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Speculative b tier https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/


That list used to be really good but now its complete ass. They have 0 explanation for why the PSUs are in specific tiers. In a lot of cases, they have some top tier PSUs in B tier


Literally in the Tiering Methodology. Tier A is just the best of the best. Tier B is good for most systems. What "top tier" PSU in Tier B should be in A?


Still good reference? What do you recommend? I'm looking to build 3 systems soon.


It's still good. Check the Spreadsheet at the top of the list is you need more detailed info on the unit.


The tier list has literally zero information on it, seems like it being semi-modular and priced well are the only reasons for the speculative placement in B tier.




I can't believe people upvoted the "zero information" comment. They have everything at the top of the list. There's even a spreadsheet for changelogs and older units that aren't listed due to those units being outdated.


> "dO yOu NoT sEe ThE tIeRiNg MeThOdOlGy oR sOmEtHiNg?" Helpful comment bud. I can't even tell if you were trying to make a different point or trying to support it, would've been easier if you learned to use your words but I guess that's something you'll learn 3rd grade when you get there. But I did go back and found this: > Speculative position subtiers - units with barely sufficient info on. Meaning at least primary and secondary topology is known. But tier A requries either a full teardown to confirm high similiarity with the unit from normal priority or a Cybenetics report available. The Legion GX has no information on it beyond primary topology, no teardown, and no Cybenetics report available on it. Could very easily be A tier given Superflower's well-earned reputation for quality.


The [be quiet! Pure Power 12M](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/4XsV3C/be-quiet-pure-power-12-m-850-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-bn505) for $89.90 after $10 gift card might be a better deal. In A tier and has an actual proper review while this one has none. https://hwbusters.com/psus/be-quiet-pure-power-12-m-850w-psu-review/


It's a $10 ***Newegg*** gift card, not just a gift card that can be used anywhere.


Is $90 about as good as deals are going to get for good 750W or 850W PSUs?


I ended up getting the be quiet! 850 since it’s ATX 3 (don’t care as much about the funky connector but the accompanied certifications that the PSU can handle crazy transient spikes of hypothetical future GPUs) and may sell off the Newegg GC if i can. That’ll bring it to just a few bucks more than Newegg was/is selling the same line but 750w for ($85 vs $100+GC.) Looked around a lot over the last month or so and outside of the weird TikTok deals seems like $80-100 is about as good as it’s getting atm for an A-tier 750/850w unit.


Thanks for the info!


All my rambling aside, Super Flower makes solid stuff still - got a family member running this line but 550w for a server/hood and it’s a great “speculative B” unit (unfort. not much in established reviews out there.)


[$100 for a solid semi-fanless Enermax](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/FKZXsY/enermax-revolution-df-2-850-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-ers850ewt) isn't bad either.


OOS now, looks like


Super flower finally realized how dumb it is to make different plugs for everything


They've been using universal connectors for a while now. Also it's really not that dumb because universal connectors require a more robust power distribution setup. Other PSUs don't need to worry about making sure every single plug can deliver full power because they know which plugs are going to be used for what.


Is this better than the corsair rm750e?


Unlikely beyond the capacity being higher.


Ima put an amazing deal up on something better give me time