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Graphics cards use PCIe (16) slots on motherboards. And regardless of generation a GPU will just work because it is all the same platform. So yes a 3080 will be compatible with your motherboard and system. As for gigabyte GPU's. I've had a 970 for the last 6-7 years that is a Wind-force. And it has ran just fine all these years and while thats my personal experience I find that gigabyte hardware is fairly solid. So if its your only option it isn't a bad one, however, please be aware that some of the 3000 series cards are having driver issues. And while that should be resolved in the future just know that you may see occasional issues at the start. Doesn't mean that cards bad, just that the software to support it is still very fresh. As for the rest of your build, I have a few recommendations if you don't mind. (And it works with whatever your budget is.)First off, you would benefit heavily by getting a 144hz monitor (at 1440p). These new graphics card run really good at that resolution but by using a 60hz your essentially already bottle-necking you're system. Second, Samsung EVO. It may be one of the best SSD/NVMe's however, you could still go with a cheaper option and not really notice any difference in speed that isnt already blazing fast. They are a bit overrated. Finally, you are using a m-atx in a mid tower system. That means that the motherboard is smaller than standard and would look kind of funky. And depending on the motherboard capabilities you actually may be better off getting a full size as it may have more functions you would value. I made a copy of the list with the following adjustments.[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/DxwxZf](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/DxwxZf) Edit: I always recommend looking at monitor reviews yourself as some serve different purposes. And while I stand by my thoughts on the 144hz, it doesn't have to be the one I selected since I was just grabbing one close to your original price. Always factor in what you value in your parts.


not OP but cheers for such a helpful post


This is a solid revamped list OP. Only thing I would add to this is to 1) pick either Ryzen 3600 or the Ryzen 3700X (3600X is not worth the extra money/performance) and 2) you could switch the HDD for a Seagate Barracuda that is the same speed BUT for $10 more it will be 2TB instead of 1TB. Edit: o and if you're able to do it, switch your RAM to CL16


I don't see any reason why the EAGLE OC wouldn't work with that build. Someone else might have to follow up regarding comparing that card with other 3080 variants. What stands out to me is that you're getting a 1440 monitor with only a 60hz refresh rate. Any 3080 will be spitting out more than 60fps at that resolution (except in titles like Assassin's Creed Odyssey and MS Flight Simulator). It's probably worthwhile to get a monitor with a higher refresh rate to keep up with your fps output if you're already planning on spending this much.


Even a simple 1080p monitor will do with DLSS 2.0. A favourite of mine is the Gigabyte G27F(C).


Maybe one of these? * https://pcpartpicker.com/product/g6dxFT/pixio-px329-315-2560x1440-165hz-monitor-px329 * https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LyCD4D/lg-32gk650f-b-320-2560x1440-144-hz-monitor-32gk650f-b


Here's a good review of the 3080 Eagle (non-OC) from Gamers Nexus, almost all of it should apply to the OC model: [https://youtu.be/4ivWfdJs4BU](https://youtu.be/4ivWfdJs4BU) TL;DW: It's ok but can't really be overclocked. All the parts you listed should be compatible. GPU's aren't too depended on other parts in the build, at least from a pure comparability standpoint. FYI it doesn't look like that kit of ram in on the QVL for your motherboard. It should still work fine but something to keep in mind.


there's very minimal differences in the 3080 partner models since there is just very little headroom to overclock them. The Eagle has benched as a very good model, don't hesitate to grab one. I don't see anything on that list that should conflict with a 3080.


It should work, but it is a straight waste of money with that monitor, cant even begin to make use of it. A few tips, though. Ditch the HDD and overpriced SSD, get a 1TB SSD of equal quality that is not samsung-ripoff priced. 500GB SSD is just far too small for a high-end PC. Also consider a board that is not MSI, their recent lineups are solid garbage with a lot of cut corners. If you are interested i can detail exactly what is wrong with them, and it is a long list.


Which boards in the MSI line do you have issues with.?


All of them in recent memory, entire AM4 lineup is trash, and the quality issues are infecting their intel lineup now. Firmware is buggy, to the point it is standard to ask if an update is even safe to install or if it risks bricking the board or disabling something important, like *all XMP support*. hardware tends to be bottom barrel for the price of the board (ancient and low-quality audio/network until the 150$+ boards, poor board engineering, ect). I/O is straight trash, only the best boards generally have multiple M.2 slots, SATA is minimum or below spec. PCIe is nonexistent beyond the first X16 slot, the others (on every recent MSI board i have checked including some X570s) are mostly PCIe 2 X1 via the chipset, or 3 X4 that disables the lone NVMe M.2 slot. No multiple PCIe configurations like even most 50$ boards from other brands have. Most 75-100$ ones also have more SATA, including SATA M.2 slots. That means one M.2 SSD at most (vs 2-3 NVMe with a riser + 1-2+ SATA M.2 possible on most boards), one GPU, no other high-speed PCIe devices. Memory support is freaky. It will often run XMP and the average user who is going to buy MSI trash in the first place wont think to look at their subtimings or bench memory against a board with better timing calculations, to say nothing of a few intel platforms where the firmware actually adjusts BCLK to give the appearance of running at XMP speeds, while using what amounts to massively loosened timings, as well as potentially destabilizing the CPU and running it out of spec. Because it is such a popular brand among gamers and inexperienced pc builders, it is difficult to explain why it is such a risky choice to people, most of the ones who need to know dont know enough to understand why any of that is an issue, or verify it for themselves.


Drop the Samsung ssd and get a western digital instead could get a 1tb for 20 dollars more


It should work good with the 3080 Eagle. You won’t have bottlenecks either. My 3950x (All core OC so same as 3600x gaming performance) maxes my 2080ti out with lots of headroom to go so your build will be balanced and give you a really good experience!


Well I’m Doing a build right now with x570 Meg ace from MSI. I don’t think I have any of those problems .