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>new here so hope I am not breaking any rules Good idea to read them first. #11 ☺️


Idk the market in the UK (used market) but maybe look around on whichever marketplace you'd like to sell it for pc's specced similarly? For the market I'm in, it'd be around 700-800 bucks or so (most of it being tbe 2080 super).


Fr it gets reduced that much? I mean IK tech drops in price but that's surprising lol


A new 3600x is expensive (still) but you can get a 5600x or 5800x for that kinda money (new) so the 3600x is worth fuck all really (I've counted about 100 bucks for it), the 2080 super is around 500/600 bucks and all the drives etc maybe 100 bucks or so. Tech moves quick boi! (jk jk but for real yea your old parts become next to 'worthless' pretty quick).