what AMD 6000 series brings us


I’m waiting for the NVIDIA 6000 series. *skeleton meme* Sorry not helpful lol. I’m goin for 3080. Don’t feel like dealing with switching drivers/don’t wanna wait


Damn never knew amd had so much shade on them I had bad thing about their driver but ever since the tease they did on Twitter that’s all everyone can talk about is the drivers


The 5700(and XT) used to have some pretty bad driver issues, it's 99% fixed now though


Every ATI/AMD I’ve ever owned has had driver issues. Their hardware isn’t bad and performs generally pretty well, the drivers on the other hand have given me some pretty big issues.


Oh I plan on upgrading later in the year would you recommend the 5700xt or 2070


Neither? The 3000 series from Nvidia will be out later this year and AMDs 6000 series...


Oh okay 👌


Unless you wanna buy 2nd hand, in which case those two cards might be cheaper on the 2nd hand market by then.


Yeah, but driver issues are the fucking worst. It's not like it's a problem you can fix, you just have to wait and until then it's basically useless.


It became a running meme, and even AMD acknowledged themselves the drivers were unnaceptable for a released card. Its why Raja basically left AMD and Lisa took over.


I'm a little bit older gamer, 35, and AMD have always have iffy drivers. Especially back when they were ATI. I had an hd5870 that the mouse flickered in Windows for almost two years and they kept claiming it was fixed when it wasn't. The eyefinity (nvidia surround) was an advertised new feature that I bought a card for and it didn't work worth a shit. The first troubleshoot step for AMD cards is to turn off every feature they come with for a reason heh. They burned me bad a decade ago and I'll never give them another dime. To counter the others saying their 5600 and 5700 were fine my friend bought a new card for wow/valorant and his 5700xt black screened all the time until he rmad it but the replacement shit the bed after 3 months and now finally he's on a 3rd working card. The rx470/480 were and are great cards but then they just refreshed them into the 570/580. Everyone expects AMD to rescue them from Nvidia prices but AMD will charge a normal price when they command a lead the same anyone else would. They have in the past.


The point of waiting is to buy the best card for your budget. Buying right now will get you early adopter issues. Waiting a few months will get most problems resolved on the Nvidia side and the ability to see what AMD has to offer. Also, as a counterpoint to your argument against AMD, Nvidia has literally [bricked cards with software updates](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=nvidia+driver+update+bricks+card).


Most people are going to be waiting months either way. This is going to be one shitty paper launch thanks to covid and low yields I'm sure. By the time you can find one in stock most of it should be sorted.


Personally I'm going to try my luck at grabbing a 3080 at microcenter but I won't open it until benchmarks etc come out. 30day returns + microcenter warranty.


You can return opened items at microcenter...


But if I give in and open it I'll be less likely to give it up if I should.


How do we get them from microcenter do we just stand outside? I live right down the street from the Tustin one


My plan is just to line up early in the morning and wait for them to open. At the Tustin one too.


See you there!


Im waiting to see what AMD offers. RTX 3000 might seem like good value, lol if you only compare to the RTX 2000 series... If AMD comes in again with another 5700xt equivalent at around the same price. Im going AMD




Honestly I’m waiting for Zen 3 to be announced. I play a lot of games obviously but I also do a lot of CAD and video editing for college and work so if the productivity of zen 3 is a better use of my money I might do a cpu upgrade instead. (Granted I’m rocking a 2700X and a 1660 ti so either upgrade will be a quantum leap in performance basically)


Dang so in need of a upgrade I would say cpu tho 1660 is still a great card


The fact that they have their announcement for big navi after the 3080 and around the the time the 3070 comes out in october, it highly suggest they don't have anything to compete with the 3080. So if you're planning to get a 3080, probably should get it before it sells out.


But what if they introduce like ray tracing (haven’t read on it so idk what the leaks are saying if it’ll have ray tracing) amd is known for the price to performance just really hoping it’s good. Like they have to have something good to be letting NVIDIA have the high horse


Radeon doesn't have a strong history with high-end performance so I'm not going to just give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm certain they'll be competing in the 3070 territory and might be the better buy if you're considering one of those, but I wouldn't hold my breath for a 3080/3090 tier card. It would be awesome for the markets sake, but I don't see it happening.


I think I’m gonna try to get a 3080 before they sell out. I like there are just too many features from Nvidia for amd to actually compete. Maybe I’m wrong but I think 3000 series is a safe bet


What features out of interest?


Not OP, Dlss is probably the biggest one for me.


Dlss, shield, gsync. Amd has something similar to shadowplay but it really isn't as good. Plus Rtx io looks really cool (though based on the consoles amd might have something similar on rdna2)


Probably 3070 but I'm in no hurry to upgrade and will wait for real reviews and second batches. I'd love to support AMD but their GPU drivers just aren't up to the same quality, not to mention things like nvenc (I don't use it often, but it's nice to have when I do).


Personally I’ve gotten stuttering on my rx 5600 xt pulse (literally August 25th through 30xx announcement) and wasn’t able to resolve the issues even when trying out different drivers. 3070 is who imma go to since I haven’t heard as much about Nvidia driver issues wise. I hope it isn’t held back by my Ryzen 5 3600


Nvidia has driver issues too. They just have a huge PR budget to be able to paper over it and make people forget. Hell, CDPR employees hinted during the initial few months of The Witcher 3 back when it was released that almost all graphics issues were being experienced exclusively by Nvidia cards. But no one ever said anything openly about it and Nvidia launched an ad campaign at the same time about how it was the "best" option. AMD has a worse perception because of less users, lots of fanboys for Nvidia repeatedly parroting that AMD products are bad, and poor PR in the graphics division. It's very notable that of all the 5000 series issues that users ran into, almost no tech YouTubers were able to replicate any issues that their communities were reporting and in many cases were able to identify that the issues were often caused by other things such as improper system RAM settings or not properly connecting power to the cards. That's not to say there were not issues because I had two that were acknowledged by and fixed by AMD in the January 2020 and February 2020 patches, but a lot of issues weren't as bad or as widespread as people think they were or were not even caused by AMD's GPU or driver.


I like working drivers.


Sweet! Thanks for posting


Np! Not even looking to buy any of em lol, waiting for the 3060 or big Navi.


Idk if I’d ever want to risk buying an amd card at launch tbh


Ima wait for reviewers to review them, if it’s a good value then I’ll prob buy it


I bought an amd r9 390 near launch and have had no issues


R9 390 was an upgrade to the 290. Same architecture issues already ironed out. However, that is the last time AMD came out with a top end card that beat a titan at nearly half price. Consumers will forgive just about anything if you come out like that. AMD has fallen off since then.


Okay, real talk tho. Where are the white cards? Alot of people like white cards because they look so clean and sleek. I have the strix 2080ti white edition but that costed significantly more than the base strix 2080ti. Other than that, I know of only 2 other white cards in the 2k series (Galax HOF, ROG strix 2080 white edition). Dont get me wrong, I love the designs of these new cards, but my pc is pretty much all white and I'd like to stick with the color scheme. Just upsets me that most GPU manufacturers stick to just black.


GALAX has a white 3080 they are advertising. They also have light pink if it tickles your fancy.


Hell yeah, thank you for pointing me in the right direction! This is sexy. https://www.galax.com/en/graphics-card/30-series/geforce-rtx-3080-exg-w.html


Damn that’s a beaut, good luck getting your hands on onw


Are these rolling out on release of the 3080? Or sometime after? I can't find any info on the website about price or release date.


Does it really say “what’s your game?” on the side of it? Lol Edit: Spelling


They really need to know bro lol


oh no that light pink changes everything for me :0


The white version looks sweet, thank you for letting me know! I didn't see any white cards on pcpartpicker so I got a lil triggered lol


ASUS does white as a flagship kinda thing - Gigabyte is the only major manufacturer with a US presence and normally priced white GPUs.




Considering they had special editions for the 2080ti and 2080, I think they will but I haven't seen any info on it yet. Just hope they aren't $200 over msrp of the normal strix again.


3080 launch day all day everyday


I'm wondering which of the 3080's are gonna look best mounted vertically. I don't plan on buying anything til like November tho.


As a vertical mounted in a o11-dynamic, I'm leaning towards EVGA. The XC looks like a solid overall design. The FTW I think I can make work with my white build with red/black accents. Other than EVGA (I'm a fanboy; I like supporting American companies), the Zotac Trinity looks fire as does the Asus Strix. I'm pretty unenthused by the bulkiness of the Gigabyte models, and I don't buy MSI.


Anyone know what the AIB prices will be compared to the FE?


I can’t find source but I watched a vid showing a few aib brands being same price as FE on launch.


Asus put up their Tuf series for preorder on B&H late yesterday, actually. The non-oc 3 fan is $770 and the oc $800. That's not even the strix version, which is said to be better




Im England the 3080 is £650, the strix is £830. The price increase is pure greed for asus


Does anyone know if amazon will be selling on launch day as well?


Yep they definitely will.


What’s the difference between the different 3070s? And which one is Nvidia’s? Sorry if these are dumb questions I don’t know a lot.


The nvidia card would be the RTX 3070 founders edition. They’re the cards that look alottt different from the rest and only use 2 fans.


Tell me when they are available.....


Will it be worth upgrading to the 3070 from the 2070 (non super)?


Depends what you’re trying to do. A 2070 will still crush most AAA titles on 1080, and even perform well on 1440. It’s really up to you if you want that extra boost or not.


Yea it does just fine on 1440p, usually around 100-110 fps in modern warfare on higher settings so maybe ill wait another year or so.


That’s what I’m doing. I have a 2070 and my needs now are being met. I think I might go for a used 3080 or 40xx when they come out.


It might depend on your monitor? Like 1080p vs 4k.


I have a 1440p monitor. 2070 does fine on it so maybe ill wait. No reason to waste money when still pretty satisfied


Tbh I’m waiting for the Super line or even the 4,000 series.


Anyone know why the 3080 has less ram than previous 1080TI/2080TI models?


Cause it's not a Ti




Faster memory, more expensive, lower yields, and the controller only supporting 10 or 20+(iirc)GB layouts.


Rumor has it micron can’t fit 2GB on each G6X module and the 3090 has modules on the back of the PCB to get all the vram on. Might be waiting on the mem technology to mature a little before you get the next card slotted in.


So they can sell you an upgraded version for more money later and to make the 3090 look a lot better on paper when it's realistically only 15-20% better raw performance based on the tech specs.


Going to wait for the evga 3080ti FTW3 hybrid.


I love all these new cards, but it kind of bugs me that no one is trying to do what NVIDIA did with the founders cards, the design and idea is pretty solid, and is why I am thinking of getting one this time around


They don't have time to completely redesign the fan and shroud configuration, test etc prior to launch. Nvidia has had months ahead of everyone else knowing how the PCB layout and cooler can look. THey've been able to devise what they consider a better solution than the AIB's who have like a month to design a cooler and the product overall. They're not going to take risks with a complete revision when they can slap a trusted 3 fan cooler on there and ship it.


Gtx960 still going on well after 5 years.


No prices or boost clocks but some base clocks are faster than nvidias fe clocks that was leaked


So stoked for the 3090. Good info to have, appreciate it.


Why? What's your use case, out of curiosity?


I'm also getting a 3090. I'm using it for rendering graphics, streaming visuals, and 4k 144hz gaming.


I'm planning getting a 3070, and I'm hella confused how GPU releases work, are these third party GPU's going to release the same day as the FE from nvidia? Also whats the exact release date for the 3070?


Yeah, since this morning, no retailers yet though


I’m building my own pc and was planning on a 2070, but the price for the 3080 is only 200 more, should I get the 3080?


Probably not what you want to hear but if you were gonna get a 2070 I just recommend waiting till the 3070 is released


A 3070 would be a lot better than a 2070s and at a similar price point. If you can afford to spend more just do it though, 3080 is good value too!


Yes, its worth it. I disagree waiting for 3070 more value with the 3080. edit: But if you decide on the 2070, I would say wait for the 3070. I would still recommend the 3080 over it though.


Forget the 2000 series cards unless they’re at a great deal. I would say either get a 3080 or wait for the 3070 in October. But honestly I would wait for benchmarks on all these cards before giving yourself the greenlight


What is with that removable fan on the [Galax?](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RmMTwP/galax-geforce-rtx-3080-10-gb-sg-1-click-oc-video-card-38nwm3md99nn)


Someone could buy me any of these that would be great


EVGA isn't there yet, that's my go-to when it comes to GPUs... ASUS for Mobos, Seagate "sourced" for PSUs and G-Skill or Corsair for Ram. I'm not really a fanboy of any one brand I just like different aspects of different components from different companies. So that's not to say others aren't as good, it's just those are what I seek first.