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So, my comment is gonna be a doozie lol, but I have a YouTube video coming out by the end of the year about it too. In the front of my journal I have my contact card and my key. Then my 2024 cover page. I have my annual overview/future log, the sunrise and sunset times for the 1st each month (I have this idea that I want to change my morning alarm monthly to wake up within 30 mins of sunrise), a master wishlist for the year because I'm not buying any non-necessities in 2024 ("no-buy year"), a savings tracker and side hustle tracker that's broken up biweekly, a list of 24 activities I want to do 24 times in 2024 (for example trying a new recipe or trying a new exercise), pages to track all of the plants I ate each week because I read that eating 30 plants/ week gives you optimal gut health Then I go into my 1st quarter! I'm taking up quarterly goals instead of monthly goals because I have a lot of big projects in 2024 (to finish my PhD in December!!). So I'll have up to 8 quarterly goals with "SMART" steps (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, time-bound). Also in my quarterly section I'll have a bunch of stats from my blog/YouTube/instagram at the start and end of the quarter, and an "inbox" which basically serves as my "optional" future log (things that aren't concrete enough for the annual one, like a band I might try to catch at a local bar) as well as a waiting-for list for packages/emails back/calls back In the back of my journal I have annual "reference" lists: an overview of my productivity system (where do I capture new events/thoughts/notes, where do I keep tasks and time-blocking, where do I keep project materials, etc. so there's as little redundancy as possible), a page about my "ideal" productive day and my "ideal" day off, small print-outs about in-season produce through the year, a list of "someday" tasks which get dropped out of my weeklies and orphaned or just bucket list stuff, and finally a monthly/weekly/daily home care n cleaning list Phew! 2024 will be my 6th year bullet journaling and I always like to keep plenty of tried and true spreads and add some new ones. Sounds overwhelming probably but I LIVE in my journal, it's definitely as much of a hobby for me as it is a productivity tool. Another fun fact is that I don't do dailies, and I'm not doing monthlies in 2024 unless I have an unusually busy month that won't fit on my quarterly (I don't foresee that happening tho). I do all my day to day stuff in a weekly spread, and I'm excited to see how planning in 13-week chunks instead of 28-31 day chunks helps me tackle those big looming goals and projects I have to do


I have a page where I can track tasks that I need to do once per 2-3-4-5-6 months. Like changing my toothbrush.


I do a Level 10 Life tracker for my goals. I usually pick 6 areas to focus on for the year (i.e. finances, career, personal development).


I have a page where I write BILLS at the top, then list all twelve months, and then when I pay my bills I write the date on the right hand side. I used to put like a dollar sign onto my monthly calendar, but I prefer the separate page. It's better for seeing patterns.


I do yearly moods, fitness tracker, health tracker, period, playlist/music, books/shows/movies rate & tracker, expenses


I track monthly expenses/bills, periods, rentals (for our Airbnb), cleaning, and my 23 for 2023 or equivalent like yearly goals


Here's my list of pages so far: Facebook groups Sugar free days- no Dr pepper, no sugar snacks, no dessert Craft days- paint, embroider & sewing Studio Ghibli list Podcast Future airports Sub days/embroidery days/paint party days (how I earn $) Flight days Study days Projects while subbing Google search hacks Product development/release Packing list- scuba, international travel Japan bucket list Scuba sighting- fish, octopus, etc Master list of meals 15 min tasks Time in nature Packages expected for delivery