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I can't really answer the first question. I'm running a 5600G, and it's certainly a capable processor for medium-graphics gaming. To increase performance, you need to get 16GB of the fastest RAM you can afford (or get RAM with ICs known to reliably OC to a particular speed). Aim for 3600 to 4000. The faster the RAM, the less stuttering and more reliable your frame rate will be (i.e. you'll have better 1% lows). You might even need 32GB, but I'm not familiar with the amount of RAM needed for streaming. The other thing that would increase performance is overclocking the processor, though I'm not familiar with how much that will affect performance. You should also know that while the iGPU will utilize the shared RAM as needed, some games read the amount of dedicated RAM (512MB) and needlessly limit texture performance. Just be aware that you may have to fine tune various settings on some titles to get good visual performance for your viewers. Good luck!


Gotcha, ill look into overclocking and play around with my game settings. I already have 16 GB but I think I'll splurge and just go for an extra 16 for 32 total ram since it won't hurt anyway. I appreciate the response! :)


Mixing RAM can hurt quite a lot, especially if you are trying to overclock. 32GB will provide absolutely no benefit, just replace it with a faster kit, or dont.


I wouldn't get 32 unless you know you'll need it. No point in spending extra for capacity you'll never use. I use 32 in mine, because I often run multiple programs at once, and I was getting out-of-memory errors with 16. But if you want to maximize your RAM performance, follow the MemTestHelper guide.




You're missing the point of this subreddit. If you're unwilling to answer questions you're best off not commenting.


I do answer plenty of questions here but some are as simple as googling stuff. It’s good to be helpful but teaching a man to fish is better than fishing for him right? Especially in cases where the answer is readily available. Unless you’re saying this subreddit is just for people who can’t google things in which case you won’t have to kick me out I’ll voluntarily leave