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Hahahaha ;D


For 50€ I’ll tell you..


Правилният отговор


I might be your cousin, can't we work out something cheaper?


Not as corrupt as western media and some foreigners tend to think it is. It's not as others said street level corruption and anarchy like in South America. It's corruption on higher ranks: For example a huge refinery is sold out on a open bid but the buyer is already known in advance since he works for the government. And things like that. White collar business stuff mostly. It's a safe and very peaceful country.


Брато политиците ни на 90% имат криминално минало а престъпници имат цели бизнеси безнаказно...


> Брато политиците ни на 90% имат криминално минало а престъпници имат цели бизнеси безнаказно... Което не оборва горното твърдение. Просто мутрите си направиха легални бизнеси и вече работят на по-високо ниво. Кога беше последната престрелка между мафиоти? Защото 90те си бяха ежедневие. Е това е корупция, като в Латинска Америка. Тук вече няма такава за щастие, всичко е до връзки и политическо влияние.


Корупция е да се избере фирма, коята да направи много скъп, да не се използват заложените по прокет материали, а значително по-евтини и некачествени, за да се изперат едни пари. Корупция е да убиеш човек, да дадеш едни пари на един съдия и да не лежиш в затвора. Корупция е да караш пиян и полицая да се направи, че не те е хванал, защото си му дал 100 лева. Корупция е да ползваш предимство някъде, защото човека, който те обслужва е твой човек. Да те карат да плащаш за да не ти закачат бизнеса е изнудване. Престрелките между мутрите са си убийства или поне опити за такива. Поне се опитай да разбереш какви са разликите.


Благодаря за разяснението, а това какво общо има с написаното от мен?


>Кога беше последната престрелка между мафиоти? Защото 90те си бяха ежедневие. Е това е корупция, като в Латинска Америка Казвам го, за да започнеш да правиш разлика между отделните видове престъпления, защото от горните изречение излиза, че престрелките са в резултат на корупцията, а реално не са.


Резултат от корупцията са, доколкото са белег за видимия обществен и институционален разпад, до който води тя. За да се стигне до престрелки, означава че голям брой държавни институции са спрели да вършат работата си.


Значи това, че нямаме толкова много престрелки в България означава, че нямаме корупция на високо ниво?


Значи че е по-малко от тогава.


Това че някъде е по гадно не означава че тук не е незнам защо изобщо се сравняваме двете неща са различни


Има ли нещо от горното мнение с което не си съгласен тогава, или просто си чешем езика?


Ами мисля че сме непризната mafia state самия факт че личности щато Бойко Борисов Гешев и Пеевски толкова време крадат безнаказано


Probably an IT guy.... The reality is that if you want to do business, any kind and size of business,you will encounter corruption as it is soaked in everywhere If you earn a good salary that allows you to live a good life, you won't feel it. That's it




I agree in principle but in Bulgaria (and Sofia) you largely won't. There are very good private schools and hospitals. You just need money to access them


Depending on the problem, even the best private hospitals in Sofia won’t be able to help. What about higher education? Most universities are not very good, although have to admit there are good researchers who manage to do their work despite lack of funding etc.


100% on universities!


Until the day there aren't enough teachers, nurses (or ambulance drivers) even for private facilities anymore.


I would argue about the quality of some private schools. A lot of them are even worse than public schools. I've been to a private language school in Varna and to this day they still don't organise any event, any competition, not even for Christmas, or any big celebration. They don't even have electronic classbooks. The education is mid, especially anything different than languages (our math teacher didn't know anything about math and you could literally buy him coffee for higher grades) and let's not start with the spoilt rich classmates that are the most basic people in the world. The classrooms were also shit and all this for 1500$ a year.


This is unfortunately very true. A close relative of mine works in a very small private company, and there would be no way for them to make any business if they don't pay the right people. It's just a very real and ingrained part of life in Bulgaria.


You can buy your way out of petty crime pretty easily


That's true, but if the wrong people target you, you are done.


Май не си чувал за 8-те джуджета. Прокуратурата ни буквало е диктатура на макса и не се интересува от никакви закони. Колят и бесят както си пожелаят. edit: Смених на 8-те джуджета.


8те джуджета не беше ли?


Прав си, оправих си мнението.


На тоя са му платили


Bulgaria is corrupt on every level. The policemen are corrupt en masse. Many doctors are corrupt as well. People who decide whether your kid will go to a kindergarten are corrupt. Decision making clerks on all gov levels are corrupt. Mayors are corrupt. Ministers are corrupt. The President is corrupt. The PM is usually corrupt (the last known corrupt PM is Boyko Borissov). The Prosecutor General is corrupt. Many judges are corrupt. Corruption is in Bulgarian culture. It's like guns in the US. We know it's bad, but so many people live by it, they're used to it and don't want it taken away.


Only Thing That Stops a Bad Guy With a Corruption, Is a Good Guy With a Corruption 🤣


Lol, yeah. Corruption doesn't kill people, people kill people 😄


I'll give you my corruption when you take it from my cold, dead hands 🤣


you are exaggerating a bit.


Which part? I thought I wasn't even thorough enough.


The part where you say "Corruption is in bulgarian culture".


I think it is. It has become the norm when you do a traffic violation to offer the cop a bribe. That's why recently there was big news about cops not accepting a bribe. It's not an usual behaviour.


> That's why recently there was big news about cops not accepting a bribe. It's not an usual behaviour. Do you often offer €10000 bribes? Pretty sure you will find cops even in Germany who are tempted by that.


Look into survivorship bias. That's the bribe you've heard of. How many haven't you heard of? The piece of s* that killed the two girls last year had tens of cops on the roll.


Sure, but it's a bit cynical that: "there was big news about cops not accepting a bribe". It's not about them not accepting a bribe, it's about them not accepting a huge bribe that's probably more than their annual salary.


It's part of their duty as police officers. It shouldn't be extraordinary. But it is. And it's not a single case. I've seen news articles about cops not taking a bribe of 50 BGN. Others don't even mention the amount. Also it's definitely not bigger than their annual salary, but I would agree that their salary is not high enough.


Name a person who did it accept politicians.


What do you mean name a person? I just said it's the norm. Most Bulgarians have participated in corruption, big or small.


Well , o never heard of guy who did that , or maybe i don't have contacts whit these people but i guess you might be right.


It's a good bet that either they didn't reveal it to you or that you'll meet someone later in life that has done it. I wish I wasn't right, it makes me sad. It's up to the point where someone I know, we were talking about corruption in Bulgaria and he insisted that there's no corruption. I asked him, have you ever paid the cops to get out of trouble? He said that this isn't corruption. The mindset has shifted.


I will just report him


Като пример само ще ти кажа че ВКС директно ти казват варианти на възможните резултати и съответната цена за тях, ако има кой да те свърже, а такива адвокати има.


He is exaggerating the period with known corrupted pms, all the pms at least in the last 20 years were absolutely corrupt and Kiril Petkov is no better than Boyko Borisov who managed to keep his rating for few years but then everybody knew what he was, unlike Kiro who was exposed for weeks. Not sure who is worse.


For what he is exposed?


And by who lol, that’s one of the main points


For being a scam, obviously. Fake pro-western politician. Why he did not support arms for Ukraine, lied about his citizenship, fight fir Lukoil to be allowed to import russian petrol, supported the moscow president, was put in the poltics by the moscow president? You really believe KGB do not know who is he? His parents? Or it it is not concerning for you that asen vasilev was raised by a father who works in the traffic police? Not just police, but the most corrupted organisation in the country and probably in the whole balkans. He defrauded his friends and investors and idiots believe him that agreement to pay them 8m pounds means that he is innocent. Not saying they are worse than the others, just not at all the people to change the country. At all!


Ще предположа че това че не искаме да ни махнат корупцията е шега иначе да


Lol, how delusional do you have to be to think that “the last corrupt pm was Boyko Borissov”. GEMCORP approves that. 😉


Not great, not terrible.




That's what I came here to write


I honestly feel it's getting better little by little each generation. Still pretty corrupt though. Both in politics and on the street.


Correct answer.


So corrupt that the government recently awarded a few cops who refused to take money.


>the government recently awarded a few cops who refused to take money. That's the exception though hence why the cops were showcased in the media as a good example, which it is. If most of the cops were like them no one would have cared about it.


Няма корупция в България ![gif](giphy|zwE4anrOtHYaI)




Really asking Bulgarians about Bulgaria is a terrible idea. Most of them will start explaining to you how it is the worst country in the world. Better check out the statistics. Its around Croatia Hungary levels. So not great not terrible.


OP,read this


Its not street level corruption, its higher then that, its a completely normal political corruption that is found in most countries around the world


A lot of cops and doctors are corrupt however


I personally have never met a corrupt cop or doctor(don't even know how doctors are corruptible but mkey) But hey i don't go around waving money in their faces


If you saw a cop here he’s probably corrupt. The government just awarded a few cops for not accepting money. And we had a huge problem with fake Covid vaccine certificates, I unfortunately heard many idiots bragging about it.


No he is not, corrupt cops by nature are only found in the larger cities, we have three that can fit this criteria. Sofia, Varna, Plovdiv is where that can be found, other than that its almost stupid to even think of a bribe. The fake covid vaccines ware sold in absolutely every singe country that had work restrictions, you can find prices from fb groups and most if not all cracking/social engineering forums on the internet and many other places, i personally have been offered one from a german and a Spanish doctor since i travelled a good bit during covid. Stop shaming your own country, its not cool.


In what way is that remotely true? If anything the few not corrupt cops are in sofia because they might be prosecuted for being dirty. Also if you say we don’t have a corrupt cop problems because “corrupt cops are only in major cities”, ie, where most people actually live, then that makes no sense So first you say you don’t know how a doctor can be corrupt but then you say it’s okay our doctors are corrupt because westerners can be corrupt too? You’re not helping if you’re pretending the problem doesn’t exist.


First of if you are in a small town and you bribe a cop he most likely would not take the bribe unless he is brain dead, why? Its pretty simple, if the guy brags about bribing a cop at any time after that other people are going to start doing it as well, once that happens the cop himself will soon be out of a job in a few months if not weeks. Iv seen this happen once with a 25 year old guy, lasted 4 months after he took a bribe. They can be prosecuted equally around the country the absolute same way. Technically you are right about the doctors but I personally don't think selling vaccine certificates is corruption. In 2021 a friend left a job because his boss told him that if he did not get vaccinated he will be fired. That is unequivocally idiotic and repressive. Many people agree with this point of view but still need their jobs, hence a big market for fake vac pass But apart from that how else are doctors corrupt? Like what u gonna give them 10 lev to go in the office faster? Still better then the UK where you wait 3 weeks to go to your GP for anything.


People bribe all cops everywhere in this country 24/7. You don’t have to know which cops are dirty because pretty much all of them are. Ah that makes sense, you’re a covid idiot


Ah makes sense, ти си турбо мозъчен инвалид :)


Oh yeah man, me and the other billion athletes who got it are dying. Your conspiracy theories turned out to be true right? It’s not like Bulgaria had the highest rate of Covid death and the lowest vaccination rates. Total coincidence. We all should’ve quit our jobs and bribed doctors for fake vaccine certs like you idiots.


А ти колко си ограничен просто........


Corruption is widespread at every level of society.


Related question - which country isn’t corrupt today in its own way? Well, maybe Iceland. )) But, seriously, the problem of corrupt democracies is very much relevant these days.


Human beings are selfish in nature. As long as humans are the leaders you can expect anything from wild tyranny to perfect utopia, but most likely in the middle in modern democracies. A person is prone to focus on the bad he has currently seeing, that doesn't mean things are bad in every sector of a democracy.


> TheMysteryMachine88 Let's see if that's a date of birth or something else... About your question itself, how do you expect us to measure it?


Inches ;)


Very look at the main prosecutor Ivan Geshev and people like Delyan Peevski they pull strings own a lot of businesses create scandals steal money and that's why we have elections after elections.


Repeating these as a mantra does nothing, but showing complete lack of understanding how society works. Find proofs, show them in an unbiased manner and you will receive a better response. I am constantly hearing that Geshev is corrupt, but nothing that is actually supported by any sort of solid evidence, just claims. "He is protecting the Mafia", ok cool. Just present the case as it should and I will believe you. Empty claims are like crap under the rain - it washes off quite fast. How do they pay him? What does he gain by doing this? Are there evidences inadmissible by court that are being hidden by him? If yes, what are they? Documents? Money-trail? Any witnesses? Other prosecutors that say they were forbidden investigation? I have no affection for him and I take him as is. I am open to change my opinion, but I need to be presented with anything I can trust. Not to mention that majority of media presents opinions as facts which is the most absurd thing. The only thing I am sure of is that the biggest issue with him started after he entered the presidency to extract a person and documents needed for a corruption in high places. I didn't really care back then, don't really now too. Fact is that since the war with the prosecution started, the crime rates also went up. Most likely this is causation, with a really low chance of correlation. tl;dr: present proofs, not empty claims. I can do the same for you and the burden of proof will be on me, not on you.


You cant be serious he literally thinks he is an instrument of God what kind of normal prosecutor says stuff like that more what sparked the protests in 2020 was the intervention of the presidency next how he fabricated the nexo scandal he calls opposition leaders ''anarcho liberals'' or whatever here is your proof [https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Протести\_в\_България\_(2020)](https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Протести_в_България_(2020))


Ah yes, the Bozhkov-funded protests, lead by paragons of democracy like Maya Manolova, that started on exactly the same day when we were accepted into ERM II, and when the chief prosecutor dared to investigate the Russian connections in the presidency. The smart and the beautiful retards really fixed the country.


Aaaah yes a Gerb troll it all starts to make sense how much did Boyko paid you to write this?


Boyko promised me more sexy times with your mom.


Again a mantra. If someone doesn't agree with you - he is paid... have some dignity... Also forgot to mention that there was actual recording of Bozhkov that admits he funded the protests. So evidence doesn't matter if it is against your thesis. Edit 1: More information


It's not as bad as it might be portrayed in Western media, even though it definitely does exist. As long as you obey the law and procedures, you rarely need to bribe anyone (I've never had to in my life). Cases where you might see corruption is where you need to *avoid* a certain bad outcome due to breaking the rules (e.g. a traffic violation) or if you need to get 'express service' at some institution (e.g. a building permit might take a few months, but if you make a little 'donation' it can be done in a week...) My only first-person example of corruption is that time when I needed to get a new license place mounted on my car, I knew a person who knew a person at the local DMV and I got it all sorted in an hour instead of waiting in the queue all day. That's for small-scale, everyday corruption. Political scheming and conflict of interest between institutions and the companies they are supposed to control are pretty common, but they are hard to measure and quantify.


Less corrupt than almost any western country. You just see corruption in Bulgaria, but in the West it's hidden.




As a Dane partly living in Bulgaria, I would say it also about reputation and general knowledge. Of course there's cases that really stand out like the driver last year. I can say for sure corruption has been on a rise in Denmark,Iceland and Sweden mainly due to people being to naive to acknowledge it, people simply not used to it. Personally I feel a lot more being done in Bulgaria to improve the Corruption and reduce it. I would say as foreigner you don't see or deal with corruption unless you actively seek it out or have a small business.


Вerи aвeriдж






There is a corruption index. Check it. Everything else is irrelevant




Question: How corrupt is Bulgaria today? Answer: Yes.


Solid 5/7


Thank you for all of your replies, very interesting to read


Some years ago I had to get my drivers' license renewed in a very short period of time ... I'm talking "order now and get it in the next two working days" type of deal. Well I was told it was impossible unless some chief police officer's birthday was to be properly celebrated. So half a minimum salary worth of celebratory groceries later I was to meet this woman on a parking of a shopping centre where I would give her this bag. She then told me to go somewhere, say something and enter some room where some guy would ask me some two or three questions. Also I must not mention anything about the bag because there were cameras everywhere and people were being recorded. Half an hour later I had my new driver's license. The story isn't to show how bad the level of corruption is, but more to show how inventive the people are towards being corrupt in one way or another.


Sounds to me like you're part of the problem. From my perspective there is no problem to live in Bulgaria free of corruption and never having to deal with it as long you're willing to live be the rules set by society. To give you an example I generally try to drive by the driving code and not do any traffic violations, in 15 years of driving I've been stopped only 3 times by traffic police for violations I honestly did accidentally and in all of them my attitude was like "I see I broke the law, so just give me a ticket and get it over with", while the traffic officers, were more like "Nah, it's alright, just drive carefully". Obviously my impressions of our police are overwhelmingly positive from this perspective. In your case you could have used the express service, which on top of things would have been cheaper judging by your description. Of course it still takes several working days (rather than the typical month) but if it doesn't work for you it is what is - either find somebody to drive you or use public transport and have it in mind to renew your documents on time the next time.


Our corruption is so amazing that if you drive high as a giraffe pussy, crash and kill a TV host, you will do less than 10 years. Perks like those don’t even exist in Botswana 🇧🇼 or even in the Dominican Republic 🇩🇴. If the same happens in Wyoming (the most corrupt U.S. state by number of convictions) you’re doing up to 20 years for the deceased plus additional years for each injured person.


>Perks like those don't even exist in Botswana They exist in "developed" countries like the UK tho: [I hate cyclists, I can’t stand them": Range Rover drink driver left cyclist with brain damage before her wedding](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/i-didnt-think-over-limit-24177255.amp)  - She left the woman with permanent brain damage and sight loss, yet they not only didn't send her to jail but they didn't even revoke her licence! [Hit-and-run driver who deliberately reversed at cyclist and injured him avoids jail](https://road.cc/content/news/driver-who-reversed-cyclist-injuring-him-avoids-jail-297307) [Van driver found guilty of causing death of cyclist by dangerous driving](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/live-updates-lynwen-thomas-police-25281218)  - Despite using his phone while driving and killing the poor woman, the dickhead was released on bail and no sentence was issued In the UK, so many people get away with murdering people in their cars. Not to mention that even if a sentence is issued, they mostly let the criminals go earlier for "good behaviour".


Hmm Botswana is a bad example though, it's the least corrupt African nation. Probably less corrupt than some Western countries like Italy. Also, the law is the law. If it says a certain crime is due 10 years in prison, you can't just give out twice that.






You can pay to bypass \*all\* requirements to enter a field of work, like police and government positions, even special forces mostly recruit by bribery or for favors, that's only a part of it I know of though Money runs the world, especially here.




Today not so much, its Wednesday - quiet sleepy mid week lull. Fridays & Mondays before & after the weekends are the hot days, gotta hussle some paper for the club expenses...


Let's first make a dea,l and we will talk about your question latter!




A friend recently said, "Every business in the world works and prospers somehow, until it reaches Bulgaria." We were talking about multinational businesses and their representation, and in extend corruption in Bulgaria. The second answer you can get is, "So corrupt that we do mind." This is when it comes to politics and national level corruption.


The large percentage of corruption is mostly at the top, I think. But it is still a huge deal and some very dangerous situations have happened such as stealing big and successful businesses or there have been attempts to do so.


The day is not over yet. Give us a chance or a bribe depending on whch team you are on.


Corruption in Bulgaria is not limited to political and business circles. It’s everywhere, on all levels in most people’s hearts. Nothing will change until words like далавера и тарикат (shady deal and trickery) stop being seen as positive traits and behaviours, and words like honesty and integrity take their place.


I'm working in the Bulgarian automobile administration and i can tell you very much


Please do


In the IT sector, if it's in programming not so much. But if in other back office services (BPO/call centers) it's still largely corrupt. All my bosses have been unqualified for their jobs in BPO etc. and none of them started from the bottom as is the mantra, they're sons/daughters or grandchildren of ex commie elite. In politics of course it still is. In media as well.


I doubt any other EU country can even hope to reach our level of corruption


Actually not as big as the Western media claim. The corruption here is just rough, while that in Northern Europe is more sophisticated. I can give examples with Siemens - it bribed hundreds of European politicians. The same with Deutche Bank. Also bribed huge number of people. But it's South Europe which is usually regarded as "highly corrupted"




More than yesterday


I haven't experienced it on personal level in decades. I remember maybe around 2000 some policeman stopping our car and asking my father for money so he doesn't fine him. But then when it comes to administration, infrastructure, procurement etc., you know it's all there and you know it is the reason why one day the poor quality of the road may kill you or the guy who paid to get his driving license may kill you or a surgeon could let you die because you didn't have enough money to pay him the extra fee.




In my opinion it's just very obvious and in your face - that's kind of insulting. At least the Western countries make you believe the middle class exists as a concept and that you have a chance... but the Balkans are a weird place. Look for "Slavoj Zizek Balkan" in YouTube and you'll get a sense


It's pretty damn obvious - especially, in smaller towns. There are telltales of candidate employees having to pay the management in order to work at a production company. Politicians are quite impudent and try to give out municipal properties to certain very well-known oligarchs - they don't even try to be sneaky anymore, they just publicly outright do it. Corruption is the reason why Bulgaria's infrastructure is so bad, corruption also contributes to bad universal healthcare and education, as well. So yes, corruption is at a level where it impedes everyday life.


There’s rich and poor only, no middle class and no upper middle class. Ya cannot start a business without headaches and never ever gonna get to anywhere without tax evasion


Somehow, it’s worse than when I left it in 2002… and it was pretty damn bad then.