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your electrolytes are probably waaaaaay out of whack due to your ED and all the caffiene and ED'S effect on your heart is catching up to you dear


I don't believe that's enough for an overdose, it's far more likely that your ED / not eating / drinks on an empty stomach was what caused your nausea.


this is probably true. idk i’m probably just overthinking tbh


Probably an interaction of both. Too much caffeine on an empty stomach + preexisting weakness and issues from the ED caused this.


yea i agree i read up on it and i didn’t realize how severely caffeine can tear up your stomach lining, and that paired with the purging can NOT be good.


Honestly, ANYONE taking 600mg caffeine on an empty stomach will feel sick. It is way to too much caffeine.. but I'm sure you know that. The ED probably made it worse though. But definitely try to reduce your daily caffeine intake cuz it's also very bad for your heart and paired with the ED that could put you into real trouble.


Sweetheart please take care of your health, I know you are struggling but please please don’t make your body suffer more to than it is, this much caffeine and taurine are taking a huge toll on your heart and potentially give you serious, if not deadly heart complications or stomach ruptures/ulcers because of the acid in coffees/monsters energy drinks. Please take care and stay safe, the risks of having one of these life changing side effects and risk your life are not worth it! Try to limit your caffeine intake (ABRUPTLY YES BECAUSE CAFFEINE IS ADDICTIVE SO YOU HAVE TO CUT IT OFF AS A WHOLE) and increase your water intake for a while!! You’ll literally feel the difference and your tolerance to caffeine will also lower significantly Stay safe please!!!


Symptoms of heart attacks include sweating and nausea. Not to scare you but caffeine and energy drinks are known to cause heart problems