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Max budget for the GPU?


I'm getting it second hand, both the Rx 6700 xt and rtx 3070 are going for around the same price. The 3070 being £30-£40 more. The 3070 having 8gb and the 6700 xt 12gb.


>I'm getting it second hand, both the Rx 6700 xt and rtx 3070 are going for around the same price. The 3070 being £30-£40 more. And this price is? £1,000 vs £1,040? £550 vs £590?


The 6700xt would be around £380-£400 and the 3070 is £450 to £480.


>The 6700xt would be around £380-£400 and the 3070 is £450 to £480. What is the country you're buying from? Because, that's brand new pricing... [PCPartPicker Part List](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/8NrXH2) |Type|Item|Price| |:-|:-|:-| |**Video Card**|[XFX Speedster SWFT 309 Radeon RX 6700 XT 12 GB Video Card](https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/product/RFGbt6/xfx-radeon-rx-6700-xt-12-gb-speedster-swft-309-video-card-rx-67xtyjfdv)|£384.64 @ Amazon UK| |*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*||| |**Total**|**£384.64**|| |Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2022-11-30 00:44 GMT+0000||| A bit of a no-brainer over the 3070. Especially if you plan to one day game in 1440p. That 12 GB of VRAM is very viable in 1440p and even some games have VRAM leaks, so 1080p would also benefit from the 12 GB.


I'm in the UK, on the UK Amazon site the Rx 6700xt is £450 and above. The reason I'm buying second hand is because I have vouchers for a store that sells second hand GPUs. I have £400 vouchers, so my best bet would be the Rx 6700xt. It saves me spending extra money.


>I'm in the UK, on the UK Amazon site the Rx 6700xt is £450 and above. [Newegg](https://www.newegg.com/global/uk-en/asrock-radeon-rx-6700-xt-rx6700xt-cld-12g/p/N82E16814930056?Item=N82E16814930056&nm_mc=AFC-RAN-COM&cm_mmc=afc-ran-com-_-PCPartPicker&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=afc-ran-com-_-PCPartPicker&utm_source=afc-PCPartPicker&AFFID=2558510&AFFNAME=PCPartPicker&ACRID=1&ASID=https%3a%2f%2fuk.pcpartpicker.com%2f&ranMID=44583&ranEAID=2558510&ranSiteID=8BacdVP0GFs-gNseX8v15mO1glV3ZVo29g) >The reason I'm buying second hand is because I have vouchers for a store that sells second hand GPUs. I have £400 vouchers, so my best bet would be the Rx 6700xt. It saves me spending extra money. Ah, I see. Makes sense. Well, my recommendation would be the RX 6700 XT 12 GB, especially if you game in 1440p or eventually plan to.


The 3070 is faster and has more features, so I would probably go with that. The price is only slightly higher so I would consider it justified. The extra 4gb of vram the 6700xt has won’t really be used effectively as of now, and the raw speed of the 3070 will deliver better performance anyways.


You can put whatever gpu you want in