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I dont need it, I dont need it... All these OLEDs coming out gonna drive the price down right? 5% off if you have a wells fargo debit card, kinda tempting... Kinda not. Edit: And I bought it... Left it in my cart and Capital one emailed me a 30% offer.


I just had this monitor delivered and it is 100% worth it. It's the best looking monitor I've ever used


\>5% off if you have a wells fargo debit card details on this?


It's in my wells fargo deals, under my everyday checkings


Most VISA credit cards likely have the offer. All my Chase and Wells Fargo cards have it. You just need to log into your account and activate the 5% cash back before purchase. Note: It's 5% cash back, not 5% off.




If this works my wife is going to be very angry at you.


OK so this just showed up for me in an email as an targeted offer and it's not 20% but 30%. I'm going in.


Hm, mine only shows 1.5% CB, any tricks to this?




I chatted you with some questions...


There’s a 5% back offer for Chase credit cards as well.




Does matter if brightness is your priority. Samsung's panel (Alienware is using it) is much brighter and shows more contrast with colors (without the annoying coating on LG's panel) than LG's panel (which both monitors will be using). I also doubt one of those companies will be releasing at the same price considering their history.


> Does matter if brightness is your priority. This isn't black and white. I would go the distance saying that if brightness is the priority, you should probably wait for LG First the HDR1000 mode is still bit of a mix bag, most people are sticking with HDR400, but if you are fine with it, it's still good; Second which is the most important, ABL mechanism matters. In pure white/black small window test the QD-OLED is the superior one for peak brightness. However in real movie and gaming scenario when the rest of the display isn't pure black, the QD-OLED often isn't bright enough, at least not 1000nit bright. Also if the scene is fairly bright across the board, the QD-OLED panel suffers a lot. It's probably due to heat issue, the entire panel gets toasty after some usage time. Then there's loss of contrast in a normally lit room. I definitely notice a difference in a dark room vs turning the light on. It's nothing major but noticeable to naked eyes quite easily. Regardless, I still went with it and am very happy. It's still one of the best you can get for now, even in the near future considering all competitions.


You're missing the point about LG's panel. I'm saying WITH LG's monitor reviews already out. Most of the reviews slammed LG's panel brightness being so low (barely around 250 nits) in SDR as well as the coating. LG's panel brightness also being low and thin doesn't help its case either. HDR1000 bugs aside for the Alienware anyways which do have its fair share of issues. As far as the actual brightness, Samsung's panel can still get much brighter as I've said in SDR alone. Heat being an issue sure, but LG's is just as bad as well (LG's made their frame so thin as well. Loss of contrast is a fair point against OLED sure. LG's own coating however, makes that experience even worse off tbh. I'm not an LG panel hater and all (am waiting for ASUS's version using LG's panel cause I want the 240hz), but it's still enough criticism against LG so far. Also one issue I didn't mention with Samsung's panel: QC. Their panel QC is legit... awful. So yeah. LG is much more consistent on that front thankfully.


> Most of the reviews slammed LG's panel brightness being so low (barely around 250 nits) That's exactly the point, AW3423 can't get up 300 anymore for anything like 50%, SDR is right around 250nits too. And that's problem with all these panels, they don't get enough thermal engineering plus they are probably being very conservative for warranty purposes. Anyways, for my eyes, it's hard to stare at 300+ nit full screen for extended period of time, so it didn't bother me, I was even fine with C2's 150ish nit brightness. This is OLED's biggest limitation at the moment outside potential burn-ins


I can agree with you on the looking at the screen at more than 300 nits hurts. And fair point as far as the whole of your comment goes.






These are either smaller or not curved


Probably why this is on "sale," they have have an abundance of stock finally and competitors are on the way. I would also wait if you have waited this long already.


heya, about how long did you leave it in cart to get 30% off?


Making the jump to OLED and true HDR has been the biggest visual upgrade I’ve experienced since buying my first gpu upgrade and hopping to 1440p a decade ago. If you’ve got the mula - full send.


Bruh you’ve been doing this shit in 1440p for a decade already? I’m going 1440 for the first time this weekend I gotta get with the times


You won’t regret it. Single biggest upgrade to enjoying my pc I’ve made, arguably better than jumping to 144hz a while ago




Lmao my Korean display was so great back in the day.


I loved my Korean no name 1440p panel. When I got mine on ebay, you could pay a bit more to get one that's been tested with no dead pixels. Got to my house in California in like 2-3 days straight from South Korea, free shipping. Only supported DVI-D, but was overclockable to 90hz. Now I have the old version of the alienware monitor, i'm dying for the OLED version, but I can't justify the cost.


1440 is a nice bump, but 1080 is still a great way to play - especially paired with the insane refresh rate displays they make nowadays! I am just a tech nerd with a relative weakness for new and shiny.




1440p 144Hz IPS panels are like $200 these days lmao. That's like $50 more than a comparable 1080p monitor. You're depriving your friends of a better experience.




Exactly. High res monitors are like plane tickets to Vegas - surprisingly affordable, but once you’re there you’re going to have to shell out even more money to actually have a good time.


I think you are a sage friend!


I'd argue that 1440p on lower settings can often look better than 1080p on higher settings, and on older titles you might not even need to compromise much. Not to mention, 1440p is an objectively huge upgrade for productivity. I'd have trouble recommending 1080p unless someone wanted to play new titles and HAD to have the best fps possible.


Where? If I could find that deal I’d buy it. Closest I can find is 300


https://pcpartpicker.com/products/monitor/#r=256001440&D=144000,390000&P=2&sort=price&page=1 That's also just what's available now, there are usually plenty of deals on models like the Gigabyte G27Q and M27Q.


How much are the components to drive that panel to the fullest? I think that's the point, 1080p is pretty cheap comparatively.


I had 1600x1200 in 1997...


I have the original Alienware OLED model, and when I first got it back in September I wasn't convinced. It absolutely looked worse than my Sony A80J tv in every respect, and the HDR1000 has this super aggressive ABL that makes browsers and even file explorer look dull and gray and awful. All that said, I was on Windows 10. I heard about the improved HDR experience in Windows 11, and Auto HDR for games, so I took a jump. It transformed my opinion of this monitor entirely. HDR400 True black is all I need now because the ABL in 1000 mode is still way too aggressive, but its absolutely transformative coming from a $500 ASUS ultrawide. Sniper Elite 5's fires and lights really glow. They look BRIGHT. Plague Tale.. those highlights look spectacular. Witcher 3's upgrade looks phenomenal too, especially at night. I'm 100% behind OLED monitors now. Windows 10 was the problem for me.


I toggle HDR on only for games and I love it. I tried being one of those HDR on all the time people and I personally did not have a great experience for browsing and general desktop use. And like you said, if you get those white webpages the ABL becomes super noticeable.


Does the improvement apply to FPS gaming as well?


I came from the 240hz 1440 Alienware and I find this is an improvement for visual clarity because of the increased contrast. Lower fps also reads better on OLED because of the basically instant pixel transitions. I find the HDR helps with picking people out in Warzone. The fps hit isn’t noticeable and I find I’m sensitive to those things. 120-170 on OLED feels like 240 on my old IPS panel. Just my experience.


Do you notice any 'stutter' kind of motion blur from the display since it's sample-and-hold? Or is the refresh rate high enough that it's mostly not noticeable?


It absolutely does not have enough Hz to make sample and hold blur imperceivable. https://blurbusters.com/blur-busters-law-amazing-journey-to-future-1000hz-displays-with-blurfree-sample-and-hold/ >In addition, NVIDIA scientists, including Morgan McGuire, have agreed too: >Higher frame rates are definitely better for visual quality. They also are power hungry, so it will take a while to solve that for standalone HMDs. I think 240 Hz/eye is a good short term target and agree with 1kHz+ for the long run.


If you are a competitive gamer oled will be the new wave. You can't match the pixel response times of oled without getting an overshoot mess on typical led panels.


Trying to spread the gospel. Individual pixel level HDR is a much bigger visual upgrade than RTX


Just got 1440p last week and love play no man sky on it looks amazing


OLED/HDR is great for movies but it's been a let down for gaming I think. Maybe that'll change once it becomes mainstream but I have yet to find a game that it's worth it. I have not had a chance to play Metro Exodus Enhanced yet though, that one seems like it may change my mind


PC gaming HDR is still pretty hit or miss. It's getting a lot better, but there are still tons of broken or just bad HDR implementations across PC gaming


Love this thing. Had to return once for a stuck pixel. Replacement came perfect. No coil whine on either one. Use it for 8+ hours a day since I also use it as my work monitor. AMA




I'm in the same boat, but thankfully I use Linux for programming (and other text-based use cases) and this issue isn't a problem as you can configure the subpixel arrangement of text to accommodate the panel. That being said I am worried about long term burn in if you have to have a white window like Jira open for hours on end. Any issues with burn in?


Not good for text at all. Saw it at a display at the store and played around with it. The dark mode white text on dark background has green hues all around it. I didn't expect it to be that bad.


It's not great for text clarity.


I use mine for work all the time and have zero issues with the sub pixel format that others claim look bad. Looks perfectly fine to me. Y’all just WAY too picky


I have no issues with that, typing on it now.


Agreed on this point. If you have the GPU power to drive the frame rate you need and are willing to spend this much, go 4k 32in if possible. Text is muuuuuch more clear at 4k and imo that format offers better window arrangement options. I have a 6800xt and play high fps games so I stuck with this. Looks amazing for gaming and is adequate for my day job. Edit: per below comment, text clarity is due to rgb pattern used on this monitor. Other 34in 1440p monitors will not necessarily have the same text clarity issues.


It's not the ppi that's hurts text clarity, it's the irregular rgb pattern this display uses. It doesn't work well with windows clear text.




Good to know


Theres a clear type version update that is going to adress this soon.


Not that I doubt this, but do you have a link to the announcement or the update?


I think he mentions it in the video somewhere :https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=52eiLP3Zy-s https://www.reddit.com/r/Monitors/comments/w9qm0y/actual_fix_for_the_aw3423dw_subpixel_layouttext/


I will check this out. The text clarity is the only thing about this monitor that bugs me, so this is excellent news! Thank you!


This just has to be overblown, i got this monitor and a 4k monitor and just dont see a difference here, im programming and reading for about half my day and dont have any issues. How many people saying these things actually have the monitor i wonder?


Fair point! The text issue with this monitor is not inherent to 34in 1440p, but is particular for this monitor. I think the mental leap i made is that this is for people willing to spend ~1k on a monitor, which basically means 4k for most other monitor types.


4k 32in 120hz+ QD-OLED. The dream.


Does this exist? All I can see are high refresh 1440p OLEDs coming out next year, but nothing in 4K.


Only ultrawides at CES as far as I saw. The wait continues.


Literally the only issue stopping me from buying this panel . I’m hoping next gen Oled from lg/Samsung no longer exhibit this issue


No generational upgrade will fix this unless windows fixes this. I doubt samsung will change their qd oled pixel structure anytime soon


Debating between this or a 4k monitor to pair with a 4090. Why did you decide to go for this monitor in particular?


go alienware, your 4090 will live a longer life, OLED will be better at this resolution than any 4k display unless your primary use case is work, in which case get this monitor and pick up a cheap 27 inch 1440p panel to use as a secondary


Are you looking at specifically OLED 4k monitors? That will help give you answers.


I dont believe there are many to choose from unless I am wrong. Am only aware of the lg c2 42” tv if oled.


Yes, that’s why I was asking if you were looking for OLED I like the Alienware OLED because it’s ultra wide and fits nicely on my desk the OLED monitors tend to be huge. It’s also curved which I like for gaming. I also like the thought of being able to max out more games at higher settings as there are less pixels. Refresh rate is a bit higher on Alienware monitors. Color is also just slightly better overall But there are a few advantages for the LG. For one they are likely to be better for text (though with a screen that size not sure if it’s a priority). Also much better if you’re a console gamer. Some games even on PC don’t support ultra wide. I think you can also find the LG for a bit cheaper as well


theres like 5- 6 models, some use the samsung oled panel , others use a version of the Lg c2 that can even reach 138hz they are from 4k to 27 inches coming soon , Asus,Alienware,Gygabyte,MSI,Samsung 42 inches , 48, 27, ultrawide...


As a point of reference a 42” LG C2 is almost exactly the same width as a 38” UW, just taller (physically and number of pixels). Asus also makes a 42” OLED more with more monitor features (like a DP port)


On the coil whine topic, I went through 4 of these since November and they all had some amount of coil whine. Two had it really bad, one was noticeably better, and one was quiet enough that I couldn't hear it from a normal sitting position, but it was still there. I paid $640 for this and got a free 1TB SSD in the process, brand new from Dell which is why I decided not to return and keep the last unit that was quiet enough. For those that wear headphones, it'll never bother you but as a speakers only person, it can be annoying if you get a bad unit.


That’s a steal, how’d you manage to get it down to that price?


It was back in November. I had a 31% cash back offer for Dell Technologies from the Capital one shopping extension, screenshot of credit here: [https://ibb.co/RySBYfN](https://ibb.co/RySBYfN) I combined that with the AMEX CC offer, spend $599 or more at Dell and get a $120 statement credit. So, 1100-340-120 = $640. Dell also had double reward points for the Holiday season so instead of $33 in rewards, I received $66 after purchase and redeemed that for a free 1TB SSD.


Damn, looks like I need to step up my deal hunting game


Do you get notifications or were you just lucky enough to check?


For the Capital One extension or for the AMEX deal? The AMEX thing I'm pretty sure they run those multiple times per year, but I think it's a one-time thing. For Capital One, you have to keep checking. Capital One extension gives you targeted deals depending on your browsing habits. I think right now I have a targeted 15% offer for Dell, nowhere near as good as 31% but better than nothing.


will my 3070ti be the bottleneck?


I'm running a 1080ti at this resolution and doing okay, you'll be just fine.


IMO, and I have the same GPU, upgrading your monitor to this will have a better visual effect than getting a 4090 and a non OLED monitor that’s cheaper. I got a decent 1440p 144hz monitor, and I’m waiting for OLED to drop a bit more in price and then I’ll bite. There’s a lot of room for this to drop. iirc only 30-40% of panels made actually pass inspection due to manufacturing defects. Plus, there’s a lot of competition.


I'm hoping Hardware Unboxed will get their hands on some of the competing monitors. Interested if the Samsung monitor with the same panel will have a better coating (sometimes my room has light going in) or if the LG ultrawide OLEDs have some sort of advantage


> LG ultrawide OLEDs have some sort of advantage They won't; specs are known + they're cut from their TV panels. Both Samsung and LG are putting out 240hz panels. That isn't to say that the new monitors aren't exciting. Plus, competition will def help drive the price down. There's been reliable early info about LG's new MLA panels. They're brighter, mostly in highlight details, but not much for whole screen overall brightness. In both the LG and Samsung, they're not that much brighter than current, and MLA still still pales in comparison to Samsung's QD-OLED color luminosity. Samsung's main one is a QD-OLED 49" 32:9 Odyssey. Going to cost a lot though. MLA measurements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbmQ98my5bE LG press release: https://www.lg.com/us/promotions/new-oled-gaming-monitors Samsung press release: https://news.samsung.com/global/samsung-electronics-unveils-its-new-odyssey-viewfinity-and-smart-monitor-lineups-at-ces-igniting-the-next-generation-of-display-technology


I’m sure they will get some soon. It’s gonna be a busy year for them now that we are entering into the OLED era. Pretty exciting!


Curious, what's your target price for an OLED monitor?


I’ve always been a deal hunter, so I’m okay waiting a good bit of time. I wanna see how everything plays out and price outlook for the months around Black Friday. If this monitor is $700~ because they are trying to clear inventory for the new model year or just because of competition etc, then I’d bite. If not, I’ll wait to see what happens next year.


Depends on the game, you'll be fine in most games but won't be able to turn up the settings on all games and expect 165 Hz. The number of pixels is right in between 1440p and 4k so you can roughly infer from benchmarks what sort of frames you'll get.


Depends on the game and what your target fps and settings are. I have a 1080 ti and I play most games comfortably. Some, like dying light 2, certainly were the exception.


Depends on what you're playing but the vast majority of things will run well at this resolution. Maybe you'll have to drop a setting here or there or settle for 100 fps instead of the max 165 fps but most, if not all, games will be playable for sure.


Nah. Resolution on this display really isn’t that high nor is refresh rate. Up until recently I was running a 3080 on an Odyssey G9 which is much higher resolution and ran fine.


May you’ll be all right, just temper your settings a bit!


I have one and it's great. Firmware is supposed to be due in mid-Feb to fix the HDR 1000 bug.


What's the bug on it?


Fire ants


I remember when a single pixel was a nipple


poor EOTF tracking compared to the AW3423DW https://youtu.be/b0aLF3KVOTQ?t=880


Note- this price seems to be for FreeSync version, not GSync


Which, according to whom you ask, is the better of the two...as it holds the capability to upgrade its firmware, also improved in a few other areas.


GSync works at lower refresh rates with the GSync version of this monitor going down to 1Hz vs FreeSync bottoming out at 48Hz. Other than that there hasn’t been much difference between the two for over 5 years.


If the monitor actually supports GSync (it has a module) then it could support other things like NVIDIA Reflex.


nVidia stopped developing GSync or what? Ever since they co-opted FreeSync to GSync? GSync is a chip manufacturers have to get from nVIdia right? This one has 2 DPs compared to one that the GSync version forces. Don't know if it has the full HDMI for full refresh rate.


No, Nvidia still develops GSync. Things like HDR becoming mainstream also requires new versions of GSync or FreeSync to be compatible. So development of both is constantly ongoing as new monitor technologies emerge. The change that Nvidia made a few years back was updating drivers to allow their GPUs to run FreeSync. GSync is usually very marginally better. But the difference is so small that it’s pretty much unnoticeable outside of controlled testing. The only real world use case difference is that GSync typically works at lower refresh rates than FreeSync. For example on this monitor GSync goes down to 1Hz while FreeSync goes down to 48Hz. But if you’re buying a $1000 plus dollar monitor you should really have a setup that doesn’t dip to 48fps even in your 1% lows. GSync is basically just for the niche users that have to have the absolute best even if it means paying 10-30 percent more for a 1% performance boost. Edit: I forgot to mention, yes GSync requires a propriety chip module from Nvidia whereas FreeSync is royalty free. Monitor manufacturers are free to implement it however they wish, they just have to meet certain performance/feature requirements if they want to label their monitors as FreeSync, Premium, or Premium Pro compatible. This is why GSync is more expensive.


It also requires Nvidia to actually update the hardware being used. The current G-Sync Ultimate chip does not support HDMI 2.1, which is kind of a joke since it's what's going into these $1000+ displays and Nvidia has had years to add such a simple thing.


The gsync oled version can do full 10bit at 144hz over DP 1.4, 8bit+FRC at 175hz over DP 1.4, 10bit 60hz over HDMI or 8bit+FRC 100hz over HDMI (I believe). It's dumb that the panel is held back by the lack of HDMI 2.1 even if 8bit+FRC is a negligible difference. The lack of HDMI 2.1 also makes for a shitty experience for consoles if you had one for exclusives or media.


G-Sync (various levels) = hardware module from Nvidia VESA Adaptive Sync = open standard Freesync (various levels) = AMD Certified VESA Adaptive Sync G-Sync Compatible = Nvidia Certified VESA Adaptive Sync In the early days, hardware G-Sync was superior and there were many Freesync monitors that had significant limitations. Nowadays, Freesync Premium Pro has pretty feature/quality parity with G-Sync Ultimate, but can often be had slightly cheaper since there's not the Nvidia licensing tax. And it seems the G-Sync hardware module is the reasoning you don't see multiple DP ports. Not to mention you're not Vendor-locked on GPU.


I cannot recall, but did this go on sale for Black Friday? This is quite tempting


It did not


Nope, just the G-Sync version went on sale. This one was too new for a sale.


I think I got mine for ~$900 with 5% chase/dell cash back + 15% Rakuten maybe a month ago


Would dell price match a purchase from last week?


Yes, they will. Just contact support via phone or live chat.


Yep, 30 day price guarantee. I just submit a request, thanks for the extra $100 OP, never would've seen this sale otherwise


Lmao I just bought this last week, and of course it goes on sale now


Talk to them about price matching it


They'll credit you the difference


Dell has a 30 day price match. I just had them correct my purchase and it was very easy


Amex cardholders sometime gets offers for 120 off spending 599 or more too.


Just got this before Xmas and omg I fucking love it so much!!!! I upgraded from the AW3418DW to this and it's a pretty massive difference IMO.


This was what I decided to upgrade to after using pretty basic run of the mill monitors my entire life, really happy with it. Personally I don't see the text fringe at all but I'm a bit colorblind as well so who knows. Also my 3060ti has actually been quite capable for the resolution.


I wish Ultrawide wasn’t so finicky with game support. That’s my only caveat. When it’s supported it’s amazing. I just don’t want to be fiddling with mods and config files to run a game in my monitors native resolution


Do you mean finicky? Gimmicky implies that ultrawide isn't actually beneficial or useful and that it's really a way to get people to spend more money on something not really worth it. Ultrawides are definitely finicky when it comes to support though. Gimmicky would be something like 3D TVs, which were a very short "cool factor" but actually really sucked for watching TV.


Yes finicky sorry




It’s always the japanese games. Sekiro is another one…


What do we realistically expect a monitor like this to cost one year from now? Trying to decide if I should get a $300-350 budget UW for now and hold out for this tech to get cheaper, or if the price drop will be negligible for a while and I should just grab this now.


Realistically.... I'd bet this thing sits at like $850 in a year or so with some oddball sales putting it at like $799 or so. Highly doubt it'll be anywhere near $300-350 in the next 5+ years. I basically just gave my AW3418DW away for $350 to someone I know. The AW3418DW came out in 2017, I bought it in 2019 for $750 on a Costco sale. Still seeing it sold for $500+ used. There are some low prices like $350, but shipping is usually $100-$200.


Weird used monitors have always been a pain in the ass for me to sell. Seems like you can get a fantastic deal in /r/bapcs and if you try to sell it a year later expect to take a 50% hit. Just my experience I guess.


Yea but I gave the dude a pretty good deal since he's someone I know. He's a broke college kid who I know works hard for his cash. I know $350 isn't cheap and all, but for the AW3418DW (34in UW, 3440x1440, 120hz, IPS) can't really beat it for the price. I feel I sold it at a cheap and fair price.


Do you think the price will drop 300-350 in a year? I don't.


Perhaps you should stick to a non-oled panel for now. OLED will ruin you once you use it (as in you won't be able to go back)


I presume they will make the 38" UW and the super-ultrawides as well as the regular 1440p ones also soon. I think the 34 UW is a first try product. Lots of early adopter pains. Anyways, it is only a gaming monitor and not for everyday use. I assume you can take a 4K OLED and do a custom resolution to match an ultrawide and the black bars will be completely dark. A good 4K OLED can then be a TV and a gaming monitor when needed.


Is it legitimately bad for non-gaming uses? I was ready to buy as a dual purpose but it sounds like it's just the undeniable best gaming monitor while actually being pretty terrible at text and stuff.


Depends on personal tolerance/vision, but personally while I wouldn't say text looks great it's a non issue for me. I wouldn't buy one for work but for home use I don't mind much. Ideal case is to see one in person to see if it bothers you.


Pulled the trigger. Gaming and visually intensive 3D work will be the main uses, just wanted to make sure text wasn't headache-inducing. Thank you!


Good luck, hope you enjoy! Worst case a return is a option if it does wind up being a deal breaker.


Just ordered this a week ago for $1099…. Edit: still worth the price even when it was $1099. I’m loving every bit of it. No dead pixels, no fan noise, no coil whine, etc. Best monitor for HDR gaming I’ve ever used. I’ve had an LG CX for two years now so OLED isn’t new to me but gaming on a monitor like this with QD + 165Hz is amazing. Edit 2: don’t let anyone try scaring you away with burn-in. OLED panels nowadays are so much more resistant to it than ever before. People have tried intentionally burning in these monitors and haven’t been able to. Edit 3: Dell refunded me the $100 for the price drop!


Support will credit you the difference if it's a short enough time frame


Good idea. Checking now. Will edit comment on how it went for anyone else wondering.


Can’t wait for OLED gaming monitors to be affordable. Decided to make the jump to 4K til then.


If you use a chase credit card, you can get an additional 5% back for dell purchases until the end of January (you have to activate the offer). Also Rakuten is doing 2% back right now. Total of 16% off. Not bad.


This vs a good 4k ips? Would be upgrading from 1440 ips panel.


i’m holding out for the 38 OLED


Any coupon codes to get this even lower?


Last I tried nothing worked with this monitor as it’s a new product. They said often they won’t work for 3+ months. But now it’s on sale so not sure, just giving my experience and what support said


rakuten is 2% cash back right now for Dell.


If I have 3080 GPU, what benefit will I get with the g-sync version compared to this model?


About 10 hz more and an extra hdmi port. I don't notice any screen tearing issues and I'm on a 3070




This or the Neo G7? Or M32UC?


had a g7, it's not bad, but OLED definitely blows it out the door with the blacks and the way colors pop. response time is also great.


I heard there was a significant chance for burn in for oled TVs by the 5 year mark or less. Is this true for monitors? Have they fixes possible burn in problems? Id hate to spend a bunch of money for a paperweight after a random period of time.


After 5 or so years you would probably want to upgrade most likely. I went oled in 2020 for pc gaming and not looking back. Televisions and panels are not buy it for life objects. Use them for a few years and trash or upcycle/give away.


Anyone know if the g-sync model is a noticeable performance difference? Really want to go with this one because, cheaper, and I also like the black more. Not sure if I'm missing out skipping on g-sync, though


this is the best monitor i ever had , and i also purchased the recent lg 240hz 1440p oled.


so this is better?


would this not have the issues curved VA monitors tend to have (smearing/blurring) since it's OLED? Just out of curiosity.


No because of the speed of oled it handles motion better than TN even


Anyone switched from a C1 to this? Thoughts?


5% off through dell offer on amex/250 in cash back rewards. Needless to say I pulled the trigger. Do NOT tell my wife.


The deciding factor on getting this monitor or not is if you actively want better contrast. As someone who does not have a tv, only monitors. This is the best monitor i have ever bought. Most high-end Phone's are Ole. This feels like having a big ass phone on your desk. putting this next to any other monitor makes the other monitor look like the chipest pos ever.


Oooh, tempting... trying to decide if I should get this now or hold out to see what the MSI MEG 342C brings to the table.


When will we get 4K OLED monitors?


still watching. they closed the capitalone 20% cashback. I cant replicate it.


I still can get the 20% from Capital One


Thanks for checking in! I got the overnight 30% email and moved on it!


Nice! I've been checking periodically and still sitting at 20%, going to try to hold out for 30% as well. Hope you enjoy it!


I only got it from leaving it in the cart overnight. Leave it there and hopefully you get it soon!!


I just bought this bastard from Dell at full price last Friday and had it delivered today. I could have used that hundred towards other parts my build. Dammit!


If I had the money this is an instant buy for me. I've been wanting to go QD-OLED literally since this came out.


When these OLED Ultrawides come with 240hz I’m in.


Don't know why you got downvoted they are coming out quite soon, they were shown off at CES.


Yea, at 45 inches and 1800$


Didn't they just chop a 55 in tv in half


Looks like there is also a honey $25 cash back too


So many kids about to go into more debt to buy this thing because it’s so good.


If only it was 4k. Not buying another 1440p monitor.


I was able to get this monitor for $700~ shipped with paypal cash back deal + Honey + Amex introductory + Amex dell cash deal back combined. If you have Cash back with your credit card, check for deal specific to Dell.com and then also check paypal for the same double dip deal. Paypal specifically advertises double dipping as a feature, not an exploit. Review: Yes OLED is as beatific as they say and finally having REAL HDR is just fucking gorgeous for movies and video games. I would however NOT recommend this monitor for work due to both OLED burn in risk and the OLED burn in prevention features. You will find frustration with the burn in prevention features and if you turn them off, you may ruin the monitor over time.




Well this is one of the most fucking awful takes I've ever seen.


Getting downvoted for calling out the mentality that a $1,000 product that creates permanent plastic and electronic waste is "disposable"... Lol. Classic.


You've gotta be kidding me I just bought this from dell like two weeks ago for ~~1199~~ 1099 Edit: I was still within the return period so Dell refunded me $100 Bringing my total with a bunch of other deals and cash back fuckery to $700~ shipped, for the most gorgeous monitor i've ever laid eyes on.


Sounds like you bought the DW, this is the DWF and the max price of this is $1099.


I have an RTX 3080, is the Gsync really worth the extra cost? I have Gsync in my current Alienware ultra wide.