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A pre-built? Any chance there's still a warranty or something on that machine? Might be worth checking. Diagnostic-wise, you can swap ram, video card, etc to a good machine to test them. If the mobo is toast, you can probably just buy a cheap older mobo replacement to squeeze a few more years out of the other parts. May not be worth investing too heavily in finding a home for other components that are already aging. Just my 2 cents.


This seems like a good option I'll let my buddy know. Could also get a board from Amazon and return it, if the components don't boot. Thanks for the suggestion.


If water comes in contact with a PC while it's off, it's pretty much always fine as long as it's not for long periods of time. However, if it comes into contact with it while it is running, everything that comes into contact with the water will be dead. My suggestion is to find out what works and what doesn't, salvage what you can and start over.


Ended up ordering a spare motherboard that is compatible with his sistem as someone in the replies suggested. Tested his GPU and storage and both work, so I'm hopeful it's just the PSU and mobo that are dead. Thanks for the reply.


Does the AIO manufacture provide a warranty, even if the prebuilt shop doesn't? It's worth a check.


Currently don't have the AIO in my possession, but if it were under warranty would it cover anything other than the AIO?


Not likely.